Wow, lot of replies for me.
It is a $30 one, and yes it would. so
The skull is one of the hardest organic materials humans know of, if not the hardest material.
It depends on how it starts. If you are lucky enough to deal with the initial carrier before it have infected anyone and dispose of it successfully, then that's the end of it. But situations can escalate quickly into a class one or two outbreak, especially since (based upon the Solanum Virus model) it can take nearly 24 hours from initial infection to reanimation, so you may find zombies continue to emerge for some time after the event, perhaps regaining a foothold. But it always starts with a single creature, be it your basic class one or apocalyptic class 4 incident, since the natural origin and residence of the virus is unknown.
Exactly. There's no way of knowing how it could start. It's very possible to go to sleep with no zombie in sight, and wake up in a class 2 outbreak, if not a class three.
It would vary, wouldn't it? Depending on what kind of people were infected.
Obviously zombies are like humans in that they vary. Taller people would have bigger strides, shorter ones could get into places that have low headroom, etc. etc.
The ravenous antagonists in 28 days Later were not zombies, they're "crazies". They are infected with the synthetic pseudo-virus "Rage", developed by scientists who infected chimpanzees in an effort to find a cure for rage and anger in human beings.
I absolutely hate it when people just go off and start saying that they're zombies, despite the fact that the word "Zombie" was never said once.