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07-10-2002, 10:11 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

No Al my story aint finnish at all there are a lot of chapters still left buddy. I am thinking of at least 50 or 60 chapters to this. The ending is very complex to this that it would probabally take up at least 10 chapters tops. But my story is not over yet. Ever since the beginning of my story I have been planning the end and believe me you are going to be amazed. You should check my story every week because I put in a new chapter once a week.

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07-13-2002, 12:29 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
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Al the Vykker  (20)

I just finished reading all the chapters I missed while I was gone and well, you should really be a writer. The chapters are so descriptive, and your characters have developed so much from the beginning. I love this story it is truly amazing and one of a kind! Keep this up my friend!!!
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07-14-2002, 02:27 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
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Chapter 37 Tools of Destruction!

It was sun set and the white clouds billowed over Oddworld. A storm raged across the Conntinent And many strange creatures were flying everywhere. Then suddenly out of the thick clouds came Trilas in his flying vessel of destruction. Flying so fast and so determined, nobody could stop him. Only one thought was on Trilas's mind. And that was The Lost Relec of the Omega. He knew he was in the clear and nobody can stop him. For he has a more evil plan than Clorn.

"Master... my dear master I am getting close!" thought Trilas.

The sleek vessel started to head downward below the clouds. As he got closer to the ground it was raining and there were a few meeches in the area. The meeches began to hear the sound of an incomming noise. They looked at each other and screeched and ran off into the piles of junk. Then the sleek flying vessel in which Trilas occupied came to a landing. As it hit the ground it transformed back into a metal sphere. The hatch opened up and Trilas came walking out.

"Ah the Junk Waists! I have made it, at last the Relec is mine! Nobody will stop me now!" said Trilas.

"But first I must get my berrings correct! hmm... let me see here, ah yes, the center shall be do east I believe. But these blasted piles of junk will prolong the journey! No matter, I don't think I have anything to really worry about.

As Trilas threw his black cloak over him self he walked into the Junk Waist. Meanwhile Zin and company were flying on Wheely's back when suddenly a huge slawk bird started swiping at them.


But the massive bird was still following them.

"Damm that bird we need to keep moving, mann I hope Silak and Kluna are ok!" said Kleek.

Meanwhile back in the Junkwaist Silak and Kluna were out side of the fortress and were heading into massive piles of junk.

"Common... we have to hurry and get to the edge of the Junk Waists. Our friends will probablly see us better if they come looking for us." explained Silak.

As they were running threw the thick piles of junk a massive Rorm beast was in the area. Kluna and Silak suddenly ran into it and the beast became angry. It let out this huge roar and began to chase them threw the piles of Junk.

"AHHHHH...RUN!" yelled Silak.

As they were running for their lives the Rorm was starting to move faster and faster. Our friends manage to get around a large ben in the massive piles of junk. They could hear the sound of the beast but they couldent see him. Exalsted Silak and Kluna stopped.

"I think we lost it." cried Kluna.

Meanwhile on top of a small of junk pile Trilas was watching it all. He moved down the hill and hid himself in the a dark shadow.

"I don't hear it anymore I think hes gone! Lets keep moveing Kluna."

As they kept moving threw the junk a voiced came out of the darkness.

"Dont move!"


As the wind whiped past Kluna and Silak, the tip of a strange looking blaster was pointed on Silaks head. Then out of the shadows Trilas stood pointing his blaster to them.

"It is too late glukken! You are my hostage now!"

"Trilas... I should of known! who else would carry a blaster like that around!"

"Ha you two are my hostage now and you will surly wittness your destruction!"

As thunder cracked threw the dark sky Trilas tied Kluna and Silak with a lasor rope and pushed them into his sphere and rolled off. Meanwhile Zin and company landed down into the same area where Silak and Kluna were captured.

"whoa something must of happened here!" said Zin.

"Yea... looks that way!" said Kleek.

As they started coarsing threw the junk Zin notice a piece of paper with some writeing on it. He picked it up and read it. A crash of thunder cracked the skies and Zin yelled in horror


"What is it Zin?"

"Read this."

"Kluna and Silak are mine if you want them follow the trail! signed Trilas."

"I should of known. Trilas is here and he will probabally find the Relec. We have to hurry and follow this trail Zin before it is too late!" explained Kleek

"You go find them me and Blunk will stay here and have plan." explained Wheely.

"What sort of plan?"

"I will gather me other people and we will make search easy!" said Wheely

"Good idea! Zin lets go!"

And so they were off to rescue Kluna and Silak from Trilas. Where will this trail lead to?

Last edited by paramiteabe; 07-14-2002 at 06:35 AM..
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07-18-2002, 12:28 PM
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Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
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paramiteabe  (95)

Chapter 38 Comrads Reunite!

It was night and the sphere rolled over the rough terrane of the Junk Waist like a wheel of destruction. Kluna and Silak were being taken hostage by Trilas in search of The Lost Relec Of The Omega. Suddenly the sphere came to a screaching hult. The hatch opened and out came Trilas dragging his hostages with him.

"Now my friends, we will see who is the master now!" said Trilas

"You don't even know where it is! How could you possibly be considered a master? A scum such as your self Trilas!" replied Silak.

"Please... spare me your ignorince glukken! You and your people will die and I surely am destined for greatness!"

"You put a bad name on Mudokins Trilas!" said Kluna

"Oh do I! I am deeply sadden by your words MUDOKIN OF MUDOS! I may not know where it might be, but I have an idea." The moutain is where we shall go and you shall wittness your demise! Now we will set camp and you will be silent!"

"What are we going to do Silak? said Kluna.

"Lets just hope Zin will find us!" replied Silak.

Meanwhile a little ways awey Zin and Kleek were following the trail that Trilas left for them. Running as fast as they can they were in search of Kluna and Silak.

"We got to hurry! Who knows whats happening with Silak and Kluna!" said Zin

"Stop... I see something!" yelled Kleek


"Look...over there!" said Kleek.

"Why it's Kluna and Silak and that Dark Mud they must be camping out. Good we can go and rescue them."

"Oh my!" cried Kleek.

"What is it now?" asked Zin.

"Look over there!"

