By my estimate,the prologue has about 4-5 pages left, and then the actual main character finally shows up :P
I really look forward to when you've finished the prologue, and Stranger comes into it. Like I said, you have talent. Your technique on the rain alone was very good. I used to do art on my waccom, but life got in the way. I was never this good to begin with, but I wish I could have done stuff like this. You're brave to pick Oddworld, due to it's dark and grittiness, you can only imagine how hard it is sometimes.
But if I only post when each chapter is done then how can I keep up a steady supply of feedback to feed my fragile artist ego
Besides, most webcomics usually post per page anyway.
Keep them coming out when you're ready. Do you have a set time frame for when you release them? Even if you manage one a week or fortnight, there's still enough hype there to have your fans coming back. You don't want to jerk their chains.
I do urge you again to create a portfolio this year. Even if you only begin the website process next year. Deviantart is great for exposure, but it groups you in the masses. By presenting your own personal page, it creates a professional and individual look for you. It also allows for people or companies to contact you and you can monetize it to help with the SMALL fees or running the website. Honestly, I would be very happy to help you if you needed it.