Yes, Xavier, I read jour posts. Almost everybody understand mine : I'm saying that OWI is just a word today because I am talking about the persons who were behind AO AE, MO and Stranger. What is left of OWI today ? Tell me then. Except Lanning, his wife, Will and two or Free guys.
OWI's role now is about managing the Oddworld IP. This means having a roadmap of upcoming projects, overseeing the development of those projects and fostering the brand, for instance by interacting with its fans.
Here you are being upset because OWI is not in charge of the actual game development as they don't have in house developers, animators, audio engineers, etc. It's true OWI decided to outsource this to JAW but Lorne and co kept a very close eye on what JAW was doing with Lorne being on site to help the team out.
Additionally OWI contracted some of their former employees to do some additional art (Raymond Swanland), music (Michael Bross) and animation (Monkey Brain Studios). Also keep in mind that they re-used a lot of the original concepts and design, so not a lot of new work was required in those areas. So while OWI does not have their former staff working a full time job for them (what would Michael Bross do as full time OWI staff anyway?) they have them close at hand when they need them for a new project. And really, with the budget OWI now has they are working in the smartest way possible.
If you say the controls aren't that bad, what can I say ? I am going to repeat : we are talking about the remake of a 2D game made more than fifteen years ago...
So? You wanted it to play like a fifteen years old game?
Again, OWI didn't need OWF to make good games. Also, did you read this forum one year ago ? Connell was pissed because his complaints weren't acknowledge. So the expectations of the forum will grow and JAW will still, at the end, disappoint.
JAW aren't targeting the Oddworld nerds but the people who remember they liked this little green Guy and don't really care about the rest (the game is perfect for them, which is understandable).
did listen to fan advice before their hiatus in 2005, you can ask Wil if you don't take my word for it.
Also OWI is doing the targeting, not JAW, and they were trying to please everybody with NnT: the hardcore fans, the casual fans and even people completely unfamiliar with the games. That's very hard to do and while they pleased most of the casual fans and the newcomers (just look at the
reviews) some hardcore fans were disappointed in the end. C'est la vie.
Again, you dont seem to understand about Lanning : I am talking about what he does. He didn't do anything since SW. I'm talking about real new games. Not imaginery projects like Oddmobb or Citizen Siege. But people are always cutting him so slack whereas it is still possible that he stops just after AE's remake ; before remaking AO's all over again in 20 years from now.
Since SW Lorne did quite some things, including a failed attempt at a social video sharing platform which was
a lot of things but not "imaginary". He felt disgusted with the state of the gaming industry after SW and that's why he put OWI on hold at that time. But now with digital distribution things are vastly different. After the Xmobb failure he's been working his ass off to bring Oddworld back via Steam and various other ports trough digital distribution, those things don't just magically happen. It took a long time for OWI to get decent funding and to initiate a new project such as NnT but the ball is finally rolling again.