Don't wanna come across as if I'm bashing N'n'T, as I did like it for the most part and took Abe's Oddysee in an interesting direction.
But from what I'm seeing on this thread, there's a lot of good stuff cut that I think was pretty stupid. I didn't like the fact they added brightness to the aesthetic to Rupturefarms, really ruined the gritty used-future vibe it had in the original. The Motion Sensors I really disliked, they were so cumbersome compared to AO - the fact they were more akin in the initial development comes off as an insult to injury. Plus, smoke instead of shadows? Where did that idea even originate from? What is the purpose of excreting smoke from the pathways within the factory? (And outdoor locations too, come to think of it!) Perhaps it's just me, but that doesn't seem to make much sense. As for Bigface's new design? Don't get me started. No matter how good N'n'T is, it will never surpass AO.
Not only that, but it seemed to also be a vehicle to fix continuity between AO and AE, as well as MO. I'm talking things like Abe's voice being more akin to his in AE, adding Sligs with eye shaped visors, adding easter eggs to AE and MO (Soulstorm Brew, Splinterz - mind you, AE did have a reference to Vykker's lab), absence of Mud's ponytails and the addition of Alf's fez. These don't bother me as much, but they don't seem to be absolutely necessary either.
No matter how good N'n'T is, it will never surpass AO. To be honest, at this point; I look forward to a new Oddworld game rather than a remake.
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..." - Romans 1:16
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