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05-04-2003, 04:00 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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*Hollow watches Garth snipe the sniper and sees Lazlo panic and trying to escape. Hollow quickly runs after the rival slig and catches him. As soon as he got a hold of Lazlo, Hollow pinned him to the ground*

Hollow: *growling* Don't you even dare to try anything foolish, Lazlo, you might die trying...

*takes out a pocketknife and brings it down to Lazlo's throat*

Hollow: ...and I ain't lying...



Matthew: *yawns* (Hoo boy... I think I'm tired... ) *yawns again* (...I am tired... better end this show...)
*to the mike* The song you just heard was the last of the night! For your disappointment, DJ Matt is leaving the club! But be not afraid- I will be back tomorrow! You have my word for it!

*the possible few people applaud*

Matthew: *to himself* ...tch... please... *walks down, heading straight to the barcounter*

Matthew: Hey-- give me a glass of water...

Bartender: Hm, you leaving already? Is something wrong?

Matthew: Nah... I'm just tired... haven't slept that much during this week...

Bartender: Ah... I see. *gives Matt the water* Here.

Matthew: Thanks, you're a live-saver... *drinks the water and places the empty glass on the counter* Okay... I'm off.. G'night!

Bartender:...yeah... night... *continues cleaning glasses*

Luukkis: *asleep, again...*

TFLFC: *passed out*


Matthew: *walking past Willow's shed, not knowing that it actually is hers* Odd! Can't wait till I get home... My pants are killing me...

*suddenly, out of nowhere, two sligs and a bigbro appear behind Matt*

#1 slig: Good evening MC Bells...

Matthew: Huh? *turns around shocked* AH! Oh, heh, it's--it's you guys... hi!

#2 slig: How was the beer, DJ Matt? Do enjoy goofing around more that doing your work?

Matthew: *backs away from the sligs* Erm, NO! No... I was just taking a break...that's all.

#1 slig: Shut up! Where's the money!!?

Matthew: I-I ... I don't have them with me!

#2 slig: ... I doubt that... *nods to the bigbro* Do it.

Matthew: *swallows*

Bigbro: *takes Matt by the throat at slams him against Willow's shed* Give us the money.

Matthew: *gasping* I---I already told...you *hack* ...I don't have...---the money!! I get them by...the end of this week!

*the three sligs look at eachother for a moment, before the first one nods. The bigbro lets Matthew go and they all turn to leave*

#2 slig: *yells from further away* We will come see you again, Matthew-- by the end of this week! Stay alive lttle man!

*Matthew is breathless as he leans against the shed*

Matthew: ...I'm dead...

*sits down on the ground and resting his head against the shed*

Matthew:... I'm so... dead...

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Last edited by The Red Muse; 05-06-2003 at 07:44 AM..
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05-04-2003, 04:38 AM
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~~~@ Sligonia~~~
Willow is just about to fall asleep when she hears something slam against the shed outside. She sits up quietly, rubbing her eyes.
Willow: *is half awake* (what was that?)....*slowly recognizes Matthew's voice--along with three other voices she doesn't know* ........ *waits until she hears the rest of the sligs leave* ...(whats Matthew gotten himself into?)...

Willow gets up & sneaks toward the door. She tries to think of what to say to Matthew. After pausing for a few moments, she unlocks the door quietly. Willow opens it & sees Matthew with his head against the wall.

Willow: *tries to speak very softly--something she almost never does* Matthew?... *crouches next to him* you alright...what are you doing here?

Rik wakes up after a while & leaves for home. On his way out, however, he remembers the trick Willow pulled on him.
Rik: *says under his breath* I'll be back..singer... *hears a loud noise--like a sack of potatoes being hurled against a metal wall* Heh.. *decides not to go check it out & walks away*

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05-04-2003, 05:56 AM
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*Frank fires a couple of shots vaugley in the area of the sniper, then makes a run at him. Frank is wrestling with him on the floor, when he feels a knife around his neck.*

Frank: How many are there of you?

Slig: Too many for you to cope with. If you don't leave town by tonight, you and your staff are going to meet a sticky end.

