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06-29-2008, 02:34 PM
Oddey's Avatar
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Don't critisize yourself. Leave that to the critics. Not me! Those chapters are so cool no matter what they are about or how short they are. Nedd planning it all out is cool. I still have a little hope for Ian to be okay. I have nothing else to say.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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06-29-2008, 02:41 PM
ParasiteSklent's Avatar
: May 2008
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Another nice chapter...now I'm wondering if they'll finally accomplish something down in the basement. XD I like those Vykkers, too...Vhern's up to something. OOOOH, INTRIGUING! Looking forward to more.

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07-04-2008, 10:28 AM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
: Oct 2007
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Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)

Don't critisize yourself. Leave that to the critics. Not me! Those chapters are so cool no matter what they are about or how short they are. Nedd planning it all out is cool. I still have a little hope for Ian to be okay. I have nothing else to say.

Another nice chapter...now I'm wondering if they'll finally accomplish something down in the basement. XD I like those Vykkers, too...Vhern's up to something. OOOOH, INTRIGUING! Looking forward to more.
Well here's your answer. ^^

This took a while, I know, but i'm really satisfied with how it came out. ^^ My computer has this glitch where its not letting me save anything I write, so i'll try to get that fixed. Enjoy. =D


“Did you hear that?” A slig nearby commented as the door slowly opened. Dan peeked warily inside, loading his snuzi. The basement patrol was made up of six separate squads, and was absolutely huge; Dan had no idea how they planned to fit everybody inside.

“A slog, maybe?” Durc said with a shrug, shoving past. Dan rolled his eyes and stepped in to the basement, a few people shuffling cautiously behind.

Slog’s don’t scream, he muttered huskily.

Durc glared defensively. “I’ve heard of some slogs that sound like they’re screaming when they’re upset.” He retorted. Dan scoffed.

“I guess your right.” A different slig said, loading a snuzi. “Might as well get started.”

The group did their best to maneuver through the tight space, though fitting such a huge crowd through was easier said than done. Dan carelessly shoved anybody in his way aside, too angry to care about his bad manners. If they were going to send him into a deathtrap, they would have to at least let him move.

“Come on,” Durc said dully, motioning for the large group to follow. “And try to keep quiet.”

Dan nervously fingered his flashlight and kept with the crowd, staying towards the middle. He didn’t want to be on the outsides during an attack. Head Guard Durc stayed bravely in front, shoving down doors and shining his light inside to make sure they weren’t being spied on. After awhile the glow from the open basement door vanished behind them, and they were thrust into inky darkness.

Dan sniffed warily as a musty smell filled the air. It smelled like lawn fertilizer. Grumbling, he flicked on his flashlight to try and spot the source of the odor, though his search remained fruitless. A few people nearby followed his example by turning their lights on, but most of the group preferred to just watch Durc’s light.

Something scrabbled in the dark. Dan shone his flashlight around the corner of the hall, paranoid. Broken shards of glass and the wet floor glinted back at him in the light, but there were no signs of life. He sighed and hurried to catch up with the group, occasionally glancing back over his shoulder. He flinched. There it was again! That soft, scratching noise!

Something’s following us. Dan said without hesitation. Durc stopped walking. The crowd scuffled to a hasty halt. Durc looked back and gave Dan a long, hard, humorless stare, his eyes cold. Dan could feel his forehead start to sweat.

“What kind of sound?” Durc sighed, crossing all four of his arms.

Dan pointed back over his shoulder. Something scratching.

Grumbling something under his breath about ‘thoughtless paranoid idiots,’ Durc shoved his way through the crowd until he was standing next to Dan. He turned on his flashlight and shone it around. Then he turned to Dan.

“Gee, wouldn’t you know it, there’s nothing there.” Durc whispered mockingly. Dan gave him a hateful look. In a louder voice Durc said to the rest of the group “Don’t worry. False alarm. Keep lively! We still have slogs to shoot!”

The group moved quickly, some snickering. Dan wilted and stared at Durc as he pushed his way back to the front. What a jerk Every time Dan had heard something, even the slightest scratch, it had turned out to be Nedd, or one of his slogs. Despite that Durc was treating him like dirt just out of spite and disregarding his hunches. Dan looked away. What would it take for Durc to be nice to him for a change?

Red lagged behind until he was standing next to Dan. They walked for a while, stepping over broken bottles and swerving around rotting carcasses without saying a word. Finally Red said Durc’s an asshole.

Ya think? Dan growled, feeling sweat run down his palms. He closed his hands to fists and looked back. The scratching sound had stopped, but he still had a feeling they were in danger.

Red sighed. You’re right. He admitted sadly. Ian would’ve been back by now. He looked on down the hall. I’m afraid. I’m afraid he would’ve done something stupid, like jumped off the ship. I mean, we haven’t seen him in days. Where would he go? Dan tried to interrupt, but Red continued before he could get a word in. I don’t think he would go to the basement. He’s a big softie. The basement would eat him alive.

Don’t talk that way. Dan muttered, trying to reassure him while struggling to keep his nerves under control. I was being stupid before. Ian might be okay. This ship is full of surprises. He closed his hand around his flashlight. Just when you think you know somebody, something always proves you wrong.

A heavy, wet bark sounded from behind. Dan swung around, shining his flashlight frantically to pinpoint the slog’s location. He finally found it, barreling towards it like a tank. Slobber and foam was pouring from its jaws and its skin was covered in ugly welts from light exposure. Dan stared. It didn’t run from his flashlight; didn’t it know the light hurt it?

A shot rang out from the front. The slog tripped and flipped over itself, stopping suddenly a few feet from the group. Durc jumped in and prodded the slog with the end of his smoking snuzi, looking exhilarated. “That was close ” he cackled. Dan watched him wide-eyed.

Dan was right! Red spat, trembling with anger. His bloodshot eyes were wide. He knew a slog was there the whole time!

“He heard a sound,” Durc corrected smugly, nodding. “He never mentioned a slog.”

A sudden rumble came from back down the hall. Slogs were pouring out of everywhere, making deep hacking noises in their throats. They charged forward with no heed to the shining flashlights. The crackle of gunshot echoed off the walls as a row of slogs fell under the bullets, yelping in despair.

“Fall back!” Durc ordered, taking aim and dropping a particularly large slog. Dan and Red backed up closer to the group in tight formation. They had trained hard for this situation.

It was time to rid the basement of the cylonite menace, once and for all.

Dan popped a slog in the jaw with the butt of his snuzi, knocking it out. Working quickly, he reached down and snapped its neck while cocking his weapon with his other hand, ducking to avoid any friendly fire. Red shot a slog in the leg and it tumbled, tripping a line of other slogs in the process. The stupid monsters bowled their injured comrade aside, too focused with the thought of fresh meat to have any sympathy.

The slogs, Dan noted, were fighting much differently than before. The first time they’d fought they had worked as a pack, half pinning the guards to the floor while the other half finished them off. Now was not the case. The slogs were fighting for themselves, even killing one another just to get closer to a kill. It was both their technique and the cause of their downfall.

Dan moved sleekly to the side as a slog bowled past, just to be shot in the face by a trigger-quick slig. The slog’s large numbers were starting to get the better of the well- trained guards. Interns and sligs alike fell under the onslaught, managing to kill a few of their attackers whilst in their death throes. Dan helped prop up an injured intern nearby only to discover that it was dead. Blanching, he let the body fall.

Dan! A familiar voice cried from the back of the fight. Dan flinched as a spray of blood hit him full in the face, blinding him.

Red! he shouted back, wiping the blood from his eyes in sheer terror. Where are you?

Dan cleared the blood from his eyes just in time to see a slog ram into his stomach, mouth open. In quick self defense he grabbed the top of its mouth and slammed down on its bottom jaw with his foot, breaking its head in two. He looked up in search of the rest of the guards.

In the dark, he couldn’t see anybody.

I’m coming! he heard Red reply, a little late. Stay where you are!

Dan shot a slog in the back with his weapon, dropping it. I don’t have much of a choice! He hissed back as two slogs at once circled in for the kill.

Red pounded one aside and shot the other in one quick motion, blood running down his face from a deep gash in his head. One of his horns were gone completely; unlike Dan, not even a stub was left. Dan shot a slog behind him and the two jumped back to back, using each other as their only defense.
Your head! Dan grunted as he speared a slog with the snuzi’s barrel.

Red glanced at him quickly before swinging aside to hold off more of the attacking animals. Its not as bad as it looks.

Good, Dan hissed, cuz’ it looks really frigging bad!

Dan fired a quick row of bullets, killing three out of five of his targets. The guards were still falling back down the hall, constantly in motion to avoid being eaten. Dan and Red had been so caught up in the fight that they had failed to notice their allies abandoning them. They bolted towards the group, their only source of safety.

Something huge slammed into Dan from behind, and he only got to swing around for a second to see the huge, drooling, disease-ridden slog that had pinned him to the floor, soaking him with her saliva. Her huge nostrils flared on the end of her thick snout. Her heavy tree-trunk legs bulged with muscle against her wide barrel chest.

Lady. Dan hissed, cringing as the slog leaned in closer. She had grown to nearly two times her size, big enough to hold Dan down without him escaping. She grinned down at him jeeringly, her fist-sized teeth caked with dried grizzle. Dan stiffened. He could smell raw meat in her breath.

Goooooooood slog, Dan whispered, slowly raising his snuzi. Lady opened her mouth, letting her thick tongue flop out. Dan winced. Just hold still...

DAN! Red cried, alarmed. He looked up from the slog he was killing and stared at Lady in awe. Lady’s head snapped around and let out a feral bark, charging at him like a juggernaut.

Without hesitation Dan raised his snuzi, aimed, and shot Lady through the back of the head. She collapsed with a faint thump.

And then there was silence. Dan got up slowly, looking around in a daze. There were no slogs barking. No shots being fired. No screaming.

“Did we do it?” Somebody asked. Dan looked around quickly. A few guards peeked out from behind crates and nearby rooms, their armor splattered with blood. After a short while more guards appeared from all around; in the chaos of the fight, they’d all been scattered. Dan sighed.

They had won.

“WE DID IT!” Durc cheered, picking himself off the ground. Soon more guards joined in, laughing in relief.


Dan looked around. Dead slog bodies were littered everywhere, casting gruesome shadows
across the floor. As happy as he was to have killed all the slogs, there was something that still troubled him.

“Well,” Durc said, face slightly flushed. The cheering died off. “It looks like we’ve eliminated the slog problem, once and for all.”

What about Nedd? Dan cut in, arms crossed. A few worried murmurs rang out from the crowd. Where was Nedd?

Durc’s claws rubbed together worriedly. “Nedd. Right. Completely forgot.” Dan heard a couple of sligs nearby grumble at that remark. “Well, obviously he must be somewhere nearby. According to my watch, the lights would have gone off a few minutes ago- I doubt that would’ve given him enough time to escape.” Durc paced. “So the question is, where is he now, and where is he going? We’ve killed all of his slogs. Without them he’s vulnerable. He must have something planned for this situation.”

‘Great,’ Dan groaned inwardly.
Suddenly something struck him. He remembered the second attack on the basement, when he and Nedd had been fighting alone...

“You’re even more pathetic than I remembered.” Nedd eyed him unfavorably. Dan managed to choke,

You’re the last person who should be saying that.

Nedd chuckled quietly; is voice was deep and unamused. “I’m going to kill you. I’m going to kill everybody on this ship. Then I’m going to crash it into the ground....”

Dan went rigid.
The Generator. he hissed urgently. He’s going to destroy the Generator!


Everything was quiet in the Vykker Suites. The lights had gone off just minutes before, and everybody was fast asleep.

Something moved under the red velvet carpet. There was a faint groaning sound, like metal being scraped against metal, followed by a quick scuffle. A razor-sharp claw poked through the carpet and moved quickly across, creating a long incision. After a pause, the carpet shook, and Ian was thrown forcefully out of the hole, shrieking in terror. Nedd erupted from the opening and slapped his hand over Ian’s mouth. He looked quickly over his shoulder. Nobody responded to the cry. Growling, Nedd bopped Ian roughly on the head and climbed out of the vent, his bloodshot eye scanning the hallway.

“Keep quiet,” he hissed, grabbing Ian’s head and forcing him to meet his eyes. Ian clamped his eyes shut in terror. With ghostly silence, Nedd let him go, then turned and crept down the hallway. Ian got up shakily and followed close behind, whimpering.

The velvet carpeting made a zipper noise while they walked; Nedd made sure not to drag his feet, to keep as quiet as possible. Ian, on the other hand, was just following in submission, not bothering to try and be stealthy. Nedd would’ve scolded him if they hadn’t been trying to keep silent.

Nedd frowned as he looked around the corner, making sure they weren’t watched. He wished he’d brought the ship’s map with him. He had a pretty good memory -he’d memorized the route he was going to take to the generator room- but he still wished he had his plans with him, just for reassurance. Nedd was only going to get one shot at destroying the generator. He had to make sure he got everything right.

Silently, Nedd sprang up a flight of stairs, landing nimbly on his feet. He looked back at Ian. Ian stumbled over the stairs, startled. Seeing as he had a practically animalistic brain, Ian didn’t understand how to walk up the steps; he had to practically crawl to the top just to keep from losing balance. Nedd chuckled quietly under his breath. Ian provided a sort of comic relief.

“Come on,” Nedd whispered angrily, pulling him up the final steps. Ian crouched at the top, horns twitching with satisfaction. He had conquered the stairs! “I said, come on!” Nedd hissed louder. Ian scuffled over obediently.

