Todays scrab fight is between red and maul
the scrabs hav been loaded into the ring so lets start the fight
red charges for maul, grabs one of his arms and throws him on the floor. maul jumps up and punches red in the beak this makes red really angry but he is a little confused from the punch so he has a hard time finding maul . maul is sneaking up behind red, but suddenly red comes to his sences, he sees maul, pickes him up by his foot and swings him around so fast that when he lets him go
he smashes into the wall and makes the whole stadum shake
the winner is red
the next fight is between robo-scrab and Gary dead
p.s yes joe the intern u can enter another scrab if u want
p.p.s if anyone else wants to enter another scrab u have 2 ask first