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05-30-2003, 02:21 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Brendan: *Hears Message from the blimp*
(Aha! Ill seak on board like a good little spy, and...
*Flies up to blimp*
(This thing is huge!)
*Sees flying slig vent on the side, and flies in*
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05-30-2003, 05:16 AM
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The blimp is now docked with the boat. It is heading back towards his original village. Joab is standing on a podeum in the main hall

Joab: Right, we are no longer a group of wandering muds! We have EVOLVED! We are now an Elite fighting force, with the ability to use both industrial and Native weapons!
And as our first act, we are going to raze the barracks which destroyed my home town.

Muds: *CHEER*

Joab walks offstage and goes to his cabin, inside is a mud with a spooce bow.

Mud: I won't let you do it! There are inocents in that barracks.

Joab: There where inocents in my village.

Mud: But they took them prisoner they didn't kill them! * Starts shooting spooce at Joab but soon finds Joabs foot crushing his head against the floor.*
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05-30-2003, 07:34 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Brendan: (Where is everything?)
*Sees a sign*
| Bridge /\ ................|
| Cargo <--................|
| Sleeping quaters > |
| Scrub pens \/..........|
(I should go to the bridge)
*Heads up*
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05-30-2003, 03:04 PM
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Paulmer continues firing on the on coming hoards of muds, he hits tons, but more always take its place. He was on his 5 clip for his G36K, he fired out a grenade, it killed about 7 muds, but it just wasnt enough. Blackburn was doing the most damage, with his grenade launcher, he was killing muds by the 20's, but there was just to many of them. Paulmer dropped his G35K, out of ammo. Foely was sniping good, he was using his explosive shells, and the 50. cal went through the targets. Foely dropped his M82A2

*Foely "shit!"

it had gotten jammed, and being such a big gun, he didnt have the time to fieldstrip and fix it. He picked up his MP5K and fired it, but the 9mm bullets didnt have much effect, but they still killed some.

*Foely "SHIT, i just aint got the ammo to do this!"

they went back to shooting, the muds were getting close now, the team went back into a small cove they had dug into the trench they were in, the muds jumped in, they were torn to bits. Foely dropped his MP5K and took out his berattas, he fired both on full auto. Blackburn had long since dropped his grenade launcher, and was now using his stockless G36K.

Paulmer, using both steyr TMP's stopped, everything went into slowmotion. A mud grabbed Foely by the neck and cut his throat, a limp body hit the ground. Blackburn dropped all his guns, and was swamped by muds, he was cut by there knives. Paulmer was firing his ithaca shotgun, killing tons, he thought to himself...

*Paulmers thoughts: "is this really worth fighting for?"

he saw all the grenades Foley had piled up infront of him, plus with Blackbruns LAW, he could make a BIG explosion. He pulled out his beratta, and fired auto on the grenades

*Paulmers thoughts "I'm coming team, wait right there"

...every thing went black...

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05-31-2003, 07:04 AM
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Joab pulls out a Desert Eagle.

Mud: The Muds won't follow you all the wa * Joab shoots him point blank in the head leaving a rather unpleasant stain on the floor*

Joab: Bastard........

Joab walks out the door and heads to the bridge, he hears a Vykker attacking something

Vykker: Why don't you die?

Joab runs around the corner to see a mud on the floor with one of the Vykkers waveing a sawbones above his head.

Joab: *Draws shotgun* Get off him!

Vykker: But....... * Joab fires a shot and it hits the Vykker in the chest*

Joab: Sgt.! Go find a senior slig or vykker to tell us how to fly this thing.....
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05-31-2003, 05:26 PM
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Ben is awakened by another slig--this one seems a bit nervous.
Ben: *sits up* Ugh...What dya want?
Slig: We've got a bit of a problem here sir.
Ben: What is it?
Slig: Well, theres a ton of native forces--Paulmer's team is trying to hold them back & Chris's getting ready to help.
Ben: *nods* (Merit never told me to do anything...So I guess thats up to me...) Alright, wake everyone up & tell them to get ready to go--We'll help.
Slig: Yes sir! *leaves*
Ben: (well, here goes...) *starts getting ready--slipping on his backpack & making sure he has a ton of ammo for his MP40*

Merit & Tim's guard shift ends. They go to sleep while Bill & Andy take thier turn.

