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05-11-2003, 11:21 AM
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*#1 takes the ammo back and re-joins the group*

*Joab and his now makeshift mud archers are collecting as much as they can and are loading it onto a couple of Elums*

Joab: Sligs to your right! * A group of Muds open fire* Right we've got to get to the ocean, our journey starts here!

* Joab and his gang of muds are running away from the burning village*

Joab: You guys keep going, i'll lay a tripwire spooce bomb for our "pals".

* Joab runs back into the village and sets up the bomb, he suddenly feels a gun muzzle on his neck*

Slig: Get up Freak!

* Joab secretly grabs a wire knife from his tool kit, gets up and puts the blade straight into the slig, and takes it out. Joab takes some Ammo for his 12-gauge and then finishes the bomb and rejoins the group*
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05-11-2003, 04:04 PM
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Chris: *empties yet another clip into a mudokon archer. He quickly reloads his weapon and shoots the nearest mudokon pursuing him. He takes out his radio and calls for Paulmer*
LT. Paulmer! Get your asses up here! We are under heavy fire! *shoots a mudokon off his elum*
I repeat; We are under heavy fire! We need backup, dammit!!

*closes the communication*

Howard(one of Chris' men): *run to Chris* Sir, we have spotted a forest fire heading towards us! We have to retreat!

Chris: What?! A forest fire? Did you see what caused it?

Howard: No sir, but James said it was caused by a slig! A flier!

Chris: A flying slig? Shit! What the hell are those morons thinking?! *sigh* Gather the rest of the men and inform to the other possible groups-- we have to fall back!

Howard: Yes sir! *runs to tell his teammates*

Chris: Odd damned idiots! *takes out his radio and makes connection with #1 slig of the Air Squad. As he pick up, Chris roars from the top of his lung into the mike--thingy* You fools! One of your men started a bloody forest fire! Because of this, we have to retreat! Our mission is failed! You'd better find out who did this, or I'll rip our damn lungs out and feed it to the slogs! GOT IT!

*after that, he places his radio pack to it's place and starts to run for the camp. Suddenly a mudokon jumps in front of him-- a tomahawker*

Chris: ... *grins as the mudokon howls his war call and charges towards him. He steps out of the way and whacks the mud with the rear of his gun. As the mudokon fell to the ground-- Chris aims the gun at his head and fires-- blowing it's head off. He then continues running.*

James: *runs besides Chris* Sir, all men are informed-- they have started to retreat!

Chris: Good job!

*they both run to the camp.*

Chris: James, wait here for the rest of the guys, count the casualities and make a report of the situation. I have some business to do. *he goes to the three sligs guarding Jet. His face is red with anger.*

Chris: *yelling at the sligs* You! Where's your commander! *glares at the sleeping little mudokon, obvious disgust growing to his face* And get that damned thing outta my sight! This ain't no hotel for slaves! Make sure that thing stays awake! I can't stand it snoring like that!

Dominic: *loads his bow and fires it into a group of sligs, killing them all.* I think they're retreating!
*loads his bow* Amarant!

Amarant: Yeah? *fires at a slig*

Dominic: What's our strenght?

Amarant: Can't tell yet!

Dominic: Damn! Well, no matter-- I think the sligs are giving up! *smells something odd in the air* Ammy-- you smell that?

Amarant: *sniffs the air* Yeah-- and don't call me Ammy!

Dominic: Sorry--what do you think it is?

Amarant: Smells like smoke to me...

Dominic: Yeah... What could be causing it?
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05-11-2003, 04:47 PM
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Paulmer gets a call from chris.

*Paulmer "Roger that chris, my team is ready to go, but we are running low on ammo, and a fire has started!"

Paulmers team grab there weapons and run into the forest, Suddenly a tree falls on rogers, and he is pinned in his pants.

*Rogers "AAAAARRGGGHHHHH!! go on with out me sarge, i'll hold up here and wait for you..."

*Paulmer "Damn it"

Paulmer hands Rogers his auto pistol and 2 clips for it.

*Paulmer "Okay Rogers, if any muds come past, u give em to in the chest and one in the head, do u get me?"

*Rogers "yes........sir....."

*Paulmer "hang on soldier, we'll be back"

he takes off, leaving Rogers behind, once he has met up with chris, then he'll send a team out to get him.