Then as they glanced down a little ways from Kluna and Silak, a frighten look came upon Zin's face as he noticed a horrible sight indeed.

"It's comming!" yelled Kleek "Lets move!"

Meanwhile back in the camp Kluna and Silak were awaken by a loud stomping noise. The ground shook a little and a silent rumble of thunder cracked the skies. As they looked into the darkness they saw nothing.

"What is that?"

"I don't know!" said Kluna.

As they were looking all around they saw nothing until a bloody meech came falling out of the sky and landing on the top of the sphere and started sliding to the ground. As lightening flashed and thunder rumbled the beast appeared in front of them. For it was a massive Rorm who was in the area indeed. As the Rorm moved closer and closer to the camp, Kluna and Silak were trying to free them selves from the lasor ropes. Then suddenly the Rorm let out the loudest roar and lightened flashed the skies. Trilas got up and took his blaster and started fireing on the beast as Kluna and Silak hopped there way to the remote. But as they got closer, the beast stopped them in their tracks.


"Grab it Kluna!"

"I can't reach it!"

Suddenly the Rorm started slashing at Kluna but just barely missed as the sharp claws of the Rorm, ripped open the power cuppling on the harness. Kluna and Silak were free of the lasor ropes. Trilas saw this but couldent do anything because the mighty Rorm was standing in front of him. As he stared at them with his evil look, he ran into his Sphere and flew off.

"Haha... I hope you are lunch for the Rorm, see ya fools!"

Then the sphere flew off and Silak and Kluna were stuck there with the beast. The beast started chaseing them and cutting them off in every cornor slashing and trying reach for them. But Zin was not too far from the action as he and Kleek came rushing in on Alpha Elums with spears. Suddenly Zin took his spear and jumped onto the beast's back, and Spearing the beast and killing it on instant.

"You guys found us!"

"We need to hurry Trilas knows where it is at. he flew off to that mountain!"

"What do we do with the Rorm?"

"Leave it... it's food for the meeches." said Kleek.

And so once again they were off but now they were together again.

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07-20-2002, 01:28 AM
oddling's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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oddling  (10)

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. *Stares at computer blankely for some time* Good was that. Chapters please more wright!

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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07-22-2002, 12:59 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

Chapter 39 The Mountain of Skulls!

A storm raged in the night as the sphere came in for a landing on top of the mountain. As the hatch opened Trilas came walking out wareing his black cloak over his sholders. A mild gust of wind blew over him and a silent howl was the only sound heard. He looked out and there he was standing on top of the world looking down at the Junk Waists and the rest of the Lost Continant. He turned and there before him lied The great Seal within the rock of the mountain of skulls. He only knew that this must be the place in which the Lost Relec of the Omega must be. The great seal was made of a gold and the design on the seal was the symbol of the inhabitants of Oddworld itself. Surrounding the sumbol was a ring with an unusual form of writing on the ends. At the top of the seal was an engraveing of a creature that no Oddworlden has ever seen before. Trilas knew that image of the creature is the ancient powerful race who once thrived in these parts. And he knew this engraveing of this being was the race that constructed the Relec itself.

"Master, my dear master... I am here show your self to me!"

Thunder rumbled the skies and the ground shook. Then suddenly the sky grew red and the face of evil appeared to him.

"You are the only one who can open the seal!" said Trilas.

"I am what I am! Why have you summon me?"

"Master this is the location you have been looking for. Surely you must be proud of me!"

"Indeed you have not proven to me that you found it because you have not proven your will to find that Relec! Proceed to your way to oblivion!"

Then a flash of white light shown over Trilas as he was picked up and thrown into utter pain.

"NOOOOOOO why do you do this to me? I am the leader of your dark Muds!"

Then suddenly other dark muds started teleporting into the area as Trilas stayed there hovering off the ground complaining in utter pain.

"Correction... we belong to him!" said the dark muds.

"I belong to nobody, ahhhhhh! But I accept, I accept! Stop I tell you... stop!"

Suddenly the flash stopped and Trilas was let down. As he got himself together he ordered the dark Muds to roll open the seal.
The seal opened to a large dark cave going into the mountain. Once the seal was open each Dark Mudokin disappeared and returned to their fortress. Trilas stood there stareing back at his master and telling him.

"There master, I shall retrieve the Relec for you and I shall not let you down."

"Very good my friend. Now seek it out and bring it to me!"

With a quick gust of win the face dissappeared into the night sky.

"Oh I will bring it to you alright!" As he laughed.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 07-22-2002 at 05:10 AM..
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07-22-2002, 05:14 PM
oddling's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: May 2002
: In my own little world
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oddling  (10)

Once again, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. *Stares at computer blankley again* Great chapter! Oh and now that I'm done with my other fan fic, I'm wrighting a new one called The Knucklehead Chronicles. It's about Abe and a Slig named Raquel, that team up with eachother and.. um..... do stuff. But don't worry about my stupid little fan fic, concintrate on finishing yours cause it's the best story I ever read!

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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07-27-2002, 02:04 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
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Al the Vykker  (20)

This is so cool. I cant wait for more Paramite Abe. The story is so original. You are really creative buddy. The descriptions are amazing. I feel like I am there, or watching it as a movie. Bravo!

Can't wait for more!
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07-31-2002, 01:57 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
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paramiteabe  (95)

Chapter 40 The Meech Nest!

"We have to keep moving! said Silak. Before it is too late."

"It is hard to walk through the Junk Waists because of all the ruble every where. If only we had that Sphere in which Trilas moves around in." explained Zin.

"I know what you mean this is tuff terran to walk through." said Kluna

Out of breath, they decided to rest a little before they were to set off towards the Mountain of Skulls again. The air was warm and muggy and there was a strange mist in the area. Suddenly they began to hear a strange scratching noise comming from underneath their feat.

"SHHH... listen, do you hear that?" said Silak

"What is it?" asked Kluna.

"I don't know, but it sounds like it is comming from under us." said Silak.

"I think we should keep moving. I really don't want to find out what that is!" said Zin.

"Yea Zin is right we already have been through enough trouble already dealing with the Gonkyaks and the Rorms and all. I don't think it is really wise to stay here. Besides we know what happens every time we take a rest. Something alweys happens guys!" explained Kluna.