Jeteal: *half-asleep in Nomad's arms*
Nomad: *says quietly* You hungry Jet? I think the fish is done.
Jet: Yep.. *streches and nods*
Nomad: Alright, hang on--its a bit hot *takes the fish off the fire--trying to keep it from falling apart* Erm...What can I put this on?
Jet: Here *pulls off her backpack & takes a piece of cloth out of it*
Nomad: Thank you *puts the fish on it & peels it's skin off* Try some, its good *smiles* Try not to eat the bones though, those arent very good..
Jet: *takes a piece of fish & eats it* Mmm, this is good!--dont you want any?
Nomad: Nah--go ahead Jet *lays down on his back, using his arms as a pillow*
Jet: kay *continues to eat the fish*

Last edited by Native Poser; 05-31-2003 at 09:30 AM..
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06-01-2003, 08:22 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Brendan: "I can't find anything! Aha!"
*Pulls out radio*
"(Through radio) This is Brendan, slig in charge of the spy forces! We have lost a blimp. I'm in the flying slig vents, and spying, but I can't take it back alone. Requesting assistance!"
(Good. That should help)
*Flies further, reaches a grate*
( Hey! that leads to the cotpit! What a great grate!)
*looks arouynd and sees a lever*
(For if I want t get out, but im beter off looking right now.)
*Looks through grate*
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06-01-2003, 12:15 PM
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Paulmer picks himself up, he is covered in dirt, dead muds are every where, chard to a black mess. He saw the lifless bodys of Blackburn and Foely. He reached around in the dust for a weapon, he found Blackburns stockless G36K, but it had no magasine. He found a backpack that Foely had. He emptyd it out, and counter what he found.

67, 5.56 rounds
2, fragmentation grenades
1, double drum mag that can hold up to 100 rounds.

he put all the bullets in the double drum magazine, and then put it in the G36K, it fit. He put the grenades in a pouch on the back of his belt, and then checked himself. He was covered in soil, that would give him good cover, he had been burnt slightly on his left arm, and his left shoulder pad was totaly gone. He pried some shrapnel from his right shoulder pad. Then he noticed blood on his hand. He looked to see a large piece of shrapnel stuck in his right arm, but he hadnt felt it. He took it out, with lots of pain, and wrapped up the wound in Foelys medic pak, which was mosty shreads.

*Paulmers thoughts: "i'll stay here, and wait for someone to come by and pick me up"

he had good camo providing it didnt rain, and he had enough ammo, for a while. He would just sit tight untill help arrives.

*Paulmers thoughts: "why didnt i bring a radieo?"

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06-01-2003, 12:23 PM
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Paul and his slig group were back on med evac duty they flew through a burnt out clearing.

Phil: Looks like no-one's here.......

#1: Sir, my motion tracker is picking up very faint breathing movements.

Phil: It's probably a fleech.

#1: No sir, this blast would kill any wildlife, only a properly trained proffessional would have had evem a chance of survival.

Phil: Ok team, find whatever's here.......
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06-02-2003, 02:33 AM
Native Poser's Avatar
Native Poser
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Merit: *sleeping with Jaws curled up & drooling beside him*

Ben takes the infantry into the area where the huge group of native forces used to be--all they see now is charred earth & dead mudokons*
An armored slig from the infantry: Woah...what hit this place?
Ben: I dont know... (This is embarassing...nothings here...) Ok, I think we should go--There doesn't seem to be anything here.
Slig: Should e try to look for survivers sir?
Ben: I seriously doubt anything surevived..Lets go.
Ben leads the infantry back to camp, feeling more than a little embarassed. He goes back inside Merit's tent & flops down on the bed. A few minutes later, someone enters the tent.
Ben: Huh? Whos there?
Slig: Me.
Ben: Oh, Nick--Whacha want?
Nick: you'll know sooner or later..For now, ya better watch it--Do anything like that again & the guys might loose thier respect for you.
Ben: I'm not joking Nicky--what are you doing here?
Nick: *cringes at the name Nicky (Rrrrgh...Why of all nicknames was I stuck with that one?) Just checking up on ya--Need help with anything just ask... *leaves*
Ben: (whats he trying to pull?) *goes back to sleep*

Nomad: *laying on his back with his eyes closed* (Maybe I can bring Jeteal back to my hide-out--I know its nothing fancy, but she's going to need a safe place to call home...I could let her have my room--or build a new one for her)
Jet: *kneels next to Nomad with some fish wrapped in the small piece of cloth* Nomad....Nooomad *giggle*
Nomad: *smiles & opens his eyes* Hm?
Jet: Here--I saved you some *places the wrapped fish on Nomad's chest*
Nomad: *looks at fish* Oh *picks up the fish & sits up* Thank you--I think I'll eat it later though. *puts it down*
Jet: Kay *yawns & snuggles against Nomad's right side*
Nomad: You sleepy?
Jet: *nods* yep..

