Seriously though, stop being dicks to new members guys, they don't understand how fucking elitist everyone is and how hard it is to get a foothold without being mauled. Scaring someone away over something so trivial is poor show, and since it's happened a few times this year already, we're just going to get more and more stagnated. This time I'm being serious. >=C
whoa, dude. you're, like, being serious? holy shit. well, i'd better clean up my act.
in other news, nothing is changing because you got 'serious'. and following that sorry speech up with another post that actually takes the piss out of the member you're trying to white knight for isn't the most logical of moves.
You're pathetic, it's really stupid to be like that to a new member just to annoy them. Also, I would hardly consider 'QUOTES. AT. START. OF. POST.' a sensible suggestion.
oh, you're breaking my heart! please stop the hurting and lets be friends forever!
i mean, come on. do you really think i give a fuck what some whiny cunt that ran away crying thinks of me? as far as i can see, there wasn't any hazing even going on, just gentle jibes and constructive criticism. to be honest, you're starting to fit into the 'whiny cunt' category right now.
I do really agree to the sense that we were dicks to Nomadpaec. He could have been a great member if we'd been a bit nicer to him. New people here don't know us and understand our jokes. You guys are intimidating as fuck to new members, I remember how I felt when I first joined.
do you know how many times i've heard the "he could have been a great member" argument? too many times. if he couldn't handle us joking around, which is what we were doing, then he certainly wouldn't have stuck around when we
did get serious.
and before anyone uses the excuse that
i was the one being serious, or that i was trying to force him out, let's remember that i didn't even appear in this thread until after he had his big hissy fit and left.
i mean, fucking hell. i'm so sick of people blubbing over how 'mean' we are with new members. grow a spine, children.