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04-22-2008, 04:41 PM
Rabid Fuzzle
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: Inside Fleechonian Necrum...
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ic: Cortar was thrown out of another factory. He was planning to go to a nearby Paramite Juice factory, when he saw some Mudokons digging in the distance.
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04-22-2008, 07:18 PM
OddYouko's Avatar
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Hoss chuckled at the mudokon as he proved his point. "Alright then. First, you can start by getting used to our little ol' town! Just get yourself settled in one of your shacks or houses. Once you file in to be a miner, you'll be working there in no time..."

OOC: I hate being sick.
IC: "Alright! Sounds great!" Sid happily replied. He was excited to finally have a job here. "I'll be sure to check everything out." He smiled. He then swung his pickaxe in the air. "Oh and if I find any...gold." He slowly walked beside Hoss. "I'll be sure to give it to you." He grinned. He wanted to start working right away but he had to have permission first. Sid thought if he could start working right away he'd be able to find gold and right away give it to Hoss. So the sooner he'd start working the sooner he might find some gold.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

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04-23-2008, 12:34 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Name: Mudokon. A nameless livestock who only says 'Mudokon', you can call him that.
Species: Mudokon.
Gender: A male worker mudokon.
Age: 11, 22 in mudokon years.
Position: Escaped slave mudokon.
Personality: Like a dumbed-down and timid mudokon, he knows little to nothing and only one word. New things are a curiosity to him, and people with guns they can beat you with are to be feared.
Appearance: Just a regular green mudokon in a loincloth, with a dumb blank-ish face and staring eyes.
Equipment(Optional): A regular mudokon loincloth.
History: Mudokon was raised with other mudokon slaves in a mudokon meat packing plant, raising mudokon slaves like livestock to clean their own mess than be slaughtered into food. The mudokons there are as dumb as animals, taught barely anything and just about how to look after themselves. The gate was left open one day, so Mudokon wandered out curiously like a sheep as others remained in the free-range field. As just one 'livestock animal', he was easily forgotten about amongst hundreds of other mudokons and able to wander away aimlessly through Western Mudos to the goldmine.

Name: Minsu. Any cartoon-ish outlaw surnames or middle names remain a mystery to her.

Gender: Female. Seems plausible due to Jo'Momma.

Species: Outlaw. Not a usual fat brown kind.

Age: Around 8 to ten in outlaw years.

Position: Homeless runaway child.

Appearence: Minsu is short, thin and scrawny, made shorter looking by the fact she travels in an army crawl position. Her skin is black, with one white marking over each eye. Her clothes are brown, filthy and ragged, to the extent they've fallen apart a little. Her misshapen mouth comes with a protruding fang, and teeth that look like she's been socked in the face a couple of times. Her legs are a twisted deformed mess and don't work, so she gets about by dragging herself on her hands.

Personality: Minsu will usually scurry out of others upon noticing them. She isn't very social either, and very naive. She didn't really go to school, get out much, and so has little knowledge and social skills. She has bad emotional scars.

History: Minsu was born to two young outlaw parents. Despite being aggressive towards one another, irresponsible and just plain vicious, a part of their conscience made them try and raise their child rather than have little Minsu adopted. They failed miserably. They would beat her in their tempers, forget to tend to her needs and just plain neglect her. It was a wonder she survived infancy, let alone childhood. They only got it into their heads how stupid they had been after she upped and left, dragging herself away wherever pleased her until she came across a goldmine.