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06-02-2003, 01:46 PM
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The blimp is currently flying over the slave pens it's due to stop at.

Tannoy: Blimp #521560 Ypu are booked to land in bay 5 dock 2..... Please will the captain inform us about the mud count...... repeat.....

Joab looks out the window and sees a group of flying sligs armed to the teeth.

Joab: *Through tannoy* All muds, battle stations. Open fire on any attackers. Pilots and cabin crew, keep on course. Ignore any attackers.

A mud SGT. runs up to Joab

SGT: Sir! We have detected a large mud pen inside....

Joab: Ok, me, you and an elite team shall go down there and free as many as we can....... assemble the team.....
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06-03-2003, 09:12 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Brendan: (Why are there never reinorcements when you need any?)
Through Radio: "Can anyone respond? I need backup at blimp #521560. It has been taken by muds!
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06-04-2003, 09:22 AM
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Joab and the team parachute out of the blimp and touch down outside the front enterance to the slavers den.

Joab: It's huge!

Sgt: Sir! I recomend that we take cover, with all the slig patrols, we're bound to be spotted.

Joab and the squad jump into an empty skip. Joab looks out of the top.

Joab: There's too many sligs to get inside the normal ways.......
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06-05-2003, 02:34 AM
Native Poser's Avatar
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Jeteal begins to fall asleep. Nomad sits close by, humming an old lullaby he remembers from his childhood.
Nomad: *stops humming when he's sure that Jet is sleeping* (How am I going to get her all the way back to my place?)

Merit: *wakes up for a second, blinks, & goes back to sleep*

Ben: *wakes up* ugh... *mutters* Cant sleep... *sits up & looks around* hello...Whats this? *picks up a crumpled up piece of paper on the floor--Merit's new orders* (what the?) *unfolds the paper & reads through it* ....so thats why he left.. *rips the paper to bits* (I'm sure he wouldn't want anyone seen' that...)

Last edited by Native Poser; 06-04-2003 at 06:37 PM..
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06-06-2003, 12:54 PM
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Joab is looking over the top when a large truck filled with the words Mud Madness! and a picture of a Glukkon holding a wad of Moolah.

Joab: We got to get a better hiding place........
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06-06-2003, 04:52 PM
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Paulmer used his last signal flear he still had attached to his belt. the green light went out to the sligs circling above.

*Paulmers thoughts: *c'mon, take it, take it!"

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06-07-2003, 08:47 AM
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Ben: *still awake & begining to feel uneasy* (Why do they want him to kill all those shamans? There must have been thirty different mudokons on that list...But why only shamans? Why are they so important? Why not tribe leaders or mudarchers?) *slouches back down onto the bed, but doesn't lay down* (Why would they need to kill so many spiritual leaders?...) *picks up the pieces of the list--occasionaly reading some of the names*

Although he tries not to, Nomad falls asleep nearby Jeteal.

Merit: *still sleeping*

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06-08-2003, 10:05 AM
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Phil notices the flare and manages, with some help, managed to find Paulmer.


Joab and his muds have managed to escape from the container and are now running behind a truck. Suddenly they hear the crack of a slig shotgun they spin around and see a mud running he dives behind a rock and trips up a pursuing slig. the mud then beats him unconcious with the butt of his blunderbuss.

Joab opens fire with his MP5 on the other sligs they then rush over to the mud.
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06-10-2003, 01:59 PM
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*Paulmer "Phill? of all the people to rescue me, it had to be you huh?

paulmer is taken back to the camp, where chris's team is waiting for him.

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06-11-2003, 11:39 AM
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name: Guji
race: Slig
sex: Not since I was nuedered, Male
age: 12
property: A pillow, a sheet, a tent, a TV, all the issues of PLAYSLIG, cigars, beer, marijuana, and a five-room, cardboard box, and an outhouse.
Status: As you can see I am a poor slacker
Weapons: Atomic Bombs (stolen) and an Abrams Tank (stolen)
Personality: Mean, bossy, doesn't take shit from the higher statusteers
Workforce: Spies
Physical Description: Rough-skinned, no mask, copper pants (that sux, no electric storm battles please), pink fur, antannae, severed left hand, 7-fingered right hand.
Tidbits: Nuedered doesn't have a physical scrotum but is still brave.

