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01-19-2009, 12:12 PM
SlagoTheSlig's Avatar
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Slago heard the orders Arnie has given out.He listened to each word very carefully."Ya,whaddya want?"Slago told Arnie.Slago is being impatient for some reason.Slago adjusted his mask and walked over to Arnie.
01-19-2009, 02:07 PM
Splat's Avatar
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Long posts are stupid.
You dont want to read them.
Fil, you're really annoying me now.
I've already talked to you about short, pointless posts, and yet you've ignored my advice. Also, your new hyper-violent character is totally against waht we want in the RPG; we don't want someone going round killing everything, destroying everything. It's not cool and it's not at all fun for the other characters.

I've really, really tried to be patient with you, but you're really pushing me. I don't want to be harsh, but if you continue to break RPG rules you will face being banned from this RPG.

As to your comment, posts that are as short as yours are somewhat stupider than the mid-length posts that everyone else in this RPG have been posting. If you can't be bothered to read or post anything longer than two sentences, then there really isn't a place for you in this RPG.

Sorry, but that's how it is here.

Slago, please listen to this advice too. You don't want to make the same mistakes as Fil.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 01-19-2009 at 04:14 PM..
01-20-2009, 02:09 AM
arkaznor's Avatar
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IC: "Well, according to the Magog Cartel I do, but I haven't technically received work from the official in charge of this factory," Ark said deliberately, waving his hand and hunching his shoulder in hesitation of whether what he said made it less likely for him to be freed from the room.

"It may have seemed necessary to my captors that I be put in this cell, but I assure that it is not. The reason for me being here is that a must of irritated some one, so that one I approached some one of power, to ask a question: they panicked, causing others to panic, which made it so that I had to run or be killed by a trigger happy panicking slig," Ark continued in a less than enthusiastic tone.

"And thus, I am here," he concluded, "though I am rather surprised to find myself a prisoner, instead of a corpse."
Labor Force Ranch, raising slaves so you don't have to.

Last edited by arkaznor; 01-20-2009 at 02:12 AM..
01-21-2009, 04:31 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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Anni was slightly surprised by Arnie's answer. Put pressure on her? Feeling slightly uneasy, she nodded and said to Arnie, "Um, ok, but I don't think he'll be able to do much work."

She turned around and grinned up at the big thing that had just arrived.
"Hi! I'm Anni; I guess we'll be working together! What's your name?"

"Well guys ya heard da boss! Let's go round up that Jim guy and get to our post! I'm sure boss got more things ta botha with then our ugly mugs all day."

She more or less shrugged off the slig's comment and replied, "Ok, you go the the production lines and make sure it's all running smoothly, and we," (she gestured to herself and the outlaw) "Will go and look for Jim."
Without waiting for a reply, she grabbed the outlaw by the hand and half-led-half-sort-of-dragged him out of the cafeteria.

ooc: sorry, haven't got time for the others right now. Back later. (By pure coincidence, Jim's cowering in the production lines right now).
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

01-21-2009, 05:25 AM
Chronicler's Avatar
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Skullik mumbled out a low growl to himself as the female Mudokon, now idenitfied as Anni, grabbed him by the hand and dragged him out of the cafeteria. He looked back at the still nameless Slig (Gewehr) in surprise as they should be all working together on the same job, as it was Boss's orders after all. The Outlaw, still being dragged in against his will, looked back at Anni. He studied the Mudokon. One noticeably odd thing about her, aside from her total generosity to a big glaring beast like Skullik, was her pinkish skin. As mentioned before, Skullik doesn't know too much about Mudokons, but he has never seen a Pink Mudokon any where on Oddworld. He looked down at her hand, grabbed onto his own grubby clawed hand, and noticed a strange symbol on it. The Outlaw thought to ask her about these later. "S-so where're w-we going?" Skullik said in his deep monstrous tone of voice.

Last edited by Chronicler; 01-21-2009 at 05:53 AM..
01-21-2009, 11:04 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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"Hmmmm, I see." Hembar replied to Ark, putting a hand to her chin thoughtfully.

"Well, as you said, if you get out of here it's gonna help you, but it's not going to be very good for your 'job...'"

She looked back to the door, "But in any case, I need to get out of here before I'm found out; unlike you I'm not even officially considered a worker here. So it's up to you if you want to get out, but if you do I suggest this as our strategy:

"There's a vykker in the next room over, and he seems to be rather busy at the moment, but if we just rush out there he's sure to hear us, so," she looked back at the other mudokon, "I don't know how quiet you can be, but it's gotta be stealth all the way, unless he spots us. If you hear any sign that he's seen us, just run for it!"

She moved up to the door and pushed it slightly ajar. "Ok, you ready?"

OOC: Ralph is waiting on da Outlaw commonly referred to as "Moosh."