Equipment: The rags she wears

Name: Wolvie
Species: Wolvark, possibly a different kind due to having purple skin.
Gender: Male, like most wolvarks seen so far.
Age: Uuhhhh...20-something.
Position: Homeless and looking for work
Personality: Wolvie is a typical cliche good-guy-from-a-bad-species person, but has flaws of cowardice, whinyness, low stamina and emotional scars that have lead to his drinking and drug addict issues. Fears spiders and has a strong loyalty, if his addictions don't get in the way. Is normally shy and timid, with a like of slegs and a high-pitched voice like a teenager before puberty.
Appearence: A typical wolvark in dungarees and a cap, but with purple skin and a lack of weapons.
Equipment: He had a gun but lost/forgotten'd/is unfamilar with it
History: OMG WARNING EMO SPOILAHZ!1!11Wolvie was born unplanned to two teenagers in love (I know I dunno how wolvarks breed but oh well), who had everything going perfect except for one little detail...Wolvie's father was in a vicious gang his mother Wendy despised. When push came to shove, he left it for the sake of her and his child-to-be. The Bounty Gang of wolvarks quickly culled him off for leaving, so Wolvie never knew his father. Him and his mother loved eachother to bits though.
When he was four-ish, the gang came back to the house to kill the small family just for the sadistic heck of it, but Wendy was able to get her son out of a window in time. Wolvie ran like he was told, to a desolate house somewhere else in the woods.
A boy wolvark, in his older teenage years, lived there alone. He took the crying child in, helped him sleep and watched the old black and white tv with him on the aged sofa. He went with Wolvie the next day to go see what had happened in the house. Wolvie saw his mother's stabbed, dead body and was left traumatized.
The teenager raised him alone, helping Wolvie to recover a little, but was also slain when they came across the gang in the woods. Wolvie ran again like he was told to, but guilt struck in when he heard the gunshot in the distance. He blamed himself for two deaths, and later the kidnap and death of two of his slegs.
He lived alone up to adulthood. After walking his two sleggies, he found his house had been trashed to bits by the gang in their 30's and sulked off sadly, leaving his sleggies with a friend. He had already began drinking and doing drugs after the man he considered a brother died, and was a terrible addict by now. He had moved onto the strongest sunstance he could find, dealt by some outlaws, which lasted long but came at a high price. He's looking for work so he can struggle between the choice of feeding his addiction and getting himself a home.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 04-24-2008 at 11:07 PM..
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04-23-2008, 05:09 AM
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Ooc: Firstly there's a few things wrong with your post Al_exd. How can he know who Hoss is when he just got here and hasn't even met him? And how does he know what the rules are? So if I were you I'd edit that post a little bit.
Hooray for having Zozo the man/woman(I don't really get the man woman thing in you sig.) joining the rpg. I'll have to get used to the color text thingy. It's real smart.
Ic: Garit paused in his mining after hearing the thuding of BigBro slig pants. 'I bet that's security. Time to hide again.' he decided. taking his pickaxe and shovel with him, he crept deeper into the mines. He had been in almost every part of the mine while he had been mining coal for himself, and so he knew his way around. Wheras this probrably new, because Garit had never seen him before, BigBro didn't. Wandering forward he came to an intersection. He took the left, and began to loop back to the intersection. Luckily it was a long way. Enough for the BigBro to hopefully become lost from all the side passages.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-23-2008, 09:52 AM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
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Out of Coffee: Right. Sorry for being inactive the past few days, i've been busy and whatnot.
And hooray for Wolvie! I like that you added him in, Zozo. xD


Jaqueline and Palitar were lounging on the banks of the Hoss river, eating opples and looking mighty pleased with themselves.
"What will you spend with your share of the gold?" Palitar asked, biting a chunk out of his apple. They had just eaten fish less than an hour ago, but they were so pleased with their discovery that they had forgotten about it completely and were shoveling in food as though it were some sort of reward.
"I'm gonna buy a new cloak, cuz the one I have now is ugly," she said as she extended her arm. Iris landed on the end of it with a happy squawk. "Then i'm gonna spend the rest on whatever I think of and waste it all at once!"
"I'm gonna buy a flat screen, high definition plasma tv and---"
"Oy, what are you gonna do with a tv?" Jaqueline rudely interrupted.
"Watch it!"
"By plugging it in, stupid."
"Into what?"
"Whatever makes energy!"
"Thats stupid."
"No its not!"
"Yes it is."
"No, its not."
"Yes it is!"
"No its---"
"Do you really want to carry it around all the time? We're nomads, stupid..."
"But still---"
Jaqueline groaned and stalked away. "You're stupid. Do you ever stop to think about these things before you go and WAAAH!" She screamed as something grabbed her by the foot and hoisted her into the air.
"Jaqueline!" Palitar yelled, running after her. She was dangling in the air by a metal coil around her ankle, kicking and struggling. A voice in the bushes called out;
"Hey! You aint' a steef!"

Out of Coffee: I'm bringing in more characters, just because I can.
Hooray for fic references!

