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11-12-2002, 12:40 PM
tybie_odd's Avatar
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*Jayne is still standing in front of Arnie as Jammer comes up, she doesn't see him yet*

*Suddenly vince runs up behind Jayne, jumps on her back and covers her eyes!*

Jayne: Ouff! What the?! Vince--?!? Get off! What the--what ARE you doing! *flings him off*

Vince: Jayne-Jayne-Jayne-um-see-I KNOW! Let's go play hackisack! Huh? Yeah! Hackisack, c'mon! *pulls her arm*

Jayne: Oogh! Vi-ince! Stop it! *wrenches her arm loose*

Correl: *laughs*

*Vince tries to grab her arms, Jayne tries to avoid him, he gets her arms, she pulls away, they do the whole thing over and over and over very quickly!*

Correl(still chuckling): It's okay, settle down you two!

*They both stop in mid-struggle to look at the old mud*

Correl: Vince, let her arms go. Jayne, stop swiping at him! I think now after a good night's rest everthing should go fine today.

Vince: -gulp!-

Jayne: What? What's wrong?

Correl: After what happened yesterday, it seems Vince is concerned that you will be frightened again.

Jayne(turning back to Arnie): Of what? *she sees Jammer, eyes widen*

Vince(muttering): Oh Odd, here we go again...

Correl: It's alright. Jayne, look at me. Come over here, that's it. My lands, child, breathe! Steady now...there you are!

Jayne: *breathes slowly* ....I-I...I'm fine....

Vince: *rolls his head back and puts hands in praying position, mouthing "Thank you, Odd!" sarcastically.

Smudge: *looks from Jayne to Red Muse to Jammer, then at the floor* -gulp!- (No way, nuh-uh, I am NOT telling anyone!) *he takes a few side-steps away from Jammer*

Correl: *pats Jayne on the back and smiles*

Smudge: *glancing around the room, he notices Correl and remembers what Jayne said.* (Hey, this guy has...mud powers? He can possess stuff?! Cr*p, now how am I gonna get to sleep at night? Knowing he could possess me at any moment?! Agh, this just shouldn't be allowed. Possession in the workplace--it's worse than sexual harassment! They outta kill that one off--he's dangerous!)

*Smudge begins staring fearfully at Correl, remembering when he was a little slig watching the M.O.M. how the security videos showed sligs being possessed and killed by the terrorist, Abe.*

Smudge: (Those were scary times...)

ooc: Four pages, whoopy! ...Hey y'all, I drew some of the characters from this rp and put 'em in Fan Corner! Please tell me what you think of them if you're interested. Thanks!
==> click here <==
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

Last edited by tybie_odd; 11-12-2002 at 04:54 AM..
11-12-2002, 03:59 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Jammer: *quickly looks at Jayne* (Hehheheh... I did it again! Oh wait... Boss said I have to be NICE to muds... for a day... What a PAIN!) *lets out a heavy sigh*

RM: (Hmm... That female mudokon seems to be afraid of Jammer... )*cleans his throat* Pardon me, *limps to the muds* is somegthing *wheeze* wrong? I mean, is there any way I could help?

Jammer: (Oh please! I should've killed him back there!) *mumbles something nasty*

(ooc: BTW, tybie_odd, I really liked those drawings you made! They were cool!^^)
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11-12-2002, 05:42 PM
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ooc: Those drawings in Fan Corner are SOO COOL! I like to see how other people imagine my characters. Maybe I'll draw them, too. I tried Dir. Phleg and V. P. Aslik once, but they weren't this good like tybie_odd's pictures!

Arnie: "Well, Jammer, I think your time has came. Try to scare the Paramite out to Stockyards. But don't hurt it, please! We need it for lunch!"

#7 Slig: "For lunch? Mmm... I like Paramite meat... Hey, I feel better already! Grrr... Enough of this stupid bandage!"

*opens bandage at his mouth*

#7 Slig: "Boss! Look! I can talk!"