"Yea Kluna is right. Silak lets keep going."


But as they took one step foward the ground began to break and our friends were falling into a deep crevas within the junk. They fell for 2 minutes when suddenly they hit the bottom of the crevas. As they were expecting when they were falling to hit a rock, but fortunately they hit a soft slimy surface that cushioned them when they chashed. It was pitch dark and very steamy. The fall made them go unconscence. Silak manage to keep his eye slightly opened before he blacked out. In that split second he saw a strange shadowey figure lash at him. But he was knocked out before he could do anything.

A couple hours past and Zin began to awake from his unconscenness when he found himself along with his comrads suspended in air. Held up by a sort of slimy mucas membrane that had rope like projectiles shooting out in all different derections. The membrane in the center was driping with a sort of degusting yellow slime. Where as the hundreds of rope like projectiles seemed to sort of web the membrane itself. He then realized that he was part of this desgusting web. One of the ropes were attached to himself. He looked down and his whole body was covered in a silky slime like materal as if he were like being cacooned. The others started to wake as well.

"What is this stuff?" said Silak.

"I don't know but I think we are going to find out soon enough."


As they looked forword they saw a bunch meeches crawing in and out of the web projecting out silk for their victoms. Zin only knew that they must of fallen into some sort nest for the meeches.

"What is this Zin?"

"If I am not mistaken I read about this. This is I believe a meech nest, and we are their dinner."

"Great what do we do now there are hundreds of them!" said Kluna.

"Zin how did you know so much about meeches? They are extinct on your continent!" Said Silak.

"We learn about them from the elders."

"Um guy's I think you should stop chit chatting and figure something out before he decides eat us."


Suddenly the membrane in the center began to shift as it turned and a most horrific sight appeared to them. The membrane began show body parts like arms and a face with no eyes. It had a massive belly with a huge abdomine. It began to let out this huge scream when suddenly other meeches came to sorround it. It began to polsate as a slimy egg squeezed it's way out of the creature. The other meeches sprayed out silk to catch the egg and to hold it in place. Each egg was picked up by another meech and taken to a cacooned victom. And surely enough our friends had an egg near them. The massive creature went back into a ball and the other meeches left. Leaving the cacooned victoms and our friends sorrounded by eggs.

"What the hell was that?" said Kluna

"I don't know! In ways it sort of reminded my of Maggie or Sam."

"What?" said Silak

"Long story you don't want to know, anyway we need to get out of here or we will be dinner for those meeches."

Suddenly the eggs began to hatch and out came a little meech. It started puring and hissing and investigating the cacoon. Then with no hesitation the meech screamed and took one massive bite out of the cacoon. It started devouring it and as it swallowed it, the meech grew in size. Our friends began to struggle but couldent move within their cacoon. Then suddenly their eggs began to hatch as the little meeches began screeching and hissing at them. trying to swing them selves in the webbing Zin remembered he had a small knife in his belt. Dodgeing every bite attempt, Zin reached into his cacoon and started to cut awey to get himself free. He manage to cut his friends free of the their cacoons kicking the on comming meeches.

"Common we got get out of here!" CLIMB CLIMB!" yelled Zin.

As they were climbing up the cravas through the webbing it alarmed the queen meech and so it screamed and soon enough the whole nest was following them up the crevas. The meeches were moving faster and faster as they were getting closer to the top. Silak manage to climb himself out but Kluna and Zin were still climbing.

"Here grab this branch!"

"Alright Silak!"

As they grabbed it the meeches started slashing at the two and Kluna Manage to kick the meech down the webbed crevas.

"We made it out of there in one piece! We need to be more careful!"


Watch out!"

Suddenly a bunch of meechs came out of the crevas and started attacking our friends. They saw the Mountain Of Skulls ahead of them. So they ran for it awey from the on comming pack of meeches. Will they make it to the moutain? time will only tell.

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08-01-2002, 01:09 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
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paramiteabe  (95)

Chapter 41. Desperate Help

In the cave Trilas was seeking out the relic and at the same time our heroes were being chased by the large pack of meeches. It was beginning to get daylight as the sun rose over the Oddworlden landscape. Our heroes were running for their lives as ever more increasing dangers awaited them.

"Common we got to hurry!" yelled Silak

"You don't think I know that Silak!" replied Zin. "Common Kluna!"

As they were running for their lives the many screams of the meeches were getting louder and louder. One of the meeches cought up to Zin. Suddenly Zin was surrounded and his friends still were running. As he yelled out for his friends, Kluna and Silak came rushing in. But suddenly as they came running towards Zin a massive Rorm came rampageing into the area. Blocking Kluna and Silaks path to Zin. The meeches were about to attack. They were hungry and nothing would stop them now. Zin noticed his Alpha Elum a little ways awey from the pack. But he wasent sure why the meeches werent attacking his mount. It was almost as if the meeches had a purpose.

Suddenly one of the meeches stood up and made this hunting loud howel as he ran at Zin with his strangth pinning him to the ground. It stared Zin right into the eye and snarled and hissed. Its breath was unbearable most likely from what ever it ate before. And it's mouth parts stained pink. This meech was hungry hungry for blood. Zin notice his spear lieing on the ground but he was pinned by the meech. He thought to him self "Where is Kleek when we need him!"

Meanwhile Kluna and Silak were fighting the Rorm as the beast was rampageing through the piles of junk. The Rorm was going crazy and Kluna and Silak needed to get to Zin. But everytime they attempted to run, the beast would block them.

Suddenly Kleek came rideing in on his Alpha Elum along with Wheely and Blunk. They started attacking the beast but the beast started fighting back. Wheely being a robot took out a small blaster and started fireing on the Rorm. The beast made this loud roar and started chaseing Wheely in circles trying to grab him. But Wheely manage to dodge it's attacks. He fired more missles on the Rorm and the Rorm began to to stumble about. As the beast was beginning to feel the affects of the missles. The rest of them grabed their spears and jumped onto their Alpha Elums and started attacking it.


As a huge onslaught of spears were being thrown into the mighty Rorms chest. The beast kept stumbleing as our heroes attacked it with clubs and aroes. The beast was comming to a halt as he stood their whining in pain.

"Look at it, oh my odd it's going to fall! yelled Blunk. RUN!"

