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11-20-2007, 07:27 PM
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Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
: Oct 2002
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Yesterday (the 20th of November) was T-nex's birthday, and in celebration of the aniversery birth of one of my oldest fans and indeed the creator of Anni and Nova, as well as the person who got me into RPGing, which in turn lead to the creation of almost every character in this story, I've stayed up till four in the morning writing the new chapter. Oh, the joys of being a uni student. Now if you don't mind I'm going to post this and then go to bed.

A couple of changes have been made. Firstly I've changed the first line of chapter 13, so raher than saying 'three years before the destruction of Rupture Farms', it now says 'two years...' This is mainly because I've been thinking about the time W@RF is set after MO, and I've decided to settle on three to four years, in relation to the ages of Anni and Dionysia.

Secondly, I've changed the length of an Oddworld year as mentioned in chapter 1 from 701 days to 401 days, and have also changed the glukkon and mudokon calendar information to match.

Zelda-Fan, you can come back to life now.


Chapter 15

Ben was somewhat surprised, and annoyed, when he passed Anni a few days later in a corridor and she gave him a friendly wave and a grin. However, after that she didn’t bother him any more other than the occasional wave or shy greeting and after a few weeks he stopped worrying every time he saw her coming.

Nova and Anni had generally lost interest in sligs for the time being and they moved onto other things. One of their games they played frequently involved sneaking into the labs before or partway through an operation (when ever they could manage it without getting seen) and hiding in the cupboards before jumping out noisily either when someone opened one of their cupboards or when the room got quiet. Despite being unable to see each other when they were hidden in separate cupboards, they were surprisingly good at coordinating their attacks. Needless to say, this didn’t please the surgeons and more than once it had lead to them being tested on, more for punishment than anything else.

The tests were a normal thing. They always had a couple every year, where syringes were poked into them, lights were flashed at them and they were prodded and pushed around for hours. They both always hated the experience. Sometimes when they really annoyed the vykkers they got extra tests. The mudokons did not keep count of the number of experiments they ruined with their games, nor the number of times they sat in cupboards just inches away from vials and needles full of potentially lethal chemicals.

The vykkers' occasionally vicious reactions and the closed spaces and the stink of those cupboards were nearly the only things Anni really disliked about that game. The other thing she resented was Nova’s sharp instruction, “Never look at the table where the vykkers are working.” To Anni this didn’t seem fair, but she obeyed none-the-less, as she usually did when Nova told her something.

Then one day those games came to an end. They had been approaching a lab. There was a slig outside but he was asleep on the floor. Anni had stopped to examine him while Nova stepped over and poked her head through the door. She tensed suddenly and stumbled back, tripping over the slig and falling over, sprawled over him. He jerked awake and was somewhat surprised to find Nova lying on top of him while Anni looked on, confused. “Hey, get outa’ here, muds! You’re not allowed in here!” He yelled. Anni paused, seeing this as an opportunity for a good game, but Nova grabbed her by the wrist suddenly and ran down the corridor, dragging her along. She didn’t stop running until they were in their room.

“What was that for?” Anni asked angrily, rubbing her arm. When Nova failed to answer she looked up to see her friend staring at her, her face etched with fear. “What’s wrong?”

“Shut up,” Nova hissed, making Anni gasp. Tears came to her eyes as Nova turned her back on her and stumbled into their toilet, banging the door closed after her.

Anni never found out what had frightened her friend so badly, but years later, when she had learnt more of the world, she was able to make a guess.

Somehow it had never before occurred to Nova that the vykkers experimented on mudokons, and she hated herself for not realising before. The image in her mind then was of the unknown mudokon she had seen there that day, cut open, red tubes running from his body into the machinery around the table. But later on an image sneaked into her head where it was not some unknown mudokon lying there, but Anni. And once that scene entered her mind she couldn’t get it out. It haunted her when she was awake and when she slept. It terrified her.

They didn’t play that game again for a long time, which left them with a lot of free time to fill with other activities. Annoying the vykkers outside of the labs wasn’t particularly fun. Antagonising the sligs also lost its appeal when they did too much of it. Though they had other things they could do it didn’t seem to quite fill the time. Since that day Nova had become quiet and spent a lot of time brooding, which made Anni feel very lonely. Sometimes they would steal things from the sligs or vykkers and hide them, and it was funny when the person who they’d stolen from came demanding where they had hidden their things, but if they did too much of that then people started blaming them every time something went missing. Sometimes they broke into the labs or storerooms when no one was around and rearrange the equipment, but that wasn’t as fun since they never got to see the outcome now that Nova wouldn’t go into the labs when the vykkers were working.

Things didn’t stay bad forever though, and one day Nova apologised for being so miserable for so long, and Anni smiled, and hen laughed, and suddenly everything was back to normal. Nova still wouldn’t go into the labs as often, but at least she was happy again.

Nova was happy on the outside, but in her heart she was scared. She couldn’t stop herself from thinking that as long as they were in that place, Anni was in danger. For the first time in her life, she began to think that maybe they should leave. They were good at sneaking around and she could easily imagine them finding a way to escape if they thought about it for long enough. She was doubtful that she could make Anni see her way though. Anni was happy there; she enjoyed their games and she liked being around sligs, even if the sligs didn’t want her there. She still thought they were cute; she still picked out her favourites.

And things were tougher now that one of the sligs was acting more nicely towards Anni, in that he at least tolerated her presence some of the time. He didn’t get on so well with the other sligs and while sometimes he would tell her to go away when she approached, other times he would let her stay, and would even talk to her a little.

Nova decided that if she was going to discuss her plan with her friend she should do it as soon as possible. It was a few days later, in the early morning when the two of them were awake but the rest of the lab was still sleeping that Nova asked, “Have you ever wondered about what’s outside of this lab, Anni?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well like, they talk about forests and stuff out there. The world’s not all grey metal walls. Haven’t you ever wanted to see the sky?”

Anni shrugged. “It’s just a big blue thing above isn’t it? Like another ceiling?”

Nova thought about this observation seriously for a minute. She’d occasionally heard the vykkers and sligs who had been in the lab for a long time saying they missed seeing the sky, so she’d assumed it was something special. But now Anni had said that it made her wonder. “I don’t know; the sligs seem to get excited about it though. Maybe it’s really pretty or something. But what about trees, and the wild animals? They must be interesting to see?”

Since Anni was lying on her back in bed she was unable to shrug, but she gave a complicated wave of her hand that meant much the same thing.

“And what about other mudokons? We’ve never seen another mudokon have we?”

Anni gave another of those waves. “Maybe I we asked the vykkers they’d let us meet one.” She sat up. “What’s this sudden interest with outside anyway?”

“I don’t know; I just thought it would be nice to go out and see all that stuff.”

Anni made a noise somewhere between a laugh and a snort, “I doubt the vykkers would let us go out.”

Nova sat up as well now and looked at her earnestly, “Well, maybe we don’t need their permission? I mean, we can break out of this room; we can break into the labs and the sligs’ rooms. I recon we could get outside if we thought about it long enough.”

Anni looked at her, startled, “You mean escape?”

Anni and Nova were four years old (a mudokon’s average lifespan being 40 years). Three years ago some mudokon called Abe had broken out of a factory they didn’t know the name of. They didn’t know much about the incident, but the vykkers and sligs always spoke about it in hushed voices, and they tried to keep it a secret from the mudokons. It was clear that people were scared by the thought of mudokons escaping.

“Not forever,” Nova lied quickly. “We could come back after a little while. I’d just like to see a bit of the world first.”

Anni was looking uncertain and Nova knew she’d lost the battle. “Don’t worry about it if you’re not interested then,” She said with a little shrug.

But Nova was not happy about the outcome of their argument and still intended to convince Anni otherwise. She didn’t want to frighten her friend if she could help it, but that image of the mudokon on the operating table was still fresh in her mind. She still remembered Ben attacking Anni. She would find a way of bringing her round.

Anni was still her normal, cheerful self, getting close to the sligs and under the feet of the vykkers. Nova, who had always restrained her when things went a little too far, now loosened her hold on her friend, hoping that if they annoyed the sligs or vykkers a little more they might go a step further than they ever had before and do something to make Anni want to leave. They began playing the hide-in-the-cupboard game again and Nova stopped reminding Anni not to look at the table, thinking she might see something that would scare her into wanting to go. Nova herself could now never look. She didn’t think there would ever be another mudokon unless the lab was guarded like it had been that day, but she couldn’t overcome her fears.

After a few months of this special treatment, Nova began to feel an aura of barely contained anger aimed at her and Anni from the sligs and vykkers, but rather than being worried, she was pleased that her plan was going somewhere. Anni went around oblivious to the building threat. She charged around the lab like a small whirlwind, causing chaos in her wake, with Nova trailing behind her, adding a smirk or a glare to deepen the wounds.

Then one day Nova found out that the vykkers were performing a really big experiment in one of the labs. They all seemed very excited about it and Nova had been watching them for a while. They had taken only animals inside, some still alive and in cages, so she felt safe. This was the big one! If she and Anni could mess this one up it would really rile them, they’d loose their tempers and with any luck make the mistake that convinced Anni that they should leave. She would get her out to safety, to freedom. She would see the sky.

A couple of sligs stood guard outside the lab. Nova didn’t recognise them, though Anni might have done. She went off, found her friend and together they lurked around a corner, waiting for an opportunity to break in.

An hour went by before one slig said something quietly to the other. They had a short argument and then the one who had spoken first stomped off, pulling out a cigarette as he went. The remaining slig looked like he wanted to yell at him but feared to do so in case the vykker’s in the lab heard.

This was their opportunity. Nova quickly whispered to Anni, “Stay here. I’m gonna try and get this slig away. When he runs off go and stand by the door and wait for me to come back. Don’t go in before I get here, ok?” Anni nodded. Nova didn’t want her going in and getting stuck inside on her own if the other slig returned before Nova did.

She slipped around the corner and approached the slig. He saw her coming and said wearily, “Go away. I’m busy here.”

Nova laughed and said loudly, “What, you’re just standing there!”

The Slig looked angry and shushed her, “You want the vykkers to here? They asked for silence!” The slig was clearly very nervous. She could use that to her advantage.

“Come on, let me in,” She said in a sugary voice.

“Don’t be so stupid. Get out of here.”

“Hey, don’t be so rude to me,” she cried indignantly and lunged at him. He swung his gun at her, for the sligs may not have beaten Anni but they had no qualms about smacking Nova. Nova, however, had expected this, dodged the blow and grabbed the gun, yanking it out of the surprised slig’s hands.

“Hey, give that back! That’s not a toy!” He hissed.

She laughed and danced away with it. “Give it back!” He repeated.

“You want it? Come and get it!” She laughed and danced backwards down the corridor, tauntingly. He growled and lunged after her, thinking he could catch her and grab it, but Nova was much too fast for him. She ran for it, keeping a few metres ahead of him as he chased her automatically down the corridor, round a few corners, away from the lab.

She came to a t-junction. Nova had lived in the lab all her life and knew her way around. She threw the gun as far as she could down the passage to her right and ran down the left which would take her back to the lab. The slig swore at her and chased after his gun.

She arrived outside the door and met Anni there, looking excited. The door was open an inch. They shared excited, furtive grins and slipped inside without a sound.

