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05-13-2009, 09:53 AM
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IC: If Typo had had lips, he would have licked them. The sight of such finely grilled scrab meat generated a huge feeling of want. "Thanks. Yeah, it's getting late. Oh, and when night falls, you'd better put a latch or something on your door. You never know what could be on the prowl at night." Said Typo, as he grabbed a bit of the meat. He then gently pushed it past his tentacles to his mouth, which wasn't always an easy task. The taste was worth it though. He hadn't had meat this nicely-cooked before. "That thing works pretty well now. Wapi'll probrably scold you for having it, even if he loves it. He's still very attatched to the whole "Industrial slig" thing. I never got to try it." Said Typo with a sort of half-smile. Just then, the mudokon he was supposed to be spying on walked in. Content to stay out of the conversation, Typo merely took another bite of his food. "It has it's perks, and the not so good ones." Said Typo thinking mainly of the water skiing, which he was utterly terrified of. "What was your name again?" Said Typo motioning towards Flurgel. "Didn't quite catch it."

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-13-2009, 11:03 AM
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Nimol sighed, "Chief Wapi seems like a hard one to judge. Sometimes I don't know if he will shake my hand or slap me in the face!". Nimol handed out a Scrab-kebab to each of his new friends. "Oh yeah Typo, I meant to ask... what are those funny looking sticks for? The ones that are outside your house? Some kind of... skiis?". He coughed slightly as a piece of meat went down the wrong way.

Nimol looked towards the Mudokon, "Your friend, he's an Outlaw right? I used to see a couple of those in my travels. Which part of Mudos do you hail from? I was from the North side myself". Nimol stood up and was making some preperations for the night. He checked the windows and had a look at the latch on the door. "Could do with a bit of oil". He got a can and began oiling the lock mechanism, he checked to see if it worked. It did.

He tried to open the lock, but it was stuck. After a few minutes, he fixed the problem and the lock was open again. "Daft thing". Nimol's eyes were drooping slightly.

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05-13-2009, 03:14 PM
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Flurgel looked to Typo and said, "Flurgel." then turned away to Nimol and said, "Yes, indeed a outlaw he is. But, he was rejected from his gang....And where do I hail from? I come from deep into the western forest of Mudos, until I had to head this a'way on a "quest" with many of the members of my tribe, per se." he said, taking in a deep breath. "Delicious!" he grinned. He took a big bite of the meat, chewed and swallowed.
"If i'm lucky, I'll be able to finish Jurgo's project, aswell as mine, and my new machine will revolutionize the world! It's made of sturdy wood and water. If only I could finish the bits and pieces of it...I'll be able to drive instead of walk anywhere on Mudos in mere hours..." he said, and sighed.
Jurgo stomped his way toward Flurgel, Nimol, and Typo. He was quite angry. While setting up what was Flurg's excuse of a shop, he had stubbed his toe on a giant piece of scrap metal, and it was bleeding. Finally after he got it to stop, he wrapped it up with a little fur, and was able to find a scrap boot, ruined, but good enough to use, and used that to put on his other foot. He was now right next to Flurgel and said, "Odd dummit. Those project plans aren't working out well to be setting out in a month or so, maybe less. We can't stay in villages for too long."
"But, you know my dream..." Flurgel started.
"Yes yes, but what is more important? A shop, or the situation we are in?" he continued. "And plus, they may be here any day...They were fast on our trails. And odd knows how fast those ISA bastards are."
"True, but they haven't been in sight for FIVE MONTHS, Jurgo, surely they forgot...?"
"True enough, true enough.." he said with a grunt.
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

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05-14-2009, 05:43 AM
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OOC: .... So many posts in my absence. O_o Oh, and I'm not too sure if nightfall can come so quickly like that, specially since the RPG started in the morning.

IC: Cheif Wapi gave out a loud angry sigh. As long as Typo does his job and warns Wapi of what dangers the Outlaw could possibly do, then things should be handled pretty early. He took a long inhalation of smoke and puffed out his stress. "Smoke will always make me happy." the Bigbro said, sarcastically. "Well, I'm goin' for a swim. Make sure nob'dy touches my piece'a'junk with legs." Cheif then began crawling over to a nearby rushing river.

