If you have a university degree and you apply for a job as a check-out chick, people are smart enough to work out that it's not something that you want to do and that you'll probably be actively looking for better work the entire time you're there.
This reminds me a conversation I had with my dad recently.
Dad: "You know, you should be applying for some sort of retail job just to get yourself by until you get a real job."
Me: "Yeah, I know. But it's not easy to get a job anywhere that they know you're not going to be there long-term."
Dad: "So? Tell them you'll be there long-term."
Me: "They'll see it on my resume that I have higher ambitions."
Dad: "Change your resume, then."
Me: "And what do I put in there for the last four and a half years?"
Dad: "I don't know... Make something up!"
Me: "Weren't you telling me last week how easy it is to tell when someone is lying on their resume?"
Dad: "Yes, but you won't be detected."
Me: "Why?"
Dad: "Because you're smarter than the people applying to work for me."*
Then the conversation went around in circles for several minutes as I objected to lying on my resume on general principles and dad told me to do it anyway.
* Dad is a lawyer and he's been trying to hire a new lawyer for his firm. Apparently the standard of young lawyers out there is rather poor.