On the otherhand, I think I'm going to diss my job as Senior Lead, Top Dog
Executive of Spire Brokerage (my ruthless enterprise) and take on a job as
Top Executive at TerraWorks. Mmm, as they say the slogan is "Shaping the
terrain around you has never been fun!". Ohhhh, I'm turning against the
treehuggers as a traitors to form the OEO (the Official Exploitation of Oddworld). Anyone who joins this operation with faith and loyalty and
fights to live the day off will recieve the Official RBC (Red-Blooded Cloak) award for the destruction of the true traitors of Oddworld. Join us...imagine what we can accomplish...what we can create.
Let us kill the treehuggers and avenge our mighty tyrant, uh, Snoop Slog, nah, Spikie Row. Yeah, he will lead us to Victory. HAIL HIM.
Warped Wisecr4ck Wonders:
Why does hell tend to freeze over?
Last edited by Spirrow; 09-16-2006 at 07:41 PM..