About ten vykkers were gathered around the operating table in the centre of the room, surrounded by a loose ring of interns. As well as the normal machinery, a number of cages containing live scrabs and paramites were pushed against the walls. Some of the animals were awake but most looked to be asleep. Nova knew that the vykkers had drugs that could make you fall asleep so she assumed they had been using them.

They slipped behind a trolley that someone had left near the wall, which had a few sheets hung over it so it would obscure them from view. There was a large cabinet behind them, full of test tubes and beakers and vials of stinking chemicals, with cupboards at the bottom. Anni moved to slip inside one but Nova placed a hand on her wrist to stop her; their timing had to be perfect today, and as long as they stayed where they were they would be hidden. None of the surgeons were coming in their direction.

Anni remained huddled behind the trolley while Nova peaked out, watching the operation. She couldn’t see any of what was going on at the table for the vykkers obscured it from view, but she kept her ears open and watched the animals in the cages. She felt a fleeting sense of pity for them. Here they were alive, but in just a short time…

Occasionally the interns would go to one of the sleeping animals, remove it from its cage and place it on the table. The vykkers were chatty and talkative and Nova began to grow bored waiting for them to get to the urgent bit where they mustn’t be disturbed.

As the hours dragged by, more and more of the cages were emptied. “Hey, get us a paramite!” The vykkers called, “Get us a few fuzzles,” “We need some ratz over here!”

“Hey, get us one of the big bull scrabs!”

The interns moved over to one of the cages where a large scrab was sleeping. They opened the door just as one of the vykkers turned around, noticed them and yelled, “Hey! Not that one, it hasn’t been tranquilised!”

Before the interns could react to the vykker’s cry the scrab leapt up and propelled itself out of the cage. Nova squeaked audibly, but went unnoticed in the chaos. “Shoot it, someone shoot it!”

“Who’s got a snuzi?”

“It’ll ruin the whole experiment!”

“You idiots, I told you it wasn’t tranquilised!”

The scrab let out a horrible scream and three interns fell back, dead. The animal dived for the door.

“Close the door, don’t let it out!” Someone yelled in the chaos.

The sligs outside evidently heard and slammed the door.

“No, open it! They have guns! It’ll ruin all our work!”

The scab pulled up short of the door and then turned frantically. It came to rest facing the two mudokons.

Anni shrieked as it charged at them. Nova lunged out of its way, pushing Anni down and hitting the trolley which rolled away from them. A shot from a snuzi burst out but the noise was drowned out by the scrab which shrieked more loudly than ever as the shot hit it. It lost control of itself and its momentum propelled it into the cabinet behind the mudokons. The huge piece of furniture swayed and tipped forwards. Glass bottles and beakers rained down from the shelves and crashed like grenades on and around the mudokons, spraying them with fragments of glass and a hundred different chemicals that made their skin burn as if it were on fire, made them cry out in pain.

Nova dared to look up and saw the huge, heavy wooden cabinet dropping down towards them. Time seemed to freeze. She couldn't move. A tiny voice in her head shrieked at her to protect Anni and she regained her senses enough to push her out of the way, but in doing so she propelled herself back underneath the cabinet.

A moment later its full weight crashed down on her stomach and legs. Pain struck her; pain like she’d never felt before, and for the first time in her life she knew what it was to scream.


I'm tired, so if there are any grammatical or formatting errors, or if you thought at any point the writing didn't seem to flow, let me know so I can fix it when I'm awake again.

Now wasn't that a lovely birthday treat for Nexy? So happy and cheerful. Big plot development comes in the next chapter so don't miss it!

Also, remember that Anni's bio in the RPG mentioned that her skin was discoloured because some chemicals spilt on her when she was younger?

Bah, need sleepghyghy <--*Sound of head hitting keyboard*
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 09-11-2008 at 05:47 PM..
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11-21-2007, 03:56 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
Outlaw Cutter
: Oct 2006
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

This is awesome. Well I notice some grammatical errors and such, but I'm too lazy to highlight them right now so toodles.

Muahaha, this pwns my fanfic that I have plans on restarting.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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11-21-2007, 02:42 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
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Slaveless  (36)

Oh my... A lot suspense just came down and I am so curious to what is next.

I like how you drew in facts about how Nova feels about the outside. Just like you said, you planted the seed. Although, I have no idea what comes after this, since it seems like Nova will have some sort injury. A pretty intense chapter I must say.

I didn't notice too many mistakes, other than spelling. Like exited and excited.

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11-22-2007, 10:00 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
: Oct 2002
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Gah, I must have been tired to make the classic 'exited-excited' mistake.
Already started work on the next chapter, but I have two novels to read and two essays to write before Thursday so I'm not sure how soon I'll get it finished.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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11-29-2007, 10:25 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
: Oct 2002
: Merrie olde Englande
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Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)

I shall not gild the lilly since I'm sure (at least I hope) you want to know what happens next.

Scary stuff ahead. (And technobabble. Lots and lots of technobabble).

Chapter 16

Anni writhed in agony on the floor of a small, bare room – little more than a cupboard. She clawed and smacked her skin as it burnt, as if tearing it off would lessen the pain. She screamed and screamed and screamed and all the time, Nova’s screams echoed in her mind, though her ears could no longer hear her. She thrashed and scratched and sobbed, for hours and hours. She cried out the name of her friend. The sight of Nova trapped beneath those shelves was emblazoned across her mind as if it were photographed on the inside of her eyelids. The sight of the crushed scrab they had pulled out from beneath the fallen cabinet. Even the pain as her skin burned could not compete with her terror.

* * *

Doctor Emlech was seated at his desk when someone banged on the door. Before he could invite the person in it burst open and a slig practically leapt onto his carpet. “Sir, there’s been an accident in one of the labs! Those two mud girls of yours have been hurt.”

There was no lack of urgency in the slig’s voice. Emlech was on his feet and hurrying to the door before he had time to ask, “What happened?”

The slig looked terrified. He was one of the two who had been guarding the lab where the accident had taken place. He had gone off to have a cigarette, leaving his partner to be lured away so the muds could get in through the door. “They snuck into a lab where some vykkers were doing a big project together,” He answered as they hurried down the hallway, “I don’t know what happened exactly ‘cus I was outside the door, but I think one of the live scrabs they were using got free of its cage and ran into a big cabinet, which fell over. They both got a lot of chemicals spilt on them and one of them was crushed beneath it.”

“Is she dead?” Emlech asked quickly.

“Not when I left, but the vykkers told me I should tell you that it hit her below her stomach so I guess it could’ve hurt her somewhere down there.” The slig didn’t know much about physiology, and he certainly didn’t know that the two mudokons were potentially fertile, so he failed to recognise the significance of this statement. Emlech, however, realised what this could mean. He quickened his pace. “Which one got crushed?”

“Uh, the smarter one, Nova – they’re down this way sir, in the med-rooms.”
A few minutes later Emlech hurried into the room the slig had shown him. It was empty apart from three vykkers.

“Sir! Nova’s just being x-rayed, and then we were going to do a sonograph.”

“Her injuries?” Emlech asked quickly.

“Chemical burns to her skin, severe fractures to the pelvic and leg bones. She was bleeding heavily from her legs but we treated that with a crystallic compound and it’s slowed to a safe level. It’s likely we’ll have to amputate one or both of her legs, depending on the results of the x-ray. Then of course there may be organ damage which we will scan for once the x-rays are done. The slig told you where she was struck?”

Emlech nodded stiffly, “Where’s Anni?”

“We shoved her in one of the security cells while we treated Nova: we needed her out of the way, and it was close.”

“Her condition?”

“Severe external chemical burns but nothing dangerous. She’s in a lot of pain and the pigment in her skin will probably be permanently affected but she’ll live.”

Emlech nodded. “We’ll go and see her.”

* * *

Emlech took one of the vykkers and they headed to Anni’s cell. His companion unlocked the door and they stepped in. A moment later the vykker gasped and stepped back. “Go and get a sedative,” Emlech told him softly. The vykker nodded and hurried away.

Vykkers were of course no strangers to injuring others, but self-mutilation was something else altogether. Anni was on the floor of her cell, looking at him wildly. Blood was weeping from innumerable scratches on her skin and was smeared on the floor and walls. The tips of her fingernails were red.

“Anni,” Hissed Emlech in a calm voice as he approached her, “How could you hurt yourself like this?”

Anni ignored the question and whispered, “Nova?”

“Nova is alive, though badly hurt. She’ll probably survive, but it’s likely she’ll never be able to walk again,” He replied. Any let out a sob and lowered her head. Tears mingled with her blood. “It was a very foolish thing you did, breaking into that lab,” Emlech told her as he knelt down, “You could both have been killed. Nova may be seriously hurt.” Anni raised her arms to hide her head. He took one gently in one of his hands. She was trembling. “Here, I will inject you with this to ease the pain. Try and stay still.”

She jerked, as if her instinct was to try and escape, but stopped herself. She cringed and kept her arms up but didn’t move, except from her constant trembling. He raised a syringe he had been holding in a free hand and injected it into her arm.

The door opened behind him and he glanced over his shoulder. The other vykker was back, holding another syringe. Emlech waved him over and took it from him. He checked the label to ensure it was suitable and then injected Anni with it as well.

Several seconds later her body sagged onto the floor. Emlech stood up. “Get an intern in here to clean up this mess,” He said disgustedly. “Then stay in here until she wakes up. Come and let me know how she’s doing.”

* * *

When Emlech returned to the theatre where they were treating Nova, the room was crowded with vykkers. Nova herself lay unconscious on the table in the centre of the room, her legs strapped in metal braces.


“How is she?” He asked sharply.

“The x-ray results just came through; we should be able to save her right leg from the knee upwards. The left will have to be amputated completely though.”

He looked at her unconscious form. Her breathing was heavy and uneven, suggesting further damage. Her legs were held straight by the braces and wrapped in bandages, which were turning pink in places. “Is she still bleeding?”

“No, she’s stopped now. It took a while for the compound we used to take full effect.”

“And the sonograph?”

“Just preparing for it now, sir.”

A few minutes later a pair of interns came in wheeling the machine. They plugged it in and one of the vykkers hurried over and began entering the necessary data.

“You should have been doing this when you were x-raying her,” Emlech said disapprovingly. The other vykkers in the room all made themselves look busy and no one answered.

A few minutes later the machine was ready and Emlech took over, smearing gel over Nova’s belly. He took the scanning device, a small, conical object with a light on the flat end and a wire which attached it to the sonography machine, and pressed it into the gel. Instantly a black-and-grey image of Nova’s insides appeared on the screen.

“That’s her intestine,” Emlech stated unnecessarily to the vykkers crowded behind him. “Increase the frequency by a fraction.”

The vykker at the controls twiddled a few dials and the image shifted slightly.

“It’s damaged, but I can’t tell how badly from this image,” Emlech stated, shifting the device in his hand around against Nova’s skin. The images on the screen moved to match. “I think we’ll have to cut into her to be sure.” He moved the device up a few inches. “Duodenum looks fine. Increase the frequency.”