Arnie: "Very good, #7 Slig. But remember that you're hurt and you can't work yet. Don't worry, we'll get you lunch. Oh, and I must talk with those Vykkers about your new pants..."

11-13-2002, 02:14 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Jammer:...What? I'm not suppose to... hurt it? *sigh* I mean, yes... sir. *puts his gun back and leaves the Rest Room* Scare it back to the stockyards? Gimme a break...

Ammy:*sits on her bed* (I wonder why Jammer is so mean... Muse didn't do anything wrong to him... Why is he doing this?)

Jammer:*at the cafeteria, with a dull voice* Come on out, I don't have all the day time. *sees the paramite run few metres in front of him* ...Oh... there it is. *runs after it* Damn, that thing is faster than I thought! *after a while of running, he managed to corner the paramite* Hah! Gotcha!

Paramite:*starts hissing*

Jammer: Yeah, yeah, I know you're happy to see me. I'll be happy too, when I see you as a pie! *reaches his hand for the paramite, but it attacks him* Whoa!...*looks at his hand and sees that it's bleeding* Why you little... *gets a hold of the Paramite's leg and slams it to a nearby wall* That's better. Let's get going back!

---------*at the stockyards*--------

Jammer:*tosses the paramite back to its cage* Rot in peace.
*leaves the stockyards* Why couldn't I just shoot the damn thing? *yawn* ...whatever.
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11-13-2002, 03:28 PM
tybie_odd's Avatar
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(ooc: Thank you very much, y'all! I am very happy that everyone likes them so much. Dripik, I would love to see some of your work! You can post it in that thread if you want to. Red, I loved your pic of Jammer too! That was just totally awesome! I hope I can see more of your work too.)

Jayne: *looks to RM* Oh....um...*sniffle* ......

Vince: It's you! Muse, right? Red Muse. That's very kind of you to offer, but I'm afraid you can't help. You see, Jayne's just crazy, and--*Jayne hits him on the head*--OUCH!

Jayne: Shut your pie hole! I'm not crazy! I'm just...well.....

Vince(sarcastically): No, not crazy. Just insane. --*whap!*--OW!

Jayne: ...Just.....*looks at Vince rubbing his head, then looks back at Red Muse* .....(this guy is willing to try to help me even though he's suffering so much himself? wow...)

Jayne: Just in need of someone like you!

Correl: Jayne, your ideas get worse every minute!

Jayne: Gra-amps! Stop it! *she stomps her foot* Stop hating people just for their race!

Correl: Hmph. Pair with the enemy if you want. I'll have no part of it. *walks into a corner of the room and sits by himself.*

Jayne: *looks back to RM, blushing* Heh, just ignore him! *takes RM by the arm and starts walking further from Jammer, casually* So...have you written any poems lately?

Vince: *tags along behind* Hey! How come you never ask me if I've written any poems?

Jayne: Hmm, because you can't write them? *giggles*

Vince: *flushing* I can too....

Jayne: Vince, leave us.

Vince: Wha? You like the sli--I mean Red Muse better than me?

Jayne: No, it's just--

Vince: Just what? Is he your best friend now?

Jayne(getting angry): No, but he wants to help me with my problems and you always want me to shut up!!! *drags RM along as she walks briskly away from Vince*

Vince: But I---*watches her walk away*... ...

Smudge: *watching them, he sees Vince alone and laughs*

Vince: What are you laughing at, snot-face!

Smudge: A looser. *laughs harder*

Vince: Why I oughtta--*raises his fists*

Smudge: *points at Arnie* (hehehe...you can't touch me while the boss can see you!)

Vince(low voice): You think he's gonna stop me?