Nedd took off quickly down another hallway, shady and discrete. Ian followed closely. They passed rows and rows of doors, tall and arched.. Luckily, they saw nobody else; Nedd guessed that everybody had chosen to stay in their rooms with the doors locket at night, paranoid over a possible attack. It was satisfying to know that the entire ship feared him.

Nedd stopped suddenly. Startled, Ian dug his hands and feet into the ground at the last second, but still succeeded in plowing Nedd to the floor. Nedd snarled like an angry scrab and kicked out with his legs, leaving Ian sprawled on the floor.

“Watch yourself,” Nedd growled aggressively, looming over him. Ian curled up, trembling. Without saying what he was doing Nedd stood to his full height, as still as a statue, horns flicking left and right as he carefully listened.

His horns stopped moving.

Nedd looked slowly down the hall, eye half closed and bored looking as his pupil started to grow. Ian, sensing something was wrong, rose slowly. His pupils shot out at all angles, suddenly enveloping his eyes. He whined and blinked several times. Having your pupils grow from the size of a pinprick to the size of a golf ball in less than a second hurt.

“Get down!” Nedd hissed, his eye solid black. He forced Ian to the floor and knelt down, eye still locked on the end of the hall. He could hear them coming. Guards. Lots of them. Nedd looked down at Ian slyly. Ian looked back up at him in confusion.

Nedd was smiling.


“Why didn’t you TELL ME Nedd was going to try to DESTROY THE SHIP?!”

Durc practically exploded after Dan had explained what Nedd had told him. The rest of the guards watched on banefully. Dan flinched.

You wouldn’t believe me.

“But still!” Durc hissed shrilly. “You don’t just hide these things from people! Do you have any idea how much trouble we’re in if it turns out he is gonna destroy the Generator?”

Of course I do, I’m not an idiot like you! Dan replied, sizing him up. The two looked like they were ready to throw some punches. Red grabbed Dan’s arm, Odd forbid he attacked or something.

Look, Red said quickly, stepping between the two. Both of their faces were red. Yes, this is a big deal, and yes, Durc’s being an idiot... Durc’s claws closed into lethal fists. but right now we have a bigger problem to worry about. Nedd’s not around. He could be anywhere by now. What we have to do is find him before he can get any farther away.

“My point exactly.” Durc said, calmly adjusting his armor’s goggles. Dan shot him a look that would melt plastic. “We need to set aside our differences and deal with this in a civilized manner.”

Fine. Dan growled, reaching instinctively for his snuzi. Red elbowed him in the ribs before he could even lay hands on his weapon. We’ll look for Nedd.

Durc clapped his claws together in satisfaction. “Good.” he said cheerfully through his teeth. His eyes were still bloodshot. He turned to the crowd and spoke loudly so everybody could hear. “Now lets split up. Squads one and two will stay in the basement to make sure all the slogs are dead, and to make sure Nedd’s not hiding in here somewhere. Squads three and four, patrol the first floor, and squads five and six, come with me.”

Durc left quickly. The pair of squads he’d chosen to come with him followed hastily behind, hands on their snuzi’s. Dan pushed through the crowd and caught up with Durc, eyes dark.

“Its your fault we’re in this situation, you know.” Durc nagged. Dan glared at him. It seemed that he just wasn’t going to let it go.

How is it my fault? he hissed. You never believe a word I say, even though everything I’ve told you so far has been right!

So far,” Durc parroted. “You can’t always expect everything you say to be right. Just because you have a hunch doesn’t mean you’re correct.”

Obviously you’re lying to yourself. Dan said, shrugging. If you didn’t believe me you wouldn’t be sending us out to the generator room to search for Nedd.

Durc had no reply to this.

When they left the basement, the lights were off. Everybody flicked on their flashlights, jumping with every shadow they saw that resembled an intern. Durc whipped out his snuzi. “Fire at will.” was all he said. The group moved onwards, looking determined. They weren’t about to let a psychopathic intern get the better of them. Not again.

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 07-04-2008 at 10:32 AM..
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07-04-2008, 02:31 PM
ParasiteSklent's Avatar
: May 2008
: That state with all the cheese
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ParasiteSklent  (28)

Hmm...I have a feeling that this is going to lead up to quite a climatic battle, eh? Can't wait...heehee, Durc's a moron. It's amusing.

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07-06-2008, 03:33 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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: Oct 2007
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Yay! It aproaches the most important bit in the story! It makes me laugh to think back at some of the other chapters. How they could get to become this.
Edit: If you think not being able to save whatever you write try not being able to write with a keybord at all. Mine just stopped working. So now I have to use a computer that has been used for 5-7 years. If I want to see anything with my newer computer I have to copy and paste every individual letter unless the next letter is the one I want. What a pain.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

Last edited by Oddey; 07-09-2008 at 01:50 AM..
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07-06-2008, 11:38 PM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
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Lawl, people get mad You certainly have an extremely descriptive and interesting writing style, I just luff it!! ^^ Well done, would love to read more
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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07-11-2008, 11:10 PM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
: Oct 2007
: Under your bed
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Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)

Hmm...I have a feeling that this is going to lead up to quite a climatic battle, eh? Can't wait...heehee, Durc's a moron. It's amusing.
You know it.

Yay! It aproaches the most important bit in the story! It makes me laugh to think back at some of the other chapters. How they could get to become this.
Yeah... I never realized how disfunctional I made my characters until I re-read some stuff. xD

Lawl, people get mad You certainly have an extremely descriptive and interesting writing style, I just luff it!! ^^ Well done, would love to read more
Thankyou. I try my best. ^^

Okay, I wrote this chapter two days ago, and already have the next chapter written, its just I couldn't get wireless internet for some time. I'm poaching it off my neighbors right now.


Nedd ducked down and looked around the corner, stone silent. In the distance he could see the glow of flashlights. He pulled back with an angry grunt. Having the guards around complicated things. He got up, planning to run down there and gut them before they could raise the alarm, when suddenly he stopped. He crouched back down and smirked cooly.

“C’mere,” Nedd said to Ian, motioning for him to come closer. Ian crept over, staring at Nedd with his wide marble eyes. Nedd bared his teeth. “Hungry?”

Ian stared, puzzled.

Nedd leaned closer. “You like slig meat, right? S-l-i-g?” Ian just stared. “Slig, stupid!” Nedd hissed. “Green skin, tentacles, tastes like salt. Slig.”

Ian’s eyes widened and he nodded excitedly. Oh, boy! Slig! He looked up, down, than over his shoulder, trying to pinpoint the location of the delicious meat.

“You really want slig meat?” Nedd asked, his mouth curling in a jagged smile. Ian was nodding so fiercely that it looked like his neck would snap. “Well, go get it!”

Nedd pointed down the hall with a spidery finger. Ian sped down the hall so fast that he was practically a blur, dripping saliva on the floor. Nedd watched him go, leaning on his bad arm against the wall for support. Then he got up and followed at a distance, eager to see what the inane intern could do.


The small group of guards came to a staircase. It was curved in the shape of a moon and led to a patio-like upper floor; it was slightly spiraled, so they could lean against the wall for cover while still walking up. Dan kept close to the side of the stairs as he walked, snuzi in hand. Red was at the back of the crowd, staring into the darkness behind him warily.

“Shhhh.” Durc whispered, one talon-like claw over his mouth. The group ducked slightly and nodded in understanding. Durc moved from his position against the stair’s wall and looked over the side at the upper floor. After a long pause he turned. “Come.”

The group followed closely behind as he stepped into the dark. He shone his flashlight on a wall, casting a long shadow. He recoiled. The group did exactly the same. He looked back over at them humorlessly. “Chill. It’s a false alarm.”

Dan rolled his eyes with a sigh. Durc ignored him/

“Come on, keep up, we’re not waiting behind if you get killed,” Durc sighed, continuing on his way. The group took one last glance at the shadow on the floor before hastily catching up. The hallways seemed deserted enough. All the rooms were padlocked from the inside; Durc had made sure that everybody had locked their rooms before going to sleep. This was the night, after all, that they were going to destroy the cylonite menace. Anything could happen.

“Boss?” A slig piped up as they marched on. Durc payed it no mind. “Boss!”

Durc swung around. “What?” He hissed.

The slig flinched, but kept its cool. “Do you smell that?”

Dan sniffed along with everybody else. He frowned. That smell. It was dirty and familiar. It was like...

upturned mulch.

Get back. Dan said quickly, eyes fixed ahead.

“Are you leading this patrol?” Durc rolled his eyes and gave Dan a cold, hard stare. Dan locked eyes with him until Durc finally fidgeted and looked away.

Dan looked back over his shoulder. Get back! He repeated. A some people took a few hesitant steps back. Dan’s fists closed. Something bad was coming. The scent of cylonite in the air was choking now, like second hand smoke...

KKKRAAAAARRNNNAAHHHHH!” It was a horrible, ear splitting shriek! Dan clapped his hands over his ears impulsively.

Something big slammed into the front of the group in the form of a solid-black shadow. The guards it had rammed dropped their snuzi’s with a loud crack!, and the shape blasted through the low plaster ceiling, throwing splinters of white material in all directions. It vanished above them abruptly. Durc shot at the ceiling with his snuzi, and the rest of the guards followed his example, quickly making Swiss cheese of the air vents.

“What was that?” somebody whispered among the crowd’s concerned murmurs. Dan helped Red up.

You okay? Dan asked, suddenly remembering the huge gash in Red’s head. It looked like it was drying.

Fine. Red replied. His voice was hoarse.

Suddenly the shape erupted from the ceiling, breaking the bullet-dotted vents easily. It snapped its mouth (at least Dan thought it was a mouth) around a slig’s elbow before talking off the opposite way it had come, towards the Main Intersection, its prey kicking and screaming.

“After it!” Durc cried, pointing with a shaking claw. The thunder of running feet followed. The shape was way ahead of them; they would’ve lost it if it hadn’t left a trail of blood behind it. The group swung around the corner in a clustered mess, pushing some people over. It was chaotic. Dan and Red pushed their was to the front and looked around quickly, spotting the droplets of blood glistening off the floor. They followed behind quickly.

Eventually they slowed down, realizing they were alone. A soft dripping in the distance got their attention. Slowly, Dan pushed open a door that’s top hinges had been torn off. He looked in the room, squinting in the dark as the guard’s voices died down behind. He could hear a faint clop as the monster chewed on a bone. Dan’s eyes slowly adjusted, and he soon spotted the shape’s silhouette. It was an intern. Nedd.

Its was ducked down and its limbs were close to its body, but Dan could tell it was him. He loaded and raised his snuzi with a faint click.

Get ready. Dan whispered to Red.

He crouched down and raised his snuzi to eye level, aiming. Nedd didn’t even notice. He was too busy eating the slig. Dan’s hands were twitching unsteadily. He and Nedd been friends for too long, and turned into enemies so fast, that he still wasn’t used to attacking him. It just felt wrong.

But something else felt wrong too. Dan felt his heart begin to pound in his chest, hard. Sweat was running down his forehead and fogging up his goggles.

What are you waiting for? He heard Red murmur. Dan gave him a quick glance before gulping and turning back to his target. Nedd was licking the blood from his fingers. He started with one hand, trailing his tongue over his palm, before starting on the other hand.

What other hand?!

Dan dropped his snuzi, his entire body rigid and his eyes wide. Oh my Odd. The weapon clattered against the floor, and his target’s head snapped up, staring at him with curious eyes. No. NO!

That was not Nedd There was no way Why hadn’t he seen it sooner? This intern was smaller and thinner, and hadn’t even noticed they were there How could they have been so stupid?!

“Looking for someone?”

Somebody rough shoved both Red and Dan in the room. They scrambled to their feet, wide eyed, as Nedd stalked in behind them, so tall his head nearly touched the ceiling. Dan could see dried blood around his mouth. Behind them, the enemy intern curled into a whimpering little ball. Its self esteem was startlingly low.

“You know,” Nedd said, still walking towards them. Dan and Red backed up quickly. “At first thought you’re idiot friend was pretty useless. But now that I look at it, he might just be exactly what I needed.” he looked over at his degraded comrade. “Isn’t that right?”

The intern stared back, looking as though it wished it had never been noticed. Nedd chuckled.

“He’s quiet. Never has anything to say. Though I can’t say he was exactly please when he first found his way into my basement, trying to kill me.” Nedd leaned closer, smiling. He was so nearby that Dan could smell the blood in his breath. He cringed. “Looks like it didn’t work too well, eh?”

Red looked as he were fighting a blackout. He hadn’t said a word.

“This way ” voices were coming from out in the hall. Nedd’s head turned slightly, a growl coming from deep in his throat. “They went over here!” Are you sure? This way? “C’mon!”

Durc barged in the room, waving his snuzi like he planned to hack them in half with it. The guards followed behind. A loud click, and all snuzi’s were on them, loaded.

“You’re under arrest,” Durc said smugly, his snuzi held in his claws, “for homicidal crimes against the---” he stopped abruptly. Nedd moved slowly towards the wall, the guards following his movement. They all looked terrified; nobody had really gotten a chance to see Nedd up close. He was a horrifying sight.

Durc made short stuttering noises, trying to speak. Then finally, “T-two? There’s two?”

All defenses dropped. The guards were a flurry of activity. Two? Impossible! There was just one, there had always been one...

“Surprise.” Nedd said dully, cracking his knuckles against his stub arm. Ian flinched at the noise. Dan and Red were still in the middle of the room, kneeling down and watching them in fear and anger. Nedd bared his teeth in a grin. “And now you’re all going to die.”

