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09-25-2006, 04:11 PM
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It could've been also been possible that Humphrey would buy the last can of Gabiar, and force Munch to mate, so more Gabbits could be produced.
The Vykkers already owned the gabbiar and were the ones selling it so clearly they didn't have that level of foresight. The whole point being that the industrialists, in their eagerness to make a quick buck, tend to miss out on the wider scheme of things and will thus bring on their own downfall.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

09-27-2006, 07:40 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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Okay, when you ahve an unattended group of Muds, they will start talking to eachother...what are they saying, please? Oh, and same for the Vykkers, Thanks!

09-27-2006, 07:46 PM
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I think it's just random mumbling.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

09-27-2006, 07:51 PM
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This is a stupid question but here goes, you know those signs in AO well I was wondering who is responsible for what it says on that screen or is it just for you to see and doesn't really exist I was wondering because why would the creature who controls this sign want to help Abe?
Macross forever.

09-28-2006, 05:44 AM
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What? You want an "in-universe" answer? I don't think you can explain instructions for making Abe run and jump, while giving the control buttons to do it, however way you slice it. However, I'm tired, so perhaps someone who's imagination is awake might make a worthwhile attempt.
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09-28-2006, 12:15 PM
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What? You want an "in-universe" answer? I don't think you can explain instructions for making Abe run and jump, while giving the control buttons to do it, however way you slice it. However, I'm tired, so perhaps someone who's imagination is awake might make a worthwhile attempt.
So it doesn't exist in the Oddworld universe, I see thanks.
Macross forever.

09-29-2006, 06:10 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Actually, it could be very possible that there is a reason for that. You see, when we go through Rupture Farms, there are Mudokons who give you spirit rings, right? Well, those Mudokons probably were intended to be there, for they must help Abe. But what if those weren't the only ones going into Rupture Farms? What there was more, who were to help Abe in different ways? I predict that the Mudokons who were to help Abe, had two different ways of helping. One, to give him spirit rings if they get in without help. Or the alternative, they were to die, and become the ghost of the message boards. That explains why the boards seem to talk to Abe.

Now why they seem to talk to the player, can be answered as that what you see in the game, may not mean that Abe sees that. We see it one way, Abe sees it another.

Last edited by Slaveless; 09-30-2006 at 03:33 AM..
09-30-2006, 02:29 AM
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± kudos to Slaveless for even attempting it.

09-30-2006, 10:00 AM
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And sorry to Kamille if I sounded like I was attacking him.
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09-30-2006, 10:25 AM
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Heh, thanks Max. I had been wondering about that subject for some time actually, and when BM introduced Ghost to the story of Meepiluch, he inspired me with the idea of Mudokons possessing machines.

09-30-2006, 12:58 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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That was a good question.
Maybe some Mudokon's like that possessed the Sligs presumably in control of the text boxes, forced them to right it, then killed them? I doubt the Glukkon's would find out or care for a while.
That's the best explanation I can think of.
Then again...why would they need to tell Abe how to run?
As for the Vykkers, they may not have had anything worthwhile except Fuzzles, so they probably used the Gabbit partly as a chance to and because they didn't have much other choice of something to even get the Fuzzles for them.
10-01-2006, 02:37 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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I think it's just random mumbling.
Are you postitive?

Wee, another question! Can somebody please tell me the amount of time that it took Abe (and Munch, for Munch's Oddysee) to complete all that they did? Thanks, that would be great.
I think I did hear somewhere that it took Abe 3 days to complete his Exoddus, and a week for his Oddysee...

10-02-2006, 01:39 AM
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Oddysee was one day. He said it in the opening FMV, and if you watch the skies change then you'll aggree.

Exoddus seems to start straight after it, but who knows hoe long it took to get going. How long the adventure took is not confirmed in the game.
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10-02-2006, 09:00 AM
Luskan's Avatar
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cool. i have a question..and im not sure if its already been asked but what the heck. Why do slogs in munches oddysee seem to kill the sligs when in abe's exoddus and abe's oddysee they dont? i rememeber hearing some reason for it but i can't remember.
10-02-2006, 09:29 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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Do they? Why? When you possess the Sligs, or what?
10-02-2006, 11:41 AM
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The Slogs in the Sloghuts are untrained. That’s the common explanation. It does make you wonder why there are untrained adults, when Sloggies in AE were trained (weren’t they? I don’t recall a situation where you get to order them around as a Slig).