*Slig picks Frank up and dangles him over the edge of the building Frank notices, lower down, a window cleaners "cart"*

Frank: You wouldn't have the guts to drop me, your orders were only to scare me, but can you take it that step further............ can you?
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05-04-2003, 03:01 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Matthew: *stumbles up when Willow begins to talk* AAaH!! Oh Odd! ...Willow... Wow... you ... you, uh... scared the heck out of me.
...uh... Did... Did I wake you up?! I'm sorry! I--I didn't mean to- uhm...wake you or anything I just...

*he looks down to the ground sighing*

Matthew: ...I'm... sorry Willow... but-- I really gotta go now...I'll *swallows* ... talk to you tomorrow.

*glances at Willow, shame brewing in his eyes*

Matthew: I'm sorry I woke you up...--You should go back to bed now. It's dangerous out here... and don't worry about me; I'll be just fine. *cough* Good night...

*quickly turns away from Willow and walks away*

Matthew: (Odd! That was so...so embarrassing! From all the people Willow had to be there!... and what is worse... I lied to her...)

*He runs the rest of the way to his house*

Matthew: (Finally!)

*he opens the door and slips in, slamming the door close behind him. He heads straight to the bedroom and jumps on the bed, sending some feathers flying from his eiderdown. He pulls his pants off and pushes them to the floor. Sighing, he crawls to a better position and closes his eyes*

Matthew: (...I wish they'd just leave me alone...)


Luukkis: *sleeping*



Hollow: (I wonder what is keeping Frank so long...? ) Yo, Lazlo! In the meantime- you could tell me one thing; What the hell do you think you're doing? Coming to your block looking for trouble!
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05-04-2003, 04:48 PM
Native Poser's Avatar
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~~@ Sligonia~~
Willow: G'night Matt... *watches him leave* (....Something's wrong, Matt doesn't normaly...I could see he was embarassed about something...)
*Willow goes back inside, locking the door again. She lays back down, but cant go to sleep--there are too many thoughts going through her head right now. She looks at a small crack in the wall & can see that the sky is begining to get lighter*
Willow: (He said he'd be alright--then why was he telling himself he was dead?...Better leave him alone about this..he looked kind of upset...Hope he's o.k..) *remembers something* (ah crap.. I didn't want anyone to know I lived in a shed...) *feeling humiliated* (shouldn't worry about that...) *Tries to think about other things & eventualy falls alseep*

~~@ Rik's house~~
Rik is at home, eating something & starring out his window. The sun is starting to come up.
Rik: *takes another bite of his samwich*

Last edited by Native Poser; 05-04-2003 at 09:05 AM..
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05-05-2003, 05:56 AM
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Lazlo: Bite me!

*The slig holding Frank waves him even further over*

Slig: How about wee see how tough you are?
*The slig drops Frank and turns around While falling Frank grabs onto the windowcleaners cart*

Windowcleaner: Hey! Get off!*Starts to shake the cart*

Frank:*pulls himself up and punches the scrub to the jaw knocking him unconcious. He looks up and sees the sniper is back sniping. He starts to take the cart up and up.............*
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05-05-2003, 07:15 PM
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Rik watches the sun come up for a few moments, but he quickly gets bored of this & goes to bed.

Willow wakes up again--early morning, but still a bit dark out. She sits up silently & brushes her feather back. She gets up & stretches slowly.
Willow: *stomach rumbles* (better grab some breakfast) *goes outside--as always she locks the door behind her* (where would be a good place....)
Willow starts walking down the street, looking for a place that she might be able to get some food from. She soon comes across a small returaunt. she pays no attention to the closed sign in the front window--nor the fact that all the doors/windows are locked...
Willow: *grins* (perfect..) *slinks around the back--searching for something*
Willow finds what she's looking for. Its a rusty old vent that goes inside the building--towards the kitchen. She enters casually--this is how she's always gotten breakfast...by stealing (she doesn't tell anyone about it though)
Willow: *slips through the vent stealthily* (lets see...where is it?..Gottah be a kitchen somewhere...) *finds an opening & drops down into the resturaunt's bathroom* (....close enough!...) *finds her way to the kitchen* (here we go...)
Willow finds a brown sack nearby one of the various refrigerators. She swipes some food & leaves the place the same way she came--closing the opened vent behind her. Willow sneaks all the way back to her place.
Willow: *goes inside & drops the sack on the floor*.....big sigh.... *Sits down & bites into a fruit of some kind*