Smudge: -gulp!- *hides behind his bed*

Vince: Tsh...wuss! *lowers his fists and watches Jayne talking with RM*
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

Last edited by tybie_odd; 11-13-2002 at 07:34 AM..
11-13-2002, 05:15 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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The Red Muse  (10)

RM: Oh... Well... *tries to avoid eyecontact with Jayne* I tried to write something, But ..I*cough*didn't get an inspiration...
*starts coughing furiously, and afterwards feels the taste of blood in his mouth* Excuse me. *slowly turns his gaze to Jayne* I hope I'm not intrusive if I ask this..., but are you afraid of *wheeze* Jammer? Did he hurt you somehow?

Jammer: *coming from the stockyards, sees RM and Jayne* What the-? RM and a mud. A female mud. ... Hah... *enters the rest room* Okay boss. The paramite has been captured unharmed. As you wished, sir. *does a somekind of a salute* Anything else, sir.

Ammy: *sneaks next to Vince* Umm... Sorry mister, but... Where did Red Muse and that girl go?
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11-13-2002, 06:33 PM
tybie_odd's Avatar
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Vince: Tsh...Jayne? She's over there--*waves his arm toward the other side of the Rest Room*--with her "boyfriend"! Pff! Whatever!

Correl: Vince, do not be harsh. She only asked you a question.

Vince(muttering): ...can't write a poem....sure I can....anyone can write a poem.....tsh....she's crazy, she doesn't know what she's talking about...pfff...stupid girl.... "oh, now I like Mr. Perfect Poet Guy"....pfff!....whatever....he probably can't write a poem either....

Correl: *Sighs, shakes his head disapprovingly.* Vince, you don't need to be jealous of Red Muse. He cannot replace you. You hold a special place in Jayne's heart as her best friend.

Vince: You're not even supposed to like sligs!

Correl: But I can't stand to watch you make a fool of yourself either. Don't let your pride get to you. Let it go.

Vince: *turns around and sits down, ignoring Correl and Ammy and everyone.*


Jayne: J-Ja-who? Oh, him. Ha! Me? *blushes profusely and begins wringing her hands and digging her toes at the floor* Hoo, no. Not him. Afraid? No. *her eyes flitter across the room from one object to another frantically*

Jayne: *clears her throat* But um, um, ah, ummmm....SONGS! Do you write songs? I bet you're great! Sing me one, hmm? C'mon, c'mon, 'cmon!! *waits impatiently, her brow dampening as she flashes her glance periodically back to Jammer*


Vince: *hears Jayne making excuses to RM* (Tsh...don't waste your time, Muse! She's a nutcase....a real nutcase....says I can't write poems...bah!....I can write....I can be charming, and-and heroic and....and everything else this-this...poet-thing is!)

Smudge: *sees RM and Jayne sitting alone talking, snickers* (He's as pathetic as old #7 was with that other mud! What is it with mud-lovers?! Odd! I wouldn't let one of those stupid muds touch me!)
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

11-14-2002, 02:12 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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The Red Muse  (10)

RM: Songs, huh? ...I'm not a good singer, so I don't actually write them... *stares to the floor with a zombie-like expression* .... Hey, is it only my imagination or is it cold in here...? *coughs dryly and spits blood out of his mouth* (Damn you...Jammer...)

Ammy:*silently to Vince*Well.. , thank you!... *crosses arms* Hmph! *starts peeking at Jayne and RM*

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11-15-2002, 08:05 AM
tybie_odd's Avatar
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Jayne: Oh, cold! Yes, of course! Of course it's cold it's always co--*she notices how he caughed up blood*--.....cold. Um, say....are....are you okay? You don't look so well...let me get you a blanket! *She goes and grabs a blanket from one of the beds, then twirls it around RM's shoulders* ....There. Poor thing...what happened to you?

Smudge: (If he tells....will Jammer get me for saving him? All I did was bring him in...)

Vince(to Ammy): This Muse...is he your friend too? *scoots closer*

Correl: zZz...zZz...

Vince: (And...there goes grampa into another endless nap!) *smiles friendishly at Ammy*
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

11-15-2002, 08:43 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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The Red Muse  (10)

RM: Oh... I-it's nothing, really... *cough* I'm fine... I just... I mean...

