I don't disregard life after death. Heaven and hell is too black and white for me. Should it be true, I'd say 80% or so of the human race is in hell. Commit one bad deed and be condemned to an eternity of torture? Uh...
Who has ever said that committing one bad deed is a direct route to hell
, do not pass go, do not collect $200? Every religion I know of weighs up the sum of a person's good and bad deeds before deciding where they go.
Judaism (as the religion with which I am most familiar) even includes the punishment and reward received in life (as characterised as good and bad experiences). This explains the whole 'Bad things happen to good people' thing; everyone does some bad and good things in their life, so bad things happening to you now means that your reward in the afterlife is unadulterated.
The Jewish afterlife has seven levels of heaven and seven levels of hell. Non-Jewish people can still get in to heaven if they are generally good people, although they won't be rewarded as much as a devout Jew. Then again, a non-devout Jew will be punished more than an equally bad non-Jew, as we have more rules to break.
The levels of hell are painful enough that regardless of what you did in your life, a single year in hell at most is sufficient to punish you for your sins. Most people wouldn't even spend that long. And after you're done there, you get promoted up to Heaven for the rest of eternity.