01-22-2009, 02:51 PM
: Jan 2009
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batman859  (18)

me karakter bigbroglukon wit supapowaful gun! he shoot evry1 bam bam bam this rpg over start a nu 1 ol abaut mee!
01-22-2009, 03:50 PM
OddYouko's Avatar
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OOC: -steps outta the shadows once more-

IC: Roy nervously looked around the huge room full of different creatures. He had no idea who Arthur or Dionysia was but he had to find out since he was going to be working with the two. He hadn't even gotten a chance to walk around the factory. Not one to speak out for himself Roy stood by the wall watching everyone else.
He needed to meet the two or atleast talk with the Boss and see what was going on. He looked over at Arnie and the others that had gathered around him. 'It's now or never..' He thought now walking over with a lump in his throat.
Corky waited along with fellow Sligs and other creatures. Phats like always stayed close to his side. "Come on...get on with it." He mumbled and stood waiting impaitently. He huffed then looking over by the entrance he noticed Maggie come in pushing aside anyone that was in her path.
'Oh dear Odd!! It's her!' He bagan to freak out. He quickly moved away from everyone including the Boss and went over by a seat. He sat down messing with his gun trying not to get her attention but Phats on the other hand caught her sent. He sniffed the floor then hurried over to it's core which of course was Maggie. "Phats...come back here..." He begged his Slog but Phats had already made it to the flirty Wolvak.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

01-22-2009, 04:08 PM
Venks's Avatar
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The northern Slig didn't like how the Mudokon(Anni) blew him off so nonchalantly. What were wrong with the Mudokons here? Did they think they were his equals or something? Mudokons were referred to as Muds for a reason. Muds weren't even equal to the produce they manufactured. They were lower then that. Filthy, useless mud. That is what Mudokons were equal to.
Gewehr made a mental note to beat that Mud the first chance he got. The smallest of excuses would work for him. I mean as long as the thing could still work did it matter how scarred its body was? The prideful Slig decided he would also terrorize the stupid Mud's friend. If only he could manage to find the thing. Oh well... he could always wait for the Mud and the big thing to find the shaken one for him. Deciding to head into to his work station Gewehr left the cafeteria and made his way around the facility.
Following signs around Rupture Farms the northern Slig managed to find the Production Lines. He looked around amazed by the huge contraptions that distributed the various products throughout Rupture Farms. Gewehr was no engineer, but the machines looked like they could still operate. Some of them were just a little covered in soot or ash, nothing a little scrubbing couldn't fix. Gewehr saw the switch to get the machinery back into operation and decided to give it a pull. At first he was only using his right hand, but the switch refused to budge. Using both his hands and all his might Gewehr gave it a second attempt. It wasn't that Gewehr actually wanted to work, no sane Slig would. It was just that wearing pants made Gewehr feel strong. Sadly he was still just as weak as any Slig.
Tugging a tad too hard Gewehr lost his balance and fell very awkwardly onto his back; knocking his head against the cold, metal floor. The gyros within Gewehr's pants went to work and brought the Slig back up. The prideful Slig was very embarrassed and hoped no one else had seen what had happened. He made a quick scan around the room and to his dismay saw someone(JIM) nearby. Losing logic in his state of chagrin Gewehr grabbed his blunderbuss off his belt and pointed it at the possible witness. Taking a closer look he realized it was just a cowering Mud.
Upon further speculation Gewehr realized that this Mudokon might be THE cowering Mud. The northern Slig's feelers twisted into what other Sligs would perceive as a smirk. Gewehr lowered his weapon, placing it back onto his belt, and introduced himself:
"Ey Mud. You wouldn hapn to be Jim would ya? Da boss assigned you, me some big guy, and your brother ta work here. Anni, or wat evah dat Slurg feed is called, told me ya got a fear of us Sligs or sumthin. She says you can't work wit me. Now I find that prepos... prepost... stupid! Ya look like a quiet, easy ta work wit guy. Da boss wants us ta clean up dis place and keep it runnin. Now we're a team. So dat means we gots to work togedah. As long as ya do everything I say we won't have no problems. Ya hear?"
01-23-2009, 01:34 AM
arkaznor's Avatar
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IC: Ark contemplated the mudokon that stood before him, she was a native or a rouge, but that meant little to him; after all he spend a year in mudokon village, where he had ‘accidentally’ acquired his dark skin. What did bother him was how she had come to sneaking around this factory, and the pronoun he was using. Obviously the Cartel didn’t care about this factory to much of an extent anymore, which might explain why she hadn’t been questioned yet. The paper work about any employee probably hadn’t even been bothered to be filled out, let alone signed and mailed.

But once again he was standing next to a female mudokon, and was again she had little resemble to the one had worked with prior, but rather had a similar build to the other one he had met.

As he heard the next part of her plan, he realized that she hadn’t thought this through too any great lengths, and was relying on luck, which was also fine; he generally had good luck.

One she mentioned stealth he gave a sly smile, “I can blend into any shadow, the only advantage this stained skin has given me, and I never make a sound, unless I want to,” Ark replied, “Not that it matters, those head heavy idiots can only hear screams of pain anyway.”
Labor Force Ranch, raising slaves so you don't have to.