“And how do you plan to do that?” Durc manage to sputter. His face was red; Dan could see it through his goggles. He looked like he might throw up. “We could shoot you in a heartbeat.”

“You could,” Nedd said thoughtfully, stepping towards the center of the room. “Or...”

His hand shot out, and he clamped Red’s head with his claws. Red let out a faint whimper. The guards were speechless. Their mission had just become a hostage situation

“Get over here,” Nedd said to Ian, pointing. The animalistic intern crept over warily and locked his jaws around the back of Dan’s neck, not hard enough to break the skin, but still enough to get the point across. Dan nearly passed out when he felt Ian’s hot, blood-scented breath against his head.

Ian, don’t do this, he whispered. He felt Ian tense slightly. Did he even remember his name?

“No, please, don’t lower your snuzis on my account,” Nedd said calmly, picking Red up by the shoulders. Red went limp with fear. Dan already knew what was coming before it even happened. “You’ll need them!”

He threw Red across the room, hard. The intern’s body bowled over the first row of guards standing there, and made Durc double over. Shots filled the air as Nedd banked from his hiding spot, charging towards the group. Ian released his grip on Dan and sprang nimbly across the room. He crushed Durc against the floor. Dan was paralyzed with fright. He should’ve known that Nedd wasn’t the type to negotiate; he preferred to kill first, ask questions later. Dan felt his hands curl into fists as he struggled to stand, practically unnoticed in the chaos. He picked up his snuzi, his hands trembling.

Had they blown the mission already?

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 07-11-2008 at 11:47 PM..
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07-13-2008, 06:54 AM
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Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
: Oct 2007
: Under your bed
: 534
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Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)

Ohno! Character death! D=



Nedd was having a wonderful time, if killing people who were just trying to protect the ship could even be called ‘wonderful.’ He spiraled quickly, cleanly slicing an intern’s throat, before jumping back in a sort of violent cartwheel and crushing a slig’s head with his foot. He made a mental checklist of his killing progress for the night. Two disemboweled, three crushed, one slit throat, and one scalped (that had been particularly messy.)

Nedd swung around and grabbed an intern by the throat, just to realize that it was Ian. Ian shrieked as he was dropped. There was blood around his mouth.

“Come on,” Nedd barked, ramming a slig with its head and breaking its ribs. Ian crept up behind him obediently. “We have a generator to break.”

The pair of homicidal interns fought their way through the crowd. Literally. Ian dismembered one person alive while Nedd did a quick job of killing three at once with one swoop of his clawed hand. Licking the blood from around his face, Nedd ducked closer to the floor, avoiding the onslaught of snuzi bullets as best he could. He felt them graze his back multiple times, but few actually hit home; snuzi’s were unreliable when it came to aiming. Plus, Nedd had no trouble avoiding them.

Several bullets crackled the air. Ian darted towards the door, claws unsheathed, and snapped his jaws around a slig’s neck. Blood sprayed the floor. The intern jumped and turned back to the fight, his eyes rotating cageyly. Spotting a second target, Ian bowled towards it. Nedd recognized the intern before Ian had even seen it.


He cocked his snuzi and shot Ian in the leg with a quick volley of bullets, intending just to drop him. It didn’t work as planned. Ian pulled back when the bullets struck him, and they went in sideways, practically mutilating his leg. Ian fell with a scream. Dan stared at him in horror; it was obvious that he hadn’t intended to seriously hurt him.

Nedd growled. What an idiot.

HEY, UGLY! A voice snapped behind him, grabbing his attention. Nedd decided to humor his victim. He turned, his needle-thin teeth exposed and his horns flat.

CRACK! Blinding pain pierced the side of his cheek. He screamed and fell back, hot blood creating a rapid stream down his face. He forced his eye open. Red was standing in a clearing, staring at him fearlessly. He held a snuzi in his hand that was still smoking.

That was for Ian, bastard.

“You...!” Nedd breathed, his teeth parting to reveal his gaping throat. He had a huge snuzi wound below his only remaining eye. It was bleeding all over the place, blurring his vision. “I’LL KILL YOU!”

He took off quickly, slamming Red with as much force as he could muster. Red was flung against the wall like a ragdoll, struggling to get to his feet. Nedd struck out with his hand, creating five long gashes directly across his face. Red’s eyes were half closed and distant; he looked dazed. He tried to stand. He fell over in a puddle of blood instead.

Red! Dan cried out in alarm. Nedd smirked. Just the person he’d been looking for. Nedd looked over at him, smug satisfaction on his face.

Nedd swerved to the side as a rapid line of snuzi bullets pierced the wall behind him. Many guards were retreating; they were in complete confusion. Durc wasn’t giving them orders. Where was he, anyway?

Nedd growled at Dan and lunged forward, his only eye smeared over with blood from his cheek. He blinked a few times, clearing his vision as best he could. It was time to kill that little son of a bitch once and for all. Dan jumped to the left as Nedd attacked, missing. He was having trouble pinpointing his target. He reared to his feet and combed the room with his eye, squinting.

Over here!

Nedd felt a bullet clip his ribcage from behind. He turned and swung his blunt arm, intending to smack Dan across the face. He missed. Nedd knew he was beat; there was no way he’d be able to fight if he could barely see. It would be best to leave as soon as possible and make a break for the generator as fast as he could. But there was one factor that he had forgotten about.


Ian was lying on his belly, motionless. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking away the thin coating of glue that encased them. His leg hurt so bad. He felt like a child; alone, frightened, hurt and abandoned. He didn’t want to be alone. Not like this.

He tried weakly to stand, but quickly lost balance and fell. There was blood all over his wounded leg. Ian stumbled to his hands and knees, limbs convulsing violently as bile rose in the back of his throat. He nearly fell over again. Slowly, he looked up, spotting something he hadn’t noticed before.

Ian crawled like a dying animal across the room, his wounded leg dragging behind him. He came to a stop and collapsed on his stomach for a moment, exhausted, before pulling himself back up again. He whimpered. He was looking at a body lying face down on the floor.

Ian stared at it for a long time, his shoulders and face twitching in pain. After a long pause he flipped the body over, and stared at it. A burning sensation that he didn’t understand tinged below his eyes. Carefully, almost lovingly, Ian wiped the blood away from the bodies’ face, and drew his arms back quickly. Then something strange happened. A little, raspy sound, barely even a voice, whispered;



Dan kept his snuzi level with Nedd’s face. He could see a deep hole in his cheek that was smeared over with blood, fogging his eye. It looked like it hurt.

Nedd stood to his full height, dwarfing Dan in his presence. Dan didn’t flinch. He just kept watching him with his hard, yellow eyes. “You.” Nedd growled, his eye dripping from the blood that veiled it. “You’re so determined to kill me, aren’t you.” his eye widened and he spread his arms. “Well do it!”

Dan was taken aback. He lowered his snuzi slightly, not saying a word. The room fell silent. Only a few guards remained in the room, and they were either too scared to shoot, or too curious to hear what Nedd had to say.

“DO IT!”

No! Dan cried, tightening his grip on his weapon. I can’t kill you!

“Pathetic!” Nedd roared, circling him. His blood-glazed eye only made him seem more terrifying. Dan backed up instinctively, wide-eyed. “You have your chance! Your only Odd-damn chance! What am I talking about, this wasn’t your only chance, you still wouldn’t kill me before, and why? Just to keep the memories of us being friends alive? Disgusting!” He lunged closer and snarled through his teeth. “I should gut you... ”

Then why don’t you? Dan hissed quietly. What are you waiting for?

Dan was too tired, tired of everything, to care what happened. Live or die, it would all turn out the same in the end. Life just seemed like a waste of time.

Nedd drew back his arm. “Who said I was waiting?” he murmured. Dan dropped his snuzi and looked down at the floor, preparing for Nedd to brain him right there and then...

A screech, the sound of snapping jaws, and a loud crack split the silence. Dan’s head snapped up. Ian was standing tall in the middle of the room, not ducked down like he normally was, but in a fighting stance, looking challenging. His leg was bloody and torn, but he payed it no attention. Nedd picked himself up off the floor. Ian had punched him in the mouth; Dan could tell by Nedd’s bleeding gums and missing teeth.

“What are you doing? ” Nedd hissed in alarm. He sounded angry, but his horns were flat against his head. He knew that he was in trouble.

Ian’s throat rumbled in an aggressive growl. He stalked forward, his hands wide open with his claws flared. Dan was surprised to see that he and Nedd were almost the same height; it was just that Ian was always making himself look small, trying not to draw attention to himself.

Ian darted forward, wrapping his arms around Nedd in a violent embrace. Nedd screeched and sank his teeth into Ian’s shoulder, lashing out with his clawed hand as the two fought on the floor. Dan backed up against the wall in horror. He’d never seen anything so horrible. Ian was on top of Nedd, and in less than a second Nedd had flipped him over on his back, pinning him to the floor. Ian kicked out with his good leg, throwing Nedd off.

Nedd crouched down and sprang, tackling Ian to the floor before jumping back. They circled like angry sharks. Dan wasn’t sure what to do. They didn’t just look agitated; they looked genuinely hungry, too. Nedd slowly licked his teeth, his eye darkly shadowed. Snarling, Ian ducked down and tore towards him again, and they slammed together like charging bulls, each one digging their claws into the other’s back. Nedd lifted Ian up quickly and threw him over his head. He struck the wall with the sound of crunching plaster.

Quickly regaining composure, Ian stumbled back into the fight, looking dazed. He blinked several times, disoriented, and cried out as Nedd struck him from behind and threw him across the room. Nedd reared up and roared, spraying foam and blood from his teeth. Ian was determined. He got up slowly with a painful grunt, his arm cradled close to his chest. It looked broken.

Nedd was stalking towards Ian. Dan stiffened. Run! He cried, the sudden instinct to save his friend overriding everything. Ian staggered back, dizzy on his feet. His eyelids fluttered. Nedd shoved him up against the wall, leaning in close. Ian stared at him with his sad blue eyes.


Nedd pushed him back and snapped his jaws around his neck, cleanly removing his throat. Dan fell to his knees. Swallowing, Nedd bared his bloodstained teeth in a grin as Ian fell to the floor, his suffering finally over.

“He wasn’t worth it.” Nedd said thoughtfully, glancing at Dan with half-closed eyes. Without a second word Nedd bolted to the door, threw it off its hinges, and sprang nimbly into the hallway, vanishing from sight. It was too late to stop him. He would make it to the generator in no time. Dan was alone; all the guards had vanished.

He had failed.
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07-13-2008, 08:29 AM
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Ah no, poor Ian! I thought he would live for a second there. I thought Durc was a bit stupid saying "You're under arrest" rather than just shooting at Nedd on sight. I wonder where he disapeared to? And Red's not dead is he? Please post the next chapter soon!

~The Madness Of Life - On hiatus~
~Shrown - Edited and completed~

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07-14-2008, 10:57 AM
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No! Not Red! And poor poor Ian! Please let one of them live. Must find out. Sorry for not commenting earlier. Either I was too busy or I forgot.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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07-15-2008, 11:21 PM
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Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
: Oct 2007
: Under your bed
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Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)

The room had fallen silent. Mutilated bodies littered the floor, some shredded beyond recognition. The thick, choking smell of blood in the air was unavoidable. Dan slowly rose to his feet, trembling. Streaks of blood soaked through his armor. Blood that wasn’t his. Unsure of what to do, Dan sank down, covering his face with his hands.

Ian was dead.

Something shuffled behind him, followed by a faint cough. Dan’s head snapped up. He looked back over his shoulder, wide-eyed.

Red? he called hopefully. He got up from where he sat, scanning the dead bodies quickly.

Over here. Came a husky reply from the corner of the room.


Dan hurried over, kicked aside a dead body, and helped pull Red up. Red threw an arm over Dan’s shoulder for support, his head rolling loosely. He had five deep cuts straight down his face that tore through his armor, as though somebody had mauled him with a rake. Luckily the cuts missed his eyes. Red looked over at Dan.

Where’s Ian? he asked, looking around through foggy eyes.

Dan gulped. I-I don’t know.

You’re lying.

...have you seen Durc anywhere? Dan asked, hoping to change the topic.

Red rubbed his eyes groggily as they made their way towards the door. I think he bolted when the fighting started.


Now come on, be honest, Red growled, stopping. He glared at Dan venomously. Where’s Ian?

Dan hesitated. He didn’t want to have to be the one to tell Red his best friend had his throat torn out by a maniac. But he knew he didn’t have a choice. Nedd killed him.

Red looked away. Dan felt his throat tighten. Let me go. Red said, shrugging his arm off from around Dan’s shoulder. Dan stiffened.

Can you walk by yourself?

I’m fine. Red insisted quietly, eyes fixed on the floor.
Dan rubbed his fingers together nervously. We need to find Durc. he whispered. His voice was scratched. There’s still a chance we can catch Nedd. I don’t know how, but we have to try. If we go now, I think we’ll have enough time to make it to the guard tower and get the remaining guards to help track him down.

Red stared at the floor. Dan paused, wondering if he had heard him. Finally Red looked up at him. His eyes looked even more bloodshot than normal, if it were possible. Okay.


The generator was a colossal thing, more than fifty feet tall, and made up almost entirely of groaning cogs and humming motors. Gears jutted out at symmetric angles, slowly cranking in a full circle as the machine generated its own energy. The only light in the entire room came from the luminescent blue-green bulbs that lined the ceiling.