------ *at the same time*----------->
Ammy*to Vince*: Hmm... Well, he's not actually my best pal, but he's really nice. And stuff. *looks at RM* ...And he doesn't seem to be okay...

------- *back to Jayne and RM*---->

RM: ... *looks at Jayne* you're Jayne, right?
Listen,*wheeze* you're special. You have something that only few others have -a kind heart. *breathing getting heavier* Don't lie to yourself or to your friends. ... You didn't come here to talk about poems, or songs. ... I-*cough*I can see it, you are afraid of something... or somebody.
*look Jayne straight into her eyes and takes a deep breath*
Why are you afraid? You don't have to fear anything. Why? Because you've got friends, good friends who will protect and support you when you need it the most.
*coughs up some more blood and collapses to the ground*
...Jayne... Go to your friends... *faints*

Ammy: *sees RM go down* Oh my Odd! Hey, Red Muse needs help! *runs to RM*

Jammer: *makes a pleased grin*
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11-15-2002, 11:11 AM
tybie_odd's Avatar
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Smudge: *runs over to RM!*

Jayne: Eeeiiieek!!!! MUSE! NO!!! *kneels beside him and shakes him*

Vine: Ack! He's out! --Correl! Correl, get over here, quick!!!

Correl: zZz...'...hmm? Huh?

Vince: Get over here this guy's dead, or he's gonna be!!

Correl: What happened?

Vince: Urrrgh, just get over here and look at him!

Correl: *walks over and bends over RM. Feels his throat for a pulse, lays a hand on his chest to check difficulty of breathing.*

Correl: He's in very bad shape. Without proper care, it could be fatal.


Jayne: *now laying with arms around RM's neck, sobbing*

Correl: *hurries to the first-aide kit Ammy had used on #7 Slig, brings it back*

Jayne: Speak to meee---*sob*---eee.......


Correl: But I still don't see what's wrong with him. All this blood--there are a few wounds here, but they do not appear very serious...

Smudge(blurts out): It's internal bleeding! Idiots! He needs a doctor! What do they pay you friggin' muds for? Go get a phone!

Vince: How do you know! For all you know he may be in a comma!!

Smudge: I saw him get---*stops himself*

Correl: *goes for a phone*

Vince: Get what!

Smudge: Get.....in an accident! *hangs his head and looks away*

Vince: You're lying!

Jayne: *still holding RM's neck* Pleeeaaase......please wake up! *sob, sniffle, sniffle* Ohhhgh.....no.....no! ......please....

Vince: *glances back to RM, squinting* (I just hope he can hold on long enough......)
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

11-15-2002, 12:33 PM
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Arnie: "Hey, what's that crowd next to the door?"

*leaves the Rest Room*

Arnie: "What the? I must call somebody quickly... a doctor... maybe a surgeon... yes, a Vykkers!"

*jumps fast as he can and gets to Executive Office*
*turns on the Glukkon Fone*

Arnie: "Hello! I'm Arnie, from Rupture Farms. We need a doctor quickly!"

Vykkers: "A doctor, you say? To Rupture Farms? Okay, but it's far and it won't be cheap to get there, and..."

Arnie: "Forget about the moolah! Just get here! Use one of my trains! I'll be waiting!"

*turns of the Fone and gets back to Red Muse*

*suddenly Otto gets up*

Otto: "Good morning, Arnie! Arnie? Must be down with the others..."

*hops on platform and gets down to the accident*

Otto: "Hey, what happened here?"

ooc: Wow, we have 100 posts. We are fast!

11-15-2002, 02:41 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Ammy:*to Vince* W-w-what's wrong with him? What does 'internal bleeding' mean?! Why won't he wake up?!

Jammer: *sneaks behind Smudge and pulls him away from the crowd* *with a very sarcastic voice*Hello, Smudge, how are you? Is there any chance, that you'd actually know what happened to Muse? I heard you say he had an "accident". ...*normal voice* You know what happened to him! *stares at Smudge with an icy glare* ... Say,... Can you quess, that how much pain is RM now suffering? Do you want to feel the same like he? You don't? Well then, you'd better keep your mouth shut about the truth of Muse's "accident". Do we have a deal?!


