I can personally see both sides to this... but a good move, in my opinion. I'll explain why in addition to my view of both sides.
See, on the one hand, it's releasing an old game, a remake. Remakes are kinda lazy in a way, even if they're from the ground up... because you're using the same creative content. And if you don't, people will complain that you're not being true to the original (a la Pokémon remakes).
Logic dictates that more of the same thing can lead to oversaturation of the market (hello Rock Band and Guitar Hero!), but at the same time consider that the current generation of young gamers probably haven't even heard of Abe. Heck, I know a lot of people in my generation or a bit later who don't know who Abe is.
Admittedly the sidescrolling 2D/2.5D platforming game market is starting to saturate (hello indie gaming), but Abe is still pretty unique compared to those because of things like GameSpeak and the combination of potty humour and dark humour.
On the other hand, it's a rerelease of a game that not everyone got to experience, in formats that allow for a great deal of experience. As far as I can tell, OWI and JAW are releasing this game for every platform they damn well can. Previously it was PlayStation and later PC exclusive.
A HD remake will not only introduce new fans, but allow old fans to relive the game in a new way, and not have to worry about things like resolution and control issues - as everything will be updated for the current generation consoles. I have had a wonderful time trying to configure a comfortable and understandable set-up for AO on my laptop for the X360 controller, and resorted to the fairly poor response of the keyboard when I screwed up the configuration.
Due to the artistic view being taken on games more and more nowadays, Abe has more chance to shine in this climate because it is very much a game that makes you look and think: the creators definitely intended to convey a message with it, and it is definitely an artistic game because the cutscenes are seamless with the gameplay and everything is beautifully rendered and styled.
I'm not sure if I'll buy it, since I get annoyed about buying the same game multiple times (I have now bought Sonic Adventure THREE TIMES. GRRRR)... But I'll certainly give it a look-in.
And now I'm going to shut my ass. :P
Munch's Exoddus: the quest for a can opener. Which will be just as squeaky as the wheelchair.