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12-15-2002, 08:26 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Originally posted by MasterChief
wutever dude, im not here to fight
Then why are here? Nobody likes you. And since you act like you don't care if you were banned, why don't you just leave?

Or better yet, stop being a jerk every once in a while.

Last edited by SeaRex; 12-15-2002 at 12:38 PM..
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12-16-2002, 01:24 PM
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Originally posted by MasterChief
wutever dude, im not here to fight, chill out i dont practice insults like u bro
does this mean u might calm down, i'de hate to see a person with such a wealth of halo knowledge to be banned.

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12-16-2002, 03:51 PM
The Sour Slig's Avatar
The Sour Slig
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Well, all I can say is read my latest reply in the GTA VIce City thread. I'm not going to argue against anything you've recently said about me here. Mainly because it all isn't true and not worth bothering about. But MC proved that he could actually cool it in the vice city thread (his last post before mine) and if he could stay that way, people might get to like him. But all the arrogance and pathetic behaviour that even a child wouldn't stoop so low to will have to go if that's ever going to happen.
- The Sour Slig

Step outta line, Scrub, and you and your little mudokin friends over there will enjoy a nice long dirt nap.

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12-16-2002, 04:44 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
Bola Blast
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ok searex wutever u want, ill leave then if u r gonna just complain im not sayin anything and if i can recall many fights werent started by me, just like the one we may get in to now
make love.

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12-16-2002, 06:23 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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SeaRex  (33)

Hey, all I'm saying is that a little kindness every once in a while goes a long way...
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12-16-2002, 09:51 PM
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Grubb Fisherman
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here's my bit of kindness: I appreciate your knowledge of halo

now back to evil: your knowledge of halo is overwhelming

and I started this fight because: this is an oddworld forum
and it would be kind of you to make a board with what friends you have. there, you can talk about halo, chat about halo, yap about halo, and say "gay" freely.

4 cold years...

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12-17-2002, 02:34 PM
Fez's Avatar
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and this is the offtopic so we can talk about any thing as long as it stays within the rules.

back to ideas: am i the only one who is thinking up some stuff?

a silencer for those cool 45. cassless SMG,s then you could have 2 with silencers and do some good stealthing!

the pistol shoud be remade, the old one looked crap, the new one should resemble a desert eagle .50 and have a laser sight.

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12-17-2002, 10:46 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
Bola Blast
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ya a new pistol model would be cool. im glad they ditched the old AR but i als think it would be cool if they had proximity mines or times mines in halo2 like goldeneye.
make love.

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12-18-2002, 03:10 PM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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I think that you could order your reinforcements to do stuff when you press a certain amount of buttons at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldnt like a laser sight, to easy to notice!
Magog on the March,
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12-18-2002, 04:16 PM
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Grubb Fisherman
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do you mean like in Star Wars Rogue Squadron... kind of?

4 cold years...

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12-18-2002, 04:39 PM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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yeah like that and on jedi star fighter!
Magog on the March,
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12-18-2002, 04:55 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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nads  (10)

yeah, that would be cool

4 cold years...

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12-18-2002, 05:09 PM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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Imagine this on the later levels your doing a patrol in a city or wherever and you suddenly get stormed by covenant your taking them down but they keep on coming, you could call foe hammer and when she gets low enough you could shot the good old saying of RETREAT!
Magog on the March,
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12-18-2002, 05:12 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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yeah, when you want to lay low but your pals charge forward to storm them, you can call them back and snipe of the cov.

4 cold years...

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12-18-2002, 05:15 PM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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you could call in reinforcements and stuff like that!
Magog on the March,
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12-18-2002, 05:39 PM
The Sour Slig's Avatar
The Sour Slig
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Are you kidding me? The old pistol looked fantastic and different to the norm. I love Desert Eagles but it's become a bit of a cliche of including them in shooters.... replacing a different pistol with one would NOT be good! Desert Eagles do have a place for modern or post apocalyptic settings, but not in the futuristic Halo 2 universe. You could say that the covenant bombing Earth is the apocalypse, but I'd just slap you In Halo 2, everything is advanced in at least looks (as in the original Halo). If a Desert Eagle were to be included, it would have to look advanced too and original. The M6D pistol was a very original design in my opinion.

And I'm actually sorry to see the AR go, it was one of the most beutiful looking weapons of the lot. Even now, I zoom in on one on the ground and just drool at the pretty curves and metal detail That too was an original design and it looked part of the timeframe. The battle rifle looks fantastic, but it doesn't have the bulkiness that made the AR look so great and futuristic. Although, I thought they were actually keeping the AR, just including a Battle Rifle too? I really can't imagine the standard marines running baout with Battle Rifles....it just doesn't suit....

