Lint: I think I'll go with the Meech Monsuer.
*Look's through the the window and see's it's getting darker*
Lint is walking and going into a door. He than comes out of the door ans see's this lift. He then grabs hold of the two ropes and pulls himself down, and gets off. He then takes steps forward and see's a Stroy Stone, he puts paw in. It says: "To go across the dusty platform, surronded by flesh eaters, . Hold down the ring on the top platform, and will hide from the eaters."
*Takes paw off*
Lint goe's across the platform, when all of a sudden he turns to see's the meeches looking at him. The Meeches run torward Lint, whilst Lint bounces for his life with no way out. Untill he pulls the ring tied to a rope down, falls throught the trap door.
*lands on his head*
Lint: whaa.. the...
His foot presses on a button,and a spirtial light shines. It shows a holagram, of a Mud.
Holagramic Mud: Your are in the Meechdomo temple. If you wish to pass, please sing the password.
Lint:Password.. uhhhh...
Holagramic Mud: OK.
The Holagramic Mud dissapears, and a well is opened.
*Lint jumps in well*
Lint travels through the well and ends up outside the temple
*comes out of well*
lint: Why am I here?
*runs torward the temple and back inside*
Lint: Bubba?
"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys " ~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000 "We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe
Last edited by Oddish; 11-22-2004 at 12:39 PM..