As the bloody Rorm stuck with many spears whobbled back and forth and side to side it began to fall. Our heroes manage to get out of the way and the beast came falling to the ground with a huge pound.


"We did it! Yea wooo!"

"Hey we got to rescue Zin he is caught by meeches lets go!"

Meanwhile Zin lied there stareing at the meech that pinned him to the ground. But the meech began to let loose as Zin got him self up. The rest of the meeches started circleing Zin and ever more increasingly gaining up on him. One of the meeches lashed out and suddenly scratched Zin on his arm. Zin held his arm in utter pain as he picked up his spear. But he could not throw for the meeches were too close. He ward them off everytime one went for him. Soon every meech stoped and were hissing and snareling at Zin. Zin only knew that this was the end and he couldent do anything now. Each meech cried out with their horrific howel as each meech were about to jump at him in one blow. Zin closed his eyes as the meeches jumped. He yelled with horror but suddenly everything went silent. He opened his eyes and surprisingly all the meeches were gone. The he saw all of his friends standing in front of him holding their their weapons. As he looked into the distance the meeches were running awey.

"Wha... what happen?"

"You were surrounded by meeches Zin."

"I know that but what did you guys do?"

"We were attacked by a Rorm and we couldent get to you Zin. so we had to fight the beast before we were to get to you."said Kluna.

"I thought you guys forgot about me."

"No, what made you think that Zin?"

"I donno I guess I just lost faith for awhile back there. How did you guys get rid of the meeches?" asked Zin.

"Well meeches are afraid of Alpha creatures such as our Elums and me being an Alpha Slig and Blunk being an Alpha Gabbit. We are like Gods to the meeches so they run off when we threaten them." explained Kleek.

"Really, Meeches are known to hunt Elums on Mudos." said Zin

"It is a good thing we got to you in time or you would have been breakfast. It is also a good thing Wheely found us at the right time." explained Silak.

"Yes me has gathered a bunch of me peoples to help in our mission." said Wheely. Kleek went to find me after we saved you from Trilas."

"Thats good to hear!" said Zin.

"Your hurt." said Blunk

"Oh don't worry it's only a minor scratch." replied Zin.


As Blunk threw him a piece of cloth to cover his wound.

"It is a special cloth mended by the alpha gabbits themselves. it has special healing properties." Explained Blunk

"Thanks. Now lets get out of here and head to the Mountain my friends!"

And so they did as all six of them mounted on their Alpha Elums with Wheely following, they were indeed off.

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08-01-2002, 06:20 PM
oddling's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: May 2002
: In my own little world
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oddling  (10)

Very interesting.... Meech's afraid of Alpha creatures......... I really should start working out. Oh and thanks for replying to my story, keep up the good work!

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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08-02-2002, 10:26 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
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Al the Vykker  (20)

Doing great Paramite Abe Keep this up. And you could get my Writers Award I will present to one of the Fan Fics.
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08-05-2002, 12:41 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

Chapter 42 The Gaurdian of The Relec

Trilas was moving ever so carefully down through the dark cave in the Mountain of Skulls. As he approached the bottom, the narrow passage opened to a large chamber filled with hundreds of pillers hundreds of feat high. The pillers were massive in width and at the other side of this chamber lied a large alter with a beam of light shining onto it. The light seemed to have iminated from the crystals within the cealing. Trilas only knew this was it. But he was smart and not so quick minded in snaching it. He knew something was up, and he knew there was a catch to whole thing. So he took his staff and threw it into the middle of the chamber as the staff suddenly was vaporized by two powerful lasor blasts comming from both sides. The place was bubby traped for any travelers who ventured into the chamber would die.

As he looked at the walls of the chamber he noticed the two statues of the so called race that build these catacombs. Each statue had a crystal in it's eye and he knew that is why the staff vaporized in front of him. The lasor blast came from the statue. He thought to himself.

"If only I can get through there without being seen by the statues."

"I will have to be careful and stick to the shadows." thought Trilas.

He began to walk forword stareing ever so frighten of the massive statues looking right down at him. It was as if the statues could see him. He crept further and further towards the alter stareing at the statues. The statues stareing rightback looked harmless but he knew their power. As he stopped and looked at the ground he saw a skeleton of an ancient warror with a sheld of the inhabitants of Oddworld imprinted on it. The skeleton was wearing a helmet and holding a sword. He only knew he was one of the victoms of the statues. The statues began to show a glowing light comming from within the eye. Then suddenly each statue blasted it's lasor towards Trilas with him jumping as far as he could from the two powerful lasor blasts. He made it to the alter un touched. as he picked himself up and dusted himself off he walked up to the alter and there lied an inscription and strange rock glowing blue and humming. He read the inscription under the Relec.

"Those who venture into the land of the Lost shall know their cost. The creature shall rise from the darkness and scare. For he is the guardian of the Relec in here."

As Trilas read the messege he slowly grabbed the Relec from the alter as an errie sound came from within the darkness. With the light shining only on him and the alter he couldent see into the darkness of the cave. Then suddenly two red eyes appeared within the darkness as a shape began to form in front of him. He grabed his sword and blaster for he knew he wasent alone. Then the creature of the cave slowly walked out of the darkness moveing towards him. It was huge with two serpant heads with a body that had multipal legs. It started hissing as it breathed fire. Its eyes burning red, stared at Trilas.

Suddenly the two serpant heads started shooting flames at Trilas trying to retrieve the Relec from him. Trilas started dodgeing the fire blasts and trying to kill the beast but missing every chance he got. He only knew that this creature must be the Guardian Of The Relic. The creature kept gaining up on him as the hissing got louder and louder. The beast then opened his red eyes and shot a strange blast towards him. As Trilas dodged the blast, it caused the alter to turn into stone. It fired again hissing louder and caused Trilas's sword to become stone.

Suddenly he jumbed onto the stone alter. With one deep breath, he then jumped onto the creatures back rideing like crazy. He took his spear and stabbed the beast right into the neck then ripping one of it's heads off. The beast threw him off and stumbled about. It moved into the view of the statues and suddenly the creature was vaporized right in front of him. What was left was it's own skeleton. Trilas took a deep breath as he held the relic in his hands and thought to himself.

