Super Meat Boy.
This is so much better than Rayman Origins as a platformer. The controls just make sense. Meat Boy moves exactly as you expect him to. The dynamic jump distance is better than any other I've ever used. This is the only game where I can confidently approach a jump through a space as high as the character.
So far I'm 70% of the way through the first world, having finished the light and dark worlds and two of the warp zones. I've unlocked level -1, but that's proving too challenging right now. I had to resort to using Jill to finish off the later levels in the dark world, much to the contempt of my ego.
I've made a small dent on the second world, but only just enough to have unlocked Jill. It took me about 8 minutes to actually figure out what her power was.
I've only been playing for a 80 minutes so far, but I've loved every one of those. I'm looking forward to more of this game.
I still think Rayman Origins is a better game, solely because it's more fun to play. While this is a grueling platformer with unparalleled physics, Origins is more fast paced and has a focus on creating intuitive, fluid gameplay. Origins also has better music and art.