01-25-2009, 03:38 AM
dripik's Avatar
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me karakter bigbroglukon wit supapowaful gun! he shoot evry1 bam bam bam this rpg over start a nu 1 ol abaut mee!
Stick to General Discussion. Roleplaying is not your thing, believe me.

Same goes for you Fil. If you find reading long posts troublesome, it'll be best if you leave. You'd be fried if Slaveless was still around... (his posts are record winners in lenght)

"Well guys ya heard da boss! Let's go round up that Jim guy and get to our post! I'm sure boss got more things ta botha with then our ugly mugs all day."

"Read my mind, that Slig did." thought Arnie with a smirk as Gewehr called out to Anni and Skullik. At least there's a member in the group who tends to motivate the others - effectively or not. Group 1 should be OK, but...

Arnie looked at the others in Cafeteria. Appart from the people who had not got their jobs yet, there were still some workers around who were already in a working group. Dionysia's expression caught his attention. The female Mudokon's face showed signs of fury and disobediance. Arnie still remembered the message Dionysia brought him - she got used to being treated differently just for being a 'prototype'.

The Glukkon turned away from the Mudokon. He felt that the workers needed further motivation. He turned to #7 Slig, who was standing next to him. "Blank shot, aimed at the ceiling." he told the Slig in a low voice.

"...what?" aked #7 Slig, unprepared for the order.

Arnie made no reply but turned to RG instead. "Blank shot, aimed at the ceiling."

RG did not make any objections. He removed a grey cartridge from one of his torso compartments and loaded it into his rifle. He aimed at the ceiling and pulled the trigger.

The Cafeteria rang for seconds after RG made the shot. Arnie called out to everyone in general. "If you got your orders, go and get to them!"


OOC: I'll really get to the rest of you soon, it's still a few days until my exams are over.

01-25-2009, 03:53 AM
Jimmy-le-sniper's Avatar
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Hehe...Arnie freaking out the whole Cafeteria ^_^

Listen to dah boss è_é


When SU-01 heard Arnie's order to #7 slig, then to RG, he thoughts :

"Error :

Mudokon-Friendly Environment Engagement Rule is obsolete. Update required ASAP.

I'll ask to the boss how should I behave later...

That the way to go, if you ask me...Maybe he wont need me anymore, but I'll still told him what I've to. He'll judge by himself..."
English is not my mother tongue, so feel free to correct my eventual mistakes.

If at first, you don't succeed, Use Yur Imagination

Feel free to check my Deviantart Gallery. I've some Oddworld art in there.

01-25-2009, 08:44 AM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: As long as I'm waiting for Splat, I mineaswell better post Uggs' intro.

IC: The train seemed eerily silent ever since the large Outlaw tromped its own way out. Nobody was seemingly in sight. Then a little head poked out of the train's exit. It scanned the surrounding environment. A totally metallic hell zone. Just like his last location ...... Uggs the little Slig kid crawled out of the ship, sighing out his disappointment.

Name: Uggs
Species: Slig
Gender: Male
Age: Comparable to an eight year-old boy?
Appearance: Like any healthy Larva Slig Baby wearing perfect-sized Slig Mask. Uggs doesn't currently own a pair of pants, so his locomotion is through crawling around with his arms. On his chest is a black tattoo in the shape of OWI's logo. Apparently, the tattoo is of mystical origin...
Personality: Uggs has the common characteristic of many newly-born Sligs, he has the will to care for others and to be cared for himself. He can share and even sense how others are feeling. Despite this, Uggs also has the common viewpoints of children in which he'd mostly look after himself and think of others later. He also has a DEEP interest in the supernatural.
History: Uggs was born from the crude beast known as Queen Skillya, mother of a thousand evils. He behaved qite normally like other babies, all he wanted was to see into his mum's eyes and accept love from her heart into his own. Also commonly used on Slig Larva is the special treatment that the adult Slig Guards use. Basically, they try to beat the poor lad, an attempt in snuffing out the love. But this didn't work. Even after the beatings, Uggs was willing to hug ANYTHING. The Gluks were confused by this, but no matter, they will merely feed Baby Uggs to Queen Skillya. Simple. Buuuuut Skillya was in such a pissed off mood, she was willing to squish the Gluk Bosses themselves! The plot was abandoned, and Uggs was allowed to live.
Life within the Slig Barracks were tough for poor Uggs. The little larva was too small to even carry any form of gun correctly! Uggs had no Slig Combat skill whatsoever. For this, the Guards would continue beating the kid. Uggs was much more interested in reading spooky tales, stories of ghosts and aliens. He eventually caught onto Mudokon and even Glukkon forms of spiritualism! The kid had to keep it secret though, as the Guards would still wail on him for reading such unholy content. Soon enough, Uggs snuck his way into a train, heading towards Rupture Farms

Uggs shut his beady eyes for a few seconds ...... He reopened them, only to find out he was still within this large monolithic meat-processing plant. It can't be! His true home CAN'T be another industrial pit! It just CAN'T be! Uggs quietly spoke to himself "Home? Where's my home?" The little Slig wanted to make his way into the safety of the train's womb, but curiousity took a hard controlling grasp on the kid's mind. Rupture Farms looked so hypnotic. Soon enough, Uggs took in a breath of confidence and marched into the bowells of the factory. His true home must be here somewhere ...... Uggs' tattoo dimly flashed ....