Last edited by Native Poser; 05-12-2003 at 09:51 PM..
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05-06-2003, 03:05 PM
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*Frank pulls the sniper onto the cart and quickly shoves a hand over the sligs mouth. He then disables the sligs pants and throws them off the edge*
Frank : Right i've had enough of you!
*Frank presses a button on the cart and it speeds to the ground Frank remembers the scrub unconcious and quite promptley the slig is also unconcious*
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05-06-2003, 03:58 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Hollow: *yells to Frank* Yo boss! We'd better get the hell outta here before more of the little bastards decide to appear! *pulls Lazlo up, still holding the knife by his throat*
Hurry up Frank!



Matthew: *wakes up as the first early sunbeam hit his face* ...uh... damn... what time is it...? *looks at the alarm clock on his nightable*... 6 a.m? ...*sighs*...wow... I've almost slept for two bloody hours... *turns his back to the sun* I ain't ready to wake up yet...


Luukkis: ...mmmh... *grumble*..huh...? *wakes up* Huh!... ugh... my head--... *looks around*... Ho... I'm still at the club? *sees TFLFC next to him* ... Odd!! *stmbles off the stool, landing roughly on the floor* OW! ...ow...ow...

*feels his stomach grumble*
Luukkis: Uh-oh... I--- need to find the...

*runs off towards the bathroom*

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05-07-2003, 01:09 PM
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*Lazlo pushes Hollow back a bit and makes a run for it. The law enforcers are begining to turn up*


* Frank runs, with the sniper slig in hand and dives into some bushes. A group of Big Bros are getting out of a law enforcement van*

*** New Characters***
(ooc: Don't worry these guys will appear more than once)
SWAT Squad # 33 - a squad of 4 highly trained big bros
Names:- Sarge, Bull, Ein and Pop's
Gender:- all male
Law enforcement
Job:- Highly trained SWAT team. Always first on the scene in the club district

Big Bro Sarge: Shoot to injure not kill guys. No blitzpackers, too many civilians, stick to melee weapons and, if need be I've got a couple of stun pistols on me. No other weapons guys!

*The team move through the park, they walk so as not to reveal their presence*

Bull: Bull to Sarge! I've spotted a bigbro ruinning in the direction of Frank's Club shall i pursue?

Sarge: Positive, I'll back you up. Pop's, Ein, continue the sweep.

* Sarge and Bull run towards Hollw*

Sarge: You there, STOP! This is the local law enforcement If you do not stop we shall open fire!

