sort of, not had much time lately though, gonna work on it a bit more today, it seems there are diffrent types of frames, most sprites use type 3, which are actually kinda hard to figure out because they have some weird encryption or compression
so basicly im figuring out that HUGE function, then I'll beable to get most of the sprites in greyscale ( because the palt hasnt been applied )
edit: I've managed to convert part of the algorithm and applied it to a frame in HIGHLITE.BAN and it worked
theres still a way to go but this is good progress, now I just need to find out how to apply the palt to it and try it on other sprites
edit again: heres a pic of the un-palt'ed hilite.ban frame (its the pink thingy around the menu items at the start of the game)
last edit for now: converted a few more things over, seems the palt files are NOT used to colour these things... hmmmm