Rogers is all alone, 3 muds come running past, he fires his auto berattataking them all down. One mud grabs him, and takes his pistol out of his hands. Rogers talks on his radieo.

*Rogers "lutenant, forget about me, i have been comprimised, i'll do myself...... thanks for every thing..."

rogers takes out a grenade, by now he has been surrounded with muds, tons of them pored all over him. He smiled.

*Rogers "they think its all over...it is now"

he dropped the grenade.

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05-11-2003, 06:05 PM
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#1: *Down Radio* It can't have been us boss, we're on our way back, I can see all of my men right now..........
*Recieves call from gluk*

Gluk: Your on Med evac duty MOVE!

* The squad gloomily make their way back to the war zone*

#1: Rodgers is that you?? * Examines frazzled corpses nearby*
Jeezus look at you, what happened? * Wipes blood from Rodger's brow*
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05-11-2003, 06:48 PM
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Jeteal: *wakes up--Chris's yelling had startled her* ...what?.... *looks around sleepily*
Slig1: Well sir..The--
*The infantry starts to arrive--Nick leading them back*
Nick: *hesitantly starts to aproach Chris--but is tripped by one of Merit's legs* Woah!.. Ugh... *rolls on his back to see Merit* ...uh oh..
Merit: what exaclty do you think you where doing with my infantry Nick?
Nick: *gulp* I-I uh...
Merit: *rolls his eyes* Your never to be placed in charge again! Here me?!
Nick: Yes sir...
Merit: Good, get outtah my sight..
Nick: *Does so as fast as he can*
Merit: Right then.. *heads over to the three sligs & Chris*
Slig3: *looks at Chris & points to Merit* He's our commander...
Merit: *aproaches Chris with Jaws at his side* Sir I apologize for the idiot who was in charge while I was gone. Something even more important came up that I had to attend to...erm..Can I help you with something?
Nomad: *wakes up* eh? how long have I been sleeping? *gets up & realizes that he's been surrounded by sligs* oh..oh my.... *lifts his hands up in the air*
1slig: Alright! Dont move or we blow yur brains out!
*the sligs grab him & tie his hands behind his back. They then take him to Merit's camp*
1Slig: *throws Nomad to the ground next to Jet* there..
Jeteal: *looks at the new prisoner* (who's that?)
Nomad: *smiles at the small child & mouths the words "hello" *
Jet: *smiles back*

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05-12-2003, 07:22 AM
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Brendan: *Flying in the base*

(The wind has changed direction. That isn't good, it mean's that it has gone against us. Ok...)

Brendan through radio so everyone with one can hear it:
"I have lit a fire near the village. Unfortonately, the wind has changed direction, and it is now against us. I am sorry for the inconveniece it has caused"

Brendan: *Sighs*

"This is gonna cost me."

Dernamen: "That DOES smell like smoke."

*Licks finger and holds it up*

"It's heading towards the industrialists. But has it already reached the village?"
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05-12-2003, 01:40 PM
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Joab and his group are sitting around a lake, in the distance they can see the smoke from the village. They spot a group of sligs in the opposite direction being attacked by scrabs.

Joab: ALL armed muds follow me!

* The Muds sprint to the fight scene*

Mud1: Who do we shoot?


* The muds start shooting spooce at the scrabs, a few muds are charging the scrabs with tomahawks. Joab is shooting the scrabs at close range*
Joab: Cease Fire!

* the smoke rises and all that are left are the sligs*

Slig#1: You saved us?? Why?

Joab: Well first of all i notice that you are mecenaries, not members of Magog.

Slig#2: True........

Joab: And second of all, you were being attacked by mud owned scrabs, you can tell by this mark *points at scrab*

Slig#3 : Ok then, so................

Joab: Wait a sec guys, do you want to join us? We're leaving Mudos to venture out onto further continents

Slig#1: Sure, I guess you'll need some protection..........
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05-13-2003, 04:12 PM
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Paulmer make it bac to Chris.

*Paulmer "chris sir! My men and i are going to take out a huge mud force coming this way, we need to take all the weapons and ammo we need... we may not come back sir, but what we achieve will be worth it"

with that, his team run to the armoury. They all grabbed all the weapons, ammo and armour they could find.

Foely grabbed a M82A2 .50 cal sniper rifle, he had 2 berettas and a steyr TMP, along with a slung MP5K and lots of grenades and LOTS of ammo.