"I did it, they will never catch me now!" as he laughed in his miniacal way.

"Master, this rock shall give me power and you will bow to my knees!"

As he sat there stareing at the glowing rock and laughing.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 08-04-2002 at 04:56 PM..
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08-05-2002, 03:36 PM
oddling's Avatar
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Damn that can't be good. Trilas has the relic, uh oh, this is the best fan fic I ever read, seriously! You really should be an author!

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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08-06-2002, 06:37 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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This is really unfortunate news. I wondor how the rest of the gang can stop him. Cant wait though.
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08-07-2002, 02:03 PM
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Chapter 43 New Mission

Zin and company approached the Mountain of Skulls as they began their assent into the clouds. As Trilas high up on the mountain, emearged from the cave, he was attempting to open up the Relec of the Omega but couldent for strange forces held it shut. He called out to his master.

"Voice I have what you've seek. Give me power and I shall give you the Relec Of the Omega."

With a rumble of thunder and lightening, the deep voice of the dark void called out.


"I have!"


"But voice I cannot open this relic. It is locked in my hands!"


With a sudden gust of wind the face dissappeared into the sky. Trilas stood there standing on top of the world stareing at the pulsateing relic and thought to him self.

"Why can't I open this damm thing!" thought Trilas. It is a must that I shall get this almighty power to destroy this Conntinent. Clorn shall bow to my knees if I posess such power. For he fears this. What sort of power does this Omega relic have to offer? hmm? Clorn treats me as if I was his loyal servant. Yes all the rest of the Dark Mudokins seem to be like drones in a nest. But I am different. For I possess something that all dark Muds dream of. And that is a saul, A mind of my own and nothing will stand in my way for that. Not even Clorn! But what of the Glukkens? Could they defeat me? No matter they who seek this wounderous object will die!"

As he sat there laughing, our heros were approaching the cliff with the cave. Zin suddenly stopped to take a breather.

"Guys stop. We have been traveling all night warding off Meeches and Rorms. I have this feeling Trilas found it."

"We must keep going Zin. We have gotten this far nothing is stopping us now." said Silak.

"Yea listen to Silak! We have traveled across 10 thousand miles of dangerous lands to save this Conntinent from an evil force that none of us know too much about. Why stop Now Zin." explaned Kluna.

"You know your right, it's just that I have been thinking about this journey. Kluna, remember when we were stranded at sea?"


"Well back then we were weak and valnerable. We thought we were going to die but we dident. I am just saying I am proud of you."

"I am proud of you too and what ever happens Zin we can handle it."

Yes we have proven our selves to be good friends. I just want to tell you that I am so sorry for treating you like a small mud who doesent know how to do anything. You have certainly proven otherwise."

"Thanks Zin!"

"Well I hate to break such a tender moment, but Trilas is getting awey!" yelled Kleek.


Suddenly out of the cloud came flying his Sphere. Swooping down towards them, with an insane laughter comming from it, Trilas yelled out.

"Fools, you really think you have a chance against me?"

"You, glukken I shall have your head on a platter when I become devine! So long fools!"

"We will see about that!" yelled Silak.

And then the sphere left the scene and headed towards the fortress of Clorn. Trilas was gone and our heroes were stuck and Silak began to go crazy with anger."


"Silak stop, it's too late he has the Relic we have to get back!"

"Zin you don't understand! He is hunting me, and I need to confront him."

"He is gone we will get him!" yelled Kluna.

With a deep breath Silak relaxed himself. All six of them climbed up on top of the cliff side. The sun was beginning to set and Zin approached Silak putting his hand around his back.

"We will find him Silak don't worry!"

"It's not that, he has the Relic and we don't." said Silak

"Wheely can fly and all of us can head back to the coast. You see we don't need to walk anymore." explaned Zin "We will find the Relic, I guarentee it."

"Good!" Said Silak. As they stared into the sunset looking on with determination.

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08-07-2002, 06:51 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Another great chapter, I cant wait to find out what happens next!!!!!!
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08-09-2002, 12:57 PM
molluck2's Avatar
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ooooo..... juicy!
That's suppa great wrte more,more,more...

*in a quet calm voice* please
If i wouldn't test it on fuzzles, i'd be testing it on my neighbours and maybe even on you!!

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08-10-2002, 04:43 PM
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Chapter 44 Dawn of the Guardians Children

The sleek silver vessel flew in and out of the huge clouds that dotted the morning sky for miles on end. In the distance loomed the Fortress of Clorn upon a dorment volcano and below lied the great swamp lands. It was nearing sun rise and Trilas was growing ever more confident with himself. As he approached the fortress his sleek vessel began to transform back into a normal sphere. It came in for a landing on a small platform. The hatch opened and out came Trilas with the Lost Relec of The Omega in his hands. A slight breeze blew over him and made a quite howel as his black cape blew in the wind.

"Open the gates!"

"Yes sir!"

Suddenly a dark mud walked up to a lever and pulled it and the huge gate to the fortress opened. Trilas moved in.


"Yes sir!"

Quickly Trilas headed for the dark room as the halls seemed to go on forever.

"Open the gate." as Trilas ordered the chamber guard.

The gate opened up to the dark room. He moved to the end of the platform and called out to the voice of the dark void.

"Master I have the relec in which you sought. Give me your attention."



"But master?"


"Yes master."

Trilas then left the room and headed out of the fortress thinking to himself on how easy this all sounds to him. He began to laugh.

"hehehehehehehehe hahahahahahahahahahaha! so my master doesent need this relec right now eh! Well then my plan is working ever so perfectly. I will summon the children of the guardian to destroy that pesky glukken and his friends. Beware Clorn, the time is at hand that I Trilas will be devine hehehehehehehehehehe hahahahahahahahahaha!"

Trilas then flew off in his vessel towards a cliff along with the relec. Meanwhile our heroes were approaching the swampland flying so gracefully on Wheely back.

"Wheely, how much further?"

"Not too much Kleek. Me see Clorns fortress in the distance!"

"Very good, keep on the presant coarse."

"Silak what has happened here, it looks different." asked Zin.

"I don't know, Clorns power must be growing!"