A few seconds passed while the vykker at the screen shifted the focus. Emlech gestured once he was happy and slid the scanner around. “Right kidney, looks fine.” He squirted some more gel onto the left side of her belly with two of his hands and smeared it around with a tissue held in his third. Then he dragged the scanner across her chest. There was a murmur of noise from the other vykkers; Emlech spoke calmly, “Left kidney is damaged. Never mind; she’ll live a while with just one. We could try and grow a replacement; it’ll give you all something to do. Increase wavelength.” He moved the scanner while the vykker at the controls busied himself. “Try and bring that into focus… The pancreas is fine. Probably cushioned by the intestines.” He slid the scanner down and to the left, pausing en-route to add more gel. “Left ovary,” Emlech swore.

The other vykkers stepped back as if he’d shouted at them. For the disconcertingly level-headed Emlech, curses were rare and always signified trouble.

Emlech quickly regained himself however, and went on in his level voice, “Increase wavelength by a fraction. Stop.” He very slowly moved the scanner to the right. The room had very gone quiet, very tense. If both of Nova’s ovaries were damaged then she would be unable to produce eggs; she would be useless and the last four years of raising her would have been wasted. “Right fallopian tube… Looks undamaged. Right ovary…” Emlech laughed. The tension broke. “Right ovary is fine; cushioned by the intestines.” A few of the other vykkers in the room chuckled with relief. A low level hum of chatter emerged from the silence.

“Almost done now. Then we can cut in and see how bad the intestines are. Decrease wavelength and refocus the frequency.” He loosened her loincloth to make room for the scanner and added some more gel. Then he drew the device downwards a few inches. “Uterus; decrease the wavelength a little more.”

The vykker at the controls did as he was ordered, talking quietly to the vykker beside him as he did so. When he looked up at the screen the words caught in his throat. It was as if sound had been sucked out of the room. Emlech opened his mouth to complete his commentary but no sound came out.

The uterus was where eggs developed before being laid. Nova’s was sliced open, either from the impact of the cabinet crashing on top or from being struck by one of her broken bones.

“Could we build a replacement?” Whispered one of the vykkers.

Emlech shook his head. “We don’t know enough about her anatomy to replace or repair it.”

“Maybe we could extract the eggs produced by the ovary and develop them artificially?”

“Not without knowing her anatomy better, and constantly operating would weaken her.”

Silence descended on the room once more as the impact of the disaster sunk in. Nova’s reproductive system was damaged beyond repair. Keeping her alive would mean amputating both of her legs.

She was useless.

* * *

It was two hours later and Emlech sat alone in his office. All was quiet except for the loud, rhythmic ticking of his clock. It occurred to him every few minutes that he should check on Anni, but for once in his life he couldn’t be bothered to do what had to be done. For once he wasn’t doing everything that needed doing and then looking for more work. There was a knock at the door.

He sighed; work, it seemed, was looking for him. “Come in.”

A vykker stepped into the room and tried to look respectful, “Sir, I have been talking with some of the other scientists and we decided to ask, well… I mean, Nova has caused us a lot of trouble of the years, and we felt that…” The look Emlech gave him told him to hurry up and finish what he was saying if he intended on leaving this office with all of his limbs. “We hoped you would allow us to take Nova as a test subject, since she is no longer of any use.”

Emlech sank back in his chair. So this was what they were bothering him for? He sighed and gave a dull “Yes, yes,” and gestured for the vykker to leave.

The vykker made a respectful motion and left the office.

Emlech sank deeper into his chair. All around him work was demanding to be done. For once, work could wait.

* * *

Anni had woken up to find herself alone in her cell. Since then she had sat huddled up in a corner with her head low. Her skin gave her a dull pain but remembering Dr Emlech’s orders she resisted the temptation to scratch; it was nothing to the pain she had been in before, anyway. The wounds she had inflicted upon herself were scabbing over. What wasn’t covered in scabs was mostly covered in fierce red sores.

The door opened and she looked up. A vykker approached her and said softly, “Anni, my dear, we need your help. Nova’s badly hurt and we need to you to come and help us heal her.”

Anni’s breathing quickened. She stood up quickly and moved over to the vykker. If Nova needed her help she would give anything!

The vykker smiled, “There’s a good girl. Now come with us.”

Another vykker and a pair of sligs were waiting for her outside of the cell. She was glad the sligs were there as they made her feel more comfortable.

They led the way down some stairs to the lower levels of the facility, and ushered her through a pair of double doors into a lab. There was a computer console in a corner and two operating tables, separated by some machinery. “Get up on here,” The vykker said quietly, gesturing to one of the tables. Anni climbed on quickly and lay down. The vykker smiled, an unpleasant smile, but Anni disliked most expressions she saw the vykkers using so she thought nothing of it. “Good girl. Now wait here a while. We’ll be back soon.”

The vykkers and sligs left the room, leaving her alone. She looked around, from her position on the table, at the computer and the machinery, but couldn’t understand them. The bed she lay on had metal hoops at the sides and the far end. She was not so naïve that she didn’t know what they were for, but she knew the vykkers wouldn’t have to use them. They wouldn’t have to strap her down if it would help Nova. The walls of the room were dark grey, much darker than those of most of the other rooms she had been in. They didn’t reflect things like the other rooms either.

A different vykker entered and hurried over to her, “Listen Anni,” He said, “We’ll be bringing Nova in soon and she’s very sick. She’s shouting lots of things that aren’t true so if she says anything to you, don’t listen to her. It’s because she’s so sick; she’s dreaming things that she thinks are real but aren’t.”

Before she could reply he hurried out again.

A few minutes later she heard a distant, muffled shouting and then the doors were opened by a pair of interns and it became clearer. She recognised the voice. “Nova?” She sat up.

The vykker from before appeared in the doorway and said loudly over the sound of the shouting, “Remember, she’s very sick. She’s dreaming and she thinks it’s real.”

She heard Nova’s voice shout, “No, he’s lying!” And then more vykkers appeared by the door, leading a table on wheels. Nova was lying in it, her legs trapped in some big metal cage. “Nova!” Anni cried, a mix of joy at seeing her friend, and fear at how sick she looked.

Nova’s eyes fixed on hers. For a moment she froze and then screamed, “Anni! Get out of here; they’re going to hurt you!”

“Remember, she’s dreaming,” Shouted the vykker as the interns holding the doors open let them close and came over to stand near Anni’s bed.

“He’s lying Anni! Run; get away! He’s going to hurt you!”

Anni sat up. “What’s going on?”


Anni moved to slide off of the bed. She wanted to see her friend properly.

“Restrain her,” Ordered a vykker and the two interns suddenly grabbed her arms and forced her down onto the table. She screamed.

“Please, not her! Hurt me but not her! Anni, GET AWAY!”

Terror pulsed through her and she struggled to get free of the interns, but click! Her wrists were strapped down. Click! Her ankles were trapped. “NOVA! NOVA!”

“Anni, run! Run!”

Anni struggled, tears poured down her face, “Help, HELP, HELP!”

“Please, let her go! It was my fault! My idea! Let Anni go!” Anni couldn’t see Nova anymore. The vykkers had taken her to the other table and the machine was between them.


“Anni-” Nova was cut off as she screamed suddenly, like she had when the cabinet had fallen on her, and suddenly Anni was screaming too, over and over again, screaming the name of her friend.

Vykkers were crowding around her; she couldn’t make out their faces. It was all a blur until Nova stopped screaming, and then Anni cried out her name.

Nova was begging, “Not Anni, please, not Anni! Hurt me! Do anything to me but leave Anni alone!”

Anni felt a pain on the right of her forehead, like a bee-sting, and then another on the left side, and then Nova started screaming again. “Nova-AARGH!” Pain suddenly gushed through Anni like a flood. She tossed and she shrieked until her throat felt raw. The pain stopped and Anni stopped screaming. She realised that Nova had gone silent as well. “Nova?” No answer. “NOVA?”

And suddenly the pain was back, twice as bad, and Anni found she couldn’t move, she couldn’t scream. The pain was obliterating all thought, all sense, all memory from her head. Her mind was numb. She didn’t know who she was, or where she was, just that it hurt so much that she wanted to die. She heard a bang like two trains crashing at high speed, and then a voice shouting from a great distance, “What are you doing? Stop it, stop it!”

And then oblivion.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 12-01-2007 at 03:40 PM..
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11-30-2007, 01:49 PM
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I love the flow of this new chapter with intensity. You sort of never concluded the end result right away with the audience in what happened to Anni or Nova, and it all sort of built up until the end of the chapter. We are all left stunned and on a cliffhanger on what it is to come up next. Yet I feel that the end of Anni's part is nearing, so there is much to be concluded now.

Good chapter Splat.

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12-01-2007, 03:39 PM
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I'm glad you liked it!
My creative juices are really sloshing this week and I've just finished writing the next chapter. Its like the first time since Stivik's part where I've had chapters ready in advance! And I'm tempted to keep going (the only reason I've got for stopping is that it's after midnight and I have to get up early tomorrow).

If I get a few more replies to this chapter I'll post it soon. Otherwise, probably stick it up next Wednesday or something.

I spent a lot of time trying to get the science for chapters 16 and 17 right, drawing off of my old knowledge from Psychology and Biology, most of which I've forgotten already. I was halfway through writing chapter16 when I realised I'd got the positions of the organs all wrong. I guessed a bit but so far I've only had to make one thing up!
It seems important to get these things right, though I'm fairly sure none of the people reading this would really know if I blagged it all. 16 was the longest chapter of the whole story so far, and 17 is the second longest, though it seems like a lot less happens Less happens but there's more to say.

Reply! Where are all my fans? Zozo? Gretin? Dripik? ...Zelda--fan?
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 12-01-2007 at 03:45 PM..
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12-02-2007, 11:16 AM
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It might have been the longest, but I didn't notice it while I was reading. The storyline kept me reading on, I was eager to find out how the situation between Anni and Nova would turn out.

It's really clear that you did some research on medical and psychological topics. Especially in the last bit, in the Vykkers' speech. Great work.

Sometimes, especially when I'm reading these chapters, I get the idea of doing some fan art drawings for the story...

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12-05-2007, 08:20 AM
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Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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Glad you liked it Dripik. It was a lot of fun to write, which is the main thing, and for the second time I felt guilty after finishing a chapter.
I would be honoured if you drew fanart based on my story!

Anyone notice Nova's last words? “Not Anni, please, not Anni! Hurt me! Do anything to me but leave Anni alone!”

Anyway, it's Wednesday, and as promised earlier this week, that means chapter 17! I can't believe I only got two replies for that last chapter though
Another long one coming...

Chapter 17

The clock in Emlech’s office ticked the seconds by noisily as the nine vykkers and two sligs stood on his moss-green carpet in front of his large wooden desk, wishing they were anywhere but there. The room was surprisingly small for an executive office, though the pale cream walls made it pleasantly bright. Emlech sat behind the desk, his face lowered to the papers before him. The clock stalwartly ticked away seconds and minutes and they waited so long that it seemed as if Emlech had forgotten that they were there. Every tick was a jab at their already frayed nerves and some of the vykkers began to realise why Emlech kept an old clockwork clock, instead of buying a digital one.

At last Emlech ushered over the two sligs. It is impossible to shuffle the feet of mechanical pants, but the two sligs gave it the best attempt that they could manage.

“You were charged with guarding the lab during yesterday’s experiments, were you not?” He asked in a very calm, very reasonable voice, and from listening to him you would never have guessed at the disaster the previous day had been.

The sligs nodded and muttered awkward ‘Yes sir’s.