If one had been standing in the generator room, they might not have heard the faint patter of feet out in the hall; what they would hear, however, would be an ear-splitting shriek as the metal door folded over itself, sparking in protest. A stubby, ugly-stitched arm forced its way through the small gap, and pulled back quickly. An angry red eye glistened from behind the opening. With a quick blink, the face pulled back, and the entire door flew off its hinges, whistling through the air.

Nedd paused. Was it safe? It sure looked safe; he didn’t see anybody around. The generator was off limits to everybody except specially-certified faculty who helped keep the place in check. Nedd certainly didn’t see any of them around.

Nedd stepped hesitantly into the light, squinting. His instincts screamed at him to run, but the light didn’t seem to hurt him. He stared up at the generator in awe. He knew he could destroy it, but he’d never stopped to think how. His rapidly beating heart and the agonizing pain in his right cheek weren’t helping.

Nedd sprang over to the metal catwalk around the generator and laid his fingers over the metal cogs, thinking. The cogs had holes running through the sides. Could he possibly wedge something inside and break the entire thing just by breaking one cog? It was worth a try. Nedd snapped a strip of metal from the catwalk’s safety rail and jammed it in the hole, bending it around so it wouldn’t get loose. He decided to use it as a backup; if him destroying the generator failed, there would always be a chance that the broken cog would throw the generator out of line.

Nedd grabbed a cog at random and tugged at it. It was wedged in pretty deep. He twisted it with his tightly-gripped fingers and jerked it free with his bad arm, throwing it aside. The generator smoked faintly, but seemed to operate fine with just a missing cog. He’d have to work harder if he wanted to destroy it in time. Eye suddenly darkening, Nedd dug his hand deeper into the metal contraption, latched on to whatever he could reach, and started pulling it apart.


Dan pressed the elevator button quickly.

Here’s what we do. Dan said half to himself. He wasn’t even sure Red was listening. We find Durc. I don’t care if he ran away from the fight. I don’t care if he’s so torn apart he can’t move. I want him to send the remainder of the guards to the generator room as fast as possible, without any complications. We can stop Nedd, I know it.

Red muttered something under his breath that sounded like disbelief. He sighed moodily. Dan looked away, purposely ignoring him. Now was not the time to sulk. If Red thought he was the only one who missed Ian, he was sorely mistaken.

The door swung open. Dan ducked inside. He blinked in surprise.

Empty? How could it be empty?

Come on, Dan said, turning swiftly and shoving Red back inside before he could even step out. Red made a face.

What? Why are we going back?

There’s nobody there!

Red looked thoughtful. Maybe, he began slowly, Durc didn’t come back to the Tower. There wouldn’t even be any guards this late. Maybe he went to where all the other guards are.

Dan looked sidelong at Red. The basement? It was where Durc had ordered the rest of the guards to be sent, after all.

The door swung open. Red stepped quickly out, running down the hall. Dan looked on in surprise. For having nearly been killed, Red was still full of energy. Dan took off after him, not wanting to be left behind. Their flashlights were their only source of light; if they were going to have to navigate to the basement, they would have no choice but to do it in the gloomiest conditions. Dan looked worried. Would they find the basement in time to stop Nedd?

They ran like they’d never run before, wasting no time getting to the basement. They jumped down multiple stairs at once and didn’t bother to avoid knocking things over. There was no time to waste. They burst through a door and landed cleanly on their feet in the Main Intersection.

Heads turned. Snuzi’s clicked. In a split second all weapons were on them.

“WHO GOES THERE!” A particularly paranoid slig demanded, waving his snuzi like a machete.

Dan stiffened. Its just me and Red—


We’re wearing armor, you moron!


“HEY!” A familiar voice interrupted. The slig’s tentacles curled inward; it was obviously embarrassed. “I do the ordering around here! Don’t you forget it!”

Durc shoved his way roughly through the crowd of guards. Dan and Red took a moment to look things over. Is that where Durc had gone? When he’d seen that his guards were being easily beat by Nedd and Ian’s unusual attacks, had he gone for backup in the basement, where all the guards were, or had he run to the safest place he knew?

Durc glared at them. “Its about time you showed up.”

Hey, at least we stayed behind and fought. Red said, arms crossed.

Durc was silent. The same slig as before said tentatively, “...Sir?”

“Right.” Durc said, completely disregarding Red’s remark. Red crossed his arms tighter. “We’re sending out reinforces to scout the perimeter.”

Dan looked around. Now that he really looked around, he realized that there weren’t as many guards around as he’d thought. Slightly more than one patrol, maybe. Durc must have sent out the rest of the squads already. What he didn’t see, though, was anyone from his patrol.

So what should we do? Dan asked as the guards returned to what they were doing; leaning against the walls and chatting unquestioningly, waiting for signs of an attack. They were acting like they were in no danger. ‘Hadn’t they seen Nedd before?’

“Stay here.” Durc said with a careless shrug. “Trust me. I’ve sent out the best of the best to handle Nedd, and that other intern, what’s his name, Ian?”

He got killed. Red whispered.

Durc smiled. “Well, there’s one less problem!” he said happily. Dan had to hold Red back to keep him from throddling his boss.


Nedd jumped back down from the catwalk, admiring his handiwork. The generator was sparking wildly and humming like the blades of a helicopter, staining the ceiling with smoke. Satisfied, his horns twitched. As impossible, abstract, and unheard of as it seemed, he actually looked genuinely happy for once.

Nedd’s left horn twitched suddenly, and twirled in the direction of the metal door. Nedd looked over without turning his head, staring into the shadows in the hallway beyond. There was a pause. Then suddenly something flew through the dark and bounced with a faint clink! against the floor.

When the object stopped moving, Nedd moved over carefully. He had no idea what it was. Nedd leaned in closer and examined it with a wide eye, blinking in confusion. It was roughly round, scaled deeply like a cured ham, and oddly... hissing?


Nedd jumped back just as the grenade exploded. Shrieking in fury, Nedd fell back onto the floor with his face in his hands. Not only did the fire burn him, but the light from the flames did too, scathing his body with sunburn-like marks as dark as beets. Nedd’s eye snapped open from between his fingers as the sound of sligs rang in his ears.


Nedd scrambled to his feet, feeling his skin crack from the dryness of his burns. He forced his eye open painfully. Sligs were rushing in the room wielding odd-looking guns. Nedd sprang sleekly to the side as a bullet rocketed past his face, striking the wall behind him. He looked back to find a dripping syringe impaled in the deep plaster. They weren’t snuzis; they were tranquilizers!

Making a raspy hissing sound in his throat, Nedd sprang onto the catwalk and raced around the outside of the room, ducking and jumping to avoid the morphine-loaded darts. He swung down from the catwalk and kicked aside two sligs with his feet, darting towards the door. If he could just make it to the basement, he’d be safe. If he could just---


Nedd heard the dart before he felt it pierce his upper arm. He tripped in surprise and tumbled through the door, careening wildly down the hall in a zig-zag. He swung the corner quickly. The morphine was in his blood. He couldn’t let it spread!

Without hesitation Nedd jerked the needle free and created a clean cut over his arm with his claw. He quickly sucked out a mouthful of blood and spat it aside, feeling dizzy. He liked the taste of blood. But not his own blood. Not wanting to risk losing any more blood, Nedd tore down the hall. His mind felt light and fuzzy. He guessed that some of the morphine had gotten through despite his precautions.

Back in the generator room, a slig grabbed his walkie talkie. “Its all going as planned.” he said to Durc, tentacles flared. “He’s coming your way!”

Nedd felt his legs grow heavier and heavier. He couldn’t think clearly. Bluntly he wondered why he never considered getting jacked up on morphine before he was a cylonite monster. Shaking the thought from his head, Nedd pounced down a flight of stairs and landed on all fours, keeping his body close to the ground. His eyes raked the hallway for signs of guards. Spotting none, he continued onwards.

He passed quickly through the vykker suites before speeding down a long hallway and erupting into the main intersection. Nedd grinned. He was in the clear!

...or so he first thought.

Nedd dug his hands and feet wildly into the ground when he realized he had jumped into a room with a guard patrol. On any other occasion, he would’ve just killed them, but the drug in his body was throwing his coordination out of whack, leaving him in a state of utter confusion. Snuzi bullets shredded his skin mercilessly. Shrieking, Nedd swung at the guards with his claws, slicing through those few unfortunate enough to be close, but killing nobody.


Nedd’s eye was watering in pain. Through his clouded vision he could just make out two familiar shapes shooting at him. Dan and Red. They were still alive?!

Howling with rage, Nedd pounded forward like a juggernaut, slamming into them will his full body force. The pair were thrown back against the wall, cursing. Nedd watched through his wavering vision as Dan slammed against the side... and vanished? Nedd jumped back to confuse those who were shooting him. Where had he gone?

“AHA!” A voice he just barely remembered shouted. It was that vykker who was supposed to lead the guards. Nedd swung around, glaring. “We’ve got you now!”

Nedd ran towards him, bowling through the ranks of guards and spearing them with his claws. Their numbers fell rapidly just from that single angry outburst. Sweat ran down Nedd’s back. His skin rippled with muscle. He was a machine, powerful and unstoppable, and as pissed as could be. He swung out with his bad arm, snarling like a feral scrab. He brought his foot down to jump forward. It cracked through the metal tile instead, which formed an ‘x’ shape. Without stopping to contemplate his predicament Nedd kept running and jerked his leg free.

The metal gored his skin, scraping his bone. Nedd screamed and slammed Durc full force, but not before hearing him whisper:

Nedd and Durc tumbled across the floor in a shrieking mass of flesh and blood. Nedd felt something constrict his legs, as tight as a belt. Nedd kicked his feet free and reared up on his hind legs with a terrifying, jaw dropping, terror-fueling roar. He was covered in blood. He was badly wounded. And he was unstoppable.

“I’ve waited a long time for this!” Nedd blasted. The guards stopped. They were horror stricken. He was truly invincible. But in truth, nothing was unbeatable.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Nedd didn’t know it, but Dan hadn’t vanished. He’d just crashed through a door that Nedd hadn’t seen. Where he had landed was among a load of crates nestled between two desks. Groggily Dan lifted his head and looked around, dazed. He felt something cut his elbow. He looked over, seeing his arm inside of a broken crate. He was bleeding from splinters. Dan jerked his arm free quickly, cradling it against his chest. Something fell out of the broken crate with a faint clink. Curious, Dan picked it up. It was a large, dark-brown bottle, full of a thin liquid. He carefully read the label.


Dan’s eyes went wide with shock. He quickly tore open the wooden crate, finding more bottles of the heavy anesthetic. Gathering up as much as he could in his arms, Dan rushed to the door he had broken through, his mind racing. His heart was thumping so loud he could hear it. He watched the guards; spotted a huge wave of bodies being thrown aside with Nedd close behind; and threw a bottle of chloroform as hard as he could.

The bottle crashed against Nedd's face. Nedd shrieked and tumbled, crashing against the wall. Quickly Nedd jumped to his feet, his face wet and his eye dazed. He charged at Dan through the guards like an angry bull. Terrified, Dan threw a second bottle as hard as he could. It exploded on Nedd's chest. He snarled and slammed towards Dan, who sprang swiftly to the side with a third bottle in hand. He threw it directly inbetween Nedd's eyes, filling his mouth with the foul liquid.

Hissing, Nedd stumbled to the side, his arms hanging limply. Dan scrambled against the wall and watched him in horror. Blinking slowly, Nedd locked Dan with his vision. Then he rammed into him again and grabbed him by the arm, yanking him into the air. Dan released the bottles in his arms impulsively. CRASH! They shattered against Nedd's head, completely drenching him in chloroform. The anestetic quickly took affect. Nedd released Dan from his grip and stumbled back with a loud groan. Dan backed up against the wall. Nedd lurched, than, like a dead tree, fell heavily to the side.

Nedd's vision began to rapidly fade. Terror filled his head; What had Dan done to him?! The last thing Nedd saw before he blacked out was Durc throwing a metal blanket over him, followed by the tightening, suffocating feeling of the blanket wrapping itself around him.


Was it over?

Was it all over... just like that?

“Thats it?” somebody whispered. This seemed to break the silence. Dan looked down at the blanket that just barely covered Nedd completely. He could see a faint shuffling from underneath. He was still breathing. Dan felt mixed emotions. Nedd wasn’t going to hurt anybody anymore. And he was still alive.

“Thats it?”

“We did it?”

“We did it.”

“...we did it...”


The roar came from both sligs and interns alike, who were cheering and jumping with uncontrollable joy. Dan just wanted to sleep. He sat against the wall and set the remainder of the chloroform aside, watching as two large shapes shuffled through the crowd. Dan blinked. Was that... One and Two?

The pair of hulking sligs approached Durc (who was kicking Nedd’s unconscious body out of pure anti-humility) and whispered something to him. Durc dropped what he was doing, the color draining from his face. Quietly, he ordered for an intern nearby to go fetch something. The intern ran off without so much as a complaint. What was there to complain about? They were alive!

Red sat down next to Dan.

“Durc ordered for a stretcher.” he said quickly. Dan looked over at him, confused.
Red’s eyelids lowered. “I’m afraid the fight isn’t over yet.”

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 07-16-2008 at 12:10 AM..
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07-15-2008, 11:49 PM
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Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)

Hurrah! Red's alive! And Nedd is captured.

But what's the stretcher for I wonder...

That was so awesome. Even better than the fight on the wharf. And that was really awesome. This chapter has almost left me speechless at how climatic it is. And the stretcher is what makes it even better.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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07-16-2008, 09:40 AM
GlacierDragon's Avatar
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2008
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GlacierDragon  (114)GlacierDragon  (114)

That had me on the edge of my seat! Really good description in the fight scenes. And I wonder why they want a streatcher for him? Are they going to do experiments on him and then try and build an army of super-Interns which they can then use to take over the world?? That would be funny.