Last edited by Chronicler; 01-25-2009 at 08:48 AM..
01-25-2009, 10:39 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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Ark: “I can blend into any shadow, the only advantage this stained skin has given me, and I never make a sound, unless I want to. Not that it matters, those head heavy idiots can only hear screams of pain anyway.”

Hembar smiled, "Good. In that case, let's go quickly."

She slipped silently out the door and swiftly but quietly made her way to the lab door. Checking to make sure Ark was keeping up, she reached for the switch to re-open the door...

OOC: Alright, here's the exciting bit! Will Krik spot the mudokons trying to escape? Or will they get out undetected? Find out all this, and more, in the next exciting episode of- oh, wait, it's all part of the same episode!

01-26-2009, 02:25 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: Sorry for the wait; I had a really, really painfully busy weekend. But 10 and a half hours of sleep later I'm up and ready to go.
BTW, Gretin, I'm going to assume Hembar is out in the main section of the lab by now.

Dionysia was watching as Arnie whispered to the #7 Slig, then to the robot. When RG fired she saw it coming and didn't jump.
Also, she recognised the sound of a dry bullet when she heard one. Phoneyness didn't intimidate her; she was going no where.

(ooc: not to be hypocritical but we can move this along now; if you don't have a very definate reason to stay in the cafeteria then can you move to your work station in your next post? I just don't want us to be here for ages )

Anni smiled up at the big creature; he was really cute! "We'll just wander round for a bit. I don't really know where Jim is though. What did you say your name was? And, uh, I've never seen anyone like you before; what species are you?"


Jim tried to shrink back into a corner when the slig entered the production lines.

It didn't work.
From the slig's speech, he managed to pick up that he and Anni were supposed to be working here with this slig. Oh Odd; he was in trouble!
He more or less failed to respond to the slig.
He more or less failed to move. He's frozen up.


The lab storeroom was very tidy; in fact, aside from a couple of pieces of machinery which had been messily shoved back in place after being used, the room was very well ordered, and quite clean. As Krik had a quick look around, he spotted a few valuable drugs but didn't take any as it would be too obvious with the shelves as neat as they were.
Instead he preyed upon a filing cabinet which had been placed discreetly in a corner. It was, it turned out, doctor's records for the factory.
He pulled out a few files at random but it was fairly standard stuff; a mudokon inhaling smoke, a slig loosing an arm in a fight, muds loosing their sight in machine accidents, or getting badly cut when messing with scrap metal, a slig receiving treatment for steal inhalation, another slig who-

Oh, good grief.
Krik very delicately replaced the file into the drawer as if he wanted to touch as little of it as possible, and then prudently pushed the drawer closed, trying to wipe away some horrible mental images which would no-doubt keep him awake for the rest of the week.
Suddenly having had enough of Rupture Farms to last him a good long time, he walked delicately towards the door back into the main lab, pausing only to pick a bo of chill pills off of a shelf.

About the same time a certain duo of mudokons was crossing the lab, Krik turned the door handle from the storeroom.

Annoyingly, he knocked a lab-coat which was hanging from a hook on the door with his elbow, and it fell to the floor.
The door swung open just a little as he reached down and picked up the coat. Then he noticed something had fallen out of the pocket; another medical file. Not without trepidation, he reached down and picked it up.
Then he stopped and stared.

What cunning piece of plot-element has Krik discovered? Will he spot the escaping slave and his sneaky saviour as they slip out of the lab?

Also, is anyone enough of a W@RF buff to identify all of the records Krik found in the lab? unfortunately they were only started when Dek arrived, otherwise there would undoubtedly have been a slig getting hit by a train in there.

Cookies to anyone who can identify...

A mudokon inhaling smoke
A slig loosing an arm in a fight
A mudokon loosing his sight in a machine accident
A mudokon getting cut badly when messing with scrap metal
A slig receiving treatment for steam inhalation
A slig with a medical problem so gross that we demanded that that particular plot be discontinued (baaaaaaaaaad mental images)

And also any guesses for the mysterious record (MM can't guess on that one because I've already discussed it with him.)