Emlech raised his head, nodding contemplatively. “Two mudokons broke into the lab during the time you were guarding it. Care to explain how that happened?” Again, his voice was very calm, as if he was asking what the weather was like.

“Well sir, it was his fault-”


The first raised his voice over the protests of the second, “He insisted on going off to have a cigarette and I told him not to cus we were there to do a job but he went off anyway.”

“Well I didn’t know you were just going to step aside and let the next muds to come along go inside without trying to stop them!”

“She nicked me gun! What was I ‘sposed to do?”

“I dunno, smack her before-”

Emlech cleared his throat softly and the two sligs immediately fell silent. “So,” He said softly, the first traces of anger edging into his voice, “You decided to leave your post to have a cigarette without notifying anyone else, and while he was gone you were confronted, tricked and overpowered by a child?”

The two sligs stood dumbly. The one who Nova had tricked looked ashamed. The room seemed suddenly very silent, except for the incessant ticking of the clock.

Emlech nodded. He gestured to the second slig, “Your gun.”

The slig looked surprised but after a moment’s hesitation he handed it over. The other slig smirked.

“And yours,” Emlech said softly to the other slig. He looked surprised but also handed it over.

Emlech place the two guns to the side of his desk. “Cigarettes?”

A few seconds passed and then two boxes of cigarettes joined the guns on the desk.

“And any other weapons either of you two happen to be carrying? Pistols, knives, grenades?”

The slig who had left his post to smoke shook his head to gesture that he didn’t have anything else. Emlech nodded and turned to the other who reluctantly handed over a flick-knife. He was at least clever enough to know not to disobey his boss in this situation.

Emlech took the knife and placed it with the guns and cigarettes. He gestured towards a corner of the room. “You will wait over there,” He said softly. One of sligs obeyed immediately. The one Nova had tricked hesitated, glancing at his gun on the desk, but he didn’t say anything, and went to join his companion in the corner.

Emlech gestured for the nine vykkers to come forwards. They each took a few awkward steps towards his desk.

“Yesterday I gave you permission to experiment on Nova,” He said calmly, “However, when I came down to Anni’s cell a few hours later I found it empty. Someone was nice enough to tell me that you had taken her and I came down to the laboratory you were using to find you torturing her to the brink of death. Would any of you care to explain?”

One of the vykkers opened his mouth and spoke with the air of a very-much planned speech. “Well sir, I think it was an accident. It’s a psychological fact that if an idea is implanted into the heads of a group of people they can inadvertently obey that idea without considering its consequences. Perhaps when we were preparing yesterday one of us mentioned Anni, and that person was misheard and someone thought they meant that we had been given permission to experiment on her, and through the group mentality phenomena we did so without considering it properly.”

Emlech nodded, “And that’s what you think happened?”

The vykker answered confidently, “Yes, sir.”

“One of you mentioned Anni, and the rest misheard and thought I had given permission to operate on my one remaining healthy female, and none of you even paused to consider how idiotic that idea was?” Still his voice remained even.

The clock ticked several seconds away. Emlech picked up one of the guns on his desk and began examining it before the vykker replied, “Well, we were excited, and it marred our judgement, so-”

Emlech interrupted, anger at last beginning to build in his voice, “And you did not simply decide to operate on Anni as well since she was as annoying to you, as interesting to you as Nova, and you thought that if you tested on her and made it out to be an accident I would forgive you without batting an eyelid?”

“Of course not, I-”

“And it did not occur to any of you that if you had killed Anni as you killed Nova then four years of our lives really would have been wasted?”


“Do you think me a fool?” Emlech demanded loudly, banging the gun he had been holding down on the desk. The vykkers jumped back a step and even the sligs were taken by surprise. He was shouting now, his rage overflowing, “Do you think I will allow you to destroy all our work in your vendetta against those mudokons? Do you think you could kill her and no one would notice? Odd knows what you’ve done to her! She could be in a coma for the rest of her life! You may have done unlimited mental damage to her and you come in here and try and lie your way out of it? You try and brush it over, pretend it hasn’t happened? Do you think I’m an idiot?” He stopped shouting but he was breathing heavily now, standing up out of his chair. Slowly he calmed down, sank back into his seat. The clock went on ticking.

When he had calmed at last he said bluntly, “I have never been so disappointed in any of my employees. You’re all fired,” He gestured listlessly towards the corner, “The sligs as well. In…” He turned to look at the clock, “Forty seven minutes the lift will be heading to the lab above ground. If any of you are not on it you will be recognised as intruders and dealt with accordingly. You may go,” And he turned his attention back to the papers on his desk, ignoring the others in the room.

The vykkers filed out. The sligs took last glances at their things still stacked on Emlech’s desk, but decided not to push their luck and left the office. They waited outside the door until the vykkers were some difference away, fully aware that they would be given full blame for their sacking and not wanting to get in more trouble.

A few minutes later they headed down the corridor. “He could have sent us to Skillya for that,” the smoker muttered. The other said nothing but walked on.

The two of them wandered aimlessly round the corridors for a while. Neither of them had many belongings beyond what they had left in Emlech’s office; they both carried their moolah with them and though they had a few things left at the bunks, they did not feel like it was worth facing the jeers of the other sligs to go and get them. Eventually they went their separate ways and the slig who had wandered off for a cigarette break headed towards the lab where they were keeping Anni.

The slig had spoken to her a few times and didn’t hate her as the other ones did. Sometimes, when she wasn’t feeling too playful and he wasn’t too hung over she was good for a brief chat, and though he did everything he could to keep his relationship with her secret, he couldn’t help liking the little kid. She was like a little sister or something (he couldn’t be sure, since he didn’t actually have any little sisters. Unlike mudokons, there simply were no female sligs other than the queen, and if there were any Skillya would probably have them killed the moment they hatched).

He arrived at the lab and poked his head through the door. It was empty, and he reminded himself that almost half of the vykkers working in this place had just been fired so they were probably a bit short staffed at the moment.

This lab was actually more like a small ward with four or five beds, and Anni was in one halfway down the room. He approached her and looked down at her.

She was almost unrecognisable from the chemical burns and the deep scratches that marred her once beautiful lilac skin. Her feather had almost been burnt away. Emlech had said she was in a coma, which meant she was unconscious and they didn’t know when she was going to wake up. Emlech didn’t know what they’d done to her, and from listening to other conversations he’d learnt that the vykkers hardly knew what they’d done as well. He clenched his fists; those bzstrk vykkers deserved ten times what Emlech did to them!

What had Emlech said? ‘My one remaining healthy female’? Female mudokons were rare, but they weren’t worth that much. Why did Emlech care for her so much? He was a vykker so it certainly wasn’t any emotional attachment.

“Whatever it is, you mean a lot to him,” He said aloud, giving her shoulder a squeeze. “Wake up soon, huh?”

Behind him a door opened and vykker yelled, “Hey, what are you doing? You don’t have permission to be in here!”

“Sorry sir,” The slig replied automatically and hurried out of the room. It occurred to him once he was through the door that he wasn’t an employee here anymore, and so he didn’t have to be polite to the vykkers now, but it seemed suddenly that he didn’t care. He looked at a digital clock on the wall: ten minutes until his lift was leaving. He grunted miserably and headed for the exit.

The lifts were the only way up from this secret underground lab (or at least the only one anyone other than Emlech knew about). He met the other slig and the vykkers there and at 11 O’clock, exactly the time Emlech had said, a lift arrived and they piled in.

With all of them inside it was crowded and smelly. He leant against the back of the lift, leaning his masked head against the wall, wishing the vykkers would shut up, would stop snapping at each other, and give him some peace. The distance to the surface wasn’t huge, but the lift was programmed to move slowly, to use less electricity and make less noise, plus it was slowed down by the weight of them all, so the journey took about 2 minutes. At last it stopped and with a ping the doors slid open.

The 11 travellers in the lift were stunned to find themselves face to face with about 20 armed sligs, pointing their guns at them. One of the vykkers began mashing the lift controls to no effect. The other vykkers were shouting, yelling. The other slig lunged at the crowd, trying to get through, and was immediately shot to pieces before the guards turned their weapons on the contents of the lift.

The slig watched with a sort of numb distance as the vykkers were shot down and fell, shrieking and writhing, to the floor. The pain he felt as the bullets penetrated his own torso seemed distant, separate. It was as if he was watching from outside of his body as it was shot over and over again, as it collapsed, shaking, and dropped to the ground, joining the vykkers on the floor. And he found his eyes closing, watched as the world grew dark, and he joined the vykkers, and the other slig, and Nova, and he slept forever in silence.

* * *

Two weeks later Anni awoke. She took one look at the vykker in the room with her and began to scream.

She continued to scream until she was left alone, and she screamed again when any vykker approached her. Eventually they gave up and sent a slig to talk to her, making him promise to be nice. He grumbled for a while but obeyed, told them after speaking with her that her memory was fine, her thoughts were fine, but she was having terrible headaches that half drove her mad, that made it difficult to see or hear. Somehow she had known Nova was dead without being told. Emlech gave him a message to pass on to her.

“Tell her the operation the vykkers did on her was meant to help Nova get better, but it went wrong. The controls broke down and there was a sudden surge of electricity. That’s why it hurt so much and why Nova died.” The slig did as he was told and returned to tell Emlech that she had ignored every word and started crying when she mentioned Nova.

After a couple of days Emlech had the slig drug her covertly and while she was unconscious they did a quick check-up. It was hard to find anything out while she was asleep, but until she got over this ridiculous fear of vykkers it would be impossible to learn anything while she was awake. They could see what parts of her brain were damaged, but there may have been other symptoms that were not apparent on the surface which they could not find without running the proper tests, for which she would have to be awake. And in her current state she simply wouldn’t cooperate with them.

They did what they could while she was unconscious, performing various scans of her brain, and they found out a little. “Most of the damage is centred on the hypothalamus, particularly the sections related to the production of serotonin.”

Emlech nodded, “That would account for the headaches, and her aggression.” Their progress was slow, what with their sudden shortage of staff, since treating Anni and the other projects they had going on that they couldn’t delay had left Emlech little time to pick out other vykkers he trusted enough to let them work so close to his mudokon female. They were keeping Anni unconscious for as long as they could without harming her further for Emlech was not sure if she would let another slig get close to her after the one drugged her.

“We’d better watch her eating and sleeping habits for a while as well, in case they’re affected. The damage might partially heal with time but it’s not certain, so we’ll have to keep a close eye on her. You notice the decreasing number of neurons on the hippocampus? A sign of depression: I suppose that’s no surprise after what’s happened to her.”

After a couple of days they decided they couldn’t safely keep her asleep any longer, and they returned her to her room. After she woke up Emlech sent the same slig to go and talk to her again, but he returned to tell them that she refused to speak to him. “She says there’s only one slig she’ll talk to.”

“Well send him then!” Was Emlech’s snappish reply. His temper was beginning to fray around the edges and this slig’s stupidity wasn’t helping.

“Can’t,” The slig replied casually, “He was one of the two you fired a few weeks ago.”

Emlech didn’t much believe in the supernatural – beyond the powers the savage mudokons often possessed – but occasionally he couldn’t help thinking that the universe was sticking its finger up at him.

He resolved to go and see her himself and lecture some sense into her, but he had to give up when she started throwing things at him.

