Just gone through this thread to respond to things, but it seems I took so long, the early ones unquoted themselves. Nevertheless, for the time being…
Just a quick question for you guys,
Do you prefer Abe's monotone voice from Oddysee or the deeper one from Exoddus? I wonder if Lorne can still do the Oddysee voice.
Lorne didn't do the in-game voice in Abe's Oddysee, so I doubt he can.
I think a bigger question would be why the hell are there so many bombs inside the factory?
I hope the lighting doesnt flick between foggy and clear, orange and Green etc like it did in the pre alpha, it reminds me too much of littlebigplanet
If you mean the way the lighting/fog changes suddenly, then that's something we'll fix at the earliest opportunity. At the moment we can only change the global effects when Abe reaches triggers. Once we get volumetric effects in, it'll look loads better.
So, the original is now officially known as the OANST Edition, right?
Jesus Tits, I sure hope so.
We finally get an explanation on how doors work, too! Long corridors, it's great how you can see Abe running down them and skidding out of them.
You wouldn't believe the discussions that doors could generate. Personally, I'm happy for them to seem like an unexplained insta-transport to somewhere else, but our environmental artists (damn you, BB-88!) are adamant that the whole world should make as much physical sense as possible.
E: The Sligs don't explode? Have they gone INSANE?
E2: Oh, they do a little bit.
Like others keep pointing out, effects were added pretty last minute. All sounds were recorded and added in the last week. There is so much improvement to be done. PRE-FUCKING-ALPHA!
Poor Lorne, no one laughs at his jokes.
Everyone keeps saying how unenthusiastic the audience seemed. There was actually more sound than the Livestream picked up, but still.
That was you! Well done! The question was "Who stitched Abe's lips." and you said "Sam, his mum."
I really hope they upload that group photo they took of us all at the fan meet up!
You were there, Pupbenny and SligStorm? Awesome! Did I speak to either of you at any point?
I couldn't resist... :>
Looks so much like the original!
Fantastic. I wonder if I can convince the team to add a retro mode graphics filter. I don't expect any of the artists to want it even slightly.
Anyone else get the feeling this will be really, really popular?
I really, really hope so.