And finally, I just want to remind everyone to try and speed up the action in their posts in the hopes of keeping the thread moving further than the last. If the people given jobs could clear out of the cafeteria now I would appreciate it. Let's keep this thread an ALIVE experience!!! (Sorry, couldn't resist).
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

01-26-2009, 02:49 AM
T-nex's Avatar
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A slig with a medical problem so gross that we demanded that that particular plot be discontinued (baaaaaaaaaad mental images)
I curse you for reminding me, Splat... Curse you!!! *cries* *tries to kill brain*
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


01-26-2009, 06:27 AM
Chronicler's Avatar
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Skullik lightly groaned to himself. He was a slurping monster and he was speaking to such a high-spirited soul? What are the odds of that? The Outlaw, trying to absorb more confidence, growled out "M-my name's Skullik. Skullik t-t-t-the Ou-Outlaw. I'm an Outlaw." Skullik realized he was actually saying the wrong word in this conversation. Outlaw. He gasped and quickly added "But PLEASE don't let my species name scare ya. I've nev-nev-never done a nasty thing my whole life." Skullik lied. His first word he ever spoke was a swear, and the last thing he's done before taking up to prison life was jumping a drunkard. But the Outlaw wanted to stop this. Rupture Farms is giving him the chance of starting over his story, and possibly make the right friends. And the Outlaw can sense some goodness in making friends with this Mudokon. Lexi in the mean time, was dozing off. Bored of being stowed away in Skullik's backpack.

Uggs pittered-pattered across a hallway (OOC: He's far away enough from Skullik's and Anni's sights, not like they're even facing his direction anyway). The Slig Kid anticipated his journey. His real home doesn't seem to be anywhere. Uggs stopped and lied down on his belly on the metallic surface, giving out a sigh. "Home ....." Uggs was desperatley calling for his home as if it were an obediant pet that was to come and comfort him. The Slig turned over onto his back and looked at the black OWI tattoo that formed on his chest. It was a noticably large tattoo. "Where did you come from?" Uggs asked the tattoo. The Slig Larva nodded his head as a response to nothing. "Oh. So my new home IS here?"

Last edited by Chronicler; 01-26-2009 at 06:30 AM..
01-26-2009, 05:54 PM
Venks's Avatar
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The northern Slig continued to stare at the cowering Mudokon waiting for a response. It soon became apparent that the Mud was not going to say anything. What was wrong with this thing? Then Gewehr remembered Anni. That Mudokon didn't listen to what he said either. It frustrated him incredibly. Who do they think they are! These Muds are lower then filth! And they think they are better then him!? Sure Gewehr wasn't the strongest or biggest Slig around, but he wasn't below average.

Gewehr wasn't sure if it was his mind playing tricks on him or not, but he could of sworn he just saw the cowering Mudokon sneer at him. That was it wasn't it!? They were mocking him behind his back! He had only just recently been employed to Rupture Farms and already his coworkers were judging him and comparing him to others. They probably joked him about his height when he wasn't around or scoffed his lack of strength. And this Mudokon saw Gewehr fall when he was trying to pull a lever. This gossiping, rumor mongering fool would go around the whole factory telling everyone of his inadequacy. 'Look at that Slig,' they would say, 'he can't even pull a lever! Skillya must of overlooked him. She would of gotten rid of such a short freak had she of seen him. I bet the reason he holds his head so high all the time is so can feel taller... the schmuck. He'll never amount to anything, he's prolly a Mud lover too. Yeah weaklings love Mudokons, makes them feel better about themselves.'

Gewehr closed his eyes and swore inwardly over and over again. Screaming for the voices to go away. After hiding from his own feelings of incompetence and he reopened his eyes to still see that Mudokon there. The one who would mock Gewehr behind his back, the one who would tell everyone about the lever, the one who acted superior to Gewehr. Gewehr, driven by rage, walked up to the Mudokon breathing heavily. Once the prideful Slig's pants stopped clicking from movement he found himself standing above the Mud. Adrenaline rushing through his system, Gewehr raised his gun ready to bash the base of it into the Mudokon's head. Gewehr spit at the Mudokon vehemently, "So Mud. Ya too good ta talk ta me are ya? I'm not yo equal? Wat's so wrong wit me eh? Cus I can't pull sum stupid levah? Well I don't care! I'm yo superiah so yah has to listen to me! I'll beat respect inta ya if I have to! What do you have to say to that!?"

OOC: No worries. I seem to always have this problem with having violent characters. Prolly cus I mostly role play Sligs. Splat if you can't get Jim out of the situation I'll just come up with some silly reason as to why Gewehr can't hit Jim.
01-27-2009, 06:01 AM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: Guys, there's a POSSBILITY (note: not for sure. It's merely POSSIBLE) that I won't be posting for atleast 2 weeks. So, Splat, I'll allow you to somewhat guide Skullik around (Not as a full character, maybe just following Anni around and speaking along the way). Just remember, he's scary-looking, shy, and would threaten to kick the crap outta people that mess with his friends. Uggs is in the perfect situation to be ignored, so he'll just disappear until I come back. For now, just post normally, and if I don't reply for a while, that means I'm gone. Again. I'm not FULLY sure if I'll be gone. When I'm back, I'll take over Skullik and Uggs again in whatever situation they may be in.