"Silak is correct. When the three of you left in search of the relec the armies of evil took these lands and drove out the races of peace. My people too were driven out by the forces of Clorns great army." explained Kleek

"Just how big is this army Kleek? asked Kluna. I can't believe the Alpha Sligs were too driven out of their kingdom!" said Kluna

"My boy, it is of tens of thousands of solders that belong to the forces of darkness. But a resistence is forming at the coast ready to attack the fortress. That battle is looming close my friend!" explaned Kleek.


As they were moveing quickly through the morning sky in and out of the clouds Trilas was standing high upon a cliff over looking the swamp lands watching them closely through his visor.

"So Silak, you really think you can out smart me now eh!" You are in for a big surprise hehehehehehehehehehehehe hahahahahahahahaha!"

Then he took the relec in his hands and held it high in the air calling out the words.

"I summon the children of the guardian! Arise from your graves and take revenge of your sauls doom!"

Suddenly he pointed the relec to the ground and there came upon a deathly silence when the ground began to break open in front of him as Mudokin skeletons came crawling out of the ground. It was more than just Mudokins for it was other skeletonal creatures as well. Some with wings and others like sepants. Then the mudokin skeletons took out poisoned tiped arrows and pointed upward into the sky aiming for our friends.

"On my orders my children, fire!"

The skeleton mudokins stood streight in a row waiting for the orders. Meanwhile our friends were flying towards this when Zin noticed what was occuring.

"Silak whats that?"

"I don't know! They look like...oh my we need to keep flying!"

"What is it Silak?"


"Who?" said Kluna.

"The children. Fallen creatures or dark Muds who have died in combat. They are skeletons that will attack even in the air!"

With a frighten look on Zins face they were flying towards the small group of skeletons. Trilas then ordered them to shoot. Suddenly they came flying in as each skeleton started shooting at them. Dodgeing a sworm of arrows they escaped the first round.

"Fire my children keep fireing bring them down as the scum they are!"

More and more poison arrows were being fired upon them.

"Keep dodgeing them Wheely!"

"Me trying master Silak!"

"What is that?"

Suddenly out of the clouds came flying skeleltons attacking them fiercely. Suddenly Kluna was hit by one of the poison arrows causeing Silak to fall into the dark swamps below. Trilas looked on and saw Silak fall and headed awey. Meanwhile our friends managed to escape and land on the other side of the swamp.

"We need to land Wheely! Kluna is wounded!"

"Yes me master Kleek!"

They landed in a safe spot on the other side of the swamps and rested as Zin looked on in disbelief.

"What do we do now Kleek? We lost Silak in the swamps!" said Zin. And Kluna is hurt!"

"We need to hurry for the poison is leathal if ignored. Our only hope is to find a wich doctor named Lazlo the Vykker. He lives on the edge of these swamps in the Vykker kingdom of the trees. He is our only hope for Kluna and for us." explaned Kleek.

"But what of Silak? He is lost in the dark swamp lands!"

"He is a resourceful and strong Glukken. I am sure he is ok. We will find him Zin, I promise you that!"

As Kleek put his hands around Zin holding Kluna with Blunk and Wheely stareing on at the swamps. What will be of Silak?

Last edited by paramiteabe; 08-12-2002 at 05:35 PM..
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08-16-2002, 02:53 AM
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Chapter The Swamps feeding frenzy!

The air was musty and damp and it was dark as night. The swamp trees stood tall and Silak lied high up in a branch knocked out from his fall. Birds came flying by pecking Silak thinking he was dead. Then suddenly a small moan came from him and his eyes opened. As he got himself together and grabed a branch and warded off all the birds. As they flew awey Silak got himself together and jumped to the ground. In lots of pain he moaned.

"Ohh... Ohhh mann help, help anybody help!"

"Where am I?" Thought Silak. As he looked around and saw nothing but dark swamp in all directions. He was afraid that his friends believed he was dead and that they will give up searching for him.

"Great, now I am in trouble! What do I do now? There is nothing but swamp in all directions. Kluna and Zin probabbly think I am dead. I must find them or show them somehow to find me. The only thing I can think of is get to the volcano and climb. Then start a fire and and make smoke signals." thought Silak.

And so he was off But meanwhile Kluna and Zin and company were makeing their way into the swamps when Zin realised more meeches were headed their way.


"What is it Zin?" said Kleek.



"Just do it!" yelled Zin.

"What about Kluna?"

"Take him Kleek! Go to that giant log over there! I will see whats going on."

"Blunk, Wheely we need to hide!"

"We comming master Kleek!" said Wheely

Suddenly as Zin approached the top of a small rise on the edge of the swamp he saw a massive herd of meeches running across the field. They were running in a zig zag fashion as if they were about to attack prey. Then suddenly one of the meeches saw Zin standing on the rise. It screamed and suddenly in a matter of seconds the herd began to run towards him at top speed. Zin began to run towards the log as meeches started running up aside of him and passing him. It was as if the meeches werent after him but running to something. Suddenly a small herd of normal elums were running out of the swamp. The meeches started attacking them and devouring them as Zin hopped over the log. There was blood everywhere for it was a meech feeding frenzy. Some of the meeches stayed and investigated the log. They were poking their heads through and started snareling at them fiercely. One of them jumped up onto the log and looked down at them and snarled. But suddenly just before the meech was about to attack normal Scrabs and normal paramites were also in the area which elerted the meeches that were on them. The massive herds were still running when suddenly a rorm beast came rampageing out of the swamp and pinning a meech to the ground devouring it whole with paramites and scrabs picking up the scraps.

"keep low guys we don't want him to see us!" said Zin. As the Rorm was feeding on its prey. They crept un noticed into the swamps and headed to the Vykkers kingdom of the trees. At the same time Silak was crossing the dreaded swamps in hopes of finding his friends alive.

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08-17-2002, 01:33 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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I just caught up on the past two chapters Nice work Buddy keep it up.
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08-18-2002, 10:49 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Chapter 46 Close call!

"You can't do this to me!" Cried Chun inside a small cell along with the many other Alpha slig captives. I will not allow this maddness to overcome this land!"

"Silence you alpha slig you will kneel before Clorn!" As the dark Mud kicked him in the chest.


