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09-23-2005, 10:35 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
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Jaws whined and wiggled his legs pathetically.

Hello!? he barked, Some help would be nice! Of course anyone who did hear the runty Slog's yammerings probably didn't understand him in the first place. Besides, who would help a Slog? Jaws could still feel the stick thing prodding his stomach but he'd gathered by now that it wasn't intelligent and wouldn't hurt him.

After a while the small Slog managed to roll over, he got to his feet and shook himself, then turned, fixing his almost none existant eyes on the thing that had been prodding him.

He let loose a terrified yowl that shook the leaves on the tress and echoed all through the deserted hollow he was in. The Slog crouched, shaking and backing away, growling fearfully. He'd heard of this. Some Sligs did it as trophies, or warnings.

The dead village Mudokons seemed to stare down at him with accusing glassy eyes from where they were strung up on trees and bits of metal.

Jaws turned and fled.

OOC: Did anyone see stuff like that in one of the Abe games, can't remember if it's in Oddysee or Exoddus, but when you're in a stockyard/barracks setting, you can see Mudokons on like metal crucifixes. I'm not kidding, look for 'em. It's really creepy actually...

Last edited by LoboDiabloLoneWolf; 09-23-2005 at 11:25 AM..
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09-23-2005, 11:29 AM
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Hadda poked his head out of the reeds, and saw a Slig, CRYING?!
'I've never known a Slig cry before, so I bet he's genuine.' Hadda thought
He got up, and went over to the sobbbing Sly
"I'm no medic, but I'll do what I can to help. Lead the way." Hadda smiled down at him, clutching his spear tightly still though, in case it was a trick.
ooc: Dark Elite, If you don't want them to talk as they head to the slog, you can just control Hadda for his movement.

Laskar tore on through the undergrowth, he was going quickly because he didn't want to risk whoever set off the flare moving on.
He heard someone else running, on the same course, but a distance away from him. Not knowing who it was, he slowed for a moment until he heard their footsteps fade away, then hurried on.
He crashed through some undergrowth, leaping a creeper, and skidded to a halt behind a tree. He could see Cheddar down near a hollow, talking to Berdon, who he must have heard running through the forest near him. He daren't go straight into the open in case Berdon or Cheddar attacked him before recognizing him, so he just called from behind the tree.
"Cheddar, this is Laskar. Is it safe for me to come into view?"

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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09-23-2005, 12:19 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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OOC: Actually, Munch, Sly has Slogann right now, if yeh didn't notice

IC: He saw the Mudokon walk out to the riverside, holding up a spear with a smile on its face. Sly began to regain back on his mechanical feet, holding Slogann closely to him. He looked up and down of the Mudokon, feeling that it was no big threat. He showed off the wounded slog to the Mudokon, its eyes widening in horror.
"Please help me. I don't know what to do. I know most of you...Mudokons are medics. Please, just lead me in any direction to the nearest medic, so I can save my friend," Sly sniveled, feeling another sob fest to come on in another second. Slogann let out a small whine. Sly looked back to the Mudokon, it still watching suspiciously at him. "I promise. I won't kill you. I'll even put down my rifle if I have to," Sly clipped off his sling to his Blitz packer, it thudding to the ground. He heard some scurrying behind him, and spun around. A flash of red fur passed through the trees. The thing could run like the devil. Slogann began to ramble around a little, moving his head up to where the creature had ran.
"It's a Slog," Slogann said with a little more life. He began to bark, weakly but loudly at the creature, hoping for the thing to stop and communicate.
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09-23-2005, 12:33 PM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
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Jaws skidded to a halt and cocked his head to one side, listening. That was another Slog he could hear.