Name: Bo Bedagger
Species: Wolvark
Gender: Male
Age: 30-something, in human years
Position: Steef Hunter
Personality: He acts all high-and-mighty around his 'boys' (his steef hunting group thingie) but the truth is he's a weenie who's absolutely terrified of everything bigger than him. Whenever he senses that he's dominant over somebody, such as innocent grubbs, he quickly turns into a jerk and messes with them just to show off, but when he's in danger, he'll either beg for mercy or hide behind one of his gang members, crying like a baby. He's rude, self-centered, and obnoxious, and it seems the only thing he has any talent in is killing steef.
Appearance: A tall, lean, handsome and intelligent (by wolvark standards) wolvark wearing army-green overalls, a stained white shirt, and two belts of cartrages for his shotgun over each sholder, like sashes. He has a shotgun case on his back and two bags on each hip, packed with steef traps, maps, steef calls, all the necessities of a steef hunter.
Equipment(Optional): Well, I just said what he had above, sooo...
History: He was raised in a family with twelve brothers and sisters, him being the youngest. Everybody in his family was as tough as they came, whilst he was always somewhat of a loser. He refused to work for Sekto like the rest of his family and took up steef hunting instead, which he found he was rather good at. So Bo rounded up a vicious gang of all the outlaws he could find and they followed him obediently. He's had somewhat of a dominance over them ever since.

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 04-23-2008 at 12:09 PM..
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04-23-2008, 09:59 AM
Wings of Fire's Avatar
Wings of Fire
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This RP now contains a Steef hunter and a Steef? Should be a laugh.

I'll edit into this post later.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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04-23-2008, 01:23 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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Skylla groaned again and placed her fingers around her cylindrical mask. "Oi vey......We're a small mining company that lives in a mining town. We wouldn't be carrying weapons besides the ones brought here by the locals." Skylla paused for a moment, trying to think of something actually nice to say. "If you're a good bounty hunter, you wouldn't need more weapons anyways........Now.....as for pay........well.....y-you could ask.....Boss Hoss 'bout that later....." Skylla, without waiting for a response, just realized...."I still have to take fone calls in Hoss' office!!! Sorry but gotta go!!!" skylla ran as fast as ever, her little Sloggie, Wally, was right behind her.

"Well.....just sign up to be a miner at my office. It's right at the front of the town." Hoss just remembered that the Mudokon was blind. "Erm......Sorry about that.....Uh.....I'll have my assistant sign you up then. Although....since I'm a nice wolvark, I 'spose I'll elt you get away with working in the mines right now." The greedy wolvark's friendly smile went blank after Sid mentioned gold. Hoss thought to himself, has news of my gold gotten out already? He growled underneath his breath. His face grew a fake smile. "Okay....Thanks partner....You can....start....erm...going to the mines now....You shouldn't have any problem getting there. Just go straight ahead, and you'll find the mine. If you wanna go gold prospecting, the job won't be open til tommorrow."
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04-23-2008, 01:30 PM
: Aug 2007
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Al_exd  (10)

ok firstly Oddey Dimitri is already in town. he's got a remote cabin the wilderness and has been doing job's for people around Hoss River. secondly my the above reason/thing also applies. Dont you think chronicler mightve noticed by now and maybe other people?

"Should I cover the entrance, or not?" Max said to himself. "On the one hand, it could be a single guy and i could take one, weapons or not. Or, it could be a band of guys tryin to loot the place, so I could block the entrance with a huge boulder" he said pointing to a huge rock beside him. "Uh they probably be some lookout's if it was a band, so i 'll go in and get im'. Now, let's see this map" he said as he walked into the cave with a sheet of paper.

Dimitri went to town and started to patrol. After 5 minute's, he saw something in the distance and pulled out his rifle. He looked and saw a Glukkon, moving towards the town. "Hmmmm.....I should check it out " he said as he began walkin toward's the Glukkon.

Last edited by Al_exd; 04-23-2008 at 01:36 PM..
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04-23-2008, 02:08 PM
OddYouko's Avatar
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"Well.....just sign up to be a miner at my office. It's right at the front of the town." Hoss just remembered that the Mudokon was blind. "Erm......Sorry about that.....Uh.....I'll have my assistant sign you up then. Although....since I'm a nice wolvark, I 'spose I'll elt you get away with working in the mines right now." The greedy wolvark's friendly smile went blank after Sid mentioned gold. Hoss thought to himself, has news of my gold gotten out already? He growled underneath his breath. His face grew a fake smile. "Okay....Thanks partner....You can....start....erm...going to the mines now....You shouldn't have any problem getting there. Just go straight ahead, and you'll find the mine. If you wanna go gold prospecting, the job won't be open til tommorrow."
IC: "Ok thanks" Sid said smiling. He slowly swung his pickaxe beside himself. He took a couple steps forward. He could feel small rocks underneath his toes. "Oh and don't worry." He moved his head at Hoss. "I've found gold at Necrum mines before...so there should be some here too." He then heard Hoss growl angrily. "I won't tell anyone if I find any...just you." He pointed straight ahead to where the mine was. He bagan walking that way. He held his pickaxe high in the air. "To the coal mines!" Sid yelled.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