Hydra entered her wooden hut. It can e easy to find her home since it was one of the few huts that stood directly against a water-living tree. The grubb didn't care for her stupid job, watching over the newcoming slig. If Wapi wants work done, he'd better get someone else to do his work! She laid back down against her bed, as blue as her lightly robe. Perhaps it's time to work on another magic trick. Levitation. (This portion was cut out, a Magician never reveals her tricks!) Hydra sat down, on AIR! She looked so much like she was floating. Some realistic levitating. No?
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05-14-2009, 07:37 AM
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IC: Nimol looked at Flurgel. "Tribe? What happened to the rest of them?". He looked out of the window to see a levitating female grubb. "Either, Hydra has become a ghost... or she has learned to levitate". He chomped on the kebab stick again, "By the way, feel free to ask me if you need anything for that machine thing you're making. I'm pretty good with a screwdriver".

Nimol turned to Typo, "So... what do you think? Shops are a good thing, right?".

OOC: Maybe it could just be late evening? It has been a while since the start of this RPG.

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05-15-2009, 11:34 AM
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IC: "Skiis! I hate water skiing! It's for nutters! Their not mine, let me tell you." Said Typo almost choking on a bit of meat. 'Flurgel. I can remember that.' Though Typo. Looking out after nimol had said Hýdra was levitating, he saw that she was in fact. "She does these tricks so often. I don't know if they make her feel big or if she just wants to annoy us with them. Get used to her, it's all you can do." Said Typo. "Yeah... It'd be nice to have a shop here... That'll make it a little easier for us to get our fair share of lunch. Don't act suprised when Wapi comes up to you asking for something or other. He's a little unpredictable at times. Just act casual. Or run away like I do." Said Typo.
OOC: I didn't actually proclaim it nightfall. I meant late afternoon or so.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-15-2009, 12:23 PM
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"Water skiing eh? I'll try anything once". Nimol nibbled on the kebab stick again, accidently biting into the stick. "Unpredictable... that sounds like him. You know what? I actually like him. If it was another Big Bro and a newbie came begging for lodgings, they'd probably get beaten half to death and left with no pants".

"So, Mr. Jurgo, who are these ISA people? Also, who's your best bounty? Mine was Foodle Fingaz, netted a cool 1,000 moolah for him!". Nimol chuckled and bit another piece of the meat. "I'd better get some more", Nimol took out another large Scrab piece and started cooking it. It'd take a couple of seconds to get done perfectly.

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05-15-2009, 02:10 PM
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OOC: sorry for not posting, this week has been hell for me.(Don’t ask)
IC: After every one departed, Agronack decided to walk around the village for a bit. While he was walking he then wondered were Nimol got the Slig Pant’s. At that moment, Agronack then ran to back to the Slig t ask him. When he did, he noticed they were having some sort of feast. Agronack walked up and politely asked. “Nimol is it? I was wondering, where did you get those pants.”
Khain Finally reached the Village, suddenly his coughing stopped. He felt as if it never came. ‘Maybe it was just the cig.’ Khain thought. He saw a gathering in the village, as he walked up he noticed they were all eating except Agronack, who seemed to be talking. Khain quickly said as he passed by. “hey save room for dinner, or a late snack.” as he walked by he also notice two newcomers, a mudokon, and an OUTLAW. As shocked as Khain was he continued walking, he had to take care of the Scrab before it went bad. When he reached his hut, he opened up his Storage room. Khain stuffed the Scrab into the room and hung the Scrabs body up.
When Fawkes entered her hut, she looked around to see if what she could attend to. She first sat down on a chair so she could rest a bit from haling junk all over Agronack’s hut. She then decided go out for a swim instead of working on her hut.
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05-15-2009, 03:14 PM
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IC: Nimol's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "That is one massive Scrab, nice catch Khain!". He watched Khain walk past, I guess that means his cough is sorted out now. He turned to see the older Mudokon. "Good afternoon to you, Agronack I believe?", he stood up and shock Agronack's hand. "I found these in a factory nearby, it was in pretty bad shape. Still some security bots going around, maybe that's the cause of all this junk in the river? We should tell Wapi sometime". Nimol finished cooking the other piece of meat. He put it on a cooling plate for the others to eat. "That's enough Scrab for me", he stood up and looked out of the window.