"heh... you piece of scum! When Trilas gets a hold of you, you will be the first one to surly die!" laughed the dark Mud.

As the dark mud pulled awey the cage holding the almighty king of the Alpha Sligs "Master Chun", he suddenly spit into the dark Muds face.

"Take that you insinificant piece of sh**! When the relec is in our hands you will see your demise!" laughed Chun.

Suddenly the guard came up to the cage and held Chun by his neck curseing at him and laughing.

"You are a fool arent you? My comander already has the relec and your so called heros are dead heh! As the dark mud druled on Chuns face. Now why don't you sit in your cage and rot for the scum you are!" As the guard threw Chun to the ground!"

"HA!" as Chun sat there stareing at the guard.

Meanwhile within the swamps Silak was approaching the dorment volcano. He knew he had to climb to get to Clorns fortress but he also knew that Trilas could be waiting for him at the top. Then suddenly Silak triped and fell into a small dip in the ground. It wasent too deep but something was liveing in it. As he got himself together he noticed a small patch of dead grass lieing next to him. As he got himself up he looked at the patch and fear struck his face for there were hatched eggs lieing in the patch. He knew he wasant alone. The dip was dark and misty with shrubs growing out of it. Then as he stared forword into the darkness of the small pit he froze in utter fear. He started moveing backwards and his heart was pounding as he stared up. then as Silak was moving further and further he came to the side of the pit but he suddenly steped on a sort of soft mushy surface. He looked and there was a dead bloody meech that he was touching. He looked up again and more fear struck him as the yellow eyes gazed down at him.

He knew he was in trouble for he stumbled into a Rorms nest.
The Rorm got up and moved towards Silak and suddenly she picked up the dead meech with her massive jaws. It started chewing it up and droping it's body parts to the ground. Then out of the shrubs came three baby Rorms eating awey at the flesh of their mother's capture. The mother stared right at Silak and Silak slowly moved himself out of the pit stareing right back. Surpriseingly it did not attack him.

Sweat drained from his face as he quitely, without disturbing the nest got out un harmed. He was relieved that he was in the clear and that the Rorm was only feeding his young. It stared again at Silak and grinned as her yellow eyes gazed at him.

"Oh my, I think I know what she was thinking!" thought Silak.

Silak started to climb his way to the top. Meanwhile the rest of his friends were approaching the Vykkers kingdom of the trees. It was a valley filled with large swamp trees with round and pointy dwellings in them. The sight was magnificent indeed.

"We made it Kluna we will find Lazlo the Vykker and he will cure you!" said Zin.

"With a weak voice Kluna replied. "Great... I can't wait!"

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08-21-2002, 02:18 PM
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chapter 47 The Vykker kingdom!

Our heroes were approaching the gate way to the Vykker kingdom when Intern guards stoped them. But these Interns could talk for they had no stitched mouths.

"Halt who goes there!" said the guard.

"It is I Kleek of the Alpha Sligs. We wish to seek Lazlo for it is of great importance."

Then suddenly the gatway opened to the kingdom and the sight was indeed splendid for them. As they walked in, the kingdom was filled with Vykker dwellings that were extending for thousands of feet into the mile high swamp trees. There were lots of them with bridges connecting to each like a web. Suddenly a Vykker came down on a primative elevator pully system and greeted their guest.

"Greetings my fellow Oddworldians. My name is Sanrees the Vykker. I am the loyal assitant of my friend Lazlo. Tell me who are they? They do not look like they would be of this land. Strange that a Mudokin needs to talk to us. We don't like the Mudokins for they do hideous things to us Vykkers." said Sanrees.

"These Mudokins are not of this land my friend Sanrees. They come from Mudos. They wish of piece of you. They only seek to be home again and to destroy the evil that has enveloped this land. Not from wanting but from destiny. Kluna here needs to be cured and Lazlo is our only hope." explaned Kleek.

"I see, strange these creatures are from Mudos. Quite oppisite from our lives. How do I know you are telling the truth. We have been raveged and threaten by Clorn and his army of darkness. We are not extinguished as they hope we would be." said Sanrees.

"You have my word. For it is Silak who we honor here."

"A glukken?" thought Sanrees. As he stared at other Vykkers in the area. The other Vykkers were surprise to here of this.

"Its a shame the glukkens have gone through slavory and persecution. They are a strong race and whoever befriends the glukkens befriends us. Guards escort our new found friends to Lazlo."

Then they were sent into a huge lift that lifted them high into the trees. They were approaching a strange spiral shaped dwelling. The structure was quite large and beautiful. As the pulley lift connected to the spiral dwelling the door opened and our heroes were escorted inside.

"I here Lazlo is the wisest of the vykkers. We are in good hands." said Blunk.

With a weak voice Kluna agreed. "I sure....hope so!" said Kluna with his weak voice.

"Zin I have been haveing bad dreams. Its consumming me from inside. Hurry or I will....die!" Said Kluna.

"I know Kluna we will! I promise, we will!" As they were escorted in.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 08-21-2002 at 06:29 AM..
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08-22-2002, 06:47 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Updated at last my friend! Excllent so far, so they have made it to the Vykker Kingdom............. Keep it up!
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08-24-2002, 09:14 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Chapter 48 The heart of the Situation!

At the fortress enterence Trilas stood there staring out at the land holding the relec and sorrounded by other dark Muds. He knew the war was comming and he knew Silak wasent dead.

"Master why do you keep after that glukken? He can't destroy you. For you have the relec and you are imortal. Why carry such a pointless burden on yourself?"

Trilas turned to him and interrupted him.

"Ah, but He temps me! He temps me for the day! I will chase him around the Junk Waists, and around the great forests and through Oddworlds hells hot, before I am through with him! He knows my game!"

Meanwhile Silak managed to climb himself onto a rather big ledge on the dorment volcano. The wind whiped passed him and thunder rumbled the skies. He noticed a small patch of trees on the ledge. So he took shelter and bult himself a fire. while he was keeping himself warm, he knew of the war that was comming. He was determined to hunt Trilas to the death for the relec, and to bring down Clorn. The only question in his mind was "how?" Trilas destroyed his home of Zilanoff and along time ago His own family was murdered by him. Nothing would stop Silak in seeking his revenge for Trilas. Not even his new found friends. Through his journey across the land he never told his friends of his past and why he was so determind to hunt Trilas. He couldent cerry such a burden for his friends to know of the true nature of his arch enamy. So he kept it to himself this whole time.