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04-23-2008, 02:19 PM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
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Out of Coffee: Sorry for the longish post of pretty much nonsense that nobody will bother to read. I forgot how much fun it is to write for characters in western Mudos. xD

Bo jabbed Jaqueline forcefully in the ribs with his shotgun, pulling back his lip in a bitter snarl.
"Well, well, well, what have we got here? Some dumb grubb's waltzed right in our trap and damn ruined it!" He snarled. Jaqueline stiffened; his breath smelled disgusting.
Palitar sprang in front of the tall wolvark, brandishing his walking-stick-spear. He waved it around a bit just to make a point. "Let her go!" He demanded, prodding him with his weapon.
A rumble built in Bo's chest that soon grew to a roaring laugh. The outlaw and wolvark combination that surrounded them laughed along obediently. Bo leaned forward and stared Palitar in the eyes. "I wouldn' be doin' that if I was you." he motioned with his shotgun. "This'n thing packs a huuuuge punch. One shot of this, and there wouldn' be enough left of ya ta feed a fly." He turned back to his gang. "Get yer weapons, boys! Lets show these here grubbs what happens when they mess with Bo and his crew---"
"Wait!" Jaqueline said suddently, her eyes pale and blank. "Don't shoot!"
"Why not?" Bo growled.
Jaqueline grinned worriedly. "Cuz', well, if you shoot, ya won't find out about the gold."
Palitar glanced up at Jaqueline as though saying 'you sure thats a good idea?' Bo's eyes flashed as his gang started murmuring to one another. The wolvark hunter sneered. "What gold?"
"Untie me, and you'll know." She said, crossing her arms. Bo paused, considering his options, but seeing as he had the IQ of a tomato and was no good at making considerations, he cut Jaqueline down anyway. She landed with a loud 'Oof!' on top of Palitar, knocking them both to the ground.
"Now where's that gold?" He snarled, pressing the barrel of his weapon against the side of her head. Jaqueline's face darkened; her eyelids lowered slightly, and she gave a toothy, evil smile.
"I sense..." she said, sweeping her arm out dramatically, "that it is very near---"
"Oh, what?" Bo snarled, looking offended. "Now ya sense it? Who do you take me for?"
She rounded on him suddently. He flinched involuntarily, and his gang tensed, surprised. Her voice constricted into what sounded like two voices at once. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner, intolerable little fool! Do you not know who you are speaking to?"
Bo opened his mouth to speak, but Jaqueline cut him off. She swept one of her long, blue sleeves around over the bottom half of her face, her silver eyes wide and mysterious. By now her audience looked genuinely perplexed. Palitar folded his hands, looking meek and humble, like a gentle, obeying servant.
"It is I, Jaqueline the Seer, Jaqueline the Prophet!" she threw her hands in the air and walked around. Everybody backed up, startled and frightened. She practically had them eating out of the palm of her hand; she could tell them anything, and they'd believe it. "Destroy me and I will lay a curse on you and your decendants for eternety! Spite shall boil in your stomachs, suffering shall breed in your mind, like wild mice---"
"But where's the gold?" Bo said with a faint whine.
Jaqueline barked; "the Hoss river, I say!" She pointed a shaking finger towards the stream. She grabbed Palitar's hand and bowed, her voice lowering to a dramatic finale. "That is all you may know."
"But what about---"
They took off running. The group shifted aside and let them pass for fear of having curses cast on their families and whatnot. Bo stared after them, saying, "But how---?"

They stopped running and ground to a hault close to the coal mines, panting and puffing. Palitar, who had seen Jaqueline preform the 'don't mess with me cuz i'm a badass fortune teller' act preformed so many times that he couldn't even count them all, had nothing to say except; "I still want that tv."
She slapped him.

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 04-23-2008 at 02:21 PM..
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04-23-2008, 02:46 PM
: Aug 2007
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Al_exd  (10)

Max was walking to his quarter's when he heard a bang off in the distance he quickly ran a when he got there, he grabbed some ammo for his blitzpacker and 3 grenade's. He had decided to go get some ammo, just incase, but now after he had the ammo he began walking to it's source, the river. He had remembered Hoss was near the river, and moved as fast as his pant's could move him.
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04-23-2008, 03:28 PM
Wings of Fire's Avatar
Wings of Fire
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Whiterage had been waiting a long time, this idiotic Wolvark, who seemed a master of procrastination, much to his amusement was trying to gesture the blind thing where to go. Whiterage smiled inwardly at this stupidity, he couldn't see himself working for such a moron but it would be a good idea to feign servitude to get a good lay of the land before he started making any plans.

