but if the average Dutchman dismisses Moroccans as flippantly as you do, it's not very surprising that they're turning to crime.
Wait wait, so you're actually saying that minorities turn to crime to confirm the stereotype people have about them?
The 'racist' parties only started popping up in the last 10 years or so. The actual problem I'm talking about pre-dates them by at least another 10 years. Also, to make this very clear; I'm not saying that every single person in this ethnic group is the same. I'm saying there's a very large group that's causing a lot of trouble and that has absolutely nothing to do with racism. The fact that there are people, like you, who claim that it IS racism is very a very dangerous thing.
Look, I can't explain this properly. Unless you've seen the type of stuff I'm talking about first hand I don't expect you to really understand without labeling it as simple dumb racism. If you could see it, you'd probably get fed up with it just as quickly as the majority of the Dutch inhabitants.
Personally, with my own eyes, I've witnessed over the years:
- Some assholes trying to put out a cigarette on me. Because I happened to sit near them on the bus. Laughing their heads off because it was oh so funny.
- A large group intimidating and disrespecting girls to the point of calling them names, grabbing them and spitting in their faces when the girls tell them to fuck off. Happens way, way, way too often all over the country.
- Being threatened, intimidated, shoved or hit for doing my job with a camera on my shoulder, which wasn't even turned on. Also happens way too often.
- A group getting thrown out of a bar or club for being obnoxious and then picking a fight with the bouncer. Happens every single weekend.
- A complete lack of respect to police offers and other emergency services. I've seen guys spit and curse at police officers on multiple occasions. I've seen ambulances pull up to an accident only for a group of bystanders to start rioting, threatening and abusing the paramedics. I've seen firefighters pull up to a car fire only to have the bystanders, who actually lit the fucking fire, threaten and abuse the firemen. The the point where they had to be hospitalized.
In the media I've seen countless (literally dozens in the last 12 months) reports of random people being beaten for looking at a group the wrong way or saying something when they're out causing trouble.
Not saying that other groups of teenagers are a bunch of angels. But this particular group is causing so much trouble, is so overly aggressive and intimidating, that cities and towns are getting special funds from the government to deal with this in particular. Up to 32 million euro was spent on this in the past few years. And you're trying to tell me that this is a problem that either doesn't exist or is caused by the media?
I would love nothing more than to show you a couple of YouTube videos in which the problems are described in detail. They could probably paint a better picture than I ever could. Unfortunately they're all Dutch, so I doubt they would be of much use to you.
Point of this rant being; pulling a racism card is easy. Too easy. There are actually problems with certain specific groups of people. In my country, in your country, in every country. And if daring to call out those problems by name is deemed racist nothing will ever be solved, and no-one will ever dare call out problems again in fear of being called a racist.