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03-30-2004, 06:44 PM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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: Mar 2004
: Umm...what?
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the brew master  (10)

drake lowers his sword"ok we'll let you live but....can you help us something, we need to sneak into the factory not far from here we need to turn off the power to the turrents along the border......if you would like to join us it would be great we need all the help we can get and do you have any stealth clothes we could borrow??"

Whats stopping you?

Last edited by the brew master; 03-30-2004 at 06:46 PM..
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04-01-2004, 08:18 AM
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(Dave: Nice intro. Very... direct)
{sry, missed the brew master's last post *starts editing*}

Nig: "That noise was us being attacked.

As for you being an enemy... I guess if you do live around here, you have more right of attacking us then we have of questioning you.
Tell me:

Who do you answer to?"

*sits down while letting Rope think about his answer*

Last edited by Adder; 04-01-2004 at 08:20 AM..
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04-03-2004, 08:58 AM
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Rope considers first Drakes question.
Rope: Well, I would have a hell of a time helping shut down that damn factory... but who told you that the power turrents are the only thing giving the place power? the glukkons are more clever than that. They probably have some kinda backup power supply. But sure, I'll come along. As for stealth clothes, I don't have anything special. There's really only the cloth girding my loins, and my socks. (indicates cloth coverings on feet) They let me move around quickly and silently. And my loincloth ... well, it doens't do anything. I've been working on some kind of camoflague body paint stuff, but it's coming slowly. I can make you some socks in a bout ten minutes if you're interested in them.
(turns to Nig) And yes, I would say it is my place to defend my territory. This is why I'm joining you to bust down that factory--they set up on my land, too, but I have only been able to get close enough to study it from the outside.
And I don't answer to anyone. But as far as being a ... "team player," you could say, I won't argue.
Any other questions?

Rope waits patiently for either more questions or for instructions.

Last edited by Dave; 04-04-2004 at 09:14 AM..
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04-03-2004, 07:46 PM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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the brew master  (10)

ok the make a few pairs of socks were gonna need them as for a backup generator ill go have a look around the area to see if i can find one.
drake picks up his sword and pack and heads into the jungle.

Whats stopping you?

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04-03-2004, 10:38 PM
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Nig looks at the disapearing figure of Drake.

Nig: "Well at least he has a plan this time.

*to Rope*
Welcome aboard the team... I don't think we have a name yet.
Anyway, the team leader is... um... hmm, not too sure about that either...

Uh...maybe someone else should give you the introduction"
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04-04-2004, 09:13 AM
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Rope: Hmm. No leader, eh? Alright.
Anywho, I'll get started ...
(sets to work creating socks from various materials in his knapsack)
Anybody wanna fill me in on what exactly you've been up to? I mean, why are you out here, just to blow up that factory? There's gotta be more to it than that.

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04-04-2004, 09:35 AM
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Nig: "Uh... well, I joined because I heard the Shamans wanted to help Abe. After a brief test of fate, I decided to join the fight. From then I've mainly been following Pyre's word and trying not to get killed.
*makes sure Drake isn't within earshot*
Drake has been injured and healed. The rest of us just fought. There was a pretty big pack of Sligs, but we managed to get rid of most of them.

As far as I know, we're here to shut down as much of the industry as possible, so we could end up going a lot further than this factory...
although I have a feeling that there's some deception going on. It might be that there's something big inside the factory, or else that there's a spy in the group."
Nig: "Although I'm always a little paranoid. It might just be that. I haven't had a proper prediction about anything yet."
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04-04-2004, 09:54 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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It is dark, but I can clearly see a red blaze burning in the horizon. It is no sun that is rising, it is something else. Something evil. Bloodred skies. I've been here before...

Pyre's eyes shot open and he bolts up, gasping for air. He looks around paniced, seeing only the dark forest surrounding him. He closes his eyes and sighs in relief.
"...it was just a dream..." , he hugs himself tightly, "...it was just a dream..."

