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: What is yours belief?
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07-04-2006, 08:36 AM
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Rabid Fuzzle
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Ok. I'm not religious at all. Religion is about getting as close to god as you can get. The closer you are to him, the more 'holy' you are.

I'm a Christian. Christianity is about having a relationship to Jesus.
I go to church every sunday to learn about Jesus and about all the miraculous things that he did, and to get to know him better and to be more like him.
Jesus was an amazing man who did amazing things. He healed people of sickness, raised people from the dead, released evil spirits from people, and forgave people of their sins so they could go to heaven.

Some Christians today do not beleive that God can heal them of illnesses. They think it was only appliable back then. But, of course, that's not the case. Before Jesus went to the cross, he was beaten severele. If anyone has seen 'The passion of the Christ', you would see him being beaten and ripped open with blades. But in the Bible (I don't know where exactly, I can look later and post it another time), it says he was beaten so badly, that he was not recognisable as a person. My point being, he went through all of this (and being nailed to the cross) for us and our sins. He does NOT want any of us to ever be ill, nor does he want any of us dieing before our time.

When I became a Christian, which was little over a year ago, I've heard and seen of so many miracles happen. I, myself, have had miracles. I've been healed of pain and inury and epilepsy instantly with prayer, and I've seen in my church people going through the same. On sunday evening just gone, I watched as my frineds leg grew an extra inch in length when she was being prayed for.
I also know personally, people who have been healed of cancer and other fatal things, just from being prayed for and their faith being strong.

Jesus said; 'When two or more people are gathered in my name, I will be present' This is more than true. Every week I can feel the presence of God and the holy spirit, which is what makes all the miracles happen. I, along with mostly everyone in my church, have been ministered to and ended up collapsing under the power of the holy spirit which is an incredible experience.

But it doesn't end at church on a sunday. It happens every day of the week. And so long as you live by the word of god, you no longer need to live in fear. There are times when you do become ill, but that's satan attacking you, trying to draw you away from god, and this is where your FAITH comes in to action. Knowing that god is there with you and he can help you through hard times such as illness, your relationshiop with him becomes stronger. And so long as you continue to love him and to praise him, he will never leave you.

There's so much more I can say about this and I will later on.

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07-04-2006, 09:05 AM
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I'm wondering why good luck is automaticaly a mirical for so many people. Your friends leg grew an inch? What does that have to do with anything, people grow. There is nothing spectacular about that. And yes people can grow in bursts, and no I do not believe you could actualy SEE it happening.
And people may cure from cancer, by medication and treatment. And there are some lucky ones where it just goes away when it's not far over and there are few who are just so lucky that it suddenly goes away when it's almost killed you.

Religion and beliefs are between your ears. It's your mind playing tricks on you. You read something in the bible, you think it's true, then when you're in church you think you can feel a presence. Nothings there, you just think it's there because you WANT to think that it's there.

Further more, I'm not religious, nor christian. And I hardly ever get sick. So who is protecting me? And if I do get sick, the last thing I'm busy doing is praying to get better. So shouldn't Satan have a hold of me by now if that was the case?

I'l tell you something which is nothing but the cold hard truth. Out of everyone on this forum, I dare to say that I by far had the worst childhood you can possible imagine. Ever from the age of 7 - 8 I had to look out for myself and fight my way trough it. In all those 10 years of hard struggle, I never once turned to god or jezus to help me out. If anything, I hated their guts for putting me trough that. I sweared back then, and I still swear today; When I die and god and jezus do wait for me in heaven, I'm gonna kick their ass.
My point is, that I didn't need no god or no jezus to help me trough that, because I knew it wasn't gonna help jack shit. All I would be doing was hiding from reality, and after a few years come to the conclusion that it didn't help, get depressed because I misplaced my faith and be far worse off then I am now. Thats what would have happend if I would have put my trust into some guy I can't see, and just hope he will settle my life straight. Instead I kept in control over my own life, with my own rules, and managed to get out of it in one piece.