Over the next few days she sank into a depressed stupor, lying in her bed all day, ignoring everything around her. Sometimes she cried but mostly she just lay there. She stopped eating the food they brought her. She barely slept more than three or four hours every night and Emlech began to face the fact that unless they did something quick it was likely he was about to lose his last female after all. She was wasting away, getting thinner and sicker with every passing day. He called a meeting with one of his most senior scientists to discuss a solution. He had a feeling that if he asked the rest they would just yell at him to electrocute her until she came around.

“What can we do with her?”

“Well look at the problem,” Was the ultimate answer. “She hates vykkers and she’s around them all day. She can’t trust sligs anymore, and that leaves her alone.”

“So you think I should move her into the lab above?” It was a risky idea, but he knew his friend wouldn’t suggest it if there was no other choice.

“It would allow her to meet others of her own race which might help. It could be too late, since she’s only known the other female all her life, but I think putting her in with other mudokons might be all that would save her. And getting her out of this place would mean she would see less of us vykkers. If you arranged to have mudokons spend time with her, look after her, then she might get better. She might even become useful for labour until she becomes old enough to start laying eggs.”

Emlech nodded. Other vykkers might at this point complain about the extra work, the fact that it would distract mudokons from labour, but he was willing to do what was necessary. His only concerns were of the issues of security: what if she was found out? He would have to do everything within his power to stop her getting injured, and if she was injured she would have to be treated by only the vykkers from this lower lab, and any vykker from the lower lab had to be watched on the surface to make sure they didn’t contact anyone. It would be difficult to stop the larger number of sligs from hurting her as well. But if it was all that could save her life…

Emlech nodded, “We’ll make preparations to have her moved immediately.”

His friend nodded, “The longer she’s in this state, the worse it will be, so the sooner she’s moved out the better.”

“I’ll try and have her up there by tomorrow. Pass on a message to announce to the staff of the arrival of a new and important mudokon experiment. Make sure a message is passed to the sligs so that they know not to beat her, and arrange for a mudokon to look after her. One will do for the time being, one who can take her food and look after her. If you check the employee records I’m sure you’ll find one suitable.”

The other vykker nodded, “I’ll do it immediately, sir.” He too recognised the importance of keeping Anni alive.

Emlech smiled for the first time in days as his friends hurried out of the office. It wouldn’t be easy, and it might not go smoothly, but he would not allow Anni to die.


I might rewrite the end of that someday since I wasn't too pleased with it. The chapter I think nicely summed up the aftermath of her operation.

Reply and let me know what you think! Please...
Anni's story isn't over yet, so expect more of her in the near future!
Ooh, and it's almost Christmas! Woohoo!

EDIT: In other news, chapter 18 is finished and ready for posting. I'll be posting it next Wednesday, but for every person to reply after the first two I'll release it a day earlier, so if I get three posts I'll post it on Tuesday and so on. (This is really just cus I want to post it sooner since I'm really happy with it, but you can benefit from my enthusiasm!)
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 12-05-2007 at 10:27 AM..
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12-05-2007, 12:24 PM
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I'm a little confused from this chapter really. Anni seems to not even like Sligs here, but while in the first posts in W@RF, she seemed to have loved the Sligs and almost like she adored them. And I think she was moved to a factory, not a lab, as said in version 2. Just seems a little confusing for me personally.

Anyway, I like the chapter, aside from the confusion. Hope to see the next chapter sooner than Wednesday.

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12-05-2007, 12:37 PM
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Why does it seem like she doesn't like sligs? There's one slig who admits (or doesn't admit) to having a fairly close relationship to her, and when she won't talk to vykkers she will talk to sligs, up until one betrays her by injecting her with something, and then she refuses to talk to all of them except her friend, who unfortunately has recently been shot for deserting his post to go and smoke.
Her love for sligs will return in time. I mean, she has a suicidal depression to get over as well so bear with me for a while!

And the place she's going is a sort of lab-factory hybrid thing. (He knows too much, get him! ) I guess its more lab, but I've been occasionally refering to it as a factory in chapter 18. Plus as I think I've said before (and if I haven't I'm saying it now ) things in this story aren't going to follow the RPG to the word (otherwise I'd have to have Anni spoken in really broken English and saying OMG lots - ah, those blessed days of being an RPG newb). Just as a note for the W@RF sections, I will be changing things about events and other characters since things that seem ok in an RPG don't really work in a story. Arnie probably won't be quite as nice as he is in the RPG for example (nice but not as nice), and there won't be loads of misfits, experiments and nutters running around. Plus I'll be working hard to tie up plotholes and stuff (many thanks to CyberSlig for making that job so much harder! )
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 12-09-2007 at 05:07 PM..
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12-05-2007, 01:09 PM
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Its awesome. Though its 22:08 and I has an exam in the morning, so toodles...Heehee...You're getting all comment-hungry like you did with the Splat fic.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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12-05-2007, 04:19 PM
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thats bloody great!
i wanna read more!
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12-05-2007, 04:52 PM
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Spoken with the eloquence of a true Englishman MA.

What can I say Zozo? I doubt there's an artist alive who doesn't crave feedback . Glad you liked it.
Three replies already! Tuesday is the current update day then.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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12-05-2007, 09:23 PM
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Fwew finally caught up(again). It's nice everytime I go idle for a while I got like 3 or more chapters to read. I know they're long, but I read them so fervently wondering what will happen next... and next thing I know the chapter is over.
Makes me want to continue my fic, well in truth I have the next chapter ready, but just havn't gotten to posting it cus I'm lazy.
Hold down control and press C then hold down control and press V? So f'n demanding you people are.
Getting back on track... I like how time flows in your fic. Like it's normal during one event then in like fast forwards to the next event. Pretty interesting. Can't wait for the next installment.
Spoiler: Darth Vader is Dionysia's father.
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12-06-2007, 07:14 AM
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Very good chapters - I'd go so far as to say amongst the best you've written here. Powerful stuff. Hail Splat, master of both the humerous and the dark. Heh.
Next update on tuesday, hey? I'll be here. For a change...
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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12-07-2007, 07:42 AM
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Neat chapter, Splat. I liked the tension caused by the clock in the office-sceene. And the lift-business was somehow predictible for me, the whole place being a secret lab and all. Great stuff.

I was also thinking about continuing my fanfic, but these days, I only have time to read some, game some and sleep some...

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12-07-2007, 02:06 PM
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wow, thats a brillinat story Splat! Nicely done. You have certainly managed to create a clean mental image of the story with your great use of adjectives and flowing story line. Sweet!
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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12-07-2007, 02:43 PM
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Oh my, that's a lot of replies, and by my own rules I ought to post right now since getting Skillyasligs...

Bah, come back Sunday.

(I've got this Christmas spirit thing sussed I have!)
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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12-09-2007, 06:53 AM
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Replies are like busses: you wait ages and then 7 come along at once! By golly seven!



Chapter 18 introduces two characters that will have all the W@RF fan-boys and fan-girls squeeing with barely contained ecstasy.

Chapter 18

Dean was a mudokon who worked in the kitchens. This would seem strange in many facilities run by glukkons, for (as a vykker would say), glukkons liked efficiency, but they rarely did much about it other than throw money around and hope things would speed up. Vykkers thought about things, and in this case their thoughts were ‘that mudokon called Dean is good at helping with food preparation; let’s put him to work in the kitchens’.

It was widely recognised across all factories in Mudos that sligs as a general rule tend to make rather terrible chefs, so anything that could improve the quality of food anywhere could only be a good thing.

Dean liked to cook. He was also rather good at it, and the sligs in charge of the kitchens would never admit just how much of his input went into the two meals they received everyday; after all, the chefs had to eat the food they made as well, and they didn’t like eating their own culinary disasters any more than anyone else did. The mudokon was good at cooking; he was head-chef in every way except by title. In fact he occasionally gave the sligs lessons.

If anyone happened to ask Dean how he became such a good chef he would reply that he just was, the way some people were good with animals, the way some vykkers were better at surgery and some were good at chemistry. He could work out in his head how things would taste the way other people worked out sums.

Most of the vykkers were rather busy, what with the sudden announcement that this time tomorrow they would have a miserable experiment to cater for – and she would need her own room, her own meals, her own everything – and so the job of picking out a mudokon to look after her was shoved onto a high-ranking slig. The slig ranked highly because he was good with the employees, but this did not necessarily mean he was good at anything other than hitting them with his gun rather hard.

He was told to pick a mudokon who was likeable and wouldn’t be too badly missed from their current position. Not knowing much about anything really, he decided that the kitchens wouldn’t suffer from having one less mudokon, and since Dean spent most of his life around about 10 sligs and he didn’t get beaten up on a daily basis, he must be fairly likeable.

And so that was why, at 2 in the afternoon one day when he was just preparing for the afternoon meal, Dean was approached by a couple of sligs and told to follow. He was somewhat confused and somewhat annoyed because he wasn’t much good at anything except cooking and he resented being made to do anything else. But he knew he couldn’t disobey a slig’s orders if he intended on keeping his teeth attached to his gums, so he shot the official head chef a ‘You can do it’ sort of look and hurried off.

They walked in silence for twenty minutes before Dean realised they were heading in the direction of the mudokon bunks and decided to ask, “Where are we going? What’s this job you want me to do?”

The slig grunted and muttered “You’ll find out soon enough.” As the approached the bunks they turned down a side corridor which Dean had never been down before, and after turning a corner came face to face with a vykker who was standing outside a closed door.

“This is the mudokon Erket picked?” The vykker asked. The slig nodded and the vykker waved him away, “Fine, you can go.”

The slig slumped off. Dean looked a little uneasy, since the vykkers were not liked or trusted by the mudokons in that place.

“Relax,” The vykker said impatiently, “We’ve just got a new job for you.” That was largely what Dean was worried about; he had tasted the sligs’ cooking. “It’s nothing hard,” The vykker went on, “We’ve had a new mudokon sent here, a female, whose worth a lot to the managers of this laboratory. She’s rather sick and we need a mudokon to look after her until she gets better.”

Dean was vaguely surprised by this news and replied, “I don’t think I’m the best guy for a job like that.”

“Nonsense, you were picked out especially by your superiors. She’s just in here,” And he stood back, opened the door he was standing in front of and ushered Dean through, “I’ll just leave you two to get to know each other,” He said quickly as soon as he was in the room, and closed the door behind him.

It was a dark little room, sparsely furnished with just a bed, a tiny table and a sink. Two other doors led from the room. The mudokon girl was lying on her side on the bed, facing the wall with her feet towards him. She hadn’t shown any signs of recognising that he’d entered and he wondered if she was asleep. Her skin was oddly coloured, mostly pink with patches of purple and grey, and she looked very young. He reminded himself that mudokon females aged much slower than males since they had more chemistry going on preparing them to look after mudokon babies, and he guessed that she was three or four years old.

“Hi,” He said awkwardly, still not sure if she was awake, “I’m Dean.” He went and sat on the corner of her bed, and then thought that maybe this wasn’t wise since if she was asleep and she woke to find him sitting there she might get a bit upset. However, before he could move away she raised her head and looked at him. Her eyes travelled over him slowly, taking him in fully, and she pouted slightly before lying down again, looking away from him.

He raised an eyebrow, “So, er, what’s your name?” She gave no response and he began to wonder if her hearing was alright. The vykker had said she was sick after all. “Look, are you ok?” He asked, slightly louder. When this produced no effect he decided to resort to the thing he knew best, “Do you want something to eat?”

