To sum my thoughts up - there are too many people pretending to be trans for attention, fuck those people. There are also legitimate trans people who don't go and blog about how trans they are because the whole point is that they don't want people to know.
You know what? That's not the whole point. There are some trans people who want to live a quiet life and
pass (for want of a better term) and there are some trans people actively embrace their identity of being trans. There are some trans people who transition to the other gender entirely, and others who are more androgynous. There are some trans people don't want people to know, and others who speak out in order to increase awareness and help other people out.
A point is that there's no one way of being trans. But that said,
THE point is that it's not your business or mine how other people choose to live their life, so you should just keep your opinions to yourself.
I'm a horrible person? Oh, you know that do you? Based on what? Some posts I made on a random forum on the internet which you don't agree with?
You know what? You are a horrible person. Possibly not in real life, possibly whatever-your-real-name-is goes out, has friends, treats domesticated animals kindly... but 'Nepsotic', your internet persona, is truly horrible. If I met someone in real life who acted like you do on here, I would avoid them like the plague.
I'm smart enough to the point where it's obvious to me who is doing it for attention and who has genuine gender dysphoria.
Wow. You should lend your expertise to the field of psychology, if you're that magically insightful about anyone you've seen two paragraphs of blog post from.
Do you honestly think I care enough about you or what you have to say to the extent that I'm offended?
Why do you keep replying, then?