Last edited by Hobo; 05-07-2003 at 06:05 AM..
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05-07-2003, 05:44 PM
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~~~@ Franks~~~
Seemingly from out of no where, firey blue streaks of a single SpooceBow rapidly begin to rain down on the SWAT team. The first few shots are dirrected at Sarge and Bull, litteraly tearing the legs off of their pants so they cant run after Hollow. The rapid fire then swiftly switches from its first two victims to Ein and Pop's. The bow has no trouble removing their legs either, and does so in seconds. Then, as abruptly as the shots had began, they suddenly stop. The mudarcher who had fired is no where to be found.
Buddy: *disapears quickly from the scene*

~~~@ Sligonia~~~
Willow wakes up again, she'd fallen asleep soon after breakfast. The sky is much lighter now. She gets up & hides the brown sack from earlier. Willow soon leaves the shed--locking the door--and goes back into the club. No one is there (of coarse). She gets a mop & begins cleaning.
Willow: *mopping the floor, singing quietly to herself*

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05-07-2003, 06:34 PM
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Garth: SHIT! *jumps into his own van and drives to frank* get in the back, there should be weapons and ammo, come on!
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05-08-2003, 04:19 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Hollow: *stops for a second to see what hit the two bigbros pursuing him, but then continues running towards the club*

>>at the same time: sligonia<<

Matthew: *yawns and sits up on his bed* Ah... and now back to work... *crawls off the bed and pulls his pants on. He walks to the kitchen, opens the fridge and takes a can of beans- probably because he has nothing else to eat, except the light bulb in the fridge*

Matthew: Odd I hate this stuff...-every Odd damned day- beans, beans and beans...
*he pops the can open and quickly eats all the white beans-- then tossing the can to a random corner*

Matthew: *burbs* Ah, that was horrible...

*goes to the bathroom and washes his face and then goes back to the bedroom--to his wardrobe. He takes out a red dress shirt with middle-length sleeves and buttons it close, asfter that-- he leaves. He walks straight to the club, singing on his way.

As he entered the almost empty club, his soft and elevated--boyish-- voice echoed through the large disco hall*

Matthew: *singing* It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean

And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Matthew: *sees Willow cleaning* Oh, hi Willow! Here so soon? ...by the way... since you came here so early- have you seen DJ Look...? I'm worried about that drunkard...

Luukkis: *yells from the toilets* You little punk! Who are ya calling a drunkard you little flower stalk! You just wait when I'm feeling a bit better and then you're gonna get it so damn hard that you'll never forget!!

Matthew: ....erm... *yells back to Luukkis* Sorry ,man! Didn't know ya were in there...

Luukkis: *unidentified grumbling*

Matthew: ..so Willow... first of all ,sorry about the last night and secondly-- do you have any songs that you'd like to hear tonight? You see I brought my own record collection here and--... *realizes that he'd forgot the records*

Matthew: ...except I don't have them with me... *sigh* ...I hate Tuesday mornings... I'll be right back- I'll just go get the records and so on! Don't blink sugar,this'll take only a second!

*runs out of the club- heading towards his place*

Matthew: (I could get there faster if I take the alley next to Frank's club... And time is money!)

*he runs to the alley next to Frank's club--only the notice that it has been blocked by big cardboard boxes*

Matthew: Damn!

*almost immediately after that, Hollow runs to the same alley*

Hollow& Matthew: Sh*t!

Matthew: ...Hollow!

Hollow: You! (Hmmm... he's the little singer at Lazlo's rusty club... Boss might be delighted by his, sudden visiting... We could take him in for ransom......)

Matthew: Eh... I-..I gotta go now... Later big guy! *tries to run away, but hollow blocks his way*

Hollow: You're not goin' anywhere.

Matthew: ...*swallows* ... Fine... Have it you way then: HELP--ugh...

Hollow: *kisses his brass knuckles* You have never let me down! *picks up the knocked-out DJ and carries him inside , then when back in, he tosses the wiry singer rougly on the floor of the same room where the injured slig was*

Hollow: Sweet dreams baby boy! Hahhahah! *slams the door close*

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Last edited by The Red Muse; 05-08-2003 at 06:34 AM..
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05-08-2003, 01:20 PM
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Sarge and Bull get to the Alley where Hollow and Matt were.

Sarge: *into radio*Lost suspect, will investiage area. They knock down the cardboard boxes and arive at the back door of Frank's club. They peer in through a window and see hollow just leave the cooler.