"It must be strange being in a village surrounded by Sligs, how do you know Wapi?". Nimol took a swig of a bottle of McArt whiskey. He savoured the taste and sighed, letting the bubbles of the liquid flow into his throat.

OOC: Hope I'm not taking over this RPG too much. If you'd like me to post less often just ask

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05-15-2009, 10:59 PM
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OOC: Not at all! Some people are huge plot-movers, others go with the flow, adding bits to it.
IC: "Hey Khain! We'll save some for you, don't worry." Said Typo, as he felt himself getting nice and full. "Well, I think I've had my fill." Said Typo as he laid back. "I don't think those security bots are doing much but standing there. Besides, why would they dump garbage into the river?" Said Typo. Outside, the sun was very slowly begining it's daily descent. 'Might be a good time to go home...' Thought Typo. 'Khain seemed better too... Maybe that was just a cough.'

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-16-2009, 12:53 AM
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"You misunderstand me, Typo". He shook his head, "What I'm saying is... if there are security bots still around, maybe something is being protected. The junk from the river is quite likely to be from that place, especially if it was falling apart". He shrugged, "Anyway, it's not that important. I'm more concerned at the security of this place. I think we should build a watch tower near the center of the village".

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05-16-2009, 10:42 AM
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IC: Agronack then sensed something wrong as Khain past by, but he would have to deal with that later. “A factory you say” Agronack was bit shocked, but in a good way. “In that case, I need you take me there at once. I may be able to help our water situation a bit. Also we should probably tighten our defenses around here just in case.”
After Khain finished with the Scrab, he laid down in his sleeping bag to rest from carrying the creature. Khain then began to think about the times he spent in the industrial world, wondering how his old crew was holding up. Khain then stood back up, he took off his armor since he was back in the village. After he disconnected his pants and laid back down in the sleeping bag. He then fell into a deep.
When Fawkes reached the lake, she noticed some one left a fishing pole laying against a rock. She picked it up and released the line into the water. She never tried fishing before, but you have to try new things some times. A few moments later she got a bite, which was strange because she forgot to bait on it.
OOC: Its Actually very good you post very often, it keeps the RPG A.L.I.V.E
(sorry, Had to do that)
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05-18-2009, 01:06 AM
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At once? Yikes, this old guy was proving to be more trouble than Nimol had imagined. "Well, the more the merrier, anyone else want to come? You might find something you like!". Nimol picked up his spare rifle, putting some bullets in. He picked up his backpack and put some supplies in it for the journey. He closed the backpack and then placed it on his shoulders. He headed for the exit of the hut.

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05-18-2009, 07:15 AM
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OOC: Not neccesarily. If you spam tons of posts constantly, rather than putting tons of effort into it, it's not so good of a thing.
IC:"Well, it is abandoned and falling apart. What, you think there's like a secret lab or something under it all? I wouldn't count on it. They've probrably just been left behind. A watchtower might be a good idea. You never know what'll happen around here." Said Typo. Agronack then ordered Nimol to take him to the factory. 'Well, can't stay here forever.' Thought Typo as he said "Yeah, I'll go with you." Typo then pushed himself up. Normally, the journey would be too much for Typo, but with his new slig pants, it'd be much easier. And, maybe there would be something Typo liked. 'Don't know until you go.' Thought Typo.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-18-2009, 07:44 PM
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IC: “You’ll soon find out.” Replied Agronack. He waited for Nimol to lead the way. “Also, we might be able to salvage some of the metal for the village, or even put those Security bots to good use.”
OOC: sorry for the short post
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05-19-2009, 04:38 AM
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OOC: Sorry, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't my message every other post

IC: Nimol sighed, 'Oh great, I get to be the leader again', he thought to himself. "Alright then... Shall we do one quick look around the village and see if anyone else wants to come with us? Khain and Fawkes maybe?", Nimol turned off the portable spit, disassembled it and placed it into his backpack.

As Nimol stepped out of his hut, he could feel a light breeze which sent a cool sensation down his back. He looked around but he couldn't see anyone directly in his sight. He went to Hydra's hut and knocked on the door. "Miss Hydra, want to come and see the factory for yourself? Maybe you could find something useful for your 'tricks'? (or some eyeliner perhaps)".