Pyre shruddered and sat up. He heard voices coming from the clearing. He was able to tell that the other one who spoke was Nig, but the second voice was a mystery to him.

Pyre yawned and walked to the two mudokons. When he came to them, he curiously eyed the newcomer. Giving a faint smile to the mudokon, he sat down next to Nig.
"Hey. What's up?", he yawned again," ... and who might you be, stranger? I'm Pyre, the fire elemental, at your service.", Pyre laughed.
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04-04-2004, 11:19 AM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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: Mar 2004
: Umm...what?
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the brew master  (10)

drake wonders through the forest"ah ha i found it"drake casualy walks up to the slig from behind and breaks his neck and impales the other with his sword.drake walks over to the generator and checks the computer console"hmm...ok here we go self destruct"
*pushes button and runs off into the distance*
drake walks over to the rest off the group and then there was a loud BANG...and the generator was destroyed.

Whats stopping you?

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04-04-2004, 11:24 AM
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Rope does a silly little bow, and presents Pyre with a pair of lumpy, brown, and freshly made socks.
Rope repeats his little monologue from earlier to Pyre.
Rope: And I think your friend Drake has gone off in search of some kind of backup generator. But I personally think it may be inside the factory. If you guys really want to shut it down, I don't think you can do it without sneaking inside.
And I think I'm the one who can teach you how to do it, if you are interested ...

As Rope speaks, there is a loud BANG! in the distance.

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04-04-2004, 11:36 AM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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: Mar 2004
: Umm...what?
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the brew master  (10)

drake falls to the ground from the BANG....."that...must....be...the....backup....generator"
*gets up off the ground*
drake walks over to the rock pool and has a drink and walks back to the group and sits down."ahhh thats better anyway now that the generator is gone we need to get in the factory how are those socks coming??"

Whats stopping you?

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04-04-2004, 08:52 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Pyre smiled and thanked Rope for the socks. He carefully slipped them on his feet. The material was soft and Pyre couldn't do anything else but smile. The loud bang set him off. He stood up and scanned the surrouding area.

As soon as he saw Drake coming on their way, Pyre clenched (sp?) his fists and growled. He watched as the mudokon sat down.
Pyre bit his teeth tightly together, trying not to let the burst of anger escape out of his mouth.

"Drake...", he growled beneath his breath, "...did you... cause that hellish bang?"
Pyre starts to shake with fury, "Soon this place will be swarming with sligs!! Are you going to get us all killed!? We have not enough men to take out a full platoon of BB sligs---or even normal ones! He are so screwed! Damn, what were you thinking?"

Pyre starts to pull his feather and walk nervously in a circle.
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04-05-2004, 08:43 AM
Adder's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Nig loks at Pyre, then Drake, then at the smoke rissing in the distance.

Nig: *to Pyre* "Okay, it might not have been the most... descrete move, but it worked."
*hears a sirin sound in the distance*
Nig: "for a while. They must have a back-up, or else they still have the main generator.

We should probably move, since they might be able to follow Drake's tracks back to here."
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04-05-2004, 11:09 AM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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: Mar 2004
: Umm...what?
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the brew master  (10)

drake clenches his fist and hits pyre in the face"enough....quit your bitching for god sake they cant follow us back cause i set some traps up on the way even if they reach us there will probaly be only a few"drake looks around"besides what are you scared about you saw me take on that legion of BB's"drake turns away and starts packing his stuff "nig could you go and check if theres a way out from here"
drake throws his pack over his back and grabs his sword.

Whats stopping you?

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04-05-2004, 11:42 AM
Adder's Avatar
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Nig: "Drake, that's it."
*Nig swipes at Drake and manages to hit his arm with enough force to make him drop his sword*
Nig: "I don't care what you do, but I'm part of this party, and that means I'll defend every person here. I've already rescued you from near death, and if it wasn't for Brooke, you'd certainly be dead."

