I have the opposite problem with that film. Venom shouldn't have been in it at all. The symbiote story arc was fine, but the whole Topher Grace turning into Venom as a tag-on enemy in the last ten minutes of the movie was dumb.
It might have worked better if Peter and Harry put aside their differences and teamed up earlier, so there would have been more of a duo versus duo aesthetic. This could have worked if they threw out the whole "lol Harry has amnesia" thing and just kept him an asshole up until the scene where his butler reveals his dad fragged himself, which should have taken place about half-way through as opposed to during the film's climax. That way, you have the whole second half of the film to develop Venom better as a character. It would have also done away with the blatant deus ex machina of Harry Hob-Goblin air-surfing in at the last minute.