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05-19-2009, 05:23 AM
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OOC Oops, forgot to post for awhile. I'm skipping school today.


By now, Flurgel and Jurgo had gone, and left the conversation. They were now both in their hut. Jurgo was smoking in a rocking chair, while Flurgel was sitting down next to him, sharpening his spear and taking bites of bread.
"Well, so far, not so great, but it's good." Jurgo said.
"It's a pretty good village..." Flurgel replied.
"No, not that. I think I have a tummy ache." he laughed loudly.
"Hahaha..Funny.Well, I'm going to go take a nap. In the mean time, I want you to stay out here JUST IN CASE someone really needs to get something from the store. Alright?" Flurgel told and asked him.
"Yeah yeah...I may fall asleep though.." Jurgo grinned. After that, flurgel scuttered off into the sleeping area of their hut.
Jurgo leaned back farther in his rocking chair, and closed his eyes. Well well, seems for now I'll just have to be OK with the situation....Meh, aint so bad, I guess...He was still in the middle of thinking too himself when the small rocking chair underneath him cracked and broke into pieces, and he fell to the ground. He roared and shook his head, "ODD DAMNIT!" and he smashed his fist onto the table, causing a splinter to fix it's way into his thumb.
"OWWWWWWWWWWWW!" he screamed, and fell down on the ground.

OOC: P.S., Jurgo's secretly a wimp!
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

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05-19-2009, 03:24 PM
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Hydra was still sitting down on mid air. Almost realistic levitation to the untrained eye. She then heard Nimol knocking on the door. The grubb quickly jumped down from her levitating and rushed to the door. The new stranger slig had an idea of exploring this old abandoned factory. For things? Well .... Hydra didn't have much fondness for Nimol, but he did have a point. This factory adventure could show some new ideas .... and profit .... Hydra looked down at the black sash tied around her, which she originally used for storing moolah that she conned from people. The Grubb reluctantly clasped her hands together. "I guess I'm comin' along!"

Wapi crawled his way towards the river. He looked up at the sky. His head was an abyss of deep thought. Outlaws ..... Pants ..... What's the village going down to? He accidently stepped on a small squid-like reptile. Wapi angrily swore out the word of 'hell' and smacked the animal out of his way. Nature deserves respect, but .... Wapi doesn't show much of that. He looked over the waters, only to see a familiar female mudokon, Fawkes. "G'day. Going fishin' are ye? Fawkes?"
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05-20-2009, 01:19 AM
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Agronack the shaman, Hydra the fiesty grubb, Typo the newly bipedal native Slig and Nimol... what an unusual matchup. Nimol looked around, "Flurgel and Jurgo seem like they're going to stay, but in my opinion that's a good idea. We need people here just in case something happens". Nimol wished he could stop thinking of death and destruction, but something was gnawing away at back of his mind.

He slapped a hand to his mechanical thigh, partially to check how many ammo packs he had, but particually to bring him back to reality. "Okay, let's go", he walked to his hut and turned the sign which said "open" over, to read "closed".

Nimol saw Wapi in the distance and waved to him. He showed him a hand sign which represented that he was taking the group outside of the village to the factory. Nimol started walking, "Typo, how much shooting experience do you have?".

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Last edited by AlexFili; 05-20-2009 at 01:23 AM..
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05-20-2009, 06:16 AM
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IC: Typo felt a whole lot better now that he could always keep up, rahter than having to crawl everywhere. 'The people who thought of these things really knew what they were doing.' Thought Typo as he walked beside Nimol. "Shooting experience? Don't know the first thing about that." Replied Typo, "Guns don't grow on trees here. They probrably do at the more industrial places, but here it's very little to nothing. Also, until today, a gun in my hands wouldn't have been very helpful."
OOC: Skipping school? Bad idea to skip school.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-20-2009, 05:02 PM
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IC: Fawkes then heard; "G'day. Going fishin' are ye? Fawkes?". She looked back. She was a bit surprised to see the Chief out here. “O hi Wapi, just caching some lunch.” She finished reeling in the line, but what came out was disappointing. A metal box was caught on the line. ‘the hook must have latched on the handle’ Fawkes thought. “This explains why the lined moved without any bait on it. And I don’t think I want eat what’s inside.”
Fawkes picked up the box and took it to the chief. “Its locked. Do you think you can open it?”
Agronack followed Nimol to the factory. “So Nimol, I don’t believe we properly meet. Tell me a little about your self.”
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05-21-2009, 04:43 AM
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"No shootin' eh? Oh well, you'll pick it up quickly enough". Nimol handed Typo a small pistol from the backpack. He looked towards Agronack, "Well... There's not really a lot to say about me. I was a former Slig Lieutenant, but my factory had a bit of trouble and got blown up. Even I'm not sure exactly how".