Blackburn got a grenade launcher, and lots of grenades, napalm, nerve, HE. He got a HK G36K, and took off the stock, he slung this. He also got a small LAW.

Paulmer took a HK G36K with a AG36 grenade launcher underslung. 2 steyr TMP's, to berattas, an MP5K and a ithaca shotgun.

they all donned black armour, NVG's and GPS computers on their wrists.

just before they left, they unloaded all the ammo crates into there back packs, they were carrying tons of bullets and shells with them...it was going to be one hell of a fight.

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05-13-2003, 05:03 PM
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Merit: *looks at the sligs that brought Nomad* Where'd he come from?
1slig: The woods, he as heading towards the village..
*converstion continues between Merit & 1slig*

Jeteal: *looks up at Nomad and shivers*
Nomad: *Smiles & makes a wierd face--trying to cheer her up*
Jet: *laughs*

Merit: *hears Jet laughing* Hey! Separate those two!
1Slig: *roughly pulls Nomad to his feet & starts to lead him to the other side of the camp*
Nomad: Heheh.. *making another funny face at the child as he leaves*
1Slig: *smacks Nomad* Cut it out scrub! *takes him all the way to the other side of camp* No visiting with your little freind now.
Merit: *follows the slig* Alright, you guys caught him, so you guys guard em' . Four of you at a time.
1Slig: Yes sir.
*four sligs surround Nomad*

Merit: Good. *returns to his tent--the one that Jeteal is sitting in front of* (ack! forgot to feed Jaws.) *takes the slog's bowl out & fills it with slog food* Here boy. *watches Jaws wolf his food down*

Last edited by Native Poser; 05-13-2003 at 10:57 PM..
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05-14-2003, 01:05 PM
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Joab and his band of runaways come to a town.

Joab; Us muds can't be seen in town. How are we gonna get through?

Slig#1: Easy, pretend you are our slaves/ bodyguards.

Joab: But no onw has ever claimed a mudarcher as their slave....

Slig#1: Until now that is..........


Phil is back in action and the team are talking in the lounge.

#1: I can't believe Rodgers died............
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05-14-2003, 05:06 PM
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Paulmers team talk alot of ammo, about over 3000 rounds each. They head out into the burining forest. They get the the palne where the muds will come, they dug a crater, and went in it. They put all the ammo and guns in the middle... and waited. It wasnt long before muds came running at them, millions!Foely picked up his M82A2, and fired. The 50 caliber bullets tearing trought the muds, but it didnt seam to stop them. Blackbrun fired some nerve gas grenades up over the them, this killed muds in the 10's, but they just kept coming.

*Paulmer "fire! fire at will god damn it!"

The bullets teard throught the muds, many hit the floor. It was utter carnage. And it hadnt even started...

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05-14-2003, 06:01 PM
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Merit: *sitting in his tent, reloading his gun & sharpening his pocket knife*


Jeteal: *smile disapears from her face when she looses sight of the other mudokon* ..sigh.... *looks up at the darkening sky* (its getting late..Hope I dont get eaten by a slog...) *lets out a small cough*


Nomad: *sitting on the ground silently, listening to the four sligs conversation* (...Poor kid..) *looks around* (I cant let her stay here! She be shipped off to slavery..) *throws his voice, mimicing the voice of one of the guards.
N: *in slig voice* Idiot *tosses a rock with his foot at one of the guards--hitting him in the back of the head*
1Slig: Ow! Son of a--
N: *I.S.V.* Oops!
1Slig: *punches another on of the guards*
2Slig: What the hell was that for?!
1Slig: You know what it's for!
*sligs end up getting into a fight--other two guards trying to pull them apart*
Nomad: *slips off into the woods--circling around to where Jet is* (....there she is..) *watches Jeteal from the bushes, & unties his hands--waiting for a good time to grab her & make a run for it*

Last edited by Native Poser; 05-14-2003 at 06:53 PM..
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05-15-2003, 11:59 AM
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*Chris has gathered all his men around him*

Chris: Okay, listen up. We are going back into the forest- this time our sole purpose is only to annihilate. You kill everything that is not a slig, intern or a slog. And by everything I mean mudokons, scarbs , paramites, elums, birds even burn the damned bee nests. We are going in with full weaponry-- everyone must be carrying at least 6000 rounds of ammo. Coldeye!

Coldeye: Sir!