And what happens to that 30 year old school teacher who has been going to church every sunday, being the ultimate christian example, being side to side with jezus and god? She gets hit my a car, leaving two children and a broken dad at home (not a real story, but you get the point).

There is nothing wrong with believing in something. If you want to believe that some guy named jezus healed tons of people. Fine. If you want to believe that he could walk on water and turn water into wine. Fine. Believe whatever you want. But don't let it control your life. Don't declare every bit of good luck you see around you to be a miracal. Don't lable everything you don't understand as 'gods will' or 'gods creation'. And most certainly don't take trust in it that 'he' will sort your problems out for you, because he won't. That's your bussiness.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-04-2006, 09:41 AM
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Rabid Fuzzle
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Well actually, when my friends leg grew, it happened during a worshiping evening. She went up to the front to have prayer for something (i'm not quite sure what it was), and she sat down on the front seat and compared her left leg to her right leg, and it was an inch shorter. The pastor of the church, then held the heals of her feet and she said 'whoever would like to come and watch a miracle, please do.' So I was at the front anyway and as I looked down at them praying, I saw the leg grow that inch within ten seconds. The rest of the leg didn't move, the ankle part stretched. I saw it happen with my own eyes.
As of the person I know who got healed from cancer, she had four different kinds of cancer put on her body, and with no medication whatsoever, only prayer, she was healed of it.

There are two kind of people: Christians (like I am), and church goers. Christians, like me, have a relationship with God, where-as church goers, don't have a relationship with him, they just like to listen to the stories. They may be beleivers, but they probably never commited their life to him, that's why harmful things happen to them, because they don't know God can protect them.

Satan puts illnesses on us to try and pull us away from God. You admit to being an atheist from an early age, and oppenly saying you hate God. Satan has already won over you. He's pleased that you said those things against God, and he's also pleased about what's happened in your past (and I respect you for getting through that without killing yourself or turning to drugs like most people, and no one should have to go through anything like that) He's out to do only three things; Steal, kill, and destroy. With alot of people, he does that.

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07-04-2006, 09:55 AM
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I think can see what your saying about the difference between Christians and Church goers. It's something similar to what one of my teachers told me last year, how there are "christians" that believe in god, but only as a buffer so that they can guarantee an eternity in paradise despite the sins they committ. Then there are the true Christians that believe in god, but to further embrace "the light" and to use his light to become a better person.

Even though I had my own personal experiences with trying to discover a god, there is still a lofical explanation behind all of this. I am not going to renounce god, but nor will I embrace him. I simply take what I know and base my life on that.

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07-04-2006, 10:26 AM
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It's not like I'm not open for extra ordinary things happening every now and then. But the leg thing is want believe the way I hear it. Your friend wanted her leg an inch longer very badly. So maybe she actualy thought that it happened and in her want she moved her leg a bit making it appear the way you saw it.

And the cancer thing happens to more people. Even those not religious. One day your entire body is scattered with cancer cells, the next day it's all gone. The explaination for that is possibly that the body has had the cancer cells for so long that it has managed to create anti bodies for it which fights the cancer at the very last minute*. But it's so extremely rare and not understood that it's almost always quickely marked as a miracle. And that leads back to labeling the unknown. You don't know how something is possible, so it's a miracle. Thats the easy way out if you ask me, and is no prove of jezus or god having anything to do with it.

And like you said, I'm an athiest. Meaning I don't believe in some supreme being. That means god and jezus, but that also means satan. I give as few about satan as I do about god. I realy don't care that much. I'm in control of my own live, and I don't answer to anyone. Not the police, not the queen, not the mayor, not god, not jezus and not satan. I answer myself, and that's all there is too it.

*Not a scientificaly proven fact, but certainly possible.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-04-2006, 10:39 AM
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Rabid Fuzzle
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You really don't want God to be real do you, Havoc?

I'm telling you things that have actually happened, stuff that i've seen with my own eyes and other stuff I have witness to. But you want there to be a rational explanation for it. God works in supernatural ways, which makes him so great, but people wish to beleive that it isn't him, they want it to be something which they can make sense of as they can't make sense of God.