She made a sort of shuddering motion, curled up into a loose ball and, to Dean’s horror, began to cry.

“Hey, what’s up? What’s wrong?” He placed a hand on her shoulder and she shrugged violently, forcing him to withdraw. Her sobbing grew louder and he sat back, panicking slightly and wishing he knew what was going on so he could do something about it. As her crying grew louder into full-on bawling, he leant forwards and gently placed his hand between her shaking shoulder blades. She didn’t push him off so he rubbed her back softly and after a minute began whispering “It’s alright,” and “Don’t worry,” And similar phrases that tend to get whispered in situations such as this. After five or ten minutes her sobs softened to sniffs and he decided to risk speaking to her properly.

“How are you feeling?”

She raised her head slowly and looked at him again. “You’re a mudokon,” She stated softly.

Dean was a bit thrown off by this comment so he reacted in the best way that he could and tried to make a joke out of it. “Are you sure? Hang on, arms, legs, feather… By Odd; you’re right!”

She smiled weakly and he decided to try his first question once more, “What’s you’re name?”

“Anni,” She answered, her voice trembling.

“Well it’s nice to meet you,” He said, smiling gently. Make engaging conversation but not anything that’ll make her cry again, a little voice in his head told him, so he asked, “How old are you Anni?”

“Four,” She replied quietly.

He nodded interestedly, mentally congratulating his own guess-work. “Are you hungry?”

Her weak smile faded like a sunrise in reverse and she lowered her head again, but fortunately she didn’t start crying. In case she was thinking of it, Dean added quickly, “If you don’t want anything to eat, that’s fine. I mean if you do just ask; I work down in the kitchens, I mean usually, and I can get us food pretty much any time of the day.”

She stirred slightly but didn’t reply, so he took the opportunity to examine her more closely. She was very skinny, and it looked like she hadn’t eaten in a while. His immediate thought was that wherever she had been before they had starved her, but then he realised that since she hadn’t accepted food just then she’d probably starved herself. He was beginning to wonder just what the vykker had meant when he said she was ‘sick’. Now he was closer he also had a better look at her skin, though he wished it wasn’t so dark in the room. Now he looked it seemed like her skin was naturally purple, but had faded to pink and even to grey in places, and he wondered what had caused it. This girl seemed to be just bursting with mystery, he mused. Unconsciously he placed a finger on one of the purple patches of her skin and traced it out. She shied away suddenly.

“Sorry,” He told her quickly.

“I’m pretty tired,” She whispered and he stood up.

“Sure, fine,” He said and hurried to the door, opened it and slipped out of the room.

Outside he ran into the vykker who looked at him unpleasantly, “Well, how is she?” It demanded in its shrill voice.

Dean shrugged, “I don’t know, she seems pretty miserable, and it looks like she hasn’t eaten in months.”

“Did she speak to you?” The vykker snapped.

“Yeah, she told me her name and stuff, and then she said she was tired and wanted to sleep.”

The vykker looked rather unimpressed and informed him, “From now on your job is to look after her. You noticed the other doors in there? The one on the right leads to the room where you’ll sleep; the left one leads to her bathroom which you are not to use! You will use the main one with the other mudokons.”

“Hey, but I’m needed in the kitchen!”

“I’m sure there are other mudokons who can work in the kitchen,” It told him sniffily, “You will look after her, take her food if she wants it and be on hand if she needs anything. You will also tidy both your rooms and her bathroom. I suggest you go and get yourself settled in,” And having said that the vykker headed away from him down the corridor.

“Hey wait,” Yelled Dean, and fought for something to say for a moment, “Do I have to do that on my own all the time or can I get someone else to help me?”

The vykker sighed heavily, “If you really find that meagre task too much for yourself, you may pick one other mudokon to lend you a hand from time to time.”

Dean grumbled to himself and waited until the vykker was out of earshot before re-entering the room, “It’s just me,” He told Anni, unnecessarily for all the attention she paid. He decided to check out his room and opened the door the vykker had mentioned. His room was tiny, and contained just a bed and an old chair. He also glanced in on her bathroom, which contained a shower and a toilet, yet was still bigger than his bedroom. At the moment it was very clean.

He came out and glanced at her, but she hadn’t moved. “Listen,” He said, “I’m gonna be sleeping in the room just through this door over here, so if you need anything I’m right there.”

With nothing else to do he spent the next few hours in his room until hunger drove him out. He went into Anni’s room and sat on her bead again. “Hey, I’m gonna go and get some dinner. Did you want anything?” She waggled her head which he translated as ‘no’ and he left the room.

The official meal time was over and the employees’ cafeteria was now dark and empty. He headed to the kitchen, which was also empty, and grabbed a plate of leftovers. A few bites in he decided it was too bad to eat, and after resolving to give the sligs a few more lessons, he threw himself together a quick meal and went out into the dark cafeteria to eat it.
He was just finishing when the door opened and a gruff voice said, “Hey, Mud! What happened today? Dinner was terrible!”

“Hi Javi,” Dean muttered. “Shouldn’t you be working?”

Javi was a muscular mudokon and Dean’s best friend. “Shouldn’t you?” He laughed, grabbing a chair and sitting on it backwards. “Seriously though, what happened at dinner?”

“I wasn’t cooking it. Right as we were starting some slig came into the kitchen and told me they had a job for me,” And he told him about Anni and about having to move into a different room.

“Great, so you’re not going to be cooking from now on then?”

Dean rolled his eyes. “Come on then, why aren’t you working?”

“There’s a storm coming on, and it’s too dark to see out there.” Javi worked out in the animal pens around the factory, since animals were to him what cooking was to Dean.

Dean stood up and carried his plate to the kitchen. “Come on up with me and I’ll introduce you to the kid,” He grunted, “She won’t listen to a word I say so maybe you’ll have more luck.”

Javi shrugged, “Can’t see the logic in that,” But after Dean made a sandwich to take up for Anni in the hopes that she would want something to eat, and they headed up the stairs together.

Anni was lying on her back when they arrived at the room, and a brief investigation revealed she really was asleep this time.

Dean showed Javi around the three rooms on tip-toe and they were just about to leave when Anni awoke. She tossed over violently and looked up, staring at the two of them.

“Anni,” Dean said quickly, “It’s me. You remember me don’t you? This is my friend, Javi.”

Anni looked at them and then went limp, flopping down onto the bed and turning away from them. “Javi works outside with the animals,” Dean told her.

She was silent for a few seconds before asking quietly without turning to face them, “Animals for the vykkers to kill?”

Dean looked stunned, but it was Javi who spoke softy, “Yes Anni; sligs capture the animals and bring them here for the vykkers.” Anni curled up tighter. Dean glared at his friend, but Javi went on. “I can’t stop them doing it Anni, so I do my best to make sure the animals are as happy and comfortable as they can be before the vykkers take them. I know they’ll have to die eventually, but I help them to live the best lives they can first. I think everyone should try to be happy, and try to make other people happy as well.”

Silence followed this speech, and a few minutes later Javi and Dean left the room. They talked for a while until the end of the work day and then Javi left for the bunks and Dean returned to Anni’s room.

She was once more lying on the bed with her face to the wall. The sandwich he had set on the table earlier sat untouched. He whispered a soft ‘goodnight’ and went into his room.
He didn’t see she was crying.

* * *

Dean woke slowly and it took him several seconds to realise he could hear screaming.

Moments later he burst through the door of his room to see Anni, writhing on the floor, shrieking.

“What’s wrong?” He cried, panicking.

“IT HURTS, IT HURTS!” She screamed, clutching her hands to her head. He threw himself onto the floor beside her and tried to grab hold of her. She started scratching at him viciously, leaving long red marks across his skin. He wrapped his arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides, and pulled her up onto her knees. A moment later she lunged forward and sunk her teeth into his shoulder as she continued to scream. He gasped, his eyes watering. “Anni,” He wheezed.

She released him a few seconds later and he pulled her up to her feet, holding her against him as his blood ran down his arm. She was about a foot shorter than him. He staggered to the bed as she went on shrieking and thrashing, tore off a corner of her sheet and hobbled over to the sink where he wet the cloth and pressed it against her forehead. She screamed harder and wriggled from his grasp before falling to the floor again. He swooped down on her, holding her down with his body and her screaming fell to sobbing violently, like a very young child, from pain and sorrow and fear and loneliness, and he lay over her, protecting her, ‘shushing’ at first but later in silence, as her tears began to slow and she stopped writhing, but she trembled as if from terror or cold. It seemed like hours before her crying subsided, and then they lay on the floor in silence, stillness, him sharing her sorrow. The dim electric lighting in the room flickered on announcing the factory’s wake-up time, but still they lay unmoving. He found himself stroking her head, her back, calming her like a parent would.

It was some time before she stirred, focused slowly on the wound on his shoulder and gasped. “I’m sorry,” She said in a hushed voice.

“It’s alright,” He replied, easing himself up off of the floor. He had forgotten it was there, but now she had brought attention to it the pain came back. Dried blood covered his skin, but the wound had scabbed over by now. “What was wrong Anni?”

“Headache,” She whispered, “I’ve had them really bad since…”

He pulled her into a hug. “Are you ok now?”

She nodded against his chest and whispered, “I’d like something to eat.”


Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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12-09-2007, 12:19 PM
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Another great chapter there, Splat. Including Dean and Javi in the story is a great and reasonable move, seeing that they will appear in W@RF at the same time. Can't wait to see more W@RF-characters appear. You describe them very accurately.

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12-09-2007, 06:18 PM
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I just edited chapter 7 to say that that chapter took place 39 years before AO, rather than 29. I've also edited chapters 13 and 15 so that Anni was 1 during AO.
So my timing for W@RF is as follows (and whether its the same for the RPG is anyone's guess), Anni is 5 when she joins The newly openend Rupture Farms, four years after AO. The time when Rupture Farms opened won't be specified in the story. By the time Dionysia arrives a year has passed, so its 5 years since AO and Anni is now 6. Anni's aging rather slowly for a mudokon, though this is normal since she's a female, and an unnatural one at that, (you may have noticed she aged much slower than Nova; part of being an experiment) though she's aging significantly faster than a human would: every Oddworld year (as specified at the beginning of chapter 1) that Anni ages is about equal to two Earth years for a human, so aged six Anni is approximately at the mental level of a 12-year-old human, though this will slow down as well.
Remember acording to Oddworld Inhabitants, a mudokons average lifespan is 40 years, taking account for both industrial and native mudokons so a native mudokon would probably tend to live for longer and an industrial mudokon would probably live for less time, what with the danger and pollution, while a slig's lifespan is 20 years (though that is an industrial slig, so there's all the polution and smoking and stuff taking effect). Both numbers would almost certainly be longer where it not for industrialism, or so I assume.
Dionysia will age much quicker than Anni, though I won't explain that here so as not to spoil it for non-W@RFers.

So with the new figures, Krik will be about 75 when he comes to the new Rupture Farms. What with their experiments upon themselves, vykkers are expected to live to about 120 years.

