^What do you mean, 'lasted' you speak as if the forum no longer exists. Sure its in a low point in some areas, but is still alive. So, Alcar, is there a way to mass-email all the members, to try and convince them all to return? (When I say members, I mean the ones who aren't banned.) Because that'd be the perfect way to call back the old members. If they came back ,I'd have my list of people to meet all ready and waiting. Plus, I liek the birthday skin idea. Make it so AbeBabe, make it so!
Oh and before I go, Happy future birthday OWF! May these forums last until at least their 10th birthday! *Raises glass of champagne and sets off a party popper*
Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.