Sarge: *into radio* I have located the subject Need reinforcements *Changes radio channel* Pop's, Ein i need you guys over here!

* 15 minutes later a large group of sligs have surrounded the building, The SWAT team burst through the door*

Sarge: Split up 5 sligs per SWAT member
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05-08-2003, 06:10 PM
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Buddy Tries to leap over a fence. but his foot gets caught & he falls to the ground on the other side of the fence. He stis up, leaning against a shed.
Buddy: *examines his foot* eh, just a scratch ... *begins bandaging it with some cloth from a little leather pack he's been carrying* ...(hoo boy..if only Cody where here too...miss that crazy b@stard...) ...*pauses for a few moments, then continues bandaging himself*
Willow smiles when Matthew stroles in.
Willow: ..Morning Matt... *hears Luukis yelling* so thats where he was... *watches Matthew leave* (Ack! I forgot it in the shed!) *leaves the club & goes around back to her place* Huh? *sees a muddarcher crouched next to her shed* ..!?..Who are you?...What are you doing here?
Buddy: *looks up at Willow quickly* Eh? oh me? Nevermind me I-
Willow: Hey...Your--your that guy from Franks arent ya? I know I've seen ya before--
Buddy: Yes..or I used to be from Frank's.. *looks at Willow closely* ..yes..
Willow: Yes what?
Buddy: I've seen you before too. *remembers having his sister pulled away from him by sligs* where you ever...shipped off somewhere..on a train?
Willow: ...yeah, when I was very young..*remembers faintly*..erm... *shakes her head* Thats not the point right now anyways--What are you doing here?
Buddy: *points to his injured foot* Trying to bandage myself..Sorry if I'm intruding--if you want me gone I can go somewhere else..
Willow: no, no its alright..just dont cause any trouble while your here..
Buddy: I wont. *finishes bandaging his foot* My name's Buddy *holds a hand out to Willow*
Willow: (...Buddy?..Nah, couldn't..buddy?) I'm Willow *hesitantly takes Buddy's hand & shakes it*
Buddy:...Willow? Willow *says the second part of her name very quietly*
Willow: *nods* you--you too?
Buddy: *laughs & hugs his sister* I never thought I'd see you again arrow!
Willow: *emediatly recognizes her nick-name* Bro! Watcha doing here? Had I known you worked for Frank I would'v tried to visit you...you--your a mudarcher?!
Buddy: *lets go of her* Yes. *looks around* erm, I-I better go..I need to hide..
willow: Hide here--no one comes around my shed but me. *opens the door & lets Buddy in* Just stay here *closes/locks it & goes back into the club as if nothing had happened*

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05-09-2003, 05:15 PM
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*The SWAT sligs burst in to each room by turn. They open Frank's office door and pick up the microphone on the desk*

Sarge: All members of the public lay on the floor hands spread! Remove your pants!

*meanwhile in the park Frank is stealthily moving around, out of the slig officers view.He makes his way back to his office, slig in hand when he sees the cops. He runs into the alley out the back of the club where hollow is currently "Taking Care" of a roudy customer.*

Frank: We gotta get out of here, the cops are everywhere, follow me!

*Frank starts to climb into open window in the next door gun shop*
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05-11-2003, 05:14 AM
Native Poser's Avatar
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Rik: *still asleep*

~~@ sligonia~~
Willow finishes cleaning the last of the tables, when she realizes that Matthew hasn't come back yet.
Willow: (strange, he normally would have gotten back here by now...better go check on Buddy) I'm take'n a beak. *goes back to her shed & goes inside* Hey Bud
Buddy: *wakes up* huh? oh hello *smiles* Have I been sleeping very long?
Willow: I dont think so...I'm gonna go look for a freind of mine--I'll be back soon.
Buddy: who you looking for?
Willow: Matthew--I'm not sure if you know him..
Buddy: Sure, I've seen him a few times before.. in fact I remember seeing him running around an alley near Franks place..Looked like he was in a hurry..
Willow: What? ..I--I better go...
Buddy: Be carefull, theres a SWAT team chasing Frank..and Hollow.. *remembers* Wait, I think Hollow ran after your freind..into an alley...
Willow: so..Frank & Hollow have Matt?
Buddy: I think so..
Willow: I'm outtah here. Later bro! *leaves in a hurry*
Buddy: Wait! Its not- (too late, she left..I better follow her) *follows* (cant let her get herself shot! Odd I'd never forgive myself!) *Is suddenly surrounded by a groups of sligs-armed with guns* ...gulp...
Willow runs towards Franks (unaware that Buddy followed her), but slows down when she spots a few SWAT team members skulking around the building.
Willow: (Just great..Cops...Hey--That must be the alley that Bro was talking about..) *sneaks towards the alley--taking great care that no one (not even Frank & Hollow) sees her* ....(if I could just figure out...) *hides behind some old crates--peering through a window that looks into the cooler* ..(maybe in here?).. *spots Matthew* (So thats where he was..he's gotten the lights knocked out of him by the looks of it..) *waits for Frank & Hollow to disapear through the next door window* (here goes)
