But Pinstripe was still...sinister looking/sounding right? If so, then yeah. Second character I unlocked, then Papu-Papu.
Yes, indulge me with the others.
From memory, CTR's character roster:
Good Characters
Crash: Main guy from the series, you should know him.
Coco: Crash's sister, blonde hair.
Polar: A polar bear and Crash's pet.
Pura: A tiger and Coco's pet.
Evil Characters
Cortex: Evil scientist with a giant yellow head.
N. Gin: Evil scientist with a rocket embedded in his skull.
Tiny: A muscular evil tiger.
Dingodile: Half dingo, half crocodile.
Ripper Roo: Crazy blue kangaroo in a straitjacket.
Papu-Papu: Fat tribe chieftain.
Komodo Joe: Ninja lizard I guess? Wears purple, likes swords.
Pinstripe: Mafia/gangster-styled rat thing.
Nitros Oxide: Evil crazy alien dude.
N. Tropy: Evil time-travelling cyborg scientist.
After checking, the only one I missed was Fake Crash: Duplicate of Crash with weird teeth and eyebrows.
EDIT: Looks like there's others you can unlock via code, including Penta Penguin, but I'm not sure if some of those are hoaxes.