RM: *tries to mutter something*
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Last edited by The Red Muse; 11-17-2002 at 06:35 AM..
11-15-2002, 04:20 PM
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Arnie: "Don't keep him on the floor! Get him to his bed! Ammy! Smudge! Grab him quickly!

*walks to Otto*

Arnie: "Gee... another day, another accident.

Otto: "If this continues, are you going to call the Slig Barracks's new executive?"

Arnie: "I think so."


Vykkers Doctor: "Hi, Arnie! I'm here to cure the patient. What's his problem?"

Arnie: "He's in there. He's coughing blood. But the workers will tell you about the rest."

*Vykkers Doctor walks into the Rest Room*

Vykkers Doctor: "Okay. Can someone tell me what happened to this Slig? Oh, another injuried Slig. I'll check you later.

*#7 Slig tries to show happines*

11-16-2002, 05:46 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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The Red Muse  (10)

Ammy: *looks fearfully at the Vykker* Um. Well, Red Muse here... Started to, um, cough up blood... and ...stuff... I-I don't know... She knows better*points at Jayne* she was there when he fainted.

Jammer: *sneaks further away from the Vykker* (Damn things creep me out. I wouldn't let one touch me. ... Muse is... gonna get operated by a Vykker... Sh*t. ...I didn't thought that it would do so much damage. I didn't want the poor weed to get cutted open by a mad scientist. ... It's ...painful. ) *closes eyes*

:::::::::::::::::Jammer's memories::::::::::::::::

"The Vykkers lab. Place where many creatures give their lifes for the name of science. Fuzzles, gabbits, mudokons, sligs, slogs...

I was there. I saw it. I saw those gabbits, their lungs were removed while they were still alive! They screamed... I can still hear their screams.
I saw how they injected those fuzzles with many chemicals. They dropped their fur... They got deformed. ...they were in pain...

The vykkers cutted open mudokons. Used their organs for tests. And I even saw one vykker make some liver paste out of a mudokon's liver!

Then one day... they asked me to help them in a experiment.
I agreed.

They did it to me too. They cut me open! I felt it... I felt as the knife dug into my flesh. They told me to relax.
...I felt drowsy... I blacked out.

I woke up in a small room. I heard a beeping sound. It was my heart monitor. I didn't feel like myself. There was something missing. Or... there was something too many. I got sick all over the room. ... I was never myself after that...

After a few days... they told me to go. Find a new job...


Jammer: *snaps out of it* (I can't stay here. ... Sorry Muse... I didn't want you to have the same fate that I had...) *leaves the rest room*
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11-17-2002, 02:48 AM
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Obi: * wakes up * ( finally! ) huh? what the hell? * sees Vykker * a vykker? OH NO! THEY SHIPPED ME TO VYKKERS LABS!!!!! * sees rupturesfarms logo on a wall * ...........oh........well.......what the hell is a vykker doing here? * walks over to where vykker is *
"Attention staff. You are expected to die on your job. You're loyalty is appreciated." - Sekto
Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.

11-18-2002, 10:37 AM
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Vykkers Doctor: "Go out now please! I must have silence to cure this poor Slig."

*takes his bag to Red Muse's bed*

Vykkers Doctor: "Hm, so you're coughing up blood? That means some source of "operation"..."

*opens his bag and takes a Bonesaw*

Vykkers Doctor: "Don't be afraid. I'm just repairing your pants. Wow, its so rusty."

*repairs rusty pants*

Vykkers Doctor: "Okay now, take these antibiotics and eat one every day. And stay in bed. All right?"