Warily Jaws padded towards the sounds until he finally came upon another Slig, holding what looked like some kind of mutated Slog and a Mudokon. Jaws cocked his head to one side again. But he gave a Slog-ish sigh of relief,

I thought I was alone. I need some help, my Slig master’s stuck in a pit and he’s in trouble because he shot his superior officer and- Jaws stopped his outburst as his small Slog brain processed that the other, considerably bigger Slog was hurt and the Slig looked like it had been bawling, and the Mudokon wasn’t trying to kill either of them. What are you lot doing here? He asked slowly.

Last edited by LoboDiabloLoneWolf; 09-23-2005 at 12:41 PM..
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09-23-2005, 12:40 PM
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Dark Elite_H2
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"My master's tryin' to get some help for me. As you can see, I'm in poor condition right now..." Slogann spoke. Sly looked down to him wildly.
"Who the hell you talkin' to, Slogann?" Sly asked, turning around to the other Slog behind him. Sly's eyes thinned down, squinting at the Slog. "Well, hello there, lil' fellah," Sly cooed the Slog. "His master's in trouble...He needs help," Slogann replied. Sly looked down to Slogann. "Not in yer condition, you won't," Sly scolded.
"Sorry...My master's a little worry-wart. If you would come with us, and I'll get myself fixed up, and we'll help you find your master. How 'bout that?" Slogann spoke, coughing slightly. "What if I go with the Slog while you go get fixed up?" Sly asked, but Slogann denied. "You can't communicate with a regular Slog, Sly. Remember? Yer not a Slog," Slogann smirked. Sly rolled his eyes, muttering, " well it was an idea..." Slogann looked back to the Slog in some concern. "Don't worry. We'll get you back to yer master in no time," Slogann reassured.
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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 09-23-2005 at 12:53 PM..
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09-24-2005, 02:37 AM
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Albert hesitated for a second, but if the mudokon knew who Cheddar was he obivously wasn't an industrial, he had to know something about the tribe, even if he hardly visited it.
Albert: "Yeah, Cheddar was probably the person most likely to survive the attack last night, we got out of there together. We stayed the night in a shelter we pulled together and slept there for the night. He's not far away, but he might not want to leave in case anyone else turns up."
Noticing the slig had climbed out of the pit, he slung his knife back in his belt and grabbed his bow, fitted an arrow and pointed it at the slig.
Albert: "YOU are going nowhere at the moment, slig." He turned back to Niamae. "If you walk down there," He motioned the bushes where he'd emerged from, "You should find Cheddar pretty wuickly. We've been hoping to find some survivors from yesterday." He gave the slig a murderous look.

Cheddar turned round quivkly. "Laskar? Of course its safe, unless you have a platoon of sligs on your heals. Do you think we'd be having a conversation in broad daylight if it wasn't?" He turned back to Berdor, "He thought he heard some voices so he went to see what was going on. He hasn't been gone long. Did you see any sign of anyone else? Alive or dead."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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09-24-2005, 02:59 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
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Slugger returned the glare the bow-totting Mudokon was sending his way.

"Don't give me that look, the only thing I shot yesterday was a couple of Slig grunts and my superior. Wouldn't waste my ammo on Muds." he added scornfully. Slugger slung the field pack over his shoulders, and saw the butt of his semi-automatic rifle poking out from under a shrub.

"That'll even the odds..." he thought.

Throwing caution to the winds Slugger dived for the gun and managed to close his fingers around it. He swung round and hefted the gun up.

"But I'll make exceptions." he said, cocking the rifle.

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09-24-2005, 03:08 AM
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Nick almost cracked up when he heard the bigbro yap on and on. Obviously not had any kind of military dicipline. He wonderd what a bigbro was doing without training, you didn't see that to often.

'I only asked for your name and rank,' Mento remarked angry. 'If I want to hear your life story, I'l ask for it! Do I make myself clear?!'

Very clear, in Nick's opnion. Even tho it was pretty funny to see a small slig like Veldrac take on a bigbro. Then again, he did outrank him, so it was probably no big deal.
Without giving Bass a chance to reply, Mento marched tordwards Nick.