Last edited by Chronicler; 01-27-2009 at 06:25 AM..
01-27-2009, 09:46 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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A mudokon inhaling smoke
A slig loosing an arm in a fight
A mudokon loosing his sight in a machine accident
A mudokon getting cut badly when messing with scrap metal
A slig receiving treatment for steam inhalation
A slig with a medical problem so gross that we demanded that that particular plot be discontinued (baaaaaaaaaad mental images)
Slig with steam inhalation = Big Bro Boogie. Equivalent mudokon = Jim. Cut with Scrap metal = Scruben, I think. Mudokon losing his sight, that may have been Scruben actually, or perhaps Sefon. The Slig who lost his arm was Groll. The gross Slig, I can't remember his name but I remember the character. He may have been called....Arrack? I dunno.


Arthur sighed. He moaned out load to everyoen satill in the Cafeteria "Always with the production lines! Just as I make some nice new cooking genius, I get stuck on the boring stuff."

He marched out of the Cafe, but stopped to see Dionysia stubbornly refusing to leave. He still was slightly wary of the ill tempered mudokon.
"Hey, miss Ants In Pants, ya have to get to your workstation. I don't like it either but Im goin', and I have a reputation for laziness. D'ya really wanna try ta beat my own record?"
Dek quickly turned and walked back towards his Lab. He still had to finish recording Jim's medical details and operation notes. The forthcomnig stresses of such work were almost breaking through the calm of his Chill Pills.
"Need more Pills, much more Pills. Stronger ones too." he muttered to himself, walking past Anni and Skullik as he did so.
'Didn't know we employed Outlaws. And I need to secure Anni in the Labs again so-Aha!
He paused in his tracks, walked backwards to place a finger under Anni's nose and say "You. Labs. Sometime soon. Medical checkup is due....Try to er...be along later today. No friends please, its important to be a solo examination. And I know we've had differences before but, I don't bite. You'll find me quite nice if you give me a chance, all the other patients in the factory seem quite happy."
'They also seem to disappear soon after I operate on them but...best not to speculate about that.'

He resumed in his tracks and, after some further walking, reached the Lab door. He began tapping in the code with his finger, while the passing by of Anni had reminded him about certain important documents, documents that were due a review and perhaps publication. He reached a claw into an inner pocket as he finished entering the access code.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

01-27-2009, 10:41 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: Ooh, those mudokons are cornered on all sides! Will they produce enough of a distraction to allow Krik to escape with the goods?
And venks, feel free to smack Jim, as long as you don't do him any serious or lasting damage. If he can walk out of the room without needing to visit Dek again, I'm pretty much fine with it. Just don't make it too messy
Chronicler, just post while you can; it's cool

Krik was reading frantically through Dek's notes; chemical analysis, genetic reflection, there could be no inkling of doubt; he'd recognise the makeup, the work anywhere, even through the changes that had clearly made since he'd stopped work on the project. But how-?

Before he could think further, however, he heard the lab door open. He quickly stuffed the notes into his bag and hurried out of the storeroom.

What met his eyes was Dek standing in the doorway and a pair of mudokons halfway across the room, one wearing a dress like nothing Krik had seen in any factory and the other was the mudokon that Dionysia had caught the day before!!

"Dek, what in Odd's name is going on? Since when was that allowed out of it's cage?!" He half-bellowed.


Dionysia glared at the slig. Lazy?!! "Actually I was waiting to talk to the glukkon!" She said icily, "But as you seem even worse than him at doing any job properly, I will wait until he's finished ranting at everyone else."

She gave Arthur a withering look and marched out of the cafeteria and towards the warehouse. "Where's that mud who's supposed to be working?" She asked Arthur, sharply.


Jim was still too terrified to move. This slig was clearly totally insane!

Not that it changed anything. He closed his eyes in terror and cowered even lower as the slig loomed up over him, its gun raised to strike.


Anni was still smiling as she walked along the corridor, completely dwarfed by her new companion. "That's ok. I mean there are plenty of creatures with nasty names that are nice people. Like 'paramite' sounds a little creepy but actually they're really cute animals!" She thought of telling him about Somi but decided against it, for the time being anyway. "Slogs are nice too, and they don't have a very nice name. My friend had a pet slog called Freak; one of his legs was shorter than the other so he couldn't run very fast, but he was really friendly, and-"
Just as she was getting into full swing, Dek suddenly arrived and shoved his finger at her, telling her to go to his lab later.
Apparently he also noticed the hateful look on his face because he told her, 2And I know we've had differences before but, I don't bite. You'll find me quite nice if you give me a chance, all the other patients in the factory seem quite happy," Before walking away.

She glared at his back until he turned a corner. "I hate vykkers; I've had enough all my life of them sticking needles into me and 'doing tests' and pretending they know how to help people when all they want to do is hurt you," She hissed. "Come on." She started leading Skullik in the opposite direction to the one Dek had gone in, taking a corridor that would lead towards the production lines.

ooc: Loooooooooooooong post!
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

01-27-2009, 11:34 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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Also, is anyone enough of a W@RF buff to identify all of the records Krik found in the lab? unfortunately they were only started when Dek arrived, otherwise there would undoubtedly have been a slig getting hit by a train in there.

Cookies to anyone who can identify...