He started walking across the Hoss towards the rivers namesake but halfway through he stopped suddenly, something was afoot and he could feel it in the air. Expecting anything he trained his eyes on the distant mine.

Vyrm had been planning on introducing himself straight to the boss but on a whim decided to venture to the mine, he had always been oddly interested in engineering and was critically considering the best way to blow this mine sky high, he had just finished planning trajectories when he heard loud voice from further inside the mine. He sighed and made sure his surgical tools were inside his pocket. He may be going to work sooner than he imagined.

OOC: Where is the mine in relation to the river and Coal Town and also, roughly, who are the occupants?

Sorry for the longish post of pretty much nonsense that nobody will bother to read.
Lies! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it you make me laugh.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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04-23-2008, 04:58 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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ooc: Occupants? Erm....miners and their families obviously since this is a company-owned Coal town....I'm not so sure what you mean by occupants.

Hoss chuckled at the Mudokon under his breath. "What a loon." Hoss quietly said to himself. "He'll be fun to watch in the mines." Then he noticed Skylla running back to the office. "Hmm....I best be goin' back to my job now. You go take care yourself." Hoss advanced towards the dusty ol' Coal town. He walked down the street towards his office. While walking, he stretched his arms. "Boy what a day..."
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04-23-2008, 05:34 PM
: Aug 2007
: Winnipeg
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Al_exd  (10)

Max ran toward's Hoss to see if he was hurt. He went in front of Hoss and said "Boss Boss! There's someone in the coal mine's without permission. Also, I thought I heard a gun shot over hear" he said to Hoss.
"Hey Glukkon!" Dimitri shouted. "Ya you what are you doin' hear?".

Ooc: Can I make a sort of natural faction, Full of Mudokon's and things like that? And by occupant's, he ment people other than PC's (like store owner's like mentioned miners etc.) and also how many of them?
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04-24-2008, 05:00 AM
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Ooc: Al_exd you misunderstood me. I meant Max the killing BigBro. According to your bio he came from a vykker labby thingy and therefore he hasn't met Hoss yet. He just got here. And in case you look back to where he was in the mines he never made an exit. In your next post he was all of a sudden walking to his quarters. And then he heard the shot. Oh well it doesn't matter. Sometimes this stuff happens especially the teleporting charator.
Ic: Garit was still walking in the mines and then took a left into a side passage instead of looping around again. Once inside he stood against the wall and pulled his hat down so as to cover his glowing visor. He then stood there waiting for sounds. But he didn't hear any for a while. So he decided to sit down. It didn't take long before he grew tired of waiting and his eyelids began to droop. He could do little to stop them. But he put his hand around his gun and gripped it tightly. Then he fell asleep and started bobbing his head back and forth.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-24-2008, 12:40 PM
: Aug 2007
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Al_exd  (10)

1st ill change my bio to say he was at the labs and say how he was already hear like Dimitri. 2nd The reason I say Max is there is because he was walking there during Dimitri and Skilla's walk. He decided about 2 meter's into the mine to go out(the same time it took for Hoss to chat with i think sid). please Oddey. the reason I post like that is because im trying to keep track of time. Ad im sry if i sound mean but thiss is the 3rd time.
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04-24-2008, 12:44 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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Hoss was advancing to his office building when all of a sudden, a Big Bro Slig ran up to him, alerting him about someone in the mine. "What? Hmm......well then.....check it out and hunt that guy DOWN!!!" Hoss roared out. Normally he would care less for a situation like this, however, today, he's as annoyed as ever. Back in Hoss' office, Skylla activated the siren, telling everybody to go back into the mines for work. Hoss growled. "Well?! What're ya waitin' for? LEAD TO ME TO THE INTRUDER!!!! We gotta be quick before the workers start filling up the mines!"

Ooc: You don't need permission to work in the mines ya know. however, Garit the Slig is an exception since he's actually intruding at this moment.

As for the occupants, I'm still not sure what you mean Wings of Fire. Be more specific. Do you mean like the careers of the occupants, (ex: Miners, shop owners, etc.) or just occupants as in species? Either way, it's a town so it could have just about any species or just about any real job for a place like that.

