Also, how are people compaining about the new Rupture Farms? It looks fucking awesome!
The artwork is done really well, and the new RF does look impressive - Sleek and futuristic, appropriate to "the biggest meat processing plant on Oddworld" and Mullock's status, and as Manco said, not out of place compared to other Glukkon facilities in later games.
However, grimy appearance of the old version gave it a sense of being an oppressive, filthy and dangerous place owned by greedy industrialists who couldn't give a crap about ethics or pollution - In effect, saying a lot about the game's antagonists. Maybe the new one does that too, but it looks too clean and sleek to do it as well IMO.
(Fanart by ZimfromBM)
Yay for being nitpicky 'n stuff - But it's just some thoughts. It won't ruin my enjoyment of N'n'T any, and I'm liking everything else very much indeed.