God is easy to make sense of if you want it to be. It's just a shame people don't want it.

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07-04-2006, 10:55 AM
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No, now you're turning it around. People want god because everything that doesn't make sence, does make sence when god becomes involved.

And I'm open for everything, I'm even open for god. The only problem with god is that... well... I can't see him... and I'm kinda fond of being able to see something if I'm gonna believe in it.
God is as real as you make him. If seeing stuff you can't explain convinces you that he exists, then thats fine. If I see stuff I can't explain, I go: Hey, I can't explain that! And then I move on and wait for someone else to figure out what happened.
I don't believe in ghosts, so unless one day I see this huge face in the sky that tells me that he's god, I will not believe for one second that he exists.

And why is it a shame people don't want to believe in god? Maybe some people just don't need a back up to hold on to when things are going bad. And that doesn't automaticaly mean that every religious person needs a backup, but thats all religion realy is. A comfort to hold on to in times of bad luck.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-04-2006, 11:10 AM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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Well, generally, people see what they believe. I noticed that mostly only people who believe in ghosts claim to "see" them. I don't believe in ghosts, and therefore haven't been exposed to even a shred of evidence that they exist.
Same with God. You can't see him, of course, but sometimes I think that he has a hand in things I do. For instance, there was a peculiar incident in which I was telling my household members that I needed to type an essay for school and hence had to use the computer. In reality, I needed to print out a picture not at all related to English.
My mother was on the couch as I was printing out the decoy essay and the picture just below it. Just as I thought that I'd gotten away with it, she asked, "What's that picture?"
I gave a strangled "Uhh..." and thought for a while, then I blurted out, "I've got to go to the bathroom" and fled.
Once safe (for the moment) I got onto my knees and prayed as hard as I could for God to do something so that I don't have to show the picture to my mother (it wasn't offensive or anything, if you really must know, it was Oddworld, and I recall explaining that Oddworld really pisses my mother off).
And something really did happen. Not outside me, nothing corporeal. You all must think I am being very superstitious, but from then on I believed that God gave me...an idea. It isn't like me to have good ideas while thinking quickly. That is why I am not particularly witty in conversation and usually pause before speaking. I tend to come up with good ideas when I am relaxed and have time to think.
So I came out, and I said that it was this project for biology, since we were studying heredity (which we had in reality studied in 7th grade). It really did work, and I wonder at it till this day.
Perhaps it was just a burst of inspiration that has nothing to do with the heavens.This is what it seems to many outsiders.
I am not trying to convert people in any way...I simply told of an incident which set me thinking, "Does God really exist?"
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

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07-04-2006, 12:29 PM
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I believe in a 'force' rather then a god with a face (or no face, but apparently he created us to his own image, so he has a face) that can speak and does stuff while having it thought over wisely. Just like every animal alive has an instinct, I believe that there is some sort of natural force in the universe that tries to guide this planet and the surrounding universe, maybe the entire universe, the right ways. A force which we couldn't even begin to understand so don't ask questions about it, I can't answer them anyway, and so can't anyone else around here.

There is a lot in the universe, physicaly but also spiritualy, which we just can't comprehend. And sometimes I think that religious people just have the uncontrolable urge to be able to explain EVERYTHING that happens around them. God is the perfect tool for that because even if something happens which you can't directly tie to anything around you, you can always say: Hey, must have been god!
And thats also the reason I have more respect to people who can just say: You know, maybe I don't understand it. But thats okay, I'm only human. You can't expect me to know everything.
And even those people don't automaticaly have to be non-religious. Even religious people can think that way, as not all religious people actualy believe in god (though... please someone explain to me how that works, because I know a few people who are like that, and I don't get it...).
It's just a matter of having an open mind, which apparently not a lot of religious people have.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-04-2006, 12:41 PM
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@ Havoc - I think that blood can't make anti bodies for cancer cells. That why cancer is deadly.