11-18-2002, 01:07 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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: Oct 2002
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The Red Muse  (10)

A new visiting char------>

Name: General Setzer (full name Theodor Setzer)
Species: Glukkon
Appearance: Like most glukkons, has a black suit with Slig Barracks' and the Rifle Range's logo on it. Also carries many badges. Oh, yeah! And a cigar!
Bio: Slig barracks' new general. Strict about rules and very, very demanding. He's the security inspector and he's come to check on Rupture Farms!


Gen. Setzer: *arrives at the FeeCo station* Hmmm... *goes to the nearest Glukkon phone* Hey, hey! This is General Setzer! Where is the Glukkon-in-charge! I want to meet the person who owns this dump pronto! And get me some sligs! On the double! *ends call* Hmph! This is no way to treat a high-ranking executive!

Ammy:*shouts out when she hears the vykker* What???!! Antibiotics???!! even I could've gone that?!! ...Er...er.. I mean... *whistle*.... Wow, look at those ...errr... paintings?

RM: *still unconscious*


Jammer: *now walking around the stockyards* ........ damn it.
*lights a cig* Tch... Why should I feel bad about Muse? I've never felt bad about anyone. Why Muse?! I'm probably going mad...
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11-19-2002, 12:14 AM
tybie_odd's Avatar
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Smudge: *tears behind mask*....(I...I should've said something sooner! I should have told the truth.......I'm sorry, Muse....) *turns away, trying not to let anyone see him.

Jayne: *sob*....oh Odd....Muse.....Red Muse....*goes back over to him as the vykker leaves, and hugs him again*

Vince: *sigh* c'mon....*lifts him onto one of the beds with Ammy's help* hang in there, buddy....

Jayne: *sits beside him and holds his hand*

Vince: Eh...better not do that...it probably makes him itchy or something.

Jayne: *stares at Vince incredulously*

Vince: ....okay, okay....I just....I.....

Jayne: You.....?

Vince: ......

Jayne: *shakes her head at him, sighs with a gentle smile* You are worried about nothing!

Smudge: *goes and get some water and brings it to RM* (When will I ever stand up for myself...and others?)

ooc: Good idea, Red! I think I'll make a new char too ^^

Name: none, yet
Age: 2
Species: slog
Appearance: small, pink and cute. Lots of wrinkles, with a soft, supple skin. Lightweight, but has a deep bark.


Slog: *wandering around in the outskirts of the stockyards* ... -Bark, bark!- .... -sniff-sniff-sniff-sniff- ... -bark!- ... *trotts nearer to the factory entrance* ...-sniff-sniff-sniff- ... *sees Jammer, wags his nubby tail and yipps* ...-riff!-ruff!-ruff!- ......-pant, pant-... *wags tail*

((ooc: how many chars can we have? anybody know?))
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

11-19-2002, 02:55 AM
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The Red Muse
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: Oct 2002
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Jammer: *notes the sloggie* What the-? What do you want? C'mon, shoo! I'm a bad trainer! Go!

RM: ...ohhh... W--where...what... *slowly opens his eyes* ... Jayne... *cough* ...I heard your voice. I heard you Jayne... You asked me to come back... Thank you Jayne.

Ammy:Heyy! *runs to RM* You're awake! How are ya? What did the vykker do to you?! Are you OKAY?

RM: Yes, Ammy I'm okay... the vykker cured me.

Ammy: ...oh... okay... I'll have to go to work now... Or else I won't get paid!*giggle* Get well soo Muse! And you too #7 slig! *runs to clean the factory*

RM: *turns back to Jayne* ...I'm sorry, I didn't... mean to scare you... *cough,cough* Could you give me some water?

Gen. Setzer: Grrr... Where's the leader of this dump!? I don't have all the day time! And where are those sligs I ordered!? Hmph!
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11-19-2002, 11:37 AM
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Arnie: "Quickly! Smudge! Jammer! Get to the station! I'll be there soon."

*goes to Red Muse's bed*

Arnie: "Are you all right, Red Muse? Get some sleep, you can't work now. I must deal Setzer about new Sligs..."