He sighed and kept walking. "Anyway, instead of applying for other work, I decided to become a freelance bounty hunter. It paid the bills, plus I like to travel and see new places". He brushed aside some branches in front of his way. "So, I found an empty hut and started my own little supply shop".

"Typo tells me you do experiments, what kinds of things are you working on at the moment?". Nimol was fascinated by Mudokon culture.

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Last edited by AlexFili; 05-21-2009 at 05:56 AM..
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05-21-2009, 05:04 AM
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IC: Typo really hadn't the first clue on how to handle a firearm. He held it in his hand, twirling it around, trying to find out what was what. There was little knob with the label "Safety" Decinding it was best to switch that to on, he flipped it upwards. The gun made a little clicking noise, probrably to let you know if it had worked. Then, he found another knob. This one wasn't labelled, so he figured it was best not to touch it until he found out what it was for. Part of the top bit seemed to be able to slide back and forth, but Typo didn't think it wise to expirement with. 'Speaking of which, I really hope Agronack's next one actually works.' Thought Typo as he caught sight of the trigger. Typo was a little more confident in what that was. 'Pull it, thing comes out of the hole in front.' He thought. Seeing how it held in different positions didn't take long. He quickly found the way that seemed most natural. He also realized that the bumps on top were used for aiming. From the side they seemed useless, but from his newly found vantage point, they became an invalueble tool. "I think your right." Said Typo in response as he put it in the holster that had come with the pants.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-21-2009, 07:54 PM
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IC: Agronack Found the Sligs company interesting. “well now I’m working on our water situation, so far I have no solutions. However I believe the answers are in one of these factories. Hmm, you said your were a freelancer right? I think Khain was a freelancer or something like that, well he don’t like to talk about it much.”
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05-22-2009, 12:30 AM
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"Yeah, he did say that. I'll have to ask him about it one day... Well, this is it". Nimol stepped over the hill to see a massive factory in front of him. The roof has completely fallen in now. Nimol looked at Hydra, she hadn't spoken a word the entire trip. Maybe she was thinking of her next big trick to perform?

As he walked forward, he noticed something. There was a broken spearhead on the floor. "Someone's been here recently". He put the spearhead in his backpack and moved fowards. The factory was quite creepy, the windows had almost all been broken... the ones that remained were covered in a thick black material.

Nimol gingerly stepped into the factory, he took a look around to see if the coast was clear. "Alright, let's go in. Watch your step... and be careful of the security bots. Run back here if you spot something".

I stream games and art now!

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05-22-2009, 02:57 AM
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IC: Typo was exceddingly carefulf in scanning the area. This factory had always been a little spooky sounding, but to see it, was a different matter. The whole place was just plain creepy. The walls seemed to loom inwards, the roof was broken in some places, and the few windows there were, were either broken or blackened. Eyes narrowing, he asked "I take it we're splitting up then?" He wasn't sure this was a good idea, this place looked like an ideal ambush point. 'But who'd want to wait in this kind of place? How did the guys who used to work here resist running away?' He wondered.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-22-2009, 02:37 PM
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IC: Agronack was calm, he did not fear any thing it seemed. “Yes maybe it would be a good idea to split up. Nimol I think you should deactivate those bot’s, we can use them. Typo, look around and see if you can get some power running, Try looking for a power box or something. I will try to find out what was the original purpose of this factory. And Hydra, could you try to find the source of the factories pollution.” Agronack then walked off into the darkness, vanishing from sight.
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05-22-2009, 11:19 PM
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IC: "Right." Said Typo as steadily as he could. He then walked off into another room. There were all kinds of knobs and buttons on machines Typo didn't understand one bit. Looking for an "On" button, Typo saw lots of other ones like "Emergency stop" and "2X speed" and even a "Music" button. 'The guys who worked here before must have been a little silly to put that kind of button in. After a long search, it seemed no button was labelled on. There was a very big red button though. Not knowing what else to do, he pushed it. Nothing happened. He pushed a different button. Again, nothing happened. Thinking that the power supply must have been cute off, he pushed both buttons again to make sure it wasn't going to turn on when he got the power on. Looking around the big machine he saw lots of wires. Nothing seemed disconnected, aside from some cut wires. Wondering whether or not to try and put the broken ones back together, he walked into another room. This one had a small passageway, almost inoticable. Walking in, he saw there was some kind of box with lots of warning signs. Normally, Typo would have backed off at this point, but his curiosity won over him and he opened it. Nothing bad happened. There were hundreds of wires. Typo's jaw dropped. This was going to be tricky.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-23-2009, 01:14 AM
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OOC: I'm sorry again. Sorry for always being late when it comes to posting here. I'm terribly busy though. And I'll stay busy for a while ..... I'll be actively posting, just busy.