I sad it before and I sad it again: faith is made-up. That why humans are always main specie in almost every faith, and that why god made humans seperatly of others species and by his look (i'm not sure that i sad correctly this last part, but you can understand the poent).
Those "miracles" are happening if person really belive or want to be cured. Will is the best cure ever!
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07-04-2006, 02:13 PM
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Dusan: Like I said, it's not like it's scientificaly proven. But it's an interesting theory. For all we know the bodies of those persons just happen to go the extra mile and manage to sqeeze out some antibodies just in time. The human body is very complex when it comes to that. When you get a shot against a certain decease, what they are actualy doing is inject the decease into you so your body can react to it. Why couldn't your body react the same to cancer? On average it just takes a body longer to generate the antibodies then it takes the cancer to kill you off.[/theory]
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-05-2006, 12:08 AM
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There's a difference between a theory and a guess. It's not at all likely that a body can kill cancerous cells with antibodies. I'm no expert, but then, who is?
I suppose the word to describe me now is agnostic. Though, I will point out, you can't believe in agnoticism, it's just a viewpoint.
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07-05-2006, 12:48 AM
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Why is it not at all likely? Cancer is a virus just like any other decease.

And on a more ontopic note: I just found a realy ironic reference. I'l prolly be very late with this one, but okay: Scramble a few letters around in the word Santa (the fat guy in the RED suit giving presents to everyone) and you get... tadaa Satan.
Oh how I love irony XD.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-05-2006, 01:14 AM
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Cancer isn't virus. It's just cells that are growing without control.
Cancer cells can't be recognized by blood (wich can create anti bodies), because there is no differnce betwen them and regular cells.
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07-05-2006, 01:55 AM
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Ah, well then there goes my theory. But that still doesn't automaticaly mean god is involved.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-05-2006, 07:34 AM
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Despite the fact that I'm an atheist, I have tremendous respect for people who believe in god. It's not something I find myself capable of but I know that a true religious person sacrifices much for their faith and that I can respect.

That said, I think that faith should be based on truth, not superstition. Most miracles that I've ever heard of can be easily explained by your common or garden skeptic. The fact is that skeptics are always going to jump to a science conclusion and a religious person is always going to jump towards a miracle conclusion.

An example I can give; I heard a friend once give a 'proof' that ancient Hebrew is a holy language. He used the concept of gematria - each letter of the alphabet has a numerical value (a-1, b-2, c-3... j-10, k-20... s-100, t-200 etc). Now if you take any word in Hebrew and add up the value of the letters then add each digit to each other (eg 259 becomes 2+5+9=16 -> 1+6=7) that final result will either be nine or if you subtract that result from the original number then add the digits they will add up to nine (259-7=252 -> 2+5+2=9). Nine being the numerical value of the word 'Emet' - 'Truth'. Now this is a nice theory and all but it's bullshit. It'll work with any series of numbers. I faced a dilemma whether to tell the guy but I felt it was my duty to enlighten him.

And this I say to you: faith is too precious a thing to be based on a lie. Question everything. Think about everything. If your faith stands the test, that's when you know it's something worth believing in.

EDIT: When it comes to cancer, it is possible for the immune system to fight cancer cells as that body can, in some cases, recognise them as unnatural. It's just that in most cases it will kill them before you even notice they exist. Much of the current research into cancer cures is in teaching your immune system to fight the cancer cells.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

Last edited by Nate; 07-05-2006 at 07:40 AM..
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07-05-2006, 10:58 AM
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Next year at College, I'm planning on taking Religion Studies & Philiosphy and Ethics. So this stuff is really interesting.

Personally, I'm not sure what's *out there*. I think that Christianity has made god far to personal and tries to hard to describe what god is.

I think that God is a force that the human mind cannot understand. I think that he is above death. By that I mean he doesn't cause someone to die, he can't save someone's life if they're ill, etc. I believe that if God does exist [and if he does want us to worship him] he will know he gave humans free will; therefore he will know that not everyone will love him because it is a choice that every human makes.

