I originally thought it was a doctored photo too... but then I saw our newspaper from 2 days before I saw that image Wolfpac linked too, and you can see that there too (it's just you never notice it before). A major newspaper would not doctor a photo... and it is a photo that all the major newspapers from around the world used. And if it came from CNN "live" footage there would be no time to do so. I can't see a major and respected channel like CNN doctoring at any time.
The other night I was listening to talkback radio, and an elderly man rang in needing someone to talk too as all his family weren't nearby. He thinks he has lost his daughter and son-in-law as they were in the area and he hasn't heard about them. Unfortunately the talk-back hosts didn't handle the call too well as they probably didn't know what to say to the man. But I realized that I was crying when he was speaking, I felt great sorrow hearing the man, he was brave enough to get on radio to say that, but you could tell how much it was hurting him inside.
I think this incident has made many people cry when they don't usually. That's not the only time I have cried since this. I'm not usually that emotional in RL situations, but with this I am. My thoughts are often on the incident and the people who lost their lives. It hits me close to home cause I have been to the US, but also since it could have happened to any of our countries.
One thing is that this has united the world, many countries and races have forgotten differences, and all want to help America in seeing justice done. Our prime minister in Australia activated part of the ANZUS treaty which states and attack on America is an attack on Australia and we are there to help in any way.
I went to a football match today and they had a minutes silence as tribute. And some rude people yelled out shouts of their team, and someone even yelled out to hurry up. That really discusted me... are some people so disrespectful that they can't even put aside one minute of their lives to remain quiet and reflect on what happened. Even if they didn't reflect, they could at least have respect for what the silence is meant to be for. I really get annoyed at people who are like that.
It's kinda like you never look at the world the same since this... it will take so long to get over, if fully, ever.
Abe Babe...
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts
Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!