I just watched the season 2 finale, and it was the most EPIC THING EVER! I can't stress myself enough, but it just makes me depressed because I have to wait for season 3 *twitch*
Hell yes, it was epic, despite the glaring inspiration from a few Disney films that will remain nameless.
Season 3 will be here in the summer. Unfortunately it's only half as long as the other seasons for reasons unknown. They will need to do at least another two full seasons to opt for syndication, something all the bronies are crossing their hooves for.
Chances are the season is only half as long because they're testing for ratings, and won't renew the contract for more episodes unless ratings are good. If every Brony had a Nielsen Box, this wouldn't be a problem, and The Hub would become one of the most lucrative forays into children's television in history.