This Fire is Out of Control!
We're Gonna Burn This City!
Burn This City!
-Franz Ferdinand

Last edited by Zach Roy Wilson; 06-11-2003 at 03:45 AM..
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06-11-2003, 01:13 PM
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Originally posted by Zach Roy Wilson
name: Guji
race: Slig
sex: Not since I was nuedered, Male
age: 12
property: A pillow, a sheet, a tent, a TV, all the issues of PLAYSLIG, cigars, beer, marijuana, and a five-room, cardboard box, and an outhouse.
Status: As you can see I am a poor slacker
Weapons: Atomic Bombs (stolen) and an Abrams Tank (stolen)
Personality: Mean, bossy, doesn't take shit from the higher statusteers
Workforce: Spies
Physical Description: Rough-skinned, no mask, copper pants (that sux, no electric storm battles please), pink fur, antannae, severed left hand, 7-fingered right hand.
Tidbits: Nuedered doesn't have a physical scrotum but is still brave.

(OOC: OK I didn't need to know about the neutering. How can he CARRY Nuclear weapons? If he is a poor slacker, why has he got a tank and A- Bombs???))

Joab runs at the sligs attacking the mud. He then opens fire again with his MP-5. The rest of Joabs team go and secure the mud.
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06-14-2003, 04:32 AM
Native Poser's Avatar
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Ben: *still reading names* ...Phent..Ged..whats this one? D--d--I cant make it out.. *Puts the paper away* sigh.. *looks around inside the tent and spots an old watch* (....4:37 A.M...It'll be morning pretty soon here...what am I going to to with this infantry? I've never been put in charge before..He should have left someone else in charge--Merit knows I'm horrible at this.) *mutter/grumble* (..and I just know Nick is up to something..but what?) *lays back down*

Merit: *sleeping, but beging to wake up again*

Jeteal is awakes suddenly--jerking upward into a sitting position, eyes wide open. Even though she is warm, and the fire is still going, she starts to shiver. Jeteal looks around and sees Nomad, peacefully sleeping nearby.
Jeteal: ...nomad? nomad? *Starts to shake nomad by the shoulder*
Nomad: Mphghk.. *rolls over with a groan--stil asleep*
Jeteal: Nomad? *shakes him harder* Wake up.. *shiver*
Nomad: *mutters something in his sleep*
Jeteal: *sighs and looks at him sadly* I had a bad dream..

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06-21-2003, 01:51 PM
slaney's Avatar
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am i too late to join

am i too late to join i would like to

Name: slaney
Race: mudokon
Sex: male
Age: 15
Religious race: Mudanchee
Status: mudarcher
Special skills: very accurate and a rapid firer, is very stealthlike, can chant and posess.
Personality: a very trustworthy charecter how always trys his best, knows how to have a laugh, and can be serious at times.
Physical description: built alot like a mudokon funnily enough
Tidbits: has a pet paramite (incase your wondering he found a paramite egg next to the dead paramite mother that ha been brutally beaten by some blackhearted sligs)

Last edited by slaney; 06-21-2003 at 06:15 AM..
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06-21-2003, 02:04 PM
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*walks around aimlesly waiting for orders, but ready for action*

(i wonder where everyone is, what should i do)

*sees a flying slig with prop problems and finds this is his chance to act, he draws his spoocebow and fires two shot each hitting the flying slig the flying slig is brought down to the ground*

*mutters to himself "hehehe, opps"*

[offtopic] is this how i play, this is my first try at RPG [/offtopic]
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06-22-2003, 06:55 PM
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slaney: *leaves as he has just realised this is not very active*
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06-22-2003, 07:04 PM
BigMad111's Avatar
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i would like to join too...

Name: Hans-Peter-Fritz
Race: slig
Sex: male
Age: 11
Status: worker class
Weapons: Shotgun, meat cleaver
Personality: bad ass to nature, almost to everything
Physical description: nothin special...
ph34r ]\/[3!!!

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06-23-2003, 09:48 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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(Ooc: Hello? Hello, is this thread active? Are people still writing to it? And would anyone want to be an industrialist and a spy so mu character can be a commander of some troops?)
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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06-23-2003, 01:37 PM
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(ooc: it died after Muse dissapated:'(. It's a shame it was a good RP. This whole forum is dieing out, we need some good new fresh RP's not just Dripik's WARF.....Come on people Get creative )
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06-25-2003, 06:37 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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So this is the end, is it? Shame, this was a good thread.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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06-25-2003, 07:45 AM
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Personality:Kind but a little grumpy.
Special skills:Can control big robots like snoozer and zap sligs and stuff like that.
Species:Gabbit.All done!
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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