#7 Slig's thoughts: "A Glukkon from Slig Barracks? How exciting. Too bad I can't see him. Okay, sleep time..."

*falls asleep*

11-19-2002, 02:33 PM
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The Red Muse
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: Oct 2002
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The Red Muse  (10)

Jammer: *hears Arnie's announcement* What? To the FeeCo Station, again? Sheesh... And you... *to the slog* Don't follow me! Go pick on Muse or something! *leaves the stockyards* What could it be now... hehe... #7 Slug probably got hit a train... again... Heheheh.... *at the FeeCo station entrance* Oh, no! ... it's Setzer! Setzer!? What's he doing here? Ohhh man, oh no! He's a ... a monster... *sighs* But, orders... are orders. *goes to Setzer* Sir, Jammer reporting, sir!

Gen. Setzer: Well it's about time ya do!!! Where's your boss? I demand to see him right now!!! Answer me!

Jammer: Errh... He will be here any minute, sir!

Gen. Setzer: Hmph! He'd better be! ...Say... Do I know you?

Jammer: It is possible that you do, sir!

Gen. Setzer: Jammer, huh? *thinks* Oh, yeah! You're the one with the problem, ain't ya?

Jammer: Ehh~.... Y-yeah, sir!

Gen. Setzer: Well then this is the perfect place for you! Bloody idiot! Hope ya fall into a recycler, you good for nothing-vykker-lab-destroyer!

Jammer:.... sir. (Shut up you old fart! Shut up!... it's not true...)
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11-19-2002, 11:18 PM
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Smudge: *runs into the station* Sir, yes sir! *stands at attention*

Smudge: (wait a minute...this is...yeah, that guy from the Barracks! He was famous...wow, I never got to see him in person! He must be really, really important...)


Jayne: Oh Muse you're back! *squeezes him happily, then realizes she's probably choking him* Heh, I knew you could hear me! *grabs the water that Smudge brought, then lifts RM's head for him and holds the glass to his mouth* I thought....I thought you....Oh, but you're safe now, it'll all be fine! *hugs him again after he has his drink, she rubs her cheek on his mask, and a tear falls on it*

Correl: *smiles to see RM is going to get better...even if he is a slig!* I think that young girl is right. It's time we all got back to work.

Vince: Yeah...After you, gramps. *they head out of the Rest Room*

Vince: Jayne...? *looks back and waits*

Jayne: I'm...I'm going to stay here with these two. They need someone to bring them stuff, anyway...neither of 'em is well enough to use their pants. You and Correl you ahead. I'll do extra work later if I need to, to catch up.

Vince: Okay.....get well soon, #7 Slig, Muse! *shuts the door behind him*


Slog: *watches Jammer leave, then trotts into the factory.* ....-ruff-riff-.....*comes to a stopped meat saw, starts licking off the scraps of meat stuck in the blades* ....-riff!-....*leaves the meat saw and wanders around some more*
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

11-20-2002, 12:49 PM
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Mr slig
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Name Razor
age 20
personatly: clever fast and a comptuer freak
11-20-2002, 02:34 PM
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Welcome to the forums, Mr. Slig! I look forward to meeting your new character. ))

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=(( bic: ))-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

*Vince and Correl get to work at the assembly line*

Vince: So gramps...was that villiage you were in really all that great?

Correl: You can't imagine...

Vince: I guess not...I mean what was really so good about it? Just sitting around in huts all day.

Correl: We didn't "sit around in huts" all day. There was work to be done. Real work, not this factory mess. We gathered berries and nuts in the forrests, and we made winter blankets from the meep's wool we kept.

Vince: Hmmm....it still doesn't sound exciting to me...

Correl: It wasn't. But we didn't need excitement. We enjoyed life just for what it was, we didn't need surprizes around every corner to keep us interested. We liked what we did, and we didn't need things to be changing all the time, like you and Jayne seem to enjoy.

Vince: But...every day the same? Ugh...sounds repetitive.

