Dionysia squeezed the trigger and fired a shot over the slig's shoulder. "You're not going anywhere near the boss. What's to stop you trying to kill him if you are possessed?" She smiled spitefully, "I'm sure you understand our caution."
Jim froze when Goresplatter adressed him. For what seemed like ages he was frozen, staring at the slig, images of pain whizzing through his mind. Then suddenly another slig grabbed the one with legs by the arm and it turned away. Almost at once Jim scrambled forward like a loosed spring, and dived for Anni.
At her side he pulled away her arm from her chest. With the kind of factories he'd lived in before coming here he'd seen a lot of bullet wounds and, though he was no expert, He was fairly sure that her wounds wouldn't kill her as long as she got medical attention quickly.
He didn't dare turn around for fear he'd freeze up again, but he shouted, "Please, help! She needs help, quick!"
He wasn't strong enough to carry her himself, but maybe one of the sligs could manage it. He winced at the thought but there wasn't much choice. If only they'd stop arguing and
do something!
ooc: Hey, just as something to consider, do you think the vykkers and interns should have their own R+R, maybe behind the lab? I can't really imagine them in the main R+R, and they never go in there anyway

So yeah, say what you think and I might stick it on the next version of the map. And it would explain where Dek and Slap spent the night.