*places staff against Drake's neck as Drake bends down to pick up sword*

Nig: "Now, if you want to go somewhere, go.
If you want to help, then follow the group."
*moves his staff back into ready position*
Nig:*to Pyre and Rope* "Any ideas what we should do now?"

(Sry brew master, but Nig just couldn't stand Drake from the start. He sees him as a threat to the group's order, although he's not sure who's the leader.)
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04-05-2004, 08:59 PM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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: Mar 2004
: Umm...what?
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the brew master  (10)

drake grabs his sword and cuts the end off nigs staff"you watch where you put that piece of wood"drake puts his sword down and goes and sits down with the others.

Whats stopping you?

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04-05-2004, 09:22 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Pyre feels the bitter taste of his own blood in his mouth. He wipes the blood off his lips and looks at the the crimson liquid. He feels uncontrollable rage grow inside him. His eyes turn into two black orbs as sets his gaze upon Drake.
Soon Pyre's whole body is covered in dark flames and he takes his whip and cracks it in the air, sending sparks flying to the ground.

He roars at Drake;
"That's it Icecube! You've messed with the wrong bastard! If you want to fight me, then bring it on! Then we'll see how you can stand the flames of my fury!"

Pyre gets into his battle stage and wait for Drake to move.

((ooc: Since hobo is not around, I guess I have to do the bitching ---
Brewmaster, don't get me wrong now, I have nothing against you or your character Drake, but you must be reasonable with your character's powers. Please note that the adventure still haven't even started and your character is already all powerful. As Charles mentioned before, all characters start weak and unsure of their powers, but eventually, as the adveture goes on and battles are fought (and won) the characters powers slowly start to grow greater. So there Peace out! ))
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04-05-2004, 09:51 PM
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((ooc: Since hobo is not around, I guess I have to do the bitching ---
Brewmaster, don't get me wrong now, I have nothing against you or your character Drake, but you must be reasonable with your character's powers. Please note that the adventure still haven't even started and your character is already all powerful. As Charles mentioned before, all characters start weak and unsure of their powers, but eventually, as the adveture goes on and battles are fought (and won) the characters powers slowly start to grow greater. So there Peace out! ))
Well done Muse. Just don't call me Charles and we let ferill live eh?
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04-05-2004, 10:09 PM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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: Mar 2004
: Umm...what?
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the brew master  (10)

drake stands up and grabs his swords and turns his frozen shiled on"i guess im gonna have to put ya flame out"drake runs towards pyre and strikes him to the leg and then to his chest then drake jumps back

Whats stopping you?

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04-06-2004, 01:14 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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(Ooc: Um. I haven't been here for a while, caught up in homework and the like for a while. sorry.
Is it just me, or is the grammer in this thread getting worse? Please try to keep your posts in an orderly fasion.)
*Cursuv, who had been resting and "surveying" was woken from his meditation from the fighting of Drake and Pyre*
Cursuv: "Ah- wha- who- uh- wha... what are you two doing? Can't this group stay for five minutes without someone at someone elses throat? And don't think that I couldn't feel you! I could... um... feel... something..."
"Who set off that alarm? Why is that alarm going off? Why is there a loud, alarming, alarm signaling something!?"
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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04-06-2004, 08:23 AM
Adder's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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(Welcome back. I think it's just brew master's way of writting. Although, my spelling seems to be getting worse.)

Nig: *to Cursuv* "Well, Drake blew... something up, and now he's trying to overthrow Pyre."
Cursuv: "Should we do something to help?"

Nig: "Probably. I'm trying to work out who to help and how. Or we could do this"
*Nig places his hand behind Cursuv and rushes forward placeing them both between Pyre and Drake (Cursuv facing Pyre, Nig faceing Drake)*

Nig: "Drake, stop. Pyre, can you...vent your power elsewhere, please?"
*dodges Drake's attack*
"I said stop, Drake. I'm not your enemy unless you want me to be."

