Someone changes their avatar to a pony, it gets brought up when they post. Someone posts a pony picture, everyone else dogpiles them.
Says the guy with the pony avatar.
You're just as guilty for spurring the topic, intentionally or not. Even if it does come up, why does it provoke you so? Why is it everyone can treat every other obnoxiously overplayed thing on the internet like yesterday's news, but Ponies manage to get under everyone's skin?
You have control over what you're exposed to on these forums (and on the
internet, for that matter) and should you get frustrated to stumble upon a pony-related post, then I reiterate; grow a backbone. The extent of this pony gravitational pull you refer to with such indignation has been a few avatars and a couple off-hand posts at most. If you want to be part of the solution, change your avatar to something else and stop getting so ass-mad when it's brought up.
It's a cartoon that a lot of people on the internet happen to like. It's no fucking different than the kind of shit you see with Sonic or
every anime ever made ever.
EDIT: I see you changed your avatar. I guess you either took my advice, or common sense kicked in.