A mudokon inhaling smoke
A slig loosing an arm in a fight
A mudokon loosing his sight in a machine accident
A mudokon getting cut badly when messing with scrap metal
A slig receiving treatment for steam inhalation
A slig with a medical problem so gross that we demanded that that particular plot be discontinued (baaaaaaaaaad mental images)

And also any guesses for the mysterious record (MM can't guess on that one because I've already discussed it with him.)

Slig with steam inhalation = Big Bro Boogie. Equivalent mudokon = Jim. Cut with Scrap metal = Scruben, I think. Mudokon losing his sight, that may have been Scruben actually, or perhaps Sefon. The Slig who lost his arm was Groll. The gross Slig, I can't remember his name but I remember the character. He may have been called....Arrack? I dunno.
OOC: Nah, Sefon and Groll weren't in any of those medical records

My guesses would be:

A mudokon inhaling smoke - Jim (due to Ralph's actions hehe)
A slig loosing an arm in a fight - Gappiqu(sp?)
A mudokon losing his sight in a machine accident - Scruben
A mudokon getting cut badly when messing with scrap metal - Can't remember this one
A slig receiving treatment for steam inhalation - Can't remember this one
A slig with a medical problem so gross that we demanded that that particular plot be discontinued - Don't remember the name but I (unfortunately) remember the event

And also any guesses for the mysterious record - Anni


Just as Hembar was about to open the door to freedom, she sensed something wrong... Another vykker was entering from the outside! She turned back to Ark, "Ok, we have a bit of a situation! I'm going to have to cause a distraction. So, listen carefully; I'm going to create an illusion which will hopefully confuse the vykkers enough to give us time to get out, so as soon as you see it, make a run for it and don't stop running till you're safe! Got it?"
Not waiting for an answer, she again began to silently chant, the mystical energy building up around her. Then, as the lab door opened and the second vykker (Dek) entered, the first vykker (Krik) also returned.

"Dek, what in Odd's name is going on? Since when was that allowed out of it's cage?!"

Perfect timing. Suddenly releasing the energy that had built up around her, she put her arms out to the side as a sort of blue fog suddenly flowed around her and started expanding to fill the whole room. As soon as it grew thick enough, it would appear like all sorts of wild creatures were swirling around in the fog, but already it should be enough for the other mudokon to make good his escape.

Still standing with her arms out to the side, she turned her head towards Ark and shouted, "RUN!"

That was the only part she hadn't told him, the illusion required her to be standing still, so the moment she moved it would fade away, which meant she couldn't make her own escape until the other mudokon was safe.

Last edited by Gretin; 01-27-2009 at 11:36 AM..
01-27-2009, 12:27 PM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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A mudokon inhaling smoke - Jim (W@RF 8)
A slig loosing an arm in a fight - No one's got this right yet, though Gappiqu was in some way involved in the fight. Dek was heavily involved in the treatment.
A mudokon losing his sight in a machine accident - Scruben (W@RF 4)
A mudokon getting cut badly when messing with scrap metal - Dionysia (W@RF 5)
A slig receiving treatment for steam inhalation - Boogie (W@RF 4)
A slig with a medical problem so gross that we demanded that that particular plot be discontinued - I think Nexy's got this right. Munches you're wrong but I think I know who you meant. While getting disemboweled by falling through one's own collapsing pants in the middle of the kitchen was pretty gross, he never got delivered to the lab for Dek to record. The incident in mind was somewhat grosser, and I believe Dek was quite involved in the affair.
And also any guesses for the mysterious record - Anni (W@RF 7 and character history, cookie for Gretin)
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

01-27-2009, 12:56 PM
Jimmy-le-sniper's Avatar
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(Splat, Gretin, mind if I join while waiting for Drippik's instructions ? If you don't want me to disturb you, I'll delete this post and make like I never left the cafeteria.)

While he was waiting for instructions in the Cafeteria, SU-01 HUD started to display errors again.

"Another mudokon is chanting, (Hembar) but stronger than the last time. And it's not meditation...Better check this out."

With his eyes turned yellow and without a word, he got out the cafeteria unnoticed quite easily, because he stood away from the group around Arnie.

He made his way to the lab, stopping time to time for scanning and determine where the waves were coming from. He finally came to a lab door, wide open. He loaded taser munitions in his guns and stood right in the doorway, ready to shoot the first person who would come out of the room.

"Non-lethal ammunitions loaded. heat-vision engaged, probability of hitting multiple moving targets : 100 %."

"What's happening in here ? Come out with your hands up and you'll not get hurt. If you're somewhat in danger, I'm here to protect you so do not be afraid."
English is not my mother tongue, so feel free to correct my eventual mistakes.

If at first, you don't succeed, Use Yur Imagination

Feel free to check my Deviantart Gallery. I've some Oddworld art in there.

Last edited by Jimmy-le-sniper; 01-27-2009 at 01:05 PM..
01-27-2009, 01:04 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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A slig loosing an arm in a fight - No one's got this right yet, though Gappiqu was in some way involved in the fight. Dek was heavily involved in the treatment.
OOC: My bad, it was Molt! Can't believe I forgot that Yeah, this was pretty much an absolutely useless post, I just suddenly remembered it on reading that.