'How bad are those clouds?' he asked firm.

'I'd say...' Nick mumbled and had another look at them. 'Heavy rain, storm, maybe thunder. At least a night long.'

Mento gave a confirming nod.

'Alright...' he said while thinking. 'Alright... start wrapping things up here. We're moving out.'

Nick pulled a confused face and stared over the plains. Not a single sign of life in a 2 mile radius, except those muds.


'Do it, Nick!'

'Yes, sir!'

He got up on his feet and started taking down the first tent. Mento meanwhile headed to his tent and gave Bass a look as he walked past.

'Are you just going to stand there? Go help him!'
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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09-24-2005, 03:26 AM
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Bass raised an eyebrow, and then let a small laughter out. Who did he think he was? Some slig with alot of medals. But Bass knew that the factory needed a strong slig. Then he went to help Nick.

He thought this was waste of time, and that the Muds were probably makiong some big plan about how to kill the Sligs.

"So, are ya gonna shoot some sligs, or just stand here and do nothin'?" He asked impatiently.


Niamae was about to walk away, untill he saw with the back of his eyes, that the Slig has gotten hold of his rifle. He instinctly held his Slongshot ready, with his most torn-like ammunition in it.

"Don't you dare doing that Slig! I know exactly where where to hit, to make you die instantly, so don't try any funny tricks." He said, and was aiming for the neck.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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09-24-2005, 03:26 AM
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Albert released an arrow from his bow the moment the slig moved, but missed. Cursing silently, he grabbed another arrow from his quivver, strung it on his bow and raised it in time to see it pointing down the slig's gun barrel.
Albert wasn't sure how fast the sligs reaciotns were, but he wasn't going to risk it if he didn't need to. "Well done slig, if you were looking for mercy you're really going about asking all the wrong way. Dunno what Cheddar will think if he sees this scene."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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09-24-2005, 03:41 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
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Slugger let out a laugh that sounded like a blast of static.

"Mercy!?" he snickered, "I don't call having my metal butt being dragged around by a couple of Muds, mercy. And my name's not 'Slig', it's Slugger. Now, we seem to be in a bit of a stalemate, I don't want to shoot you, but I will if you give me no other options. You Muds on the other hand have every reason to do me in. And I wouldn't blame you after what happened yesterday. But I'm on the run as well, so we could just stand here, or just kill each other like Scrabs, or we can work together." Slugger lowered his gun,

"I can't believe I'm doing this...Slugger old boy, you're getting sentimental..." and then put it into his holster.

"Everyone has the right to be in charge of their own fates, including me." he said.

Last edited by LoboDiabloLoneWolf; 09-24-2005 at 04:17 AM..
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09-24-2005, 05:32 AM
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Albert, being no less suspicious of the slig for this display of trust, kept his bow raised, ready for a trick. "Work together? We don't really need any help, we were ok before you came along, how do you think you can help us? I have a friend nearby who's a good judge of character, so if you drop your gun we can go see him, and he can decide whether we let you go or not. On the other hand, we can stay here until one of us gets itchy-fingered."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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09-24-2005, 07:11 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
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Slugger shook his head,

"Couldn't agree to that, but what about a compromise." Slugger pulled out his gun, keeping the barrel down, after a bit of fiddling, the Slig unclipped the bullet chamber from the gun and then dismanteled the enitre rifle into three pieces before putting them back in the holster. He tossed the bullet pack to the Mudokon.

"You keep hold of this if it'll make you feel better." there was a pause, "And I've told you my name, what do I call you two by? I didn't like been called 'Slig', I doubt you like being called 'Mud'."

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09-25-2005, 03:43 AM
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Hadda looked from the new Slog, to Sly, to Sly's weird Slog.
"Well, how about we follow this new Slog tohis master, then we try and find my tribe's boss. his name's Cheddar, and he's a shaman, so he can probably heal your Slog Sly. But, if this new Slog's master is stuck in a pit, there might be industrials around trying to bait us in. I still reckon we should follow it."
He shrugged unsurely and looked between the three others again.