~The Madness Of Life - On hiatus~
~Shrown - Edited and completed~

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07-17-2008, 10:10 AM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
: Oct 2007
: Under your bed
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Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)

Glad you liked it. ^^
And of course, comments are appriciated. *nudge nudge*


The guard barracks weren’t exactly what you’d call ‘quiet.’ Half the people in the room were snoring loudly, beat from killing cylonite slogs all night. Everybody else was just lying awake and chatting care freely. The relief in the room was immense. Finally, after all this time, they wouldn’t have to worry about being eaten in the middle of the night.

Dan rolled over so his face was buried in his pillow, groaning. He was exhausted. All he wanted to do was sleep. Yet he was so troubled with his thoughts that he couldn’t keep his eyes shut.

They had taken Nedd somewhere. Nobody knew where, nobody knew why; all they did know was that he was still alive. This was troubling. Dan rolled over again so that he was looking at the top bunk of his bed, which used do belong to another intern. That intern had been killed in the recent fight. Grumbling, Dan shifted again so that he was lying on his side, looking around the room.

Can’t sleep? Red whispered from two bunks over.

Nope. Dan replied, pulling his thin bed sheets around him tighter.

What do you think they did with Nedd?

I don’t know. Dan paused. But if they haven’t killed him by now, they’ve made a huge mistake.

Just go to sleep.

Hesitantly Dan flipped over again, letting his eyes fall shut. Sleep.


It was nearly 3 AM; in a matter of hours the sun would rise. Helix rolled over from where he slept in his comfortable, private room, trying to drown out the sound of footsteps out in the hall. He closed his eyes tighter. Who would be up at this hour? It was the middle of the night!

With a flinch, Helix heard his door open, and saw light filter in from behind his eyelids. He curled up tighter, pretending to be asleep. Whoever they were, they could wait.

“Helix?” Came a nervous squeak. Helix ignored it. Whoever it was poked him carefully in the side with a claw. “Heeelix?”

“What do you want?” Helix spat, his mouth smacking as he tasted his morning breath. Nasty. He opened his eyes and looked over to see who had entered his room.

Brux was standing by his bed, looking nervous and terrified. Helix blinked and leaned to the side to look past him. In the doorway, holding a bright flashlight, was one of Vhern’s bodyguards. He was impassive. Helix frowned.

“Has something happened?”

“I don’t know.” Brux squeaked in his high-pitched, normally cheerful voice. “But he wants us to follow him.”

Helix addressed the slig bitterly. “What could that idiot boss of yours possibly want right now?
Helix saw the slig tighten its grip on the flashlight, but other than that, it didn’t respond. Smugly Helix tumbled out of bed.
“Whatever.” he said, yawning broadly. “Lets just go and get this over with.”

The slig stepped aside to let the two vykkers through before following them down the hall. For a long time they didn’t speak. Helix tried once or twice to start a conversation to pass the time, but Brux just shrugged all his comments off with an unconcerned whimper. He seemed to be terrified of Vhern’s bodyguard. Helix decided to take extra precautions and avoid the two sligs as often as he could.

Eventually the miniature big-bro stopped. Helix and Brux turned, watching as the slig jammed a key in a huge metal door. Helix had passed the door plenty of times, but had never actually gone in the room it was hiding; it was reserved for especially dangerous test subjects, which he never messed with.

The metal door flew open, revealing a small foyer. The three stepped inside. Helix shuffled uncomfortably; it was cramped. The metal door slammed behind them and the slig pushed open the second door, stepping inside without hesitation. Helix and Brux both looked around. The outside of the perfectly-square room was like a torture chamber; rust and water stains discolored the walls, formed from thin pipes in the walls that lead to other rooms for circulation. The room had no vents, so it locked the scent of blood and decay in. As they moved slowly closer towards the room’s center, they felt dirt scratch under their feet, but didn’t look down to see what they were stepping in.

Helix blinked in confusion when he saw the center of the room. It was higher up, like a stage, and perfectly sanitized. An array of solid-white lights the exact size of the stage were implanted in the ceiling. On the stage was a long, wheeled stretcher. Helix could tell something was on it, but he didn’t know what; it was draped over by a thick black tarp. A life support system with a fully-functioning oxygen tank was connected to the thing under the tarp by dozens of thick cables.

“Why hello.” Vhern said, stepping out from a second room off to the side. Helix looked back. The room was full of racks and tools; he could see a few interns working inside, minding their own business. Helix turned his attention back to Vhern.

“What do you want?” he asked, arms crossed. “It’s the middle of the night.”

Vhern adjusted his widely-brimmed glasses. “I suppose,” he said, smirking, “you haven’t heard the news from Durc yet?”

Helix scowled. Vhern new very well that Helix didn’t meddle in the guard’s affairs; he simply didn’t care about what they did. “I haven’t heard anything.”

Vhern sighed happily and looked up in an ‘I-know-something-you-don’t-know’-sort-of-way. “Well, I suppose you wouldn’t. It only happened less than an hour ago.”

Helix glared at him suspiciously. “Just tell me what I’m doing here so I can do it and get back to sleep, okay?”

“Come closer.”

The two vykkers stepped hesitantly onto the stage. Vhern pulled some vykker-fitted surgical gloves over his claws. Then, grinning like an exited child, he grabbed the end of the tarp and threw it back.

Brux let out a squeak, his hands over his mouth. Helix’s mouth fell open.

“Y-you...” Helix stuttered, “c-caught him?!”

Vhern swiped back the tarp completely, exposing Nedd in the full light. Helix guessed that the lights were somehow fixed so they gave off no UV rays.

“No, but the guards did.” Vhern shrugged.

Nedd was freakishly huge compared to normal interns. Not fat or overly-muscled, but long and tall, with dark purple-grey skin from the cylonite that had entered his bloodstream. He was strapped to the table by thick metal bands, four around his legs, three around his arms and wrists, two over his chest and stomach, one around his neck, and one around his forehead. Strapped tightly over his mouth was an oxygen-mixed anesthetic mask. He had two pulse readers over his chest that beeped faintly with each slow heartbeat. Both his dead eye and working eye were shut and motionless.

“He’s still alive.” Brux breathed, horror stricken.

Vhern licked his lips quickly before snapping his fingers. An intern in the second room looked up. “Bring me some surgical equipment.” He ordered.

The intern wheeled a cart with medical supplies over to the stand, uninterested, before walking back towards the previous room. Nedd growled in his sleep. The intern looked back, did a double take, and walked rigidly into the previous room, looking like he’d just seen a ghost. Were vykkers experimenting on interns now?

Helix removed a jar of liquid and a needle from the cart. He filled the needle to the brim, tapped it with a claw, and placed it against Nedd’s vein. Vhern grabbed his wrist before he could inject Nedd. “What are you doing?!” he hissed.

“Cyanide overdose,” Helix explained innocently. “It’ll kill him instantly.”

“Who said we wanted to kill him?”

The room fell silent. “...w-what do you mean?” Helix said, uncomprehending.

“Nedd.” Vhern said. “We’re not going to kill him.”

“Are you insane?” Helix squawked, dropping the needle. It clinked against the floor but didn’t break. “This is Nedd we’re talking about! He’s a danger to the ship, the ship’s inhabitants, and us!

“We’re not gonna kill him?” Brux murmured, a little slow on the times.

“Just think about it,” Vhern said, smiling with his straight teeth. “Hear me out.
For a long time we fought Nedd over the basement. Casualties were suffered, I know. But think about what this guy can do for the future of industry as a whole ”

“I don’t understand.” Helix said slowly.

“This man,” Vhern said, poking Nedd with a claw, “has lived three weeks on cylonite. He’s still sane. He’s still alive. If we can just discover what the cylonite does to him that it does to nobody else... imagine the possibilities! Genetically altered sligs and interns, capable of working twice the hours with the strength and speed that only cylonite can provide! Twice as much work for less the workers! And less feeding costs! Cylonite victims need very little to survive. Imagine all the money we could drag in just by altering our worker’s genetics! The cylonite could work wonders, if used correctly!”

“No!” Helix shrieked, picking up his needle and attempting once again to inject Nedd with it. Vhern swatted it aside quickly. “We can’t do this! He’s a monster! He HAS TO DIE!

“Helix,” Vhern said calmly with his arms behind his back, “I don’t believe you run this establishment. This is not your decision to make.”

“Brux,” Helix pleaded, turning to his associate. Brux stiffened. “We have to kill him! Do something!”

“I-I-I...” Brux stuttered, torn between helping his friend and his boss. “What should I do? ”


“Don’t!" Vhern said, suddenly looking angry. “You can’t kill him! This is a once in a lifetime chance! He must survive!”

“No!” Helix screamed in complete hysterics. A little crowd of interns had now gathered in the doorway to watch him flip out. “WE HAVE TO KILL THE DAMN THING SO HE DOESN’T LIVE TO KILL US!”



Vhern snapped his fingers. One of his bodyguards grabbed Helix by the head and slammed his face into the metal operating table with a loud crack. Helix felt blood pool in his mouth. If he had a nose, it would’ve been broken. The slig jerked Helix back and lifted him into the air by his head, pressing the barrel of a shuzi against the back of his neck.

Vhern dusted his glasses and put them on calmly, looking up at the now-bleeding Helix. “This doesn’t have to be so difficult.” he said between Helix’s terrified whimpers. The guard let him go, but still held the snuzi against his neck.

“Helix!” Brux wailed. He was extremely sensitive to violence. “Just do whatever he wants!”

“Yes, that would be the smart thing to do.” Vhern smiled.

Helix spat out a mouthful of blood from his cut lip and chipped teeth. The outside of his left eye was a yellowish color- he was developing a black eye. “What do you want me to do?” He rasped, flashing his blood dipped teeth. He felt degraded. Brux sobbed harder.

“Simple.” Vhern said, slowly removing his sanitary gloves. “I want you to heal Nedd. Fix him up like you would any patient. We can’t do any tests on him if he’s half dead.”

Helix looked back at Nedd slowly. Even in his sleep, he was a scary sight to see. He had what looked like a bullet hole in his cheek, and one of his legs were wrapped in bloody gauze; it looked like a nasty injury.

“Well?” Vhern asked expectantly. “What would you do to heal him?”

Helix swallowed his pride remorsefully. “I would stitch his damaged eye shut first. There appears to be some of it left.”

“Why would you stitch it?” Vhern asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Well, the sensitive nerves in the back of the socket are still exposed.” Helix explained half-heartedly. “It would be best just to stitch it.”

“Than hurry up and do it.”
Helix’s threaded a needle from the cart and stared at Nedd’s face. He saw his eyelid twitch. His claws trembling violently, Helix slowly opened his damaged eye’s socket. The eye hadn’t been removed entirely; it still had its basic shape, but with deep grooves running across it. It was lightly pinkish and filmed over with a thin layer of skin. Helix stitched Nedd’s eyelids quickly just so he could be finished looking at it.

“And then...?” Vhern asked, letting his sentence trail off expectantly.

“I’d remove the bullet in his cheek. The skin can grow by itself, but not without a chunk of metal in the way.” Helix looked over at Brux. “Brux, stitch shut the minor bullet wounds around his ribs.”

Brux was as unwilling as Helix, but didn’t dare to disobey. Helix pulled out the bullet with what looked like tiny salad tongs whilst Brux did stitches, whimpering like a scared animal. Vhern watched in fascination. As soon as Helix and Brux had finished, Vhern was already giving them orders.

“Now uncut the gauze around his leg and do whatever you can for it. Don’t cut it off or anything.” Vhern looked up, suddenly realizing that the interns were still in the doorway. Unlike before they were huddled together in pure terror. “Well, get back to what you were doing!” Vhern demanded. The interns ran off hastily.

Helix cut the gauze and pulled it off, wincing as the scent of blood and cylonite hit him. The leg was gooey with pus and looked as though multiple layers of flesh had been skinned off, even down to the bone in places. To Helix’s surprise, however, the leg looked like it was already healing. He pulled the gauze back around it, claws shaking. “There’s nothing we can do now.” he said quietly. “We’ll just have to let it heal.”

“So thats it?” Vhern said happily. “Anything else?”

“Keep him on antibiotics for a few weeks.” Helix couldn’t believe what he was saying. “H-he’ll be as right as rain.”

“Good!” Vhern exclaimed, pulling the tarp back over Nedd’s body. He looked back over his shoulder. “One! Two! Come here.”
The bulky sligs walked over, the ground slamming under their feet. Vhern pointed at the wheeled stretcher. “Push this into the other room, would you?”

Without so much as a sound the sligs began pushing the stretcher down a ramp nearby. The interns in the other room moved aside quickly to let them through, staying in a group just for the comfort. Helix looked around through his rapidly swelling eye. The room was long and sterilized. In the way back Helix saw a huge cage made of wire as thick as his wrists; unlike the rest of the room, it was darkly shaded. The two sligs unlocked the massive padlocks that held the cage shut, letting them drop to the floor. They looked extremely heavy.

“You over there.” Vhern said, pointing at a random intern. The intern’s eyes widened. “Go to that cabinet over there and take out the muzzle and chains in the bottom drawer.” he looked over at the rest of the interns. “Would you be so kind as to give me a hand over here? These shackles won’t undo themselves.”

