I saw Zombieland last night.
It was very good. It didn't try to be anything it wasn't, and the humor was okay. Bill Murray makes an appearance,and Woody Harrelson was great.
Here are some highlights of the crowd:
Two couples sitting ahead of me and my friend, both of them occasionally loudly kissing. We kept laughing at that. I mean, the movie had a lot of decent gore, so it was just so out of place.
The scene where two characters are hugging and some 13 year old shit behind us going "GRAB HER ASS, C'MON, GRAB HER ASS"
Some asshole ripped a joke from Family Guy at the start, shouting it across the theater.
Now, me and Jordan, we were MAYBE four or five rows from the entrance, so when we got up to leave, we figured it wouldn't be a struggle. Instead, some dipshit is walking AGAINST THE ONCOMING LINE OF PEOPLE to get to the back. I shoved him very hard out of my way and gave him a look.
That also reminds me...
I was in Zellers (Canadian Wal-Mart blah blah blah) on Thursday night getting some steel toed boots, and when I was in the lineup, this little turd is trying to stare me down. Not a little kid, a little turd. Probably 14 years old, wearing shorts and a bright orange t-shirt. It was freezing cold and raining outside. So he gives me this look, I think "Oh, you wanna throw down?" and stare back. He looks away. Triumphant, I also look away. Then he looks back. "Oh no you don't, motherfucker!" and I stare him down again. Punk ass.
EDIT: Oh, and there was guy wearing a Velt Trenchcoat. Maybe 15 years old. He was a laugh.
I see you jockin' me.
Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 10-03-2009 at 06:41 AM..