That's just horrible. I don't think man was intended to abuse animals in that way.
. .. I don't think man was intended to abuse other ppl either.
Zoophilia is love towards animal? Right or left? :P
.. and from that standpoint we can't really talk about love. One-way love is lust. This definition would be more than suitable for bestiality.
But zoophilia is not about lust. It is about taking care for an animal (leave that -giving 'em food- thing alone), expressing each others desires and worrying when something happens. It is when words don't matter anymore. That living thing is like your best friend, family, partner and someone you can talk to all at once.
There is a point when you can really trust an animal and you get that back. They are never tired of sharing love and they won't lick your face because you're sweet (ok, wrong example), but because knowing you like it.
I can just melt of happiness when they do it.