And all this talk about theories and Guesses... That's stupid saying that they're not basically the same thing. All theories are [basically] guesses. The sceintific particle theory is basically a guess that things are made up of particles [based on facts that scientists know, but still it's only a theory]. The big bang is a theory, scientists still can only guess what happened a fraction of a second before the big bang. People spend their entire lives shaving off fractions of a second.

- Rexy

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07-05-2006, 04:09 PM
munchman's Avatar
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I am a atheist, but I respect the fact that people are talked into believing all kinds of faiths.

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07-05-2006, 05:14 PM
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Why respect people for buying into religion? Do you respect people who believe in stupid crap like Big Foot, Nessie, or Hangar 18/Area 51?
A far as I'm concerned belief in Skunk Apes and a "fortress tall" are still stupid, but less stupid than belief in gods, spirits, miracles, et. al.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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07-05-2006, 05:35 PM
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Why respect people for buying into religion? Do you respect people who believe in stupid crap like Big Foot, Nessie, or Hangar 18/Area 51?
Actually there is an Area 51. It's believed by the public to just be a military experimental facility, but it is ultimately unknown of what exactly goes on there.

And as for Nessie and Big Foot, well, isn't it nice to have some mystery left in this world?

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07-05-2006, 10:51 PM
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I know Area 51 exists, but if you heard some wild eyed freakazoid say he "believed" in Area 51 what would you take as his meaning?
To me respecting somebody for having faith in God makes about as much sense as respecting pre-schoolers for believing in Santa Claus.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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07-05-2006, 11:02 PM
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Hm, well I don't HAVE respect for the religious crowd, as in my opinion they are the weak part of this race for not being able to face reality (seriously, if one day it would become factual that god doesn't exists, half of them would comit suicide.). I do however respect someone's right to a believe. You won't ever hear me shout: YOU CAN'T BELIEVE IN THAT!
You might hear me shout stuff that comes close to it, and I usualy get into very heated discussions to convince people it's a pile of crap. But since I'm just as extreme in converting as a christian, it's usualy just a discussion that goes nowhere.

Area 51 is a (secret? How about) restricted miliary airforce base where the most top notch American technoligy is tested. The most known project is currently the Aurora Stealth Bomber.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-06-2006, 12:59 AM
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OOC Havoc, since when was atheism reality? Did I miss something?
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07-06-2006, 01:40 AM
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Athiesm (at least the way I define it) is that I do not believe in some supreme being that controls the entire planet. On top of that, most athiests have the guts to admit it when they f*cked up instead of pinning it all on jezus or god.

How is athiesm not reality? Athiesm is reality because I'm not the one worshipping some invisible fatherlike figure here now am I? If someone dies I don't pretend that it must have been god's will and if I steal a VCR player from a warehouse I don't stop to think for one second that I might go to hell for it.

But the biggest part of reality is: We DON'T understand EVERYTHING. And like I said before, god is the ultimate tool for having an explaination for everything. So you do the math.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-06-2006, 04:30 AM
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I know Area 51 exists, but if you heard some wild eyed freakazoid say he "believed" in Area 51 what would you take as his meaning?
To me respecting somebody for having faith in God makes about as much sense as respecting pre-schoolers for believing in Santa Claus.
Depends on who you're talking about though.

There are the kinds of people that have cheap faith, which are basically the people who believe in god but for the reasons because they think that simply believing in him will save them from hell.

Then there are the people deep, philisophical belief in him and instead of being motivated the consequences of not believing in him, they are motivated by the various good points of believing in him.

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07-06-2006, 04:59 AM
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Has any Christian heard of the Vinyard? Its basically a small Christian based church started by a bunch of college students looking to worship how they want. Heck the services are pretty laid back, There is food, artists who come in and draw whatever they want and music. Everybody is welcome from all backgrounds and there is live music. Its more like a hang out type of thing and we do nothing but good for the community. Like serve free pizza to poor people of the community. No need for money, no need to dress up like at regular church, Just basically worship how you want to. I always bring in my scetch book and draw during their services.