Speaking of Marines, I can't wait to see what they will look like in Halo 2! We've seen what amazing detail is included in human characters in Doom 3, I just hope those in Halo 2 will look just as good.... preferably even better though! MC is already lookin gbetter than alot of Doom 3 models

Ok, another idea... I reckon that some of the covenant weapons that just exploded or vaporised should be able to be picked up by Master Chief. Just imagine being able to pick up the energy shield of a Jackal and running through a field, deflecting or absorbing alot of enemy gun fire to reach your checkpoint OR even blocking an Elite's plasma sword with the shield, killing him and then picking it up to wield at the same time as a shield! Melee combat evolved! It would really be the greatest! Although, maybe it wouldn't be such a great idea for the shield to be able to block a plasma sword attack, seeing that one swipe could break MC's energy shield and even kill him instantly! But holding a shield and a plasma sword and charging into battle behind the protection of your shield before hacking and slashing (in first person view!) would be superb! It'd also give a chance for Bungee to show off the AI of the enemies that is improved even over the fantastic, flawless AI of those in the original! The more clever Elites could go for shots at your legs with the needler or get out the plasma guns to destroy the shield temporarily so you are left vulnerable.

I think only two weapons should be allowed to carry at a time, but the sword (and shield) could count as an extra weapon (or 2). Wether the covenant plasma rocket launchers should be equippable, I don't know about that. Could be cool, but then why would they make it so they stop blowing up after user's death? Besides, killing a grunt with one whilst surrounded by his friends was priceless

I also think that by the push of a button, you can flick between first person and third person mode for Warthog driving and other vehicles that yo ucan pilots (the tank could have an interesting view from inside the tank with MC looking at a monitor showing what's inside his tank.
- The Sour Slig

Step outta line, Scrub, and you and your little mudokin friends over there will enjoy a nice long dirt nap.

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12-18-2002, 06:41 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
Bola Blast
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MasterChief  (9)

man those are seriously some sweet ideas man. But ya the Ar is going to be gone and replaced w/ the Br but we will eventually get used to the marines with them. Also i think the marines need to be beafed up a bit. i mean cmon, the marines are dupposed to be the best of the best in america and in halo they just purely suck. they need to be alot better and alot more helpful to make halo 2 sweeter. i especially cant wait for the new geo-mod technology they are gonna use (the thing in redfaction where u can blow up walls and everything). IT si gonna be put into halo2 and u can now strafe the walls and tip things over as a barricade.. and much more....its gonna be godly
make love.

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12-19-2002, 01:14 PM
Fez's Avatar
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i'm not saying to use a desert eagle, but a hand gun inspired by a desert eagle, laser sights look cool and make it a hell uv a lot more accurate.

i agree with sour slig, i loved the old AR, i did the same, zooming in on it just to look, it is so detailed, when you see a marine firing it close up, u can see the rounds going down in the screen, u can see the chamber opening to eject the cartridge and then close, u can even see the compass thing on the screen move as they turn!

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12-20-2002, 07:12 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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the AR is my favorite gun in halo

4 cold years...

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12-20-2002, 08:23 PM
The Sour Slig's Avatar
The Sour Slig
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S***! You serious? They're gonna use the geo-mod (or I would imagine something like it) for Halo 2!? Where did you find out about that!? That's sweet-ass news! This game just sounds cooler and cooler all the time

I thought the marines on Halo were great though. Not the sharpest tools in the shed, but they were obviously meant to be that way. Their AI and aniamtions were spot on and always seemed life like. Their taunts were great too! In Easy, Normal and even Heroic, the marines could come in really handy. Whereas in legendary, I think they're deliberately not nearly as handy as you'd hope for them to be which is what makes Legendary so harder. And keeping your men alive was so satisfying! I completed the second mission "Halo" without one marine dying! Of course, one marine kinda gets left behind when you go off in the Pelican, but you can't help that... poor fellow Of course, out in the open against Elites, the marines were perfect distractions and even extremely handy, but not to depend your life apon

And I agree, ferill, a laser sight would be very cool. I think you should be able to turn it on and off whenever you like (like on Half Life: Opposing Force's Desert Eagle) and the covenant should be able to see your beam against a wall especially in dark areas and even see the whoel beam if there is gas about to determine where you are.

Also, I think explosions that don't kill or strong melee attacks (like end of combo) should result in the person, covenant, thing dropping its weapon! So if an explosion send you flying through the air, you hsould drop your weapons and land flat on your face! This would make the situation even more scary! As for the Covenant, they'd fumble about looking for their weapon or would even try to knock yours from your hands and even pick them up or any other human weapons lying about! You just knew how scary it was when a Flood had a Rocket Launcher... now imagine how scary it would be to have an intelligent Elite pointing one at you! Or even an Elite with a shotgun! It would so kick arse!

And maybe even back attacks hsould only knock an enemy unconcious for a short while? Although instant death was fun enough, you'd be more careful to shoot them on the ground if they're only knocked out
- The Sour Slig

Step outta line, Scrub, and you and your little mudokin friends over there will enjoy a nice long dirt nap.