Last edited by Chronicler; 04-24-2008 at 12:53 PM..
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04-24-2008, 01:04 PM
: Aug 2007
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Al_exd  (10)

"This way!" Max yelled leading Hoss to the mine. "I'll go in and flush'im out" Max said. He charged on and readied his blitzpacker.
Dimitri moved. He had seen a Glukkon, but he decided to go help out at the mine's, putting on his nightvision goggle's as he ran. He got to the entrance and went inside, looking at a large Big bro slig inside making his way through. Dimitri found some stone's pushing out of the wall and climbed into a rocky crevice. He started surveying the area.

Ooc: for those that dont now(if any), the intruder is Garit
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04-24-2008, 02:51 PM
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Hoss chuckled at the Mudokon under his breath. "What a loon." Hoss quietly said to himself. "He'll be fun to watch in the mines." Then he noticed Skylla running back to the office. "Hmm....I best be goin' back to my job now. You go take care yourself." Hoss advanced towards the dusty ol' Coal town. He walked down the street towards his office. While walking, he stretched his arms. "Boy what a day..."

IC: Sid made his way to the mine ahead while swinging his pickaxe. He nearly fell to the ground with excitement. But he kept his feelings to himself. He could still hear Hoss chuckle even though he was a couple feet away from him now. "I can't wait to get to work here!" He said still a little excited. But it was cut short cause right when he took another step he hit the mine's rocky wall. He dropped his pickaxe and fell to the ground. "Ouch!" He yelped in pain. "Who put this wall here!?" Sid yelled while rubbing his head. He got to his feet and felt the cold ruff wall. "Oh..I must be in the mine now." Sid then felt for his pickaxe picked it up and got to work. He hit the wall as hard as he could taking off piece by piece.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

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04-24-2008, 11:08 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: Yay Mooshy remembers Wolvie, I am honoured. (Claps and unleashes rainbow balloons of raw fury)

@ Chronicler: it helps if you take a line when you use speech commas,
"Like this,"
Splat taught me that and it makes like easier to read.

@Joes: I think clakkerz since they tend to live in Western Mudos, not sure.

Two scrawny dirty black arms dragged themself upon a dry cracked rock. Water...She needed water. Her dry rasping breaths cried out for it, out of her broken teeth and dry black lips. Then her eyes upon white patches widened. Water...A river! Off she went, paying no attention to anybody else and dunked her dirty face straight in. She chugged the rushing water down with her eyes screwed shut and her face still in it before yanking her little head out and choking, spluttering and spitting out a shiny chunk.

Minsu stared blankly. It was wet, shiny, gold-coloured...Gold? She gasped, water running down her face, looked around shiftily then hid it in her filthy rags that barely clung to her. Gold...Gold meant moolah, moolah meant food, water, a life out here in industrialization. She squealed for joy and did a dance on her hands, swinging those uselessly bent and withered legs about.

She heard a splash and froze in a flash. Something green slipped into the water. It swam quickly under the surface, a wobbled and distorted shape that rose at the bank. Its bulging white eyes stared, its stittched mouth straight, its ponytail clipped...

"Mudokon." He said blankly, as blank as his face. She gaped her mouth in a silent scream and dashed back to the rock like a high crawling slig, pouncing behind it for safety from this...Thing. The mudokon didn't change a thing about its face. It climbed out slowly and proceeded to walk towards that rock.

Minsu caught her breath and listened quietly to the footsteps. Soft, padding ones of feet with no shoes...Irregular, louder ones of feet with boots and no balance. She dared look behind her and jumped back against the tan-coloured rock.

A wolvark, a purple one with no weapons, smiled like a slapstick idiot with wide pupils (you couldn't see his sclera in some places) that would put a hunting cat to shame. Drooling, swaying and blabbering incoherent things, he smacked right into a tall white figurine (Whiterage). Wolvie stumbled back and almost fell onto his big behind in a dazed panic. The drug had his vision blurred to oblivion...It was some tall, white person wearing clothes. That's all he could make out. A syringe with a sharp needle was still sticking out of his left arm.

He smiled widely, with pupils so wide you couldn't see his schera in places. They put a hunting cat to shame.
"Eeeyyyy there, purdy..." He cooed up at the...White thing (steef). At least he thought it was a person, anyways. "You, - hic! - uhh...Come 'ere often? Huh? Teehee..."

Minsu forgot all about the mudokon and slapped her forehead hard. That smashed and stoned wolvark was going to get himself killed...The mudokon forgot about the girl for a moment, and just stood and watched.

