LV... I don't know what you're on. Havoc is a very good friend of mine and you're spouting alot of BS. This NSPCC crap and such is childish over-dramatic behaviour; this fake black-mail is also incredibly immature, to be honest I doubt Havoc really cares. As Havoc has stated he is part of the staff, and so he still weilds some authority over you and whether you like it or not he's got alot more respect on this forum than you have; so don't go acting like you're the king just because he's not the mod of OT.
This thread was meant to be about Doctor Who, but seen as you've advertised your own forum and have somehow made many other threads become about Doctor Who, please forgive the rudeness of people when people just want you to shut up.
Oh, and please, stop posting rediculous spammy posts. I had sympathy for you when people were ganging up on you before... But you've been banned for your spammyness and you still continue to do it. Why?
Hn... I do expect some flaming [although IMHO I don't think I've said anything particularly mean]. But, meh.
- Rexy