I am just messing with you Jango
0.003%: Cough Cough
0.1%: Fatal dosis
0.2%: Quick fatal dosis
2%: Instant death
20%: 10 times worse than instant death: Dying before you are even in contact with the stuff (say 2 meter away from you) (I know this is not possible, instant death is instant death).
Getting the picture now??
See I was just suggesting what would be more worse than instant death if concentrations go beyond 2%. Course the outcome stays the same: Instant death, so I was just joking.
Yeah, I see what you mean.
The chlorine probably would kill you (because it is so strong and corrosive) even if you didn't breathe it at a 20% concentration. Your skin would just dissolve and react instantly.
The fact is that chlorine is a very simple substance (it's not even a compound, but an element!), and, as far as I know, would affect many species. The Glukkons would be somewhat affected themselves, even if maybe less severely than Mudokons.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Then again, maybe the thick layer of soot from cigar smoking is what protects their airways and lungs
Possible, but I very much doubt that.
So it's a chemical based substance of gaseous form that poisons only mudokons, we'll let's see, mammals die from arsenic, it is our human poison, and since mudokons appear to have evolved from an avian species, it would lead me to believe that it may be a form of selenium, what poisons birds as arsenic does to humans?
Good point. Perhaps it is some sort of selenium compound? It couldn't be
pure selenium, because it is a grey-red solid.