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04-06-2004, 11:01 AM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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: Mar 2004
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the brew master  (10)

drake spits out the blood from his mouth"i'll tell you whats going on kryynt you little freind pyre cant control his powers and when we got mad he decided to take it out on me"drake spits out more blood and then steps up onto a large rock"ok im not trying to be our leading and i never wanted to be....hmmm..i guess if you guys are gonna keep carring on like this and attack me when ever i make a movement to do something......i guess im gonna have to leave"drake jumps down from the rock and grabs his pack and sword and walks off into the distance"control those powers off yours pyre...or they get ya killed"

Whats stopping you?

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04-07-2004, 10:45 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Cursuv: *Staring into the red eyes of an enraged Pyre*
"Please don't kill me."
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04-08-2004, 08:09 AM
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Nig: "Drake!"
What the hell is he DOING!?
*sigh* I should probably follow him
Well, I doubt he'd last too long on his own. But he hasn't exactly aided the party, has he?

I can't just let an ally go off and get killed.

Nig: "Pyre... I'll try to bring him back, but I can't promise anything."
*runs after Drake*
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04-08-2004, 12:12 PM
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Rope watches the whole spectacle with a hanging head. He's been making observations, and it seems to him that Drake, however unstable, is the unofficial "leader" of the group. Or something, Rope thinks, amused.
As Nig takes off, he looks up and speaks.
Rope: Well, guys. It seems to me that that went ... well. It could've been worse.
Anywho, I suppsoe we had better get moving. (points in a roughly northeastern direction) Unless I am mistaken, the main gates or thatta way. (points more to the east) I think we should head that way there. There will be a way in through the back or underground or whatnot. (points more to the north) The sligs will most likely tear straight through this forest to the ex-generator, then follow Drakes path back to us. If we can loop around, we may lose them.
Whattya say?

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04-08-2004, 03:32 PM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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after treking far through the forest drake stops and hears a noise that sounds like footsteps.drake turns around to see nig in the distance following him.drake walks up to nig"well what do we have here.....nig the person who hates me with all his might has decided to follow me"drake puts his pack down and sits on a rock"so....what do you want from me???"

Whats stopping you?

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04-09-2004, 12:50 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Pyre shakes with fury and he tries to calm himself down. He eyes Cursuv and Rope and growls slightly. The flames around his body soon died and his eyes returned to normal. He tosses his whip to the ground and walks to the pond nearby and sits down by the calm water.

"What the hell got into me!? I was attacking a fellow group member...? Maybe Drake was right, my powers will one day kill me. I never wanted to be a freak like I am now. I'm no hero. I don't deserve these powers..."
Pyre buries his face into his hands and sniffs.
" I just... I just want to be normal again... Go back to my village and do things that NORMAL mudokons do..."

Pyre starts slowly rocking back and forth, still hiding his face.
"I am going to lose my mind if I can't control myself... "
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04-09-2004, 09:52 AM
Adder's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Nig: *to Drake* "I don't want anything of you Drake, as long as you stay alive.

Look... whatever I think of you, we're still on the same side.
*places staff by side* No more fighting from me, okay?"
*sits down with staff at his feet*

Nig: "Now... what to do...
Probably best to give Pyre a while to cool off before we go back, if you choose to go back. We're probably safe here for now.

Look, you've helped us a lot but you seem a little too restless to be around a crowd of peoplw who are looking for direction. How about I follow you wherever, and try to help. What do you say to that?"
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04-09-2004, 11:43 AM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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"yeah ok nig....it's just..ten years from civilization...thats a long time to be by myself it's just after that coming back to civilization and coming straight to this job and im back with other mudokons it felt werid......really werid....and telling you this i guess i answerd alot of your questions about my behavior"drake takes the canteen from his pack and has a drink than puts it back"so....when should we go back??"

Whats stopping you?

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04-09-2004, 07:40 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Cursuv: *Watches Pyre leave*
"(To Rope) Wow."
*Goes to pick up Pyre's whip, remembers Drake's sword, and thinks better of it*
"We haven't comleted our first mission yet and we're in shards. How are we ever going to be a good resistance force?"
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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