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12-20-2002, 09:00 PM
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Grubb Fisherman
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nads  (10)

I agree with the punch to the back idea

4 cold years...

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12-21-2002, 07:00 AM
Fez's Avatar
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that HL:OF desert eagle was sweet, i liked the sound i made when fired, and it saved my life from the xen shocktroopers thousands of time! Geo-mod, u gotta be kiddin me, that would be awesome:

cortona: "the dors jammed, i cant hack into the lock."
master chief: "let me try"
*blows up door*

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12-22-2002, 01:34 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
Bola Blast
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MasterChief  (9)

ya geo-mod is definitly gonna be in it. i cant wait. i wann c some kool melee combos but i just hope they dont look cheesy. Imagine if mc had heat sensor mode when he could see on the other side of walls, then take a rocket to the wall and BAM those guys are dead
make love.

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12-22-2002, 04:27 PM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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what the hell is GEO-MOD?
Magog on the March,
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12-22-2002, 07:06 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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GEO Mod is the engine within the game Red Faction in which you can destroy all of the environment around you in realtime. So you can even in multiplayers make parts of the level collapse. or tunnel your way through the level and snipe people out from your tunnel. It was best used in red faction. Red faction 2 had a less emphasis on geo mod, you could destroy less and was a bit more dissapointing in that aspect. But Halo 2 will be using a similar engine in which the AI and you will destroy the environment. It is not scripted either. Ex. lets say you are the Mc your hiding behind a pillar. The covenant start blowing up the pillar to get you or if your in a area in a multiplayer map someone could blow up the wall you were hiding in.

-Al the Vykker
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12-22-2002, 09:28 PM
The Sour Slig's Avatar
The Sour Slig
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The Sour Slig  (11)

Cool, I really cannot wait! I hope it'll be as advanced as the upcoming Raise The Roof (the level destructiveness I mean). I don't think they'll actually use the Geo-mod engine. Probably their own, better thing.

And ferill, I agree about the sound of the HL:OF Desert Eagle, it sounded so sweet, especiall ywhen i twas a head shot... no more sounds from the bad guy

Me and my friend today also thought it would be good that if you're getting filled with covenant plasma, you need to get out and sprint seems the only answer, I think it'll be cool if everything went slow mo (including the sound) as Master Cheif spins his weapon around into his holster and sprints. It would look so cool, seeing the plasma hurtle past you - mayeb even be able to dodge those coming square on? It'd be so cool! It'd be annoyin gif you just wanted to get somewhere quickly, so maybe have two sprint modes... the normal one (in first person or third person (maybe customizable in main menu or player settings)) where MC puts his weapon away and legs it in the direction of choice... and the slow-mo one that I mentioned above. It'd make the new edge of this sequel even sharper in some aspects, and everybody loves slow-mo! Those who don't wouldn't have to put up with it
- The Sour Slig

Step outta line, Scrub, and you and your little mudokin friends over there will enjoy a nice long dirt nap.

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12-23-2002, 08:05 AM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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Originally posted by Al the Vykker
GEO Mod is the engine within the game Red Faction in which you can destroy all of the environment around you in realtime. So you can even in multiplayers make parts of the level collapse. or tunnel your way through the level and snipe people out from your tunnel. It was best used in red faction. Red faction 2 had a less emphasis on geo mod, you could destroy less and was a bit more dissapointing in that aspect. But Halo 2 will be using a similar engine in which the AI and you will destroy the environment. It is not scripted either. Ex. lets say you are the Mc your hiding behind a pillar. The covenant start blowing up the pillar to get you or if your in a area in a multiplayer map someone could blow up the wall you were hiding in.

-Al the Vykker

Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must have Halo 2
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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12-23-2002, 12:13 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Mar 2002
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nads  (10)

please read the next post, please delete this!
Geo-mod IS pretty awesome

excuse me while I have a speech:
YOU guys are cool, everything you say that SUCKs, is true, MY brother wants to get halo 2 now


4 cold years...

Last edited by nads; 12-23-2002 at 04:17 AM..
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12-23-2002, 12:16 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Mar 2002
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nads  (10)

Geo-mod IS pretty awesome

excuse me, I have a speech:
YOU guys are cool, everything you say that SUCKs is true, everything you say is good is true also, MY brother wants to get halo 2 now

4 cold years...

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12-23-2002, 04:15 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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I went to Game stop today the actual store in the town nearby. I just preordered Halo 2. I am like number forty on the list so I have it guaranteed in their first wave. They told me people are just starting to preorder like crazy. Just like the way people did with Vice city. So mine will be here guaranteed next august. That is when I will buy xbox live also. Oh and just guess who is on the top of that list....my good friend Master Chief here. He preordered it in August I think. But now we both will have it the day it comes out. I just cant wait, I smell game of the year 2003.

-Al the Vykker
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