I agree with Scrabtrapman, they look more like Meeches to me. Or perhaps they're something totally new. Bear in mind there are several Farzadian similarities in the original OW creature designs (ie face-fingers, lack of eyes), so it may just be some new creature harkening to his style. Speaking of Farzad, I think Oddworld could really benefit from his service again if they're actually going to try and tackle the movie industry.
As far as the Stranger/Abe (or unknown Mudokon) pair-up - I immediately got the impression that perhaps this isn't necessarily a retelling of the old stories but a meshing of all Oddworld has created so far into one story. Thats quite presumptious going on only a handfull of drawings though. Looking at this new batch in comparison to the old, it looks like something
completely different. In fact, if it wasn't for a very clear picture of a Mudokon next to the Stranger-shaped blob I would have dismissed these as not being Oddworld at all.
I guess I'm gushing though. In a movie production, thousands of drawings of just fleeting ideas are completed and then scrapped in an instant just for brainstorming purposes - and considering the obvious hastiness of these - I think its safe to say these drawings as they are will have little to nothing to do with the final project.