Willow breaks the window & clumsily lands inside. She feezes emediatly when she realizes that SWAT sligs are entering the room...

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05-11-2003, 05:49 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Hollow: *follows Frank* So, what's the plan now? How are we gonna ditch the boys in blue? *eyeing all the weapons being on display at the shop*


Matthew: *mumbling something, still K.O'd*

Luukkis: *crawls out of the toilet, looking like crap* Hey! Matt! Get your little ass here and help me up!
*listens for a reply--only hearing the echo of his own voice toying around the large hall*

Luukkis: Where'd he go? ...Matt! ...Matthew? Willow? Anyone!?
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05-11-2003, 08:28 AM
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*Frank runs round the bacdk of the shop, he's now being chased by the owner*

Frank: Hollow, take care of him!
* Frank jumps over the fence and lands next door in a swimming pool*

Frank: Help! Help! I can't swim!!
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05-11-2003, 08:58 AM
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~~@ Franks~~
Willow: *thinks fast & throws herself to the ground next to Matthew (before the SWAT members see her), acting as if she's unconsious as well* (hope this works..)
Buddy is taken to a nearby building & into a room with no windows. The sligs take his Spoocebow from him--setting it on a table across the room. They make him sit in a black metal chair. One slig stays behind to deal with him as the rest leave the room--locking the door behind them.
Slig: well now, buddy..long time no see...
Buddy: *silently watches the slig in front of him--just waiting for the right moment* yes, well--what is it you want with me? I thought you guys where after--
Slig: *interupts* Well, apearently Bud, he's not a problem anymore..you see, we've taken care of him--now the only problem is you...So *slowly puts a hand on his gun*
Buddy makes a dive for the floor--knocking the slig's feet out from under him. He quickly wrestles the gun out of the sligs hands.
Buddy: *Says calmly while holding the gun to the sligs head* Try anything stupid and I blow your head off... *gets up & grabs his bow--putting it on*
Slig: HElP! *BLAM!*
Buddy: *drops the sligs gun & adjusts his bow*
*the other sligs open the door & start to fire at Buddy*
Buddy turns around and spatters the now open doorway with shots from his spoocebow. Soon all the sligs lay dead on the floor. He leaves the building casually, as if nothing happened. Buddy goes down and alley, disapearing into the shadows...

Rik: ...zzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz.........

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05-11-2003, 09:43 AM
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(ooc: Sorry i just realised a few posts back i ignored Abe's son and NP sorry guys)

Bull checks the pulses on the muds and sligs on the cooler floor, Bull:They're out cold except this one who's sleeping * Points at willow*

Bull: Come on, it's alright your free now * Smiles at her* Can we get some medics in here!
* The medics come in and take everyone including Willow to the local hospital*
Sarge: He's not here everyone get your bike pants on.......

* The SWAT team go into the back of the SWAT Van and come out with highly powered bikes as pants*

Sarge : Split up, search the whole city!

* They all ride away in different directions with Pop's going the direction that Frank is*
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05-11-2003, 07:20 PM
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((OCC: s'okay Hobo Erm, hey also...[COLOR=sky blue]To everyone in this rpg:[/COLOR] I'm gonna try making a little online quiz for this rpg. Please PM me if you want some of your characters to be part of it--I cant do more than 9 characters though. I might PM a few of you guys to ask if I can use one or two of your characters. Anyway, I'll be sure to share it with you guys when I finish it! ))

Willow actually does fall asleep while she's taken to the hospistal. She wakes up in a hospital bed, and realizes that the hand she used to break the window has been bandaged.

Willow: *looks at her hand* (I guess the window cut me..) *sits up slowly & looks around--sees matt in a bed close by* ...what? w-where am I?

Buddy: *sitting next to willow's bed--without his spoocebow & looking like an ordinary scrub again* Sister, your awake *smiles* You alright?

Willow: *looks at Buddy, grinning* I'm fine. Where--this is a hospital isn't it? ... Buddy! what are you doing here? they'll see your--

Buddy: *shows her that his bow isn't with him* Dont worry about me.
*A nurse walks in*
Nurse: *looking at Buddy* alright, time to go.

Buddy: *nods & hugs Willow before he leaves* I'll see you later. *leaves the room*

Willow: Later Bud...