Normally, Helix would have found the intern’s reactions to be hysterical. They were terrified beyond terrified. But in this case he just found them depressing. The interns stepped over obediently, staring at the stretcher. Vhern jerked the tarp free, exposing Nedd chained down, and the interns suddenly fought a blackout.

“Undo those shackles.” He said, pointing to the metal bands that held Nedd down. The interns stared. Wouldn’t that release him?

Meanwhile another intern came over, lugging behind the muzzle and chains like Vhern had ordered. Vhern tossed them to Helix, who had to scramble to catch them without falling over. “You two lock that contraption over his face. I don’t want him biting anybody.”

All the bands had been removed. The interns resumed cowering. Hesitantly Helix lifted Nedd’s head, flinching when he heard him grunt in his sleep. He pried the aesthetic mask off his mouth and began locking the metal over his face, struggling to keep his claws from trembling. The ‘muzzle’, as Vhern called it, was a large metal box with a hole on one side so Nedd could see. There were six smaller holes in a row lower down that served as ventilation. Helix quickly locked it around Nedd’s head while Brux chained his hands together, still sniffling.

“Well, now that that’s all sorted out...” Vhern said in satisfaction. The pair of sligs grabbed Nedd by his neck and legs and threw him in the cage carelessly. Nedd smacked against the wall as limp as a fish before slumping to the floor. Helix nearly screamed when he saw Nedd shift on his own accord. He would wake up soon. The two sligs re-locked the cage before stepping behind Helix and Brux.

“Now,” Vhern said, turning to the vykkers, “I take it you won’t be telling anybody about this...” Helix felt the muzzle of a snuzi press against the back of his neck, “... correct?”
Helix nodded dumbly. Vhern smiled. “Good.” His face darkened. “Now get out. Everybody.”

Helix couldn’t wait to leave. The pair of vykkers and the group of interns left as quickly as they could, fighting their way through the door without any sense of politeness. Only Vhern and his bodyguards were left, staring at the cage. Vhern placed his claw against the metal wire.

“What will you do now?” He murmured. Nedd was lying so that he faced the wall; in the shadows all Vhern could see was his back, ridged with jutting scars. Vhern turned away, his bodyguards following, and turned off the lights. Then he slowly closed the door.

All that could be heard was the sound of breathing.
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07-17-2008, 11:33 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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: Oct 2007
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Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)

That was scary... More! Why must Vhern be an idiot? He's gonna die sooner or later because of that.

Maybe Helix will get his job.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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07-18-2008, 11:55 AM
GlacierDragon's Avatar
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2008
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GlacierDragon  (114)GlacierDragon  (114)

Wow, very creepy. So I was kind of right when I said about the experiments and the super-Interns? Keep the chapters coming please!

~The Madness Of Life - On hiatus~
~Shrown - Edited and completed~

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07-21-2008, 11:33 AM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
: Oct 2007
: Under your bed
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Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)

Super-interns. I guess that sums it up.


Somebody was talking loudly. Dan’s horns twitched as though he were flicking off an irritable fly. What was everybody doing up so early? He looked up from the pillow his face was embedded in and looked around, surprised. There was hardly anybody around. Had Dan actually gotten to sleep in? He looked around groggily, seeing who was still lingering around. He could see only a few sligs and interns, and those he did see weren’t in their armor. Sligs wore plain metal pants, interns wore their speedos and headphones.

‘Durc probably isn’t working.’ Dan thought, feeling blissful. If Durc didn’t work, his guards didn’t either.

Dan shuffled from where he lay on his bunk, reached past the metal banister, and rummaged around in his dresser directly behind his head. He grabbed his speedo and pulled it on quickly, satisfied. It felt good to be out of his armor and back into his fashionable swimwear. Plus, the scar on his hip from his operation had healed up nicely, and wasn’t even noticeable. Dan put on his baseball cap and his headphones, just for the look, and glanced around the room. Red was already gone. This was expected though. Red wasn’t one to sleep in.

Dan left the guard barracks humming happily to himself. He was in a good mood.

He walked along with no clear sense of direction. It was his first day off in weeks, and yet he had nothing planned. There wasn’t much to do on the airship but work. He supposed that if he wanted to he could get into his guard gear and boss some people around, but there was no point in doing that. So instead, just for a start, Dan decided to find Red. He was probably still upset from what happened to Ian. He could use cheering up.

Dan stepped aside as a stretcher sped by, barely paying attention. With Nedd gone, he hadn’t a worry in the world. He was just being paranoid the night before. After what Nedd did, there was no way he’d still be alive. Dan felt his stomach ache. He remembered how Nedd used to be... but those times were over now. Nedd was gone. Dan could get on with his life.

Dan spotted Red farther ahead, around the area where the Vykker Suites were. He walked over and tapped him smartly on the shoulder. Red didn’t even turn.

...what are they doing in there....? Red whispered to himself, leaning closer. He was looking around the corner at something.

Red? Dan asked, waving a hand in front of his face. You still there?

Red’s head snapped around, his trance broken. Dan felt cold on the inside. Red looked thin and shaken, like a drenched cat. The five cuts over his face were thickly stitched, one of which ran over the top of his head and ended where one of his horns should have been. He looked like both a train wreck and a bouncer rolled into one.

Huh? Red raised his eyebrows.

You okay man? Dan asked slowly. He tried to sound casual, but he could tell his voice was becoming frantic. Is something wrong?

No. Red said eventually, continuing what he was doing; spying. On a metal door.

Behind his stitches, Dan bit his tongue. Are you sure? He sounded concerned. Your acting a little loopy.

Red didn’t answer. At first Dan thought he hadn’t even listened. Then, before Dan could get another comment in, Red whispered What do you think about that door?

Dan paused. Its, I don’t know, a door. Its metal.

People have been going in and out of that room all morning. Now what could they possibly be doing in a room guarded by a metal door? Red leaned closer towards the room. I watched them for a while, and now I think that that’s not even the only door. I think there’s a second door inside. Now why would they need a room with two doors to preform surgery? And have you noticed those two just standing there?

Red pointed at two huge sligs standing on either side of the door. In the hallway traffic, Dan hadn’t even noticed them, but he quickly recognized them.

Those two? Dan echoed. That’s just Vhern’s bodyguards. They do odd jobs for him, mostly guarding stuff. Which is, you know, our job, but still.

Who’s Vhern? Red asked, arching an eyebrow.

Dan blinked in surprise. Of course Red didn’t know who he was; he hadn’t been on the third floor when Vhern introduced himself. He’s the ship’s supervisor. He’s kind of a control freak, so he keeps bodyguards at his sides to keep himself safe and ‘keep the peace.’ Dan paused, wondering if it was worth mentioning. He usually just uses them to threaten people.

Now why would two huge slig bodyguards be standing outside two sets of six-inch-thick metal doors in the late morning while surgeons and tables of medical equipment came in and out?

I don’t—

The vykkers are hiding something. Red said, squinting.

Did you get any sleep at all last night?

I don’t know what they’re doing... his hands closed into fists so roughly that his knuckles cracked, ... but Dan, it isn’t good.

Dan tried to act calm. Red was his friend. He was under a lot of stress. But still, he was acting sick in the head, and although his hunches were usually right, Dan didn’t trust him.

I think you should lie down for a bit, Dan said, choosing his words carefully. I know you’re upset, and I think that it would be best if you just— where are you going?

Red had approached the door and was now attempting to talk with Vhern’s guards. Startled, Dan hurried over and grabbed Red’s shoulder, but Red was already speaking.

So, He said, clapping his hands together, been working for Vhern for a while now, right?

What are you doing? Dan hissed close to his ear.

The slig he had spoken too turned his large head and looked down at him without making a sound. His arms were crossed, and he was leaning against the wall behind him. Dan could see a set of keys glinting on his belt behind his back. Vhern must have trusted them well to have let them handle the keys to the room.

You know, Red said, blinking up at him with only half-sane eyes, I really don’t think you’re as bad as everybody says.

The slig blinked behind his mask’s glass eyeholes. Dan groaned.

I think deep down inside you just want to be loved.

The slig didn’t move a muscle. Without hesitating even the slightest nanosecond Red gave him a big hug.

Dan recoiled in alarm. Red had truly lost it! The slig barked in surprise and kicked Red in the stomach, flinging him back down the hallway. Dan took off after him quickly. Red crashed against a wall and got slowly to his feet, hands behind his back. The two bodyguard sligs just stared at one another in dumb confusion.

Get up. Dan said, aggressively jerking Red to his feet. Red! A maniac! Dan thought he’d never see the day when that happened.
Red followed behind without a single sound as Dan towed him angrily along. Okay, look. I don’t know what the f@%$ that was all about, but I’m gonna try to forget it, so right now lets focus on finding somebody who can help you...

Red held something up triumphantly. Dan stopped walking and blinked deeply, staring. Scissored between Red’s fingers was a brass ring loaded with keys.

You... nicked his keys?

Red nodded, twirling the keys. I can be sneaky when I have to be.

So you’re not insane?

I’m afraid not.

Dan sighed a deep breath of relief, releasing his grip on Red’s arm. That was... Dan crossed his arms, uncalled for...

Now, Red said, slipping the rings into his speedo’s pocket, we can find out what’s really going on behind that door.

Dan sighed. Please tell me you’re not serious.

I’m serious. Sorry. Red blinked. This hellhole is full of secrets. I plan on solving at least one before this ship kills me.


Nedd shuffled awake, eyes still closed. His whole body hurt. Slowly he opened his gluey eye, and stiffened in alarm.

He couldn’t see!

He was blind!

Nedd panicked instantly, pushing up from where he lie. His head and arms felt heavy. Slowly, he reached up with his hand and felt his face. It was covered by a metal box. He sighed slowly. He wasn’t blind, after all. But, despite that, his left eye socket felt tight and hard; even though there was no eye behind it, he usually had it slightly open. This time, however, he found he couldn’t open it at all. Lying down slowly, Nedd reached down as best he could with his shackles and felt his leg, which was throbbing with pain. There was a tight cast around it. Who had taken the time to fix him up? More importantly, where was he?

‘When I get out of here I swear I’m gonna...’

Nedd’s thought was cut short by the sound of a door shrieking open. Nedd remained as still as stone. The rapid sound of vykker feet filled his ears. Pretending to still be asleep, Nedd kept close to the ground, his eye shifting behind his metal muzzle.

“Hurry up. We have to do this while he’s still out cold!”

They had to do what?

Nedd heard the sound of clinking; like metal chains being shaken. A faint metallic groan followed closely behind. The sound of vykker feet, now mixed with that of an intern’s, came closer and closer. They quickly became more hesitant.


‘Oh, yeah, you’d better be careful.’

The sound of feet directly next to his head came next. Nedd struggled to remain calm. His instincts were telling him to attack whoever was near, but his mind was against it. He just needed to know what they wanted. Then he would know what to do to stop them.

You sure he’s asleep? An intern’s voice.

“Positive. Now hurry up!” A vykker hissed.

A long pause followed. Nedd held his breath and tried to listen, but he heard nothing. After what felt like forever Nedd felt a slight pressure against the back of his exposed neck, followed by the sharp prick of a needle.

Nedd reared up, lashed out with his arms, and wrapped his shackles around the intern’s neck. The intern screamed, but was cut short as the metal chain constricted around his throat.

DIE, YOU BASTARD!” Nedd snarled through his teeth. The intern thrashed wildly under his suffocating grasp. Nedd felt multiple needles pierce all over his body, and suddenly his energy was gone.


He fell to the floor with a loud thump, the intern still struggling beneath him. His grip slackened. Nedd’s eye fell shut yet again, and for the second time sleep overthrew him like a blanket, silent and unavoidable.


“Nice shot!” Vhern said, heartily patting the shoulder of the intern standing next to him. The intern was shaking violently, his eyes wide. The tranquilizer gun fell from his hands.
Nedd shuffled suddenly, and victim crawled out from underneath him, sobbing in terror. He tried to stand, tripped, and fell to his knees, his body jerking spasmodically. Vhern frowned angrily.

“Oh, come on, you’re fine.” Vhern growled impatiently. “Did you at least get the blood sample?”

The intern crawled pathetically over to Nedd and plucked the blood-filled needle from his neck. Vhern grinned. After the intern had left Nedd’s cage, Vhern handed the blood sample to Brux. His mouth was still gaping open.

“What are you, a fish?” Vhern demanded, adjusting his glasses. Brux closed his mouth abruptly.

“Nedd tried to kill that intern!” he squeaked.

“Who cares? Just do the blood test already so we can move on. Unlike you, I actually have a life.”

Without further complaint Brux hurried off towards the other side of the room and plugged in the vial of blood, his arms crunched close to his sides for comfort. Vhern didn’t get why he was so sensitive. This ship was crawling with interns; who cared what happened to just one? With a dramatic sigh Vhern strolled over to Brux and leaned in to observe what he was doing. “Now what?”

Even though Vhern hadn’t said anything of real meaning, Brux still flinched. “This squishes the blood around and separates it into just pieces of flesh, and plasma particles.”


Brux closed his hands into fists to control his trembling claws. He didn’t exactly like Vhern leaning so close over his shoulder. “We’ll see how much cylonite is in his blood this way.”

Vhern scrawled down something on his clipboard. “Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to.” He left the room without so much as a goodbye.

Brux kept close to the blood-separating-device (he’d never learned to pronounce its name, but what he did know was that it had a p in it) and closed his eyes. In the back of the room he could hear the interns talking worriedly to each other. He looked back at them slowly. They formed a social group; they actually seemed worried at what went on with their fellow colleges. The truth was that it had to do with how they were treated; they were practically slaves. The only comfort they got in their lives was from each other. But Brux still didn’t understand. Why weren’t vykkers like that? Didn’t vykkers need friends, too?