01-27-2009, 03:05 PM
stonetooth's Avatar
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(My character from the old version, I just felt in necessary because I forgot a bit about him from last time i did this, and should I just do it from when i went to sleep at my barracks in V.8? I'm going to go ahead and do that unless someone tells me otherwise)
Name: Golig
Species: Slig
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: He is a medium sized slig, has scrawnier muscles, and looks a bit like a wimp
Personality: He can be easily fooled, he sleeps more than normal sligs, and he is very talkative
Equipment: Wears metal pants, has a dark tinted face mask, and a shooter
History: Golig used to be employed by a vykker as a security guard, but he was fired because he slep way to much. He has had a bad time finding work ever sense then.


Golig jumped up from his bed, just remembering that there was a meeting today in the cafeteria, and, as usual, he was lost in his dreams and forgot to set a alarm to wake him. He quickly put on his pants and slung his gun across his back and rushed out the barracks.

He rushed into the cafeteria, and looked around, seeing that it's already been well into it or that it was just ending, but, not being one to miss breakfast, he rushed over to where the food was at and decided to pig out. Yum yum yum, he thought to himself. Great breakfast here. He took a seat and began to eat, mostly ignoring what was going on.

Last edited by stonetooth; 01-27-2009 at 03:14 PM..
01-27-2009, 03:30 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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Skullik growled at the Vykker (Dek) as he walked off. This guy needs to be taught some manners. Poking his nasty gaunt fingers into Anni's innocent face like that. These two seem to know eachother through some rough encounters. The Outlaw was then dragged off again by the Pink Mudokon. Her guidance calmed him down already. Skullik kept in mind what Anni said. About creatures that were very nice and friendly, but were cursed with the tags of troubling names. Deciding to throw away Anni's topic of her unfair hatred towards another race, Skullik decided to bring up work. "A-Anni. Ya thi-think we should be .... should be .... getting b-b-ba-back to work already?"

Uggs had now been leaning against the wall, hiding in the shadows. The Slig kid scanned his surroundings. Another dark monolith was what this factory was, nothing but hell in his eyes. But Uggs knew where his home was. He just KNOWS it's here as clearly as light is in darkness. The kid's thoughts were suddenly erased as a yell pierced down the hall. A boost of adventure rocketed Uggs out of his hiding spot. The Slig made his way towards the labs.
01-28-2009, 12:03 AM
arkaznor's Avatar
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IC: Ark knew what was involved mentally, when it came to use any sort of spiritual power; and as such knew that the mudokon that was helping him would not be able to run herself if she created an illusion. Which given his mind set about the world automatically made running away not an option.

'Not that there is any where to run to,' Ark thought, looking and seeing a robot behind him (which most likely wouldn't be affected by the illusion anyway) and the vykker.

While contemplating what to do, something of what the robot was "saying" penetrated his thoughts. Ark decided to exploit the fact that Glukkons were lazy, and as such the fact that he was no longer quite as low as slave status. Since there was less paper involved in freeing an employee, transporting it, and enslaving it again at the different facility; otherwise there were transfer forms, transport forms, recommendation forms, skill set forms, time records, reason for transfer forms, acceptance forms, placement forms, etc...

Looking at the other mudokon he flashed a smile and said, "Sorry, no can do."

Turning back to the robot Ark said in a firm commanding voice, "I am VLP #3129, employee #935 - M.C.C 146, this Vykker is trying to contain and experiment on me, without proper authorization."

'Oh, Skrykill, don't have authorization,' Ark mentally pleaded.
Labor Force Ranch, raising slaves so you don't have to.

01-28-2009, 04:09 AM
Jimmy-le-sniper's Avatar
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SU-01 scanned the mudokon in front of him. He quickly saved his ID somewhere in a file so he could identify him later in the database.

"OK, stay here. And do not attempt to escape."

He entered the room to see a female mudokon, producing a huge amount of interferences and two confused Vikkers.

He entered the room with a loud "Freeze !"

He tried to looks as dissuasive as he can by aiming his lasers pointers at Hembar's chest an another one right at the two Vikker's feet, his two miniguns spinning at full speed, ready to fire.

He looked at Hembar and said :

"You, stop chanting right now !"


Edited post...Sorry for the mess and all...
English is not my mother tongue, so feel free to correct my eventual mistakes.

If at first, you don't succeed, Use Yur Imagination

Feel free to check my Deviantart Gallery. I've some Oddworld art in there.

Last edited by Jimmy-le-sniper; 01-28-2009 at 09:21 AM..
01-28-2009, 07:47 AM
stonetooth's Avatar
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OOC haha poor tazed mudokon.


Golig fenished his breakfast and proved it with a burp. He wondered what he was going to do today, so he figured he would check with Arnie perhaps. But then again, it didn't seem like a safe idea to do so, so he figured he should just wait and see if Arnie had any orders to give him. Until then, he figured he would just stay in the cafeteria and wait........

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