Correl: Not every day was the same. We held ceremonies on certain phases of the moon.

Vince: Ceremonies? Cool!

Correl: Yes, I suppose you would call them that. We played old instruments, and did sacred dances passed down from our ancestors.

Vince: Maybe a villiage would be a cool place to live...

Correl: Of course it is. *looks back to his work*

Vince: ...... *gets a wild look on his face*

Correl: ....Vince? Sonny? You alright?

Vince: ...yeah...villiage...ceremonies...perfect! ....*eyes still look insane*

Correl: You're not...? Vince, escape is impossible!

Vince: Abe did it, so can we!

Correl: That Abe guy was chosen of Odd! You're just a kid!!

Vince: *looks for some kind of exit*

Correl: *sigh* If I'd known that you would behave like this, I wouldn't have said anything.

Vince: *grins and snickers crazily*

Correl: *sigh* .... *shakes his head*


Slog: *wanders to the door of the Executive Office* ...-sniff-sniff-sniff- ....*scratches at the door and whines* ....-whine-whine-woof!-whine-.....


Jayne: *fluffs RM's pillow and straightens his blankets* .... *looks at #7 Slig*...is there anything I can get you #7 Slig?

"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

11-20-2002, 04:04 PM
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*#7 Slig wakes up, spots Jayne and acts like drinking*

Arnie: "Okay, Jayne, you can stay here and help those Sligs. They need to get their health back. Get them water, food and stuff. I must go to the station now. Goodbye."

*goes to the station*

Arnie: "Hey, Setzer! What's up?... I mean, was your trip good?"

ooc: Welcome Mr Slig! I'm glad if a new member arrives to both the forums and here.

11-20-2002, 04:56 PM
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Mr slig
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i teach those lousy mudockns how to work
11-20-2002, 05:18 PM
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(ooc: Welcome Mr Slig. All members replying to this thread would you please reply to read asap! Thankyou. Mr sli ou nee help just ask, same for all you guys.

Thank you all! )

11-20-2002, 05:38 PM
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ooc: Mr Slig, if you want to speak in the name of the character, do this:

#7 Slig: ...

And if you want to speak in your name, do this, like I did:

ooc: ...

See you tomorrow!

11-21-2002, 12:46 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
Clakker Store Clerk
: Oct 2002
: I really can't remember.
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The Red Muse  (10)

Gen. Setzer: *to Arnie* Ah, it's about time! As you know, I didn't come here just to loaf around, I have job to do! So, quit the small talk and let's get to business! Show me the Executive Room! I need the info of you slaves-er- employees and sligs! Although, there is one that I already met... *glares at Jammer* Bloody maniac!

Jammer: ...grrr....

Gen. Setzer: Show me the way Arnie! Oh yeah, *turns to the sligs* You, the small one, come ere! ... And you... *to Jammer* You go make yourself useful and go to work! Dismiss! *leaves the FeeCo station with Arnie*

Jammer*full of anger*:... Yes... sir... *also leaves*


Setzer: *to Arnie* You should tighten up your security. There's a rumour that the terrorist, Abe, is doing a comeback! Odd knows what that monster capable of. Possessions, murder, sabotage... you name it. Just think back what he did to Gen. Dripik, V.P Aslik, Dir. Phleg and Molluck. Not to mention all the other victims...


RM: (How could I ever repay Jayne...She's been so kind to me. ) *cough* (I wonder what does she think of me...?) *stares at Jayne*

Ammy: *waxing the floors* Phew.... This is boring... Wax here, wax there,wax on my hands, wax on my feet ,wax everywhere! I wanna work at the assembly line with Vince and Correl! Tch, but no! I get to wax floors and clean toilets! Unfair... *continues ranting*

Jammer: ... *walking through the assembly line* Setzer's a freak. He actually thinks he could take Gen. Dripik's place. Well, he's so wrong-what the? *sees Vince roaming around the assembly line* Hey, you: FREEZE! *pulls out his Blitz Packer*
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