And since I didn't really respond to most of my seven replies after chapter 17, I'll do so now:
Venks makes me lol, and formatting is always a pain when it comes to uploading new chapters.
Searge, glad you liked it and thought it scary; there are a few scenes in the story, like the experiment on Nova and Anni, and Krik's meeting with Skillya, that I wrote hoping to build tension. I might do something funny for Christmas, maybe. The (Somewhat out of Character, Fourth-Wall Breaking) Despicable Christmas Special!
Dripik, glad you liked the clock! The lift thing was predictable, but that's cus its the most sensible solution! I tried to focus on the emotion since the action was rather cliched. Draw some?
SkillyaSlig: glad you liked it and its always great to have a new fan!

Dripik again (for chapter 18), I'm glad you thoguht they matched theirW@RF selves, since I'm always a little insecure about that, particularly with T-nex's characters.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Chapter 19 is currently in the pipe-line, which is largely why I delayed posting 18. I'll try and get it finished by next weekend, but three pieces of coursework and going home from university at the weekend may slow me somewhat.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 12-09-2007 at 06:25 PM..
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12-09-2007, 08:36 PM
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Hurray for chapter 18! I find it quite odd that I'm so longing to read this fic. I was checking every chance I got to see if chapter 18 was up or not.
I do read stories, but if the don't have lots of action, magic, or cool dragons I tend to shy away. And of course I can never get tired of reading about love/romance/sex.
But for some reason I'm compelled to see what happens next in this story. How far are you going with this story? Does it stop after W@RF v1 ends?
Anyways can't wait for the next installment.
*Imagines love triangle between Anni, Dean, and Jav... perhaps I've been readin too many romance novels.*
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12-12-2007, 06:20 PM
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Yes Venks, yes you have. Their relationship is of the perfectly innocent child-parent/guardian/thingy type.

In other news, my mouse is broken.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 12-12-2007 at 06:24 PM..
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12-14-2007, 05:08 PM
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Guess I'll be able to reply to your story now, eh?

I've been following this closely, and I'm very pleasantly surprised at how well you are handling Anni, and how true you stay to her nature ^_^
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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12-16-2007, 08:11 AM
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Zozo the Zrilufet
Outlaw Cutter
: Oct 2006
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

yay Splat defied a logic of the universe and made T-nex come online, so now it shall rain chocolate-coated puppies. I love puppies. Yay fickles and Anni and sandwich...Yums. And I guess stuff happens next, and Anni does...Stuff and eats stuff. www.Icanhascheezburger.com . I am bad at commentatiobs .
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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12-18-2007, 03:36 AM
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Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)Splat  (2194)

Yayzee Nexy!!!!!!!!!!

Now I'm back home I've had a bit of a problem what with the story being on my laptop, the internet being on the PC and me being too lazy to transfer it across via flash drive. However, I will not be stopped!
I've written about half a page of chapter 20 and already I've left a little note for myself saying 'check this when on internet', which I will probably do when chapter 19 is up and posted... Which should be just after I finish the following paragraph.

Remember when I said chapter 16 was long? Well I just proved myself wrong...

Chapter 19

Dean threw away the sandwich he had made the night before and promising a swift return he had left Anni in hunt of a late breakfast, stopping en-route to wash and bandage his shoulder and arm, partly for reasons of hygiene but mainly because he wasn’t sure how people would react if he walked around the factory with blood all up his arm.

When he got down to the kitchen, he was confronted by one of the sligs; “Dean, where’ve you been?! You missed two meals!”

“Yeah, some vykker’s given me a mudokon to look after; I think she’s an experiment and they want me to take care of her pretty much all of the time.”

The slig looked terrified so Dean added, “I’ll try and get a friend to help out – the vykker said I could – so I might be able to get off in the afternoon at least to help out. I’ve just come now to get me and the mudokon some breakfast.”

The slig looked uneasy, “We have some leftovers from breakfast; they weren’t too bad, but…”

Dean busied himself for fifteen minutes cooking some pacon and eggs while having a hurried discussion with the sligs about lunch, and then carried the two plates upstairs. Anni was sitting on the bed waiting for him and when he asked her to she pulled the table over so she could sit on her bed and eat. Dean set down the two plates of food, muttered a ‘hang on’ and went into his room to grab his chair. By the time he came back she had already eaten half of the food. “Don’t eat so fast if you haven’t eaten for a while,” He told her, “You’ll make yourself sick.”

She obediently slowed down but not for long. She had finished and was asking for more before he was half done. “Not yet. I’ll get you some more later but if you eat too much at once you’ll be ill.” Once they were done Dean talked for a little while, just telling her any story that came into his head, and before long she curled up in bed and fell asleep. Hoping that she wouldn’t wake up he headed down to the kitchen and helped out the sligs until a while after midday, at which point he made a salad for Anni and headed up to her room.

In the corridor outside he ran into the vykker again who looked disapprovingly at him and asked, “Where have you been?”

“In the kitchens, doing my work. Anni was asleep so I thought it wouldn’t matter for a couple of hours.”

“And you decided to help yourself to a snack afterwards I see?”

“This is for Anni,” Dean answered coolly.

The vykker looked surprised, “She’s eating?”

Dean nodded, “She had breakfast this morning. And when I woke up she was screaming; she said she had a terrible headache.”

“Screaming because of the headaches?” Dean nodded; so the headaches weren’t new, but they hadn’t been so bad before? The vykker looked concerned and hurried away.

Trying to shrug off the worry the meeting had sparked in him, Dean entered her room. Anni was still asleep so he put the salad on the table and sat down in his chair, telling himself he was bored. In fact he was scared for Anni; how bad must that headache have been to make her scream like that?

It was another hour before she woke up and he stayed in his room until she had done eating. Eventually she knocked on his door and came in.

“Does Javi work outside?” She asked.

He nodded.

She looked hesitant before continuing, “Can you… see the – see the sky from where he works?”

He looked surprised, and paused for a second to make sure he’d understood her question properly before answering, “Of course you can.”

She took a very deep breath before asking, “Could we go out and see him?” She misinterpreted his look and added quickly, “It’s just I had a friend before who really wanted to see what the sky was like and she never got the chance and I hoped I could see it for her ‘cause I think it would mean a lot to her if I did see it...”

“You’ve never been outside? Not even when they brought you here?”

She shook her head, “I’ve always lived underground, in the lab, since I was hatched.”

He looked at her closely, studying her face carefully in case she was joking; there was a rumour about a big lab the vykkers had under the factory but no one took it seriously. But she had an earnest look which he could only interpret as genuine, so he asked, “Are you sure you’re up to moving about? I mean, are you – do you feel ok?”

She nodded, “Unless it’s really far.”

“No, it’s not far. But since you haven’t eaten in a while I wanted to make sure… Come on then, I’ll show you where he works.”

Her eyes lit up momentarily with excitement; it was the first positive emotion he’d seen in her and it took him by surprise. However, he hurried over to the door and looked out. He wasn’t sure if the vykker could encourage or prevent their expedition, and he didn’t want the vykker insisting he escort them or something, but fortunately the corridor was deserted and he let Anni out of the room and led her towards the back entrance.

The factory was built on a cliff, so the back entrance, which led to the animal pens, was on the floor above the front entrance and on the same floor as their rooms, so they didn’t have to use any stairs to get to their destination. As they walked through the factory Anni stayed very close to Dean, putting one hand against the wall to steady herself. They didn’t see any mudokons en route as they were all working at that time. A few times they were passed by sligs and Dean stood back against the wall, pressing Anni back as well, to let them pass. She seemed very interested in the sligs, and turned her head to watch them as they walked away down the corridors.

The sligs would normally stop a mudokon out walking during work shift, but most of them knew Dean as the mud who worked in the kitchens and therefore changed locations a few times a day, and many of them had also been told he was now looking after the vykkers’ latest freak, and so none of the ones they passed questioned him.

The journey wasn’t long and though with Anni walking slowly it took them 15 minutes to reach their destination.

They arrived at the door and Dean grabbed the lever that operated it and flung it open. He took a few steps outside when she called him, “Dean?”

He stopped and turned back. She was cringing away from the door, back into the factory. “What’s wrong?” he asked, concern growing in his voice. She was staring at him fearfully, and was breathing hard. It was obvious she was terrified of something. “What’s wrong?” he asked again.

Her eyes flickered over his shoulder and she took another step back, away from the door. He glanced behind him. “There’s nothing there. What are you afraid of?”

“Nothing, nothing there,” She echoed breathlessly.

He paused uneasily and then said, “Listen, shall I go and find Javi and bring him here to you?”

“No, don’t leave me!” She cried suddenly. She jerked as if she has tried to run towards him but had come up against an invisible barrier. He approached her slowly and once he came close she fell forward and latched onto him, her arms around his chest clutching him fiercely, and she was crying.

“What is it Anni?”

She gulped a few times before managing to answer, “It’s too big,” She panted, “Too open, too empty!”

He looked down at her uncomprehendingly. “What do you mean, what’s too big?”

She looked at him as if he was mad. He remembered that she had only become afraid after he opened the door so he suggested, “Listen, if you go inside a bit so you’re away from the door and I’ll go out really quickly and find Javi and he can come and talk to you.” He was remembering Javi’s comment about the animals the night before and thought his friend might prove useful.

Anni looked uncertain, but nodded. Dean led her into the factory a short distance and sat her down on the floor in a corner, “Now listen, you stay here and don’t move, ok? I’ll be back really soon.”

She nodded and he hurried away.

Anni sat in silence, the words ‘It’s just a big blue ceiling’, her own words, running through her head over and over again. She’d been so stupid! That horrible, open space, that sky so high offered no protection, gave no shelter. It was so distant, so cold, despite its beauty, that she had recoiled in terror at the sight of it. When she had looked out of that door she had felt like a rat at the entrance of its burrow, looking up and knowing that if she went out there would be no cover, and if some predator saw her she would not be able to hide.

She shivered and clutched her legs closer to her body. But she had promised! She had promised to Nova that she would see it for her, that she would walk beneath it, away from the walls and the glorious cover of a proper ceiling, oh, but she couldn’t, she couldn’t!

When Dean returned a short while later with Javi tagging along behind, she looked up at them almost fearfully. How could they go out there, walk under the sky so uncaringly, so indifferently? Javi knelt down beside her and said quietly, “You’ve never been outside, have you Anni?”

She shook her head frantically in confirmation.

“So you’re afraid of the open space?”

She nodded just as rapidly.

Javi glanced over his shoulder at Dean, looking briefly triumphant, while Dean scowled and then said to Anni, “There’s nothing to be afraid of out there, Anni.”

“To her there is; imagine how you’d feel if you’d never seen a vykker before all your life and then one suddenly jumped out at you!” Javi growled.

Dean paused to consider this, “I think I’d be terrified if a vykker jumped out at me now actually; I mean they’re that ugly…”

Anni managed a weak smile.

“Come on, Javi said softly, and the two mudokons helped her to her feet and back to her room, where they sat down and Javi began to talk about the animals he worked with. He told her all about them and she was completely captivated by what he said. She had liked just listening to Dean when he had spoken to her like this but when Javi talked about animals she became engrossed; she loved learning about them, and even asked a few questions. She longed to go out and see them herself but when she thought of the openness of the outside she felt a lump of fear growing inside of her, making her panic just at the thought. When this happened, Javi, who was sitting on the bed beside her, stopped talking and sat in silence until she felt better.

“Where’s Dean?” She asked a few minutes later.