Odly Outnumbered Cucumbers: Wait a sec...Joe is set to female o.O? Maaaybe I called him Josephine too much...Wait, I thought Moosh was a girl (Is confused). I thought you were all men!
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 04-25-2008 at 06:49 AM..
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04-25-2008, 02:42 AM
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Ooc: I was actually hoping I wasn't sounding mean. it's just we have two very different ways of Rping and I respect it. I just need to get used to it and figure out exactly what's happening. That's all I wanted to say. I'm not going to do whatever I did a minute ago I was just pointing it out because I thought it was a bit confusing but I get it now , so thanks for the explaination.
Garit is being hunted... Not good. For Garit anyway. But it's great for me because now I can actually help move the plot, rather than work outside it. Although at the moment he's asleep deep in the mines. Remember the hat covering the visor thingy. And I'll ask again, are there lights in the mine or is it unlighted? And how big are they?

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-25-2008, 04:23 AM
: Aug 2007
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Al_exd  (10)

Thank's I apologize as because I know I should dont now why. Now back to the rpg berore this is marked as spam!

Dimitri closed his eye's to increase his sense's of sound and smell. A big rumbling sound was in the distance. He yelled to the Big Bro and yelled "That way, in the left wing,".
"Ok" said the Big Bro back as he lumbered forward pointing his gun in to the entrance.
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04-25-2008, 07:32 AM
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Moosh da Outlaw
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Out of Coffee:
SOB. I'M A GIRL. *crawls into a corner and proceeds to cut wrists*


Bo marched right up to the Hoss river, his gang following warily behind.
"I d'see any gold!" He snarled, looking down into the water. Suddently he caught sight of a group of people across the river (Wolvie, Mudokon, whoever else happens to be there) and frowned. He said out loud "My gawd! What're with all th'weirdo's round' these parts?"

Out of Coffee:
Lol, whackout Wolvie. xD

Here's yet ANOTHER character (bringing my count up to 4) that I want to test out. I have no idea what she would be doing in western Mudos. (I'll just say she got a job as an outlaw or something.) Just go with it.

Name: Skelter
Race: Intern
Gender: Female (OMG NO WAI!)
Age: 21 in human years
Appearance: Lean, with pale skin and unstitched lips. She wears a striped black and purple pageboy hat that’s always pulled down, hiding her eyes, and has solid white headphones. Her horns are pierced with lime green studs at the top, and purple studs at the bottom. She wears a form-fitting black sleeveless hoodie with a white heart surrounded by lime green flames, a pair of frayed jeans that are knee-length w/ a coal-grey skirt over it (its more like a loincloth; the sides are cut so her legs can stick out.) She also wears striped purple and black knee-length socks, though the very bottoms are cut out so that she doesn’t slip and slide all over the place. Overall she looks like a punk who takes joy out of kicking puppies and scaring preschoolers.
(Click here for a pic )
Personality: She is a punk who likes kicking puppies and scaring preschoolers, and she’ll let anybody know it. She’s anti-social and hates being the center of attention, and gets into fights easily. She has a tendency to get very physical when under pressure. In her opinion, every cloud has a silver lining, and its her job to obliterate it.
Equipment: Her metal backpack, which is packed with 300 pounds of compressed mustard gas. It has a thick nozzle connected to a hose on one side so that she can fire it at will (it looks like a normal backpack, exept for the bazooka-like weapon on the side). In her pocket is a foldable gas mask, about the size of a wallet, that she just flips out and sticks on her face when she uses her gas launcher.
History: She lived for a while as an average intern aboard an airship, but with one problem: she was the only female of any intelligent race on the entire craft, and wore the same kind of clothing she wears now (“I CAN’T WEAR A %@&*ING SPEEDO, I’M A @& #ING GIRL, JACKASS!”). Being the only female aboard granted her strange looks from nearly everyone, and when she wasn’t being talked about behind her back, she was being hit on by whichever intern happened to be around. After awhile she kind of snapped, and she went from being ‘That Intern Chick’ to ‘That Psychotic Beat-You-With-A-Rubber-Hose Scary Woman’ who everyone hid from. If she got yelled at, she yelled right back. If somebody shoved her, she’d knock them out. She earned a nasty reputation with pretty much everything she did, and eventually, to her relief, she was fired. She got a job for an important but top secret organization practically run by outcasts and weirdos like herself. All her ‘missions’, as they’re called, are extremely hush-hush, and only hours of prying and withstanding insults will get her to tell anybody anything about it.

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 04-25-2008 at 07:43 AM..
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04-26-2008, 12:34 AM
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Hoss stayed outside of the coal mines, incase the intruder was dangerous. He growled to himself.
"You get that tresspasser!!!! Git!!!! You hear me you overgrown Slig??!!"
Hoss was as angry as ever. So many others already knew of his gold and more people were STILL heading towards the river. By then, there might be no gold left for him. He stuttered for a while. Then he yelled into the mines.
"Uh.....uuuh.....You go catch that intruder!!! NOW!!! Hurry UP!!!!"
Hoss could already tell from where he was at, that more people were at the river. Hoss pulled out his cell fone (lol) and called Skylla in the office.

