Assuming the levels are more or less the same, I'd like to see some new secret areas. Up the number of Mudokons and have cool new secrets, that'd be awesome.
And I think smooth-scrolling would work, provided a lot of thought was put into it. Things like:
-> The screen doesn't scroll so far as to show beyond a wall (so Abe can reach the edge of the screen)
-> Creatures stop chasing you when they are out of sight (Abe could use shortcuts, or be faster)
-> Maybe it's flick-screen travelling upwards, but smooth-scrolling sideways
-> Sligs can't shoot you when out of sight
Also, if the game isn't divided into a grid (and allows you to move across tiny amounts of space) operating some devices could look a bit glitchy. Walking beside other entities, also, could be weird, and I'm not sure how motion-sensor beams would look in 3D.
It'd also be cool if the path could curve, and the camera just turns around (always facing Abe side on). And if the path turns in a U-shape, Sligs can shoot you across from the other side. To make depth perception easier, some sort of very light fog in all levels would be helpful (so background objects appear slightly washed out).
I don't think slopes would work, because video game characters are usually bad at standing normally on them, and with a side-on HD game it'd be even worse unless Abe's walk was made very adaptable to terrain.
The part of the path Abe walks on should always be smooth, unless he can leave trails of trampled grass etc behind him. That would be pretty cool. Stepping across stones and such, though, may look bad (as with slopes).
I liked spiky pendulums and bats, and haven't found either of them hard. I don't want to see Quiksave, because it'll almost certainly make the game too easy. I think the way to go would be shorter paths, and when you die you always restart the path (no mid-path checkpoints).
Anyway. Just some random ideas. I'm sure it'll be good, though, no matter what