Javi looked surprised that she didn’t know. “He went down to the kitchens ages ago to help them make dinner. I hope he brings us lots up ‘cause I don’t know about you but I’m starving! The sligs here are really bad at cooking when Dean’s not there to help them and breakfast was so bad I could hardly eat it!”

She smiled again and proceeded to tell him a long tale he could hardly understand about some people called Ben and Nova and about a lot of sligs whose names all got muddled up in his head. He smiled and nodded when it seemed appropriate and she was just finishing when Dean arrived carrying three well-filled plates of food, much to Javi’s enthusiasm.

She became quiet after they had eaten, and eventually Javi announced that he had to go and feed the animals before it got dark, and left. Dean convinced Anni to take a shower while he waited in his own room, but after she was done he found they had very little to do and nothing to talk about. He wondered what he would have been doing normally, but checked his thoughts; this was normal now, he realised, and the revelation came as a shock to him. In the last two days his life had changed so suddenly.

Over the next few weeks the routine of the three mudokons didn’t change much; Anni and Dean would wake up and spend the morning filling in time, sometimes just talking, sometimes walking around the factory. Once she had begun regaining weight she joined the other mudokons in taking two meals a day, and Dean would leave her on her own for an hour in the mornings to go and make breakfast. About midday, Javi would usually join them and Dean would go off to help with dinner. Then as it grew dark Javi would leave again and Dean and Anni would while away the evening, sometimes playing simple games, sometimes talking and sometimes just sitting in silence. Anni’s moods were as changeable as a fuzzle’s; sometimes she would be happy, playing and smiling and talking to them and telling them stories, and other times she would sink into depression, staying silent, eating little. The vykker would often come, usually once a day, to speak to Dean, prying him for every bit of information about Anni’s condition, her moods, her health, her habits; it made him feel uncomfortable to talk about her like that. When Javi left in the evenings, she would often look after him wistfully and move as if she was thinking of standing up, but then she would sink down and be miserable for a short while, and Dean knew she wanted to follow him, but was too afraid of going outside.

After some time her depressed periods became less and less frequent, and were shorter than they had been. She began to smile more, and even laughed a few times. Dean took her down the kitchens once and she became very excited by the smells, the sounds, the hustle and bustle. She talked to the sligs and a couple even talked back, and she laughed and enjoyed herself, but later when they returned to her room the vykker appeared and told Dean that it was too dangerous for her and she was not allowed to go down there again. Mentally calling the vykker every foul thing he could think of, Dean stomped into her room and dropped into the chair, glaring angrily into thin air, but Anni’s excitement was too unquenchable and too infectious for him to remain angry for long and when Javi appeared that day the three of them spent a mad afternoon playing games and running around. For Anni, that afternoon was almost as good as having Nova back, but afterwards the fact that her beloved friend was gone, would never come back, hit her harder than it had in weeks. She realised she would never hear Nova laugh again, or hear her sing that song; they would never play together ever again. And Anni became depressed for days after that. She still hated herself for having broken her promise of going outside for her friend, but she could not bring herself to go near that door.

“Sweet, sweet brew, I drink to you,” She tried humming to herself to bring up her courage, but it just didn’t work without Nova. She sometimes felt as if the world had been drained of colour, as her own skin had, and the skins of the male mudokons seemed disappointingly dull when she thought of the brightness of her friend’s. The mudokons were friendly, kind to her, but nothing to the protection Nova had given her. She missed the tingle of excitement that ran up her spine when she saw Nova’s sly grin, the joy she felt every morning when she woke up and saw her nearby, and she thought of what would follow that day. She loved listening to the stories of Dean and Javi, but they spoke of joys that she could not share in. She particularly loved hearing Javi talking about the strange and exciting and wild animals he looked after, and it gave her a longing to see them herself, but that only increased her longing to see Nova again, her smile, her love, but neither longing could ever be fulfilled she knew, and oh, the world looked dark!

Once she asked Dean to take her to that door. Maybe the fear had been shock, maybe she could get used to it, but once that door had been opened the overwhelming fear rose up again and she gasped and shook and she couldn’t breathe! She couldn’t move!

She felt that strangely disconnected feeling, like a kite released from its moorings, that she had felt only once before, and the room with two beds and the big machine, vykkers crowded round and Nova screaming swam before her eyes. The next thing she was aware of, she was on the ground, covered in sweat. Dean was holding her head up as she felt like she might vomit and, thank Odd, that horrible door was closed.

Weeks passed and she felt no better. When she slept she heard Nova screaming, and then she awoke and was filled with that horrible crushing longing to see her again that made her nearly cry out in physical agony. Her headaches got no better. She lost her appetite again, her want of sleep; she simply didn’t want to do anything.

Dean became more protecting of her, and inside she resented it, for she felt as if he was trying to take Nova away from her, and then she felt guilt for resenting him when he was trying to help her, and then she began to feel guilty for not keeping her promise, and her dreams changed so that Nova was screaming for help on the other side of that door, and she was too afraid to open it. Sometimes she woke up screaming, sometimes her head hurt her so badly that she couldn’t see or hear at all. She felt Dean holding her and she clung to him desperately as he was the only solid thing in her world.

Javi still came, but was silent. He always looked tired, spoke little, never laughed or told her stories. She remembered his animals and again wanted to see them for herself; she was terrified of the thought that she might forget them, to loose even that, after everything, would be too much, but he never spoke; she never spoke! She ate only as much as Dean could make her, stayed awake most nights and lay in bed all day. She ate, moved, washed, all automatically, as if her mind as gone and she was no more alive than one of those robots the vykkers had.

Dean made her eat, he made her shower; sometimes he even tried to force her to sleep. She wanted to cry because she could not do what he wanted, and he only wanted to help her, he wanted her to be happy, but she could not be happy. She would never be happy again. She lay in bed, she showered. Once when she was showering a headache struck her and she fell to her knees. She wanted to cry out to Dean but her throat felt tight and she could barely make a sound, so she screamed silently, clutched her head and breathed deeply until eventually the terrifying ordeal passed. She staggered to her feet and turned off the water as it was growing uncomfortably hot.

It was early evening and Javi had left to feed the animals only about half an hour before. She half dried herself and slid on her clothes, all very quickly, and opened the door into her room.

It was empty. Dean, she quickly discovered, was in his own room, asleep on his bed. She remembered her own agony just a few minutes before, and to see him there sleeping so peacefully nearly made her want to cry. Instead she went to the door and slipped out into the corridor.

She walked in silence. The work shift hadn’t ended yet and the day lights, much brighter than the dull illumination provided after hours, were still on. When she stopped she found herself standing in front of the door outside. Her dream seemed to flash in front of her mind, but though she heard Nova’s voice as usual, she was not screaming. She stretched out her arm and pulled the lever. That dreaded door opened.

The scene that greeted Anni’s eyes was the most beautiful she had ever experienced in her life. Above her the sky was pale blue, but on the far horizon it turned an incredible shade of purple. The purple faded to a sweet pink which in turn moved into orange, and it was brighter, more vibrant, more alive than she had ever imagined colour could be!

Below that orange the sky just above the horizon was pure, pale gold. A ball seemingly no bigger than her fingernail, of brilliant molten gold hovered in the centre of that final band, and as she watched, totally captivated, as seconds slunk into minutes, that incredible ball sunk slowly, slowly towards the horizon, and at long last vanished behind the black cut-out horizon.

She suddenly found, much to her surprise, that the factory was behind her. Both of her feet were resting on earth, real earth! Panting, she took several steps forwards, away from that door. The darkening sky loomed above her but the threat seemed to have gone with her. She suddenly realised that there was a large cage on her right and she turned and stared into the fanged faces of a pack of paramites, who stood silently observing her. She let out a gasp and found her legs carrying her forwards, between cages on her left and right. She caught the briefest flashes of the animals within: sights that would remain locked in her memory for the rest of her life. A pair of elums curling up against each other! A herd of meeps quietly chewing the grass! Fuzzles, snuggling into a hollow in the ground! Ratz! Slurgs! A scrab!

She stumbled to a halt and stared into the scrab’s cage. It was in there on its own, ‘So lonely’, she thought, ‘like me’

She approached the cage slowly and rested her hands on the bars. The scrab turned towards her and then lowered her head to the ground and let out a squawk.

Somehow she knew what to do as she lowered her own head and echoed its noise. She seemed to hear a voice calling her name but it was distant and seemed oddly alien to her ears. She chirruped to the scrab and stepped back.

The scrab replied with a gentle noise and turned away. Slowly Anni’s mind returned to the mudokon world and she heard the voice calling her again. “Anni, get away! That’s a scrab!”

She turned to see Javi running towards her; as fit as he was, he was gasping for breath. When he was a few metres from her he stumbled to a halt and stared at her in announcement before gasping, “You’re outside!”

It was the first time he had ever seen her look so happy.

* * *

It took some weeks for Anni to explain bits of her story to the two mudokons, though she didn’t explain to them how or why Nova had actually died, just that they had had an accident and the vykkers hadn’t been able to save her.

Dean asked her, many months later, “But you were so scared before! I mean the second time I took you down you even fainted! How did you get out there?”

Anni shrugged and said with faraway smile on her face, “It was Nova. I knew I could do it, because of Nova. It was like I heard her voice in my head, telling me I could be free.”


No spoilers plz k thx. (Well done Zozo Lolcats own those silly owls)

As I mentioned that is really the undefeated champion of the longness award.
It is also the last chapter of 'Sadist's Creation'.
It is also the last chapter of this story I'm likely to post in 2007. The sound of a couple of week's break is just too appealing.
I might stick up something Christmassy in the meantime though, so don't give up on me yet.

Part four will come in January and I imagine you can all guess who'll take the starring role then.

A lot happening in that chapter, a lot of emotion which I hope came across well. The latter half I wrote mostly between 12 and 3 in the morning on two different nights. Possibly me boing half asleep made it easier to write in character, or maybe I ended up going over the top. You know the only way for me to know, don't you?
Reply to this story and Santa will bring you an extra present! Seriously!

Oh, and if anyone caught the significance of that ending section, feel free to mention that you saw it, just don't mention what the significance of it is, for all my non-RPGing fans (Uncle Splatty takes good care o' ya, right?)

Either way, Merry Christmas everyone! And to all a good... afternoon.
Oh, and by the way, I worked out how one man can deliver presents to all the billions of children in the world on just one night: At the North Pole they have cloning...
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 12-26-2007 at 02:54 PM..
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12-18-2007, 07:26 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
Outlaw Cutter
: Oct 2006
: Scotland, Aberdeen
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

Hmm, seemed shorter whilst reading...Well the ending pwned my soul, it was like the big colourful ending of a movie with a vivid sky 8D. And uhhh...Its strange, because the first I read it it was about Stivik the slig, then later a vykker and Skillya and then the mudokon girls. Well yayness for the fic, I can guess who shall be next - (Is smacked) . Soooo...We'll all see after Christmas, many claps for the almighty Splat.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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12-18-2007, 11:18 PM
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That was a good chapter XD And yes, long too, but that was good! And yes, I get the significance of the ending *zips lips*

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12-29-2007, 06:57 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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There's cloning in the North Pole? Oh no, I think we are going to have an ethnics debate with Santa over the summer...

Over all, a good chapter. It clearly represented the idea that Anni was having her first trip to the outside. It was beautiful. And I love the little hint at the end about Anni and Nova. If only the others knew that- *is shot*

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