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 07-30-2008 at 12:59 AM..
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07-21-2008, 11:50 AM
GlacierDragon's Avatar
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GlacierDragon  (114)GlacierDragon  (114)

Interesting chapter. I feel sorry for Nedd being all chained up.

Super-interns. I guess that sums it up.
And then all the super-interns escape and take over the world and use the Vykkers as slaves!

The slig didn’t move a muscle. Without hesitating even the slightest nanosecond Red gave him a big hug.

~The Madness Of Life - On hiatus~
~Shrown - Edited and completed~

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07-22-2008, 12:52 AM
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When Red did the hugging thing, I actually thought he had gone mad.

Oooooo... Brux's happy humor is kind of dieing. And Vhern's being mean again.


Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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07-23-2008, 02:47 AM
scipionyx's Avatar
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wow, I'm still about to read this but I have to say: I really love your story it's very good It's one of those stories that makes your eyes burn cuz you can't stop reading it xD

*goes on reading*

˙·٠ The Captured Ones curretnly on hold ٠·˙
˙·٠► .The Capturers. curretnly on hold ◄٠·˙
˙·٠ W3-7 ٠·˙
˙·٠ OW-Art Thread ٠·˙

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07-27-2008, 10:02 AM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
: Oct 2007
: Under your bed
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Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)

Everybody needs a hug once and a while. =D
Sorry this took so long. I've been busy, life's catching up, yadda yadda yadda.


The generator was a mess. Wires jutted out of it from every open hole. Hunks of pried-off metal lie curled on the floor. Smoke stained the ceiling from the sparks and fires that had obliterated the inside.

But it still worked.

Vhern rattled his claws against the object’s side, and a plate of metal instantly fell off, clunking heavily against the floor. He stared at it for a moment.
“So its fixed?” Vhern asked critically, picking up the metal and wedging it back into place. A vykker behind him rubbed his claws together nervously.

“Its bent out of shape, but yeah, it still works.”

The vykker gulped when Vhern started writing on his clipboard. Not a good sign. Adjusting his glasses, the ship’s supervisor looked around. “And you mean to tell me that after all this time this place is still a mess?”

“Well, you didn’t exactly give us much time to repair the generator to working status and clean up...”

Vhern tut-tutted under his breath. “I suppose running a vacuum though here would be too much of a chore?”

The vykker looked down at the floor. Hunks of metal as thick as baseballs were scattered everywhere. “I don’t even think a shop vac could clean this up... .”

“Shame.” Vhern looked up from where he was writing and cast his eyes around the room. Vykkers and interns surrounded the generator from the catwalks above their heads, drilling metal into place and connecting broken wires. The generator had created enough back-up energy to carry the ship to the airbase where they were headed; now it was just a matter of fixing it as soon as possible, incase something else went wrong.
“Well thanks, this has been... fun.” Vhern said, tucking his clipboard under his arm with a smile. The vykker he was talking to wilted in relief. “But I have other tasks in need of completion. Get the generator up and running as soon as possible, then we can have another chat.”

“Er, thanks, Vh---” The vykker began, but Vhern had already walked away.

‘Imbeciles.’ Vhern thought, sliding a key card in the door’s lock. Nothing happened. Suddenly realizing that the door had been torn off its hinges, Vhern gingerly poked it open. Then he continued on his way, whistling to himself. It seemed ironic that Vhern made sure all intern’s mouths were stitches just so they couldn’t whistle. He himself didn’t care.

Returning to his previous location, Vhern prodded his slig bodyguard, One, in the arm.

“Open the door.” he ordered. The big slig reached back for his keys. He continued searching, confused, and eventually started walking in a little circle, trying to see behind him. Where the heck were his keys? Finally giving up, One gave a meek little shrug.
“You lost them.” Vhern said slowly, arms crossed. The slig stiffened. “Do you think I pay you to lose things?”
The slig made a face. Vhern frowned. “Well, I don’t pay you at all, so I guess I can’t lower your paycheck... just find your keys, okay?
One nodded quickly. Vhern turned to Two, flashing his startlingly oral-hygienic teeth. “The door. Open it.”

Hastily Two unlocked the door with his set of keys. Vhern stepped smartly inside and motioned for his guards to follow. He opened the exit to the foyer, moved sleekly around the operating table, and re-entered the containment room, still smirking.

“I’m back. Miss me?”

Nobody responded, except for a couple of interns, who scooted away a little. Vhern’s expression darkened immediately. Sure, he didn’t expect his workers to be as enthusiastic as Santa’s elves, but would it kill them to at least pretend to be happy instead of scuffling around like the living dead?

Brux skipped over merrily. Vhern stared. Oh, what was he so happy about?

“The tests are back,” Brux said, waving a bunch of papers in his face. “He was positive for cylonite.”

“Positively what?”

“He has cylonite.”

“So that’s a negative thing?”

“No, its positive.”

“What’s so positive about having cylonite?”

“No, I mean, it is negative---”

Vhern scowled. “So is it positive or negative? ”

Brux ripped up the papers and stuffed them in a trash can. “He... is infected... with cylonite.” Brux said slowly. For the sake of getting back to business, Vhern decided to let it go.

“Whatever.” Vhern said dully, his claws tapping against his clipboard like a metronome. Raising his voice, Vhern said, “Right. Everybody, clear out Except you two.” Vhern looked back over at his guards. “You stay.”

The interns left without a single complaint. Brux’s claws twitched hesitantly, his cheery mood vanishing. “But, Vhern, its not safe to be in here by yourself---”

“Which is why I’ll have my bodyguards with me.”


Brux left, looking crestfallen. When he was sure that everybody was gone, Vhern turned back to his guards. “One. Go turn off the lights. Two. Go get me a wrench and a bucket of water. Its time me and our intern friend here had a little chat.”


Awareness slowly flooded Nedd’s limbs, though his mind was still half asleep. He groaned and tried to move, but gave up. Most of his body felt sore from lying on his side for hours. To make matters worse, the metal muzzle was still tight around his head, cutting off his blood flow. Nedd reached up and tried to pry the box off his face. No luck. Chains rattling against his arms, Nedd felt the muzzle with the pads of his fingers, trying to find an opening. There had to be one somewhere; how else could the air circulate?

He found a spot directly over his left eye that stuck out in a circle. It appeared to be screwed on. Nedd tried turning it with his fingers, but it was too tightly jammed.


Cursing much more abusive things under his breath, Nedd crept to the side, unsure of where he was going. He came to a metal wire fence. He pulled on it fruitlessly, his mind racing. Where the hell was he?

Nedd heard a door open. Only then did he realize how silent things had become. Nedd fell to the floor and let his limbs go limp, pretending to still be unconscious. Maybe they’d go away if they thought he hadn’t woken up. The heavy thunking of slig’s mechanical pants rang in his ears. His mouth watered. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d tasted the salty, delicious flesh of a slig...

“Wake him up.”

Cold water soaked Nedd instantly. It was so unexpected that he gasped involuntarily. Trying to keep from shaking, Nedd remained still.

“Wow. He really is out. One, go in there and unscrew the eyehole on his muzzle. You don’t have to be gentle.”

And they weren’t gentle. Nedd felt a huge fist wring his neck and pull him up. The scent of slig was intoxicating now. It was a preferred taste, definitely, but it was so good. Nedd heard a faint screeching sound, like a dentist’s drill, then felt a jerk as something was wrenched from the metal cage around his face. The slig dropped him carelessly and left.

“Wake up.” A vykker whispered.

Nedd slowly opened his eye. Whatever had been covering it was gone, allowing him to see.

“Wake uuuuup.” the voice said in a musical tone. Nedd’s teeth clamped together with the sound of cracking knuckles. Just who did they think he was?

“Okay, get up, seriously. I don’t have all day.”

Rage bubbled in Nedd’s chest. With a roar he threw himself towards the sound of voices, just to slam into a metal fence. He hit it so hard that a few metal coils snapped. Nedd wrapped his fingers around the metal and shook it roughly, clinking the air.

“Get back! You idiots, make him stop!”

Nedd had just enough time to see a big slig punch him in the face. His teeth chipped. Nedd screeched and crouched in the back of the cage, blood pooling in his mouth. Behind the sligs and vykker, light was coming from another room, making it hard to see. His eye had adjusted to night vision so well that he could barely see in the daytime.

“Oh, come now,” The vykker said, leaning closer to the cage. His glasses flashed in the light. “Can’t we understand each other here?”

“No.” Nedd growled. He saw the vykker jerk back in shock. Didn’t he know he could talk?

“Well,” The vykker said slowly, “Let me introduce myself. My name is Vhern.”

“Like a give a f&#@.”

‘Vhern’ stiffened noticeably. “Where’s all this anger coming from?”

‘You’ve got to be kidding me,’ Nedd thought, leaning back against the wall. The shadows did a good job of hiding him.

Vhern frowned, his claws against the metal cage. He leaned in and whispered; “Look, I really don’t care why you’re destroying things. To be quite frank I couldn’t care less what you did to the ship, because right now, I have a bigger investment than airships to look in to.” the vykker smiled. “You.”

“What?” Nedd said in confusion. He had planned just to not respond to anything the vykker said, but that last comment had caught him off guard.

Vhern nodded. “Yes. You see, according to our calculations, the cylonite in your blood should have driven you insane -or worse, killed you- weeks ago. But here you are, in moderately good health. Surviving.”

“So what do you want?” Nedd asked, glaring at him through his eyehole.

“I want the moolah.” Vhern smiled. “And to be quite honest I’ll do anything it takes to get it from you.”

“Does it look like I have any moolah on me?” Nedd spread his arms the best he could with his shackles.

Vhern sighed. “I’m afraid you’ve misunderstood me. You see, you should be dead right now. But you’re not. There’s something about you that affects the cylonite in a different way, making it more of a positive thing than a negative thing.”


“So, if I could just find out the secret to what makes the cylonite act in such a way, the possibilities would be endless. We could create bigger, stronger workers that would do twice the work of a normal worker. Can’t you imagine the profit we could make out of this?” Vhern grinned ecstatically. “Super-workers! Everybody will want them! We could charge anything for them, and people will still buy!”

‘Super workers?’ Nedd thought, his pupils shrinking slightly. “So you need me, because without me, you can’t alter the cylonite to make it a good thing.”


Nedd snorted. “Why should I help you?”

“Because you don’t have an option.” Vhern said with a smirk as he examined his claws. “We can run tests on you against your will until your no longer useful, and can stay locked up in this cage and eventually get killed by a lethal dose of cyanide. Not exactly a painless way to go. Or,” Vhern looked up, “you can come with me. My scientists will run tests on you until you die in, oh, about a year. You’ll live with no cage, no rules. Just show up for our tests and there won’t be any problems.”

“I think you’re forgetting that I killed about a fourth of the people on this ship.” Nedd growled.

Vhern shrugged. “I have methods of keeping people quiet about such things.” he said simply. “I can clear you of all charges. Think about it. When this ship touches down on the airbase, you can be either labeled as a murderer, or a scientific breakthrough.”

Nedd leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. It sure didn’t feel good to be locked in a cage. But would Vhern really be able to clear all his charges? Could he really erase what happened on the airship? Or was he just trying to trick Nedd into trusting him?

“I have you locked in a cage.” Vhern added. “No escape. If I really wanted something from you, do you think I would take the time to trick you?”

That was a good point. But in the end, Nedd still didn’t like Vhern’s plan. Nedd liked killing people. He hated to think that all the damaged he caused to the fragile airship community could just be forgotten.

“Think about it.” Vhern repeated, turning and walking away from the cage. The two sligs followed him hesitantly. The door closed, and the room was thrust into inky blackness. Nedd's pupil flickered thoughtfully.

‘Free of all charges?’

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 07-27-2008 at 10:17 AM..
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07-27-2008, 10:38 AM
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Ooooh... At the charge anything bit I was strongly reminded of Jurassic park.

But that was awesome and I bet Nedd will say yes and turn on Vhern at some time. And Nedd will save the day! Or maybe Supermud. I want even more! This whole fan fic is just awesome.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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07-27-2008, 04:41 PM
Shadiela's Avatar
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Shadiela  (13)

I've been reading this for a while and I have to admit, it's the definition of awesome!
Caution: Bites When Provoked!!

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07-28-2008, 07:48 AM
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it's the definition of awesome!
Actually it's the definition of perfection.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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07-30-2008, 09:57 AM
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It's not just the definition of perfection , I even wanted to force someone else to read it!!! I totally love your writing style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your story is one of the best fanfic I've ever read.

˙·٠ The Captured Ones curretnly on hold ٠·˙
˙·٠► .The Capturers. curretnly on hold ◄٠·˙
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Last edited by scipionyx; 07-30-2008 at 12:15 PM..
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07-31-2008, 04:04 AM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
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Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)

Wow, I feel extremely loved. <3 I never thought anybody would like my fic that much!


The generator so far had been repaired to the point where it was barely recognizable. They had gone over its hard metal shell with steel twice as thick as it had been before, just in case something else went wrong.

The vykker Vhern had spoke with before drilled a second steel plate into place with a sigh. He quickly swiped a stick-thin arm over his brow. Who knew repairing a generator could be such hard work? Reaching down, the vykker grabbed a second heavy strip of metal and held it tightly against the generator, screwing it into place. Just as he was about to drill the plate on completely, he stopped.