Laskar crept out from behind the tree.
"Nah, I ain't seen any factory Sligs anywhere. I in't even seen any other living things, apart from you two."
He listened to what Cheddar said to Berdon and then asked
"Who heard voices? And where from?"

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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09-25-2005, 05:28 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
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Jaws wagged his stumpy tail in agreement and nodded his head vigorously.

That'll work. he said cheerfully, I like him. he gushed, meaning the Mudokon, My name's Jaws, who are all you? Jaws felt better now, these were nice beings, he was sure of it. If they wanted to help they couldn't be bad right? Jaws just hoped that Slugger wouldn't panic and go trigger happy...Jaws let out an inward sigh. Slugger could be so paranoid...

So you follow me and I'll take you to the pit yes? he asked, looking hopefully, still wagging his short, Slog tail.

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09-25-2005, 07:16 AM
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Cheddar: "I'm not sure I was meditating when he said and he left before I was fully aware. I didn't hear anything myself, except the silence. It's been unusually quiet... There's a storm brewing as well..." Cheddar was beggining to disappear into thw rold of his own thoughts - or that was how he liked to put it. "I'm beggining to think that I'm the only member of our tribe's council to have survived the attack yesterday."

ooc: "I'm gonna give T-nex a chance to say something before I continue with Albert, sorry LoboDiablo
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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09-25-2005, 07:20 AM
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Nick just went hard at work, ignoring anything the other slig at to say. He knew how much Mento hated people talking on the job, unless a question was asked. If this bigbro wanted to be the big bad guy, he could go right ahead, he would face Mento's real anger soon enough if he kept this up.
Soon Nick felt the first drops of rain on his back, and he started to hussle getting the tents wrapped up.
One down, three to go. And it would go a lot faster if this guy would actualy help.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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09-25-2005, 07:34 AM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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Slogann nodded to Jaws.
"Sure thing. We'll get to that right now," Slogann said. Sly looked at Slogann curiously.

"What he say?" Sly asked. "He said he'll lead us to his master, down in a pit," Slogann replied, but Sly's eyes tinted a little. "What did I just say? We're not doin' anything until yer better!" Sly said firmly. Slogann frowned.

"I appreciate your concern, Sly. But wouldn't you want to help a helpless Slog? I would," Slogann said, then jumped out of Sly's arms. "Besides, I'm feeling a ton-lot better," Slogann smiled slightly, walking by Jaws, but tripped down from his hurt leg. Sly put his fists to his sides.

"Yeah...right..." Sly said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, then turned to the Mudokon. "Before we go anywhere, I want to know who YOU are. If I don't know you then why trust you?" Sly pointed to the Mudokon. Slogann rolled his eyes. "He always does such a thing to new people..." he whispered to Jaws.
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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 09-25-2005 at 07:44 AM..
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09-25-2005, 07:41 AM
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ooc: Dark Elite, you posts can be a little hard to read. If you spaced them out, start a new paragraph when the speaker changes, it'd be good. At the moment it can be rather confusing when your characters are talking to each other.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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09-25-2005, 07:43 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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OOC:Yesea, sorry...I'll edit
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09-25-2005, 10:34 AM
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Berdon: "I haven't seen anyone since I woke up, the forest was quiet. But the dead is everywhere around the village." He looked at the sky from the hollow, then back at Cheddar and Laskar. "Uh, I guess we should... show some respect for them, burying their dead or something. Haven't been part of those kind of rituals yet, I don't know much about them, but still... Um, what do you think?"

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09-26-2005, 04:49 AM
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The Dark Mudokon
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Jaran was out of his cavern since the attack on the village.He walked away from his home-village,looking for sligs to eliminate.He wanted to make them pay for what they did.He walked in the forest,ready to kill any industrial who would stand in his way.