It’s hard to say how long Exoddus took. There was a time when I said I’d worked out it took two days (excluding the one day–long (as opposed to the one day‐long) trek across the desert). The trouble is that most of the levels take place either underground or under heavily polluted skies, but there’s always the argument that the journey took twice as long, because the game is twice as long.

10-02-2006, 03:44 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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Oddysee was one day. He said it in the opening FMV
I don't think that "My whole life changed... in just one day" really means that the Oddysee itself took a day. I think Abe might just be pointing out the fact that it took only a day for his perspective to change...

10-02-2006, 07:44 PM
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the one day–long (as opposed to the one day‐long)
Seriously dude, get some serotonin treatment.

But this has been calculated before. If I remember correctly, the theory went that walking through the desert was one day, necrum mines was a night, necrum vaults were the next day, travelling to Feeco was the next night and everything from there was over the course of the third day. Not sure about necrum mines though being at night though; the vaults could have been over the same day as the desert but I doubt it.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

10-02-2006, 08:18 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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No, the Mines surely were not on the same day as the desert walk. "By dinner, it was unbearable." Plus the sun is almost set by the time that they enter the Mines.

10-02-2006, 10:30 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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Something to add to Slaveless's reply to Kamille...the message boards in Monsaic Lines were most probably written by Natives to record their secrets
Why? Why would anybody have any problems with a mad scientist who wants to take over the world, remove Homo sapiens as the dominant species and live forever?

10-03-2006, 03:49 AM
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But this has been calculated before.
I know: I calculated it. However, I now recognise that it was a shakey and unreliable calculation.

10-03-2006, 05:21 AM
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That's the best sort there is!

*goes back to engineering homework*
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

10-05-2006, 05:39 PM
Bonedust's Avatar
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What are the 5 types of outlaws?
The only one I remember are the huntched backed type With Filthy Hands Floyd.
10-05-2006, 10:42 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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I remember there being the regular knife throwing one, the explosives guy that goes kamikazee, the snipers, machine gunners, flame throwers, and the huge bullies that punch/knife you. I know it's not five, but that's what i remember.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

10-06-2006, 12:43 AM
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according to the "Prima official game guide" there are:

-Outlaw Shooter (Minion Shooter)
-Outlaw Nailer (Nilsworth "Pokey" O'Shafster)
-Outlaw Flamethower (Gunter "Sparky" Vonfarenheiten)
-Outlaw Semi Auto
-Outlaw Cutter (Cleever McMince)
-Outlaw Mortar (Mortimar Bang)
-Outlaw Bomber (Snapps Manic)
-Outlaw Sniper


10-06-2006, 02:37 AM
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Or was he asking abot the physical varieties?

I think it has been generally accepted now that they are all the same species.

*Clears throat*

Common hunchbacks. Three models: The yellow tusked one, the puffy-lipped orange one, and the big giant nailers with the horns.

The "hammerjaw" (for some reason they always make me think of hammerhead sharks, but are no hammerheaded. Their jaws are thier main distinguishing feature). Funky jaws, grey skin, thorny protrusions on arms... pot belly (could just be down to the brew!) and short, stumpy legs. Their have teeth in the "lips" and the gums behund them. The Booty brothers and Fint "Xplosives" McGee.

Yellow heads. Bald, with sticky-out ears. Fat, short legs, yellow skin. Wide jaw, though not as distended as the hammerjaw's. Castaraider, Loootn Duke and Fatty McBoomboom.

Female. Seems to be a combo, as she is primarily hunchbacked, has the nailer's horns but also the hammerjaw's jaw. Jo'momma.
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10-07-2006, 04:21 AM
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I disagree about Jo’ Mamma being of a separate “shape”. On the composition Xav posted, compare the jaws and hunchbacks of Jo’ Mamma and Nilsworth O’Shafster. It’s a shared trait amongst all those of the “horned” variety. The same applies to the Nailers.

Now try comparing the “yellowheads” with Wolvarks. Hmmm, interbreeding, anyone?

There is a fifth type, which was never seen in the game.


10-07-2006, 11:33 AM
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I suppose. Notice how Jo'momma is the only one with downward bending horns?
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10-07-2006, 11:41 AM
Arxryl's Avatar
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Yes. but maybe that's just 'cause she is a girl. (hopefully...)

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

10-07-2006, 11:57 AM
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That statement is also up for debate. I think she is the closest you'll get to an outlaw female, but some disagree...
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