Meanwhile back in the Vykker kingdom our friends were approaching Lazlo The Vykker. The great wich docter of the swamps. He was a fat Vykker with an elaborate colorful cloak.

"Who seeks me?" asked Lazlo.

"It is they who seek you my friend. They befriended the glukkens so you have no worry. Those Mudokins come from Mudos." said Sanrees.

"Mudos? Hmm! What is the nature of your situation?"

"We come to seek you all great Lazlo. My friend here needs your help. He has been poisoned by the guardian children. We need you to cure him." explaned Zin.

Lazlo turned to his many helpers.

"What kind of cure does he need?" wispered Lazlo.

"Try the spooce juice Lazlo." said one of the Vykkers.

Then he turned back to them.

"Come forth Mudokin of Mudos. Bring your injured friend to me!" ordered Lazlo.

"Strange you are. I have never seen a Mudokin that came from Mudos. Though I have heard so much of that place." As he picked up a daley Deception Newspaper talking about the events of Rupture Farms. Zin was surprised to see that Lazlo was holding a Daly Deception.

"But how did you get ahold of that Newspaper?" asked Zin

"My friend, news travels quickly across Oddworld." As they both laughed.

"Your friend is suffering from a magical poison. The only way we can cure him is that he must drink the juice of the spooce. Only I hold Spooce juice. Believe me it is hard to come by."

So they had Kluna drink the Juice and he fell asleep.

"Zin, don't worry it is the effect of the spooce. He will feel new again in a day. Let him sleep."

"Thanks Lazlo for everything!"

"I wish you and your friends to join us for dinner. We would be deeply happy." said Lazlo. "You are safe here!"

"We will be more than happy to, Lazlo." said Zin.

"Zin I must discuss some important buisness with Lazlo regarding the situation. When Kluna awakes we will set out again. said Kleek.

They were safe for the time being but Silak sat up on that cold dark ledge woundering about his friends and his destany. Will they ever meet? Or will they die in the process of doing so?

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08-25-2002, 11:28 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Another great chapter, I like the details you give whenever I read this I feel like I am really there, you are still really writing this story great, It gets even more interesting every new chapter you post.
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08-27-2002, 06:49 PM
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Chapter 49 The beginning of the End!

In the deepness of night Silak sat on that ledge shivering in the cool air upon the volcano. The thoughts raged his mind in the retrieval of the relec and the demise of his arch nemisis Trilas. He has come to realize that Clorn was no queen nor king but as an evil god who can be whatever it wants, hunting the minds of hundreds of thousands. The relec can destroy Clorn but he knew that it must be opened first in order to do so. For he also knew that not just anyone can open it, but an individual who has been chosen for destany to light this Continents darkest hour. And that individual was Zin. He cringed of not telling him about his destany and his task at hand. But he knew Kleek would probably tell him sooner or later.

Meanwhile in the Vykker Kingdom Kluna was beginning to wake with Zin at his side. Kleek was talking with Lazlo of the situation. With the closeing of the door to Lazlo's quarters behind him.

"Lazlo why havent you helped us from the beginning? This would have been fulfilled ages ago! Now with your in ability to help, the war is a total loss." explaned Kleek.

"My friend, the circumstances have been quite substantual in the last couple of hours. We wish not to interfere with such problems."

"You should have known ages ago Lazlo. We were at a loss!"

"Ages ago? Please, you mean to tell me that I have forgotten the past? What sort of fool do you take me for? Kleek you were there when the relec was created. You could have stoped Clorn then. But the power over took you."

"That was a long time ago. Times have changed Lazlo. Our two governments live on the brink of extinction because of one measly relec!" The mistake was both of ours. It was our carelessness that brought this hell to our home. Now we see such days!" said Kleek.

"I guess you are right Kleek. Ah, look at that. Kluna is awake and strong now. Now we must tell them. You know what I mean Kleek. Zin is the chosen one and he must open the relec. Times are changeing. I know it as well as you. My friend, the age of the Vykkers are comming to an end. My people are leaving these swamps to seek fortune and glory. But we shall take a last stand against Clorn. I promise it. My friend, gather everybody together we have work to do." explaned Lazlo.

"Yes Lazlo!"

Meanwhile Silak crouching together on the high cliff keeping himself warm, noticed a glowing comming from within a cave that was on the ridge. He was attracted to the glowing so he had no choice to investigate it.

"What is that?" said Silak

As he moved into the darkness of the cave he began to realize what the glowing was. With a surprise frighten look on his face and his heart pounding, he said "THE RELEC!"

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08-27-2002, 06:57 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Another great chapter, so he found the relec eh.......looks like something big is going to happen next.
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08-28-2002, 12:54 PM
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Chapter 50 A crossing of fate!

As he moved closer to the glowing relec a voice came from within the shadows of the cave. Silak without thinking about it knew that it was what he feared. He knew that Trilas had the relec so his heart was pounding and fear came over him.

"It is useless glukken! It can't be opened! Join us!" said Trilas.

"I will never join you! Trilas give me the relec! Murderur!"

Suddenly the voice of Clorn came to Trilas.

"Destroy the glukken, take care of him!" said the voice.

"Don't you see voice it can't be opened!"

"KILL HIM!" yelled Clorn

"Ahhhhhhhhh! die!"

Suddenly Silak ran towards him with anger burning at his heart but Trilas responded with the relec. He used it on Silak and the force of the relec pushed him back into the wall. Holding the relec, Trilas had Silak in his grip.

"You see glukken this is true power! Aint it not? Now, lets have a nice long chat!" As he laughed at him.

Fear struck Silaks face as he lied there pinned by the relec's powers to the wall of the cave. His eyes wide open, for anger was in his heart as thunder rumbled the skies outside of the cave.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 08-28-2002 at 04:57 AM..
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08-30-2002, 07:43 PM
VykerSawBones's Avatar
: Mar 2002
: In the middle of Nowhere
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VykerSawBones  (10)

great chapter its great! Hey parimiteabe long tiem no see
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