But this I dont understand...World in Munch's Oddysee was very high tech, like our world few years later, but in Stranger, the world was set in a world that looked like from some spaghetti western.
Stranger was high-tech too. Sekto's dam had a lot of technology in. I didn't see any large computer banks in Rupture Farms or Soulstorm Brewry.
The lack of technology in the Clackerz towns and surrounding countryside was all part of the style, and said a lot about the Clackerz and the outlaws. It's one of the small things that makes the setting and atmosphere of the game brilliant and more feasible, if you get my meaning.
Oh yeah, you gotta remember that Munch wasn't really thought out properly.
EDIT: One more thing. Stranger is losely western at first but later on he goes through different environments as the game progresses. Like everyone else here said, calling it a "Western style" game doesn't do it justice. If you bothered to play it, you'd find out that it has just as much Oddworld atmosphere and depth as any other oddworld game, even on par with Abe's Oddysee in some parts. And it has a hell of a lot more depth than Munch, that's for damned sure.