"Where are those slig scums?",he thought to himself.

His blood was boiling under his black skin.He was spoiling for a fight.
"Who said mudokons couldn't be evil?"

Jaran The Dark Mudokon

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09-26-2005, 11:09 AM
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Cheddar: "There are still a lot of sligs out here, hunting for survivors. I haven't seen any, but I've felt them and the forest is aware of them. Anyway, THere'll probably be some near the village looking for survivors, we should wait a while before going back, then we'll see what we can do. I can't imagine why the sligs would want to bother the bodies, i think they'd be scared to."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 09-27-2005 at 11:17 AM..
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09-26-2005, 11:21 AM
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Hadda jumped back a bit at Slys outburst,, one minute he was sobbing, the next a grouchy industrial-esque Slig.
Confuzzling Hadda thought.
"Er, well, I'm Hadda. I'm from that village I mentioned before, it's just over the-wait! I can't tell you, you might be from the patrol sent to kill us and be trying to trick me into leading you to the survivors. Just believe me when I say I'm a native mudokon who means you no harm if you mean me none."

Laskar looked down in mourning for the fallen. He voiced his opinion
"Well, I never buried no comrades when I worked fer the industrials, so I dunno how to do it all respectfully, but I reckon we should after making sure it's safe to. If the village council are all dead, we should form a new one of the living. But firs' things first, we need to find any of the survivors and try an' group together. Strength in numbers after all. Then we can set about getting back to the village an' rebuildin'."

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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09-27-2005, 12:55 AM
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Abhay crawled away the way he had come until he thought he was a safe distance, then jumped to his feet and started running in the direction of the village, sacrificing stealth for speed. He wanted to get to the village in time to warn them of what he thought was an impending industrial attack, not realizing that the village had already been destroyed.
He didn't stop running until he turned into the entrance of the village, then he stopped so suddenly he left a skid mark in the ground. He stood there for a few minutes, gazing around in horror.
Then he came to his senses and grabbed up his slingshot, half-expecting to see sligs leap out from the trees or behind the remains of huts and start firing at him. He started walking around the debris, searching for any sign of survivors.

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09-27-2005, 08:20 AM
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The Dark Mudokon  (10)

After walking for at least an hour,Jaran decided he had enough.He decided to return to the destroyed village,just in case the sligs decided to look for survivors aroun.He walked his way back and arrived after an hour.When he arrived,he saw a survivor looking aroun.Jaran walked in his direction,holding his spear firmly.

"Hey!,he called,where's the industrial's HQ?"
"Who said mudokons couldn't be evil?"

Jaran The Dark Mudokon

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09-27-2005, 11:19 AM
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ooc: Dark Mudokon, it might be useful to remember there's a massive factory overlooking the village, pumping smoke into the air that would be a little hard to miss. Plus, if Jaran is part of the tribe he'll already know that, as its been there for some time. No offence, but did you actually read the backstory?

Still waiting for T, where are you?
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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09-27-2005, 06:32 PM
Jarnww's Avatar
: Jun 2005
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Jarnww  (10)

Uh, one question guys, when does this RP take place? I was thinking about joining using Sev, but I'm not sure about the time. Just fill me in if you can,and thanks in advance. Also tell me if I'm allowed to, okay?
W@RF RP:It's like a hornets nest exploding in your pants, although a lot more fun!

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09-28-2005, 05:12 AM
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Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
: Oct 2002
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You can join, and it doesn't really matter when it takes place, its somewhere about the time of Abe and that's all that's really important at the moment.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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09-28-2005, 06:25 AM
The Dark Mudokon's Avatar
The Dark Mudokon
: May 2005
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The Dark Mudokon  (10)

ooc:Splat,will you stop telling me how it works?When I'll need help,I'll ask!
"Who said mudokons couldn't be evil?"

Jaran The Dark Mudokon

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