Last edited by Native Poser; 05-11-2003 at 01:36 PM..
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05-12-2003, 01:27 PM
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Sarge: No sign of them around the cdity......... Confirmed North?

Ein: Confirmed West

Bull: Confirmed South

Pop's: There's a disterbance at a local swimming pool says that the owner of Frank's was tresspassing on their property, he could know where the Mystery big bro is.

Sarge: Ok, everyone form up, we'll storm the place...........


*Frank is having a row with the Intern who runs the pool*

Frank : That's it! *Slips on brass knuckles and smacks the intern in the jaw*

Frank: Come on hollow let's run!
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05-13-2003, 04:31 PM
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Is walking down the street, heading for Frank's. He sees the SWAT team leave.
Rik: Woah..(why are they here?).... (I think I'll go to the other place this time..) *heads off for Sligonia*

Buddy goes back to Willow's shed & waits there for her. He spots her art pad.
Buddy: eh? whats this? ... *picks it up & flips through a few pages* .. (I didn't know she could draw like that...Looks so real..)

~~@ the Hospital~~
Willow falls back asleep shortly after Buddy leaves. By the time she wakes up again the sun is setting.
Willow: *wakes up* ...(what time is it?) *looks at a big clock hug on the wall* (5:34 PM) *Looks out the window* (Sun's going down...Maybe I should go..)

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05-14-2003, 02:51 PM
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(ooc: Lazlo dissapeared somewhere so lets just say he escaped ; -) )

Lazlo runs back to his bar with a briefcase of the vykkers cash.

Lazlo: Ok guys staff meeting! Tonight we're gonna finish Frank forever. We're gonna find him and Hollow, and we're gonna kill the. Understand?

Anon Slig: What you got with Hollow?

Lazlo: that guy pinned me to the ground with a knife to my throat, reason enough?
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05-15-2003, 03:42 PM
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Hollow: *follows Frank* Yo! Frank! I got an idea! There's a sewer access nearby! Why don't we enter it and sneak back to the club from the sewers? Those SWAT's can't follow us there with their bike pants... Whaddaya say?


Matthew: *groans and opens his eyes* ... wha--? *looks around* W-w-what's this?

*sees Willow in the bed next to him*

Matthew: Willow! What happened? Where are we? Are we dead-- or is this Frank's idea of torturing?

*sits up on his bed*

Matthew: Ahh-- my head's killing me...


Luukkis: *polishing his mixing table* That damned monkey Matt! He always makes my dear mixing table dirty... This thing was expensive!
Speaking of Matt--where is the little prat?
He is supposed to play live tonight! And he's nowhere at sight! I'm gonna wring his wiry neck when he comes back!

*continues cleaning his table*
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

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05-15-2003, 03:48 PM
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Frank: Perfect! *attempts to open sewer* Stuck......... Gimmie a hand!
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05-15-2003, 06:32 PM
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hey hobo can i join?

Name: Tony
Gender: male
Club: Franks, staff
Job: Bouncer
Personality: has an italian accent and also serves well, he doesn't look like a bouncer, but he punches like one, he normally would stand out front or go inside for a drink or two. hes mean at first, but is a good buissness man afterwards
Appearance: Wears a black suit with black pants, he wears a black sunglasses and carries knucklebusters on one hand and a baton in the other

-----other one------

Name: Salvat
Gender: male
Club: Franks
Job: Bartender
Personality: pretty slick and cool, he acts a bartender wherever he goes, and doesn't act kind to sligonia
Appearance: Wears a blue jacket with diamonds on them, carries a septar, not for style, but for protection, his eye lens are blue also

Well can i?
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05-16-2003, 02:32 PM
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(ooc: Sure you can Reptile)

Lazlo is sitting down on a bar stool. He is wearing stealth armor and is tooled up with lots of guns.
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05-16-2003, 04:31 PM
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Rabid Fuzzle
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*Salvat takes one look at Lazlo while scrubbing a glass*

Salvat: So? What you all gunned up for, i used to fight against sligonia, hope went short, so what can a get ya?

*Tony walks in*

Tony: hey drinkguy, a martini, make it snappy *looks at Lazlo* did you come from a war or somethin' well, im Tony and i'll be glad to-

Salvat: Here ya go *hands him the drink*

Tony: I was discussing buisness, well sparky salvat and yourself consider yourselves to myself for a formidable price?
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