Plus they don't believe in the steriotypical Christian that most hate. They preach thats not how a true Christian should be. Which I agree.

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07-06-2006, 05:31 AM
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Then how should a true christian be?
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-06-2006, 12:38 PM
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"Then how should a true christian be?"

Normal, preferably, i assume.

I'm Catholic, yet nobody really knows until i mention it.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-06-2006, 01:06 PM
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Holy crap! By your previous posts, I guessed you were an atheist! My bad!
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07-06-2006, 01:21 PM
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You know, I think one of the problems Christianity (and all religions) have is that they end up having a section of followers who behave in such a way as to make that religion more and more unpopular; give it a bad name, so to speak. It's just like how, say there's a small town somewhere, most of the citizens are good, law-abiding folk. But there's a small group of people who cause havoc in the place frequently. Which type of people are more likely to be heard of from people outside the town? I'll bet it isn't the peaceful ones.

So it's the same for Christianity, just because there are people like what some of you have described (over-zealous, believing that someone killed himself by the will of God, etc) doesn't mean that's what they should be like.

I myself am Catholic, and yes, I believe in God, but I consider myself to be fairly open-minded about it. I believe God exists, but I'm open to the possibilty that may not be true. If someone gave me sufficient evidence that God doesn't exist, I would drop it and move on. But at the moment, I have too much evidence that a God does exist, and yes, possibly not in the way I believe He does, but I'm fairly sure there's something out there (I find it hard to believe that the world, the universe, came into being and just put itself all together the way it is by random chance).

And I think a lot of scientific laws and such can be the same way, we believe they are true, but we're open to the possibility that if someone came along and proved a law we believed was true was actually false, we'd drop it and move on, wouldn't we?
While I'm on those lines, I'll also point out that science and religion are not, or should not be, as opposed as people seem to think. For instance, the Catholic Church does not actually oppose the theory of evolution, as some people seem to think. There's even a document by one of the popes that speaks about this, but I haven't been able to find it for a while (if anyone really wants to read it, I'll have a good search for it, I know there's a copy around here somewhere...).

For instance, in reply to Havoc's comment about religious people trying to explain everything and saying everything that can't be explained is an act of God/miracle; I have yet to see something that I would class as a miracle. I've had some occasions not unlike what Skillya_glowi described, but I would more describe them as perhaps an influence of God than a miracle. That said, I do believe miracles are possible, but I'd be very hesitant to say something was a miracle unless I had very good reason to believe that was the case. And I know it's possible those occasions where I've thought it was an "influence of God" might have been purely coincidental, but I've had them just too many times for me to pass them off as that. If someone was to prove to me they were simply coincidences, I would change my mind, but until then... you get the idea.
As for the comment about a religious person saying their brother shot themselves in the head by God's will, that really does sound like complete crap to me. For one thing, that goes against the concept of free will, and Christians (or at least Catholics, I'm not sure on this one) do not condone suicide. If someone decides to kill themself, I don't believe it's by God's will; more likely because of something like depression or low self esteem. Which is sad, but not what this thread is about, so I'll move on.

And most certainly don't take trust in it that 'he' will sort your problems out for you, because he won't. That's your bussiness.
Unless I'm mistaken, Catholic teaching actually says do not expect God to do everything for you. You've got to be able to work things out yourself. It doesn't hurt to ask for help, but if you're not prepared to do anything yourself, well... need I say more?
And once again I'll say, it's possible that in times where I've thought I've received help, I know it's possible that it's just all in my head and if it was proved to me that that's all it really was, I wouldn't suddenly crumble away. Afterall, if I could get through hard times simply believing I was being helped and I really wasn't being helped, wouldn't that show that I didn't need help?

There's probably more I can say on this topic, but I think this post is quite long enough all ready, so I'll just finish with a quote by St. Francis of Assisi that I rather like:

"Preach the gospel at all times. Use words only when necessary"

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