The vykker released his grip on the spinning drill and looked at the generator in confusion. He could’ve sworn he’d heard a sound coming from the inside. Without hesitation he un-screwed the metal plate he’d just fixed and set it down, staring into the bowels of the generator. Despite the fact that dozens of other people were noisily working, he could hear a sound that distinguished itself from the rest. It was faint and squeaky, like an unoiled door hinge.

“You,” the vykker ordered, turning to the intern working next to him. The intern didn’t work for him, but still, it was an intern, so it would follow his orders no matter what. “Go get me a flashlight.”

With a grumble the intern dropped what it was doing and left. A minute later it returned and handed the vykker a cheap key-chain flashlight.

“Thats the best you could do?” The vykker asked dully. The intern gave a careless shrug.

Grumbling about the ‘inefficacy of workers these days’, the vykker turned on the light and looked inside the generator. He could smell smoke; not a strong, flame-fueled smoke, but the kind of smoke that came from a lot of friction. The vykker shined the light higher up, and was suddenly aware of voices behind him.

“What are you doing?” A fellow vykker asked, arms on its hips.

“There’s something wrong with the generator.” The vykker said smugly, glad that he sounded important. “There!”

Everybody nearby peeked inside to see what the vykker was talking about. Shining in the flashlight’s glow was a gear. It was jerking spasmodically in place instead of spinning, which was slowing the other gears down.

“What the heck?” Somebody said behind the vykker. The vykker leaned closer in, squinting.

“It looks like something’s wrapped around it. Something metal.”

“Well don’t just leave it there. Pull it out!”

The vykker looked back at the intern he’d addressed before. “Get me a crowbar. Hurry!”

With a groan the intern left to do his bidding. Seconds that felt like minutes ticked by. After rummaging around in a toolbox the intern gave the vykker a crowbar, and crossed its arms as though saying ‘don’t expect me to do anything else.’

The vykker reached in as far as he could, careful to avoid his arm getting snapped between the huge cogs, and hooked the crowbar’s lip around the metal. He pulled back with the crowbar as hard as he could. “It won’t budge!”

A couple of interns and vykkers reached in to help him pull out the crowbar. Despite their combined effort, the metal still wouldn’t come loose. They braced themselves against the side of the generator and heaved. They were soon rewarded with a satisfying creak as the metal was pried loose.

“There.” The vykker gasped, dropping the crowbar. “That’s worked out nicely. Lets just take a peek inside and---”

They looked inside quickly, just to stiffen in horror. The metal was gone, but so was the gear!

“Crap!” the vykker cursed, looking down inside the generator. The gear had fallen off somewhere inside. They could only watch, startled, as the metal cogs the gear had supported started to groan towards each other, having nothing to turn against. The cogs slammed together and kept doing, tearing away shavings of metal with an earsplitting shriek.

“Call the Control Room!” The vykker cried as the room was thrust into a state of panic. “Tell them to turn the generator off!”

The screeching was so loud that nobody heard him. Oily, coal-black smoke poured from the openings in the generator, staining the ceiling. Bits of metal as sharp as razor blades were tossed in the air like confetti. The generator slumped to the side in an eruption of flame, a crack forming at its base. Oil spilled from the opening, slicking the floor a dark black-purple. The vykker looked from the fire to the oil, and gulped.

The room was engulfed in a massive explosion. The vykker didn’t even get to scream.


The mingled sounds of snoring made it sound like something was dying in the Guard Barracks. Dan dug deeper into his pillow in an attempt to drown out the sound, but with no success. ‘It should be illegal for people to sleep that well,’ he thought, glaring out from where he slept. Dan sighed and pressed his face harder against his pillow. Just when he was about to fall asleep, he felt something grab his arm.

Dan looked up groggily. What? He snapped.

Red released his arm. Come on. We’re gonna see what’s in that room.

Can’t it wait until morning?

Vhern’s guards will still be there then.

Grumbling, Dan rolled out of bed and felt around for his baseball cap. Red pulled him to his feet.

Why do you need your hat now? It’s the middle of the night! Nobody’s gonna care what you’re wearing!

Of course, Red was right. Feeling foolish, Dan followed Red as he left the room. So what’s the plan?

Why would we need a plan? Red asked, looking back at Dan. We’re gonna go see what’s up with that room. Pretty self-explanatory.

Dan glared. That wasn’t exactly the answer he wanted. He hoped that Red at least had an idea of what they were going to do once they got in the room.

They made their way to the room almost silently. No words were spoken, partly because they didn’t want to wake anybody up, and partly because there was nothing to be said. Dan looked down at the floor. He could just barely make out his reflection in the tiling; he looked different somehow. More tired. And not just because it was the middle of the night.

Get back! Red hissed suddenly, shoving him against a wall. Dan stumbled back in confusion.

What is it? Are we there? Dan whispered urgently.

Yeah, but those sligs are still there!

For Odd’s sake, don’t they ever sleep?!

Dan and Red both peeked around the corner. Those sligs were indeed still standing there, though they were leaning against the walls in a half-asleep state. Dan and Red inched back and looked at each other.

So now what?

Red’s fingers rubbed together nervously. I don’t know. I didn’t expect them to still be up guarding the door.

“Need some help?” somebody tried to whisper, though their voice ended up sounding like a muffled squawk. Dan jumped and swung around.

Helix was watching them from inside a closet.

Helix? Red asked, confused. What are you doing awake? And why are you in a closet?

“You’re trying to break into that room right there?”

Dan suddenly realized that Helix probably wouldn’t like them breaking into a guarded room. What? No! I mean, what made you think that? He chuckled nervously, elbowing Red in the ribs. Red didn’t get the hint.

“Get in here!” Helix hissed, grabbing them and forcefully pulling them in the closet. Dan didn’t exactly like the idea of being trapped in a closet with his disagreeable former boss. They stood awkwardly among the mops and cleaning equipment, their elbows close to their sides.

“Look, I know what you’re trying do do,” Helix began, “and thats what I’m trying to do, too.”

Wait, you’re trying to break in too? Why? Red asked suspiciously.

“So I can destroy what Vhern’s keeping alive.”

Which would be...?

Helix frowned. “Take a guess.”

Dan’s eyes darkened. Nedd.

“Congratulations!” Helix said dully. “You’re correct.” He looked around. Both Red and Dan were glaring at him. Helix blinked. “What do you want, a cookie?”

Why didn’t you tell somebody? Dan demanded.

“Vhern threatened to kill me if I did that!” Helix hissed. “I didn’t want to take the chance.”

Red crossed his arms. Well, you just told us, so you’d better hope he wasn’t being serious.

Helix sighed. “Okay, look. You need a distraction for the guards. I need the keys in the room. We can make this a win-win situation if we just work together. I distract the guards, you open the door.”

And how will you distract the guards? Red asked critically.

“Trust me. These guys have brains the size of walnuts. Distracting them will be no problem.”

Helix opened the closet door and stepped out. The two interns followed hesitantly. Smugly, Helix started walking towards where the slig guards were standing.

Try hugging them! Red whispered after him. It worked for me!

Helix did a double-take. “You hugged them?”

Yes—I mean no—I mean, it was just to get their keys!

“Whatever,” Helix sighed, walking up to the guards. Red and Dan watched from around the corner.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen!” Helix said merrily. The two sligs looked at him. “So, how are you this fine, er, night?”

No reply. Of course. Helix grinned.

“Well, what are you doing here? Guarding? Its the middle of the night. Who do you think would be up this late?”

The guards looked at each other.

“I mean, obviously you’re here to make sure nobody breaks in the room. But who do you think would try to break in at night? I mean, don’t you think they’d expect you to still be standing here this late? Two strong sligs like you should be doing more important things, like guarding Vhern. So why don’t you just leave?”

Hook, line, and sinker.

“I mean, did Vhern tell you to stay up this late and guard the door?”

Slig One shook his head.

“No? Well, why not just go? Obviously, you’re his bodyguards, so shouldn’t you be guarding him? You wouldn’t want anything to happen to him, would you?”

The guards looked at each other in shock. What were they doing there? Vhern could be in danger!

“Quick! Go make sure he’s safe!” Helix cried, pointing down the hall. The sligs tore down the hall. Helix turned quickly towards where Red and Dan were standing. “Hurry, I don’t know how long it’ll be before those idiots come back!”

Red and Dan bolted to the door. Fumbling with the keys, Red tried unlocking the door. The first key didn’t work. Frantically he tried the second, than the third, and then... click! The door swung open. The unlikely trio hurried inside and closed the door. Red was already unlocking the second one. When the second door was open, Helix hopped over to a metical cart and started shuffling through the supplies, searching diligently. Dan came up behind him.

What are you looking for? He asked curiously.

“Cyanide.” Helix said triumphantly, holding up a brown bottle. “A quick injection of this’ll kill Nedd in a heartbeat.”

Red was already opening the door to the third room. He pulled the handle back, and the door swung open, exposing a long hallway-like room with a huge iron cage in the back. The cage had a black tarp draped over it.

Even though he couldn’t see through the tarp, Dan knew what was inside.

Helix slowly filled a hypodermic needle with the cyanide. “This is it.” He whispered, taking a step inside. Dan and Red followed at either of his sides, determined. And then—


The entire room gave a massive shudder and jerked to the side. All three of the intruders fell in surprise. The entire ship was groaning and swaying like a boat in a gale, making it impossible to stand. With a clink, the keys fell from Red’s hands and skittered across the floor.

What’s happening?! Dan cried as the room tilted, throwing furniture across the room. Heavy chairs crashed against the metal cage at the end of the room, making its single prisoner snarl in rage.

“I don’t know!” Helix gasped, clinging to the door’s frame. The cyanide needle fell from his hands and rolled down the angled floor.

And, as soon as it had started, it was over. The room swayed slightly, making glass bottles clatter noisily together. Dan, Red and Helix got shakily to their feet, their hands against the wall in case of an aftershock.

What was that? Red breathed. Helix gulped.

“I have no idea---”


Some friendly background music played afterwards, as though they were trying to cheer everybody up. Despite their attempts, Dan still knew something bad had happened. A slight malfunction with the generator wouldn’t have affected the entire ship.

“The generator?” Helix hissed, making a break for the door. Unsure of what to do, Dan and Red followed. “For odd’s sake, where’s Vhern when you actually need him?!”



A second, quicker convulsion wracked the ship, making Nedd brace closer to the metal fencing of his cage. He looked around wildly with his exposed eye. He’d heard voices, he’d been sure of it! What were they trying to do to him? Quickly making a decision, Nedd reached out with his fingers as best he could and lifted a corner of the tarp, eye pivoting. Whoever had been in the room had left.

“Vhern?” He growled unsurely. “You jackass, just what do you think you’re doing now?!”

No reply came. Nedd was just about to pull back into his cage when suddenly he noticed something. Blinking, Nedd spotted a set of keys lying on the floor just a few feet away.


Nedd sank his teeth into the metal wire at the bottom of his cage and snapped it, wincing. The metal hurt his teeth. He bit through two more coils, ignoring the pain. That wasn’t important right now. He peeled back the metal wiring and squeezed his good hand through the hole, grunting as he reached as far as he could. No luck. Nedd reached even farther, his eyes watering as he felt the metal strands gouge his shoulder. He carefully hooked a claw around the key’s ring and pulled it inside the cage, giddy with satisfaction.

Freedom was close!

He set the keys down and frantically felt the metal muzzle over his face. Finding the keyhole, Nedd selected what he thought was the smallest key and jammed it inside. He tried turning it. No luck. Nedd fumbled angrily and stuck a different key in, wiggling it side to side. It did nothing. Opening a lock with just one hand was easier said than done. Finally, on his third attempt, the muzzle came open. Nedd flicked his head to the side, letting the muzzle fall off his face. He took a deep breath. It felt good to actually breathe again.

Nedd then worked on his shackles. With a little force, they too opened. He was no longer immobilized. His problems were half solved.

Nedd hopped over to the padlock around his cage and stuck a heavy-looking skull key in the lock, twirling it expertly. Clink! It opened without a fuss. Nedd pushed open the gate and stepped hesitantly out, eye scanning the area. Nobody was around. Nedd slowly smiled.

Free at last.
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07-31-2008, 07:48 AM
Oddey's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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This story just gets better and better. Just when you thought that Nedd and Ian was the worst you get the generator and an angry Nedd. Vhern is probrably hiding under his bed cowering. Next chapter! I think I'll print out this story when it's done and then maybe read it when I'm bored, because this story is actually one of the best I've ever heard and that includes some that have been published. I think that if you published something like this then you'd be rich. And if you do tell all of us. Because we'd love to read it and buy.

Now I want you to continue!

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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07-31-2008, 10:22 AM
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: Apr 2008
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I'm going to do what Oddey said and print this off. It probably is one of the best things I've read as well. More pleaze!

~The Madness Of Life - On hiatus~
~Shrown - Edited and completed~

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07-31-2008, 11:19 AM
Shadiela's Avatar
: Jun 2006
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Shadiela  (13)

Yay! Nedd is free to cause chaos once again!
Caution: Bites When Provoked!!

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08-02-2008, 08:06 AM
scipionyx's Avatar
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I'm going to print it off too! Oddey had already said everythig.
It's amazing that your story NEVER has any boring passages, that's rare. You are really talented.
So Nedd is free AGAIN. And now I'm slightly depressed because I have to wait for the next chapter... xD

˙·٠ The Captured Ones curretnly on hold ٠·˙
˙·٠► .The Capturers. curretnly on hold ◄٠·˙
˙·٠ W3-7 ٠·˙
˙·٠ OW-Art Thread ٠·˙

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