I should rephrase: I am caboose clobbered because I've been waiting 4-5 years for the complete Mass Effect series to be released so that I can play through the whole enchilada in one go. I probably still will, when they inevitably release all 3 games in one retail set with
most of the DLC, but they have taken a dip in quality and Bioware as a whole isn't a company who I think deserves my money.
Capcom enjoys almost making good games and then cancelling them.
Capcom enjoys putting forced co op into games.
Capcom enjoys outsourcing beloved franchises to shitty developers.
Capcom enjoys releasing the same game 3 times in one generation, all for retail.
Capcom enjoys putting 12 DLC characters on disc and making people pay for them.
The only 'big' game companies I can think of who don't do this are Nintendo and Bungie. I agree that it's bullshit, having paid 10$ for a 100KB unlock file on Space Marine just this weekend (Oh, and it added one map. ONE FUCKING MAP.) But it's become the industry standard and people still gobble it up. I've also seen no evidence that Capcom will do it with Dragon's Dogma.
Anyway, I'm going to go pick up Mass Effect/2 I guess. Whatever's cheaper.