IC: Hydra kept quiet for a reason ..... She simply kept her hands clasped, and looked down at her blue lightly robe. Guns?! Security Robots?! Danger?! The grubb never realized all this could happen to her! She figured this would all be like some simple gathering mission WITHOUT deadly environments! Well, she could've expected it. Typically, Oddworldian factories were close to being as, if not more, dangerous as a Paramite nest. But WHY risk her life for some newcomer?! Well .... Typo and Agro both seemed like they could need some help aswell.

Hydra didn't like Agronack's idea. Splitting up? Was he INSANE?! Well ..... mineaswell respect her elders .... Hydra kept a tough attitude, willingness, and intolerance. She entered a random metallic door, going through to the other side and looking back at everone, only to see Nimol by himself. "See ya!" She snapped her fingers, and as if with magic, she levitated up into the air out of view, behind the metal door .....
Wapi scratched his head when he heard Fawkes mention "food". Ya know, the big chief slig WAS very hungry. He had nothing but cigar smoke swarming in his body. He needs REAL FOOD. Chief Wapi was disappointed to see the mudokon girl pull a random piece of filthy junk, a metal box, ou of the water. He seemed more disappointed as she asked him to open it. ".... Bah! Fine then. Little gals like ya need ta know how ta handle deese things!" Wapi swiped box away from Fawkes's hands and smashed it against a rock, ultimatley loosening what locked it. "I don't care what be inside. Jus' open it."
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05-23-2009, 01:45 AM
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IC: As Nimol watched the others walk their seperate ways, he was thinking to himself. 'De-activate? That might be harder then just destroying them...'. Nimol walked down the hallway. "Maybe if I can head back along to where the armory was, I can find some kind of weapon that would allow me to de-activate the bots". He came to a junction and chose the left path.

This path was quite dark, he had to try and keep his hands close to the walls so he could tell where the end of the room was. He looked forward and realised it was a dead end. He went back to the junction and chose the other path. He could see a few spotlights from outside which were still entering some of the not-so-blackened windows.

He sighed and continued onwards. Soon he came across a section he remembered, the place where he found the Outlaw and his Mudokon friend. He was getting pretty close now, he walked through the doorway and spotted the armory. He began looking through the supplies, it took a while to find what he was looking for. He let out a sigh of relief as he picked up a kind of EMP pulsing device. If used correctly, this should de-activate the bots.

He could hear a tapping noise that was getting louder, "Typo?". They didn't sound like Slig pants, he drew his EMP gun and watched the shadows as some kind of security robot was walking towards the armory door. Nimol ducked behind a crate, as the bot went into the doorway, Nimol sprang out and shocked the robot with one quick blast of the gun. The robot ceased working and lay in an inactive position. He went to the robot and did a bit of light hacking. For now he would just make the robot follow him, he could do the AI stuff later. He closed the hatch at the back of the robot. "Instruction: Follow me". The robot said, "Confirmed command", and stood up. It followed Nimol as he looked for another one. "I think another one would probably be good enough for Agronack...".

Nimol walked out of the armory and into the next corridor.

OOC: Sorry if it's a bit long

I stream games and art now!

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