Grow home gets a bit more interesting as you go, after it gives you some more stuff to do, but you really have to make your own fun. I wouldn't call it good, but I struggle to call it bad too. It just kind of is what it is, and works exactly like it should. Some of the challenges in getting things back to translocators are pretty tricky and fiddly - I carried the dodo just under the big doughnut area up the Star Plant one handed for a good 5 fucking minutes before he randomly slipped away. I dived after it and tried to do an Ace Rimmer in mid air, but he was gone forever
But yeah I can understand why people say it's boring. I got bored of it too, after like 1000 meters. I only payed a single buck if memory serves though, so it was well worth it for what I got.
There were some great moments of delight in the exploration though.
And Crashpunk I wouldn't say Naughty Dog used Crash as a stepping stone. That makes it sound like they had a plan or something. It's just a good game in their catalog of good games, and part of their journey to Uncharted, The Last of Us, and whatever's next.