Skylla was sitting at her desk as usual, just sitting there, awaiting for someone to call and order up some coal. The fone rang. She excitedly answered it.
"Hello! Hoss' Coal! Our junk is your fuel! How may I help y-"
She was cut out by Hoss' pissed voice.
"Skylla!!!! Quit that chattin'!!!! Head over to the river and shoo all of our little intruders off!!!"
Skylla said with an attitude. She readied her crossbow, armed with boombats. She called Wally to come with her and they ran out to the river as fast as possible to try and take control of the situation....
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04-26-2008, 01:51 AM
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Ooc: Hey Chronicler I think you may be spelling "fone" wrong. The real way is phone. Really stupid letter rule.
Ic: Garit's eyes snapped open and he flung out his gun thinking someone was talking to him. "Git!!! You hear me you overgrown slig?!!" Someone yelled. It was faint voice but he could still recognize it. Hoss must have been notified. And by the sounds of it, he had sent in a slig. Possibly the BigBro slig. He sat upright and holstered his gun again. He then crouched down behind a box and waited for more sounds.
Ooc: I sure hope you know what your doing Al_Exd. Otherwise you might godmod on accident.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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04-26-2008, 03:18 AM
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Zozo the Zrilufet
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Olive Override Carrots: In Oddworld, phone is spellt fone.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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04-26-2008, 03:28 AM
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Moosh da Outlaw
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Out of Coffee: Okay, i'll just say that Skelter is a member of Bo's gang or somethin'.


Bo looked upstream and spotted a particularly fat wolvark screaming his head off about intruders. "OI! SHUT UP!" He yelled back. "NOBODY CARED ABOUT YER INTROODERS!"
"Dude, shut up." Skelter growled, crossing her arms and looking away moodily. "I can't believe i'm stuck with you."
"You," Bo snarled, jabbing her with a finger, "are my bitch for the day, so shuttup and do what I say, hear me?"
She bared her teeth, looking as though she was ready to break his neck, but said nothing.
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04-26-2008, 07:38 AM
OddYouko's Avatar
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IC: Still working in the mine Sid heard a lot of yelling. 'I hope everythings alright out there' He thought to himself. He removed the sweat from his forehead and got back to work. Coal was falling onto his feet. He stopped then felt the wall with his right hand. He had made a pretty deep hole but all there was was coal. Sid frowned and moved a couple feet away from the hole to another spot. He held up his pickaxe with both hands and hit the coal wall as hard as he could. Coal came bursting out all over him. "Yuck!" Sid said disgusted. Some coal had falling into his mouth and it defanently didn't taste very good. He brushed the coal off of his body. "I hope Hoss can take care of all that yelling out there." Sid said wondering.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

Last edited by OddYouko; 04-26-2008 at 07:40 AM..
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04-26-2008, 08:33 AM
Chronicler's Avatar
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Ooc: That's how you spell phone in Oddworld, Oddey. Fone.

Ic: Skylla had reached the river, only to see how bad the problem is. She looked down both ways of the river, only to see a whole huge crowd of intruders! Her eyes were wide open.
"Oooooooh boy......Hoss REALLY wouldn't like THIS."
Skylla got nervous, not sure how to handle such a large group. She took her mask off for a second and wiped al the sweat off with a rag. Still holding the mask, Skylla placed her fingers around the temples of her head to think. Wally though was just barking at the huge group like crazy. Skylla placed her mask on.
"Well...." She gulped "I'll mine as well get this over with..."
She ran closer to the river and raised her crossbow at the sky. She pulled the trigger and the boombat was shot high into the air, it flew around until it crashed into a tree branch, making it explode on impact, hopefully getting everybody's attention.
"HEY!!!! Got dang it!!!! Yer all TRESSPASSING!!!!"
She yelled even more at the crowd of Wolvarks and Outlaws. Wally helped out by just snarrling.
"Ya'll better give me a good reason NOT to sick all of our Slogs and Slegs after you!"

Last edited by Chronicler; 04-26-2008 at 04:19 PM..
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04-26-2008, 10:02 AM
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Ooc: That's how you spell phone in Oddworld, Oddey. Fone.
Out of Cookies: I didn't know that. As a small note where did you find that out?

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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