Chris: You'll be taking the flamethrower.

Coldeye: Yes sir!

Chris: Ashley!

Ashley: Sir!

Chris: You take the MG 37-- same goes to Small!

Small& Ashley: Yes sir!

Chris: We will leave in two minutes boys! Gather your weapons, ammo and armour-- you'll be needing it!

Slodiers: Yes sir!

Chris: *lights a cig and wathces his men hustle with his commands*... (Hold on Paulmer--we're comin'!)


Dominic: Dername, Lani! The forest is on fire and it's heading for the village! We must hurry to the storm circle! Amarant! Keep the enemy at bay-- I'll be right back!

Amarant: Ok Dom! Be careful!

Dominc: Don't worry about me-- the Shrykull is with me! Take care!

*leaves the battlefield and runs to his village-- avoiding some random explosions on his way*


Small: Hey Ashley...


Small: I just thought that, why did we have to take the MG 37? This thing is as old as the RuptureFarms!

Ashley: I know... Though I've never fired one. I overheard one guy talk-- and he said that the MG 37 is the best heavy machine-gun there is. He was in the infantry.

Small: ...I'm still suspicious about this thing...

Ashley:... me too... But, orders are orders...

Small: *nods and picks up one of the guns* Odd! This thing is heavy!

Ashley: *sniggers* Of course it it! That baby could pierce the armour of a mug!

Small: I can believe!
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05-16-2003, 03:04 AM
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Jeteal: *quietly listening to all thats going on around her* (Oh odd, I hope I dont get killed here!) *looks up at the sky and sees the moon peering out momentarily through the clouds* (Wow...Whats that?....it--its beautifull...) *Stares in silent awe at the moon (obviously she's never seen it before) until it disapears behind the clouds*


Merit snaps to attention when a slig he's never seen before enters his tent.
Merit: Who are you?
Slig: *hands Merit a note thats sealed inside an envelope* A letter from my boss, your orders have changed...
Merit: *takes the letter from the slig & opens it* Really?.... *reads through the note, expression changing from curiosity to worry* (...geat...Just great..) *looks up at the slig* Your dismissed..
Slig: Yes sir *leaves*
Merit: *calling to one of the guards surrounding Jet* Vern! Get in here.
Vern: *comes in nervously* Yes sir?
Merit: Have my best sligs prepare to leave--you know who they are..we have new orders...
Vern: Yes sir... *pauses just before he leaves* May--may I ask what those orders are Sir?
Merit: *sighs* Listen, just bring my guys in here--ya hear me?
Vern: Yes sir, sorry sir! *leaves the tent quickly*
Merit: Jaws, here boy *pets Jaws slowly as he looks the letter over again*


Nomad watches Vern leave the tent in a hurry. He notices the other two sligs guarding Jet aren't watching thier prisoner--they're distracted by Vern.
Nomad: *sneaks out of the bushes as quietly as he can* (oh odd dont let them see me...) *sees a mushroom* (oh no...No! Have to stay focused..) *Shakes his head & sneaks up behind behind Jet silently--scooping her up off the ground*
Jet: *turns her head quickly to see who's picking her up* Huh?
*The guards hear Jet & spin around to see the two of them*
Nomad: ... *Runs, Jeteal in his arms*
Nomad doesn't stop, even though he feels a bullet shred through his left shoulder. He runs deeper into the woods, knowing that the two guards are hot on his heels.

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05-16-2003, 08:15 AM
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Dernamen: *Waching Dominic go*

(Where is he going?)

"Wait a minute, where is the storm circle."

*Thinks for a second*

"Also, what is a storm circle?"
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05-16-2003, 03:41 PM
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Joab and his fellow mud archers are wrapped up in chains. The sligs lead them throught the town.

Slig#1 *Knocks on door*

A thin slightly grey gluk pokes his head out the door.

Slig#1: The Mudarchers, like we promiced. Where's the moolah?

Joab overhears this conversation and starts to signal to his mudarchers. One leans over to him.

Joab: Get my spooce bomb kit out my bag for me!
The mudarcher reaches into his bag and passes him the kit. Joab forms a small spoocebomb and places it on the chains. a spark goes up and the chains are broken.

Joab: no weapons. We'll take this house and then work from there.

Joab puts his pistol to the sligs head.

Joab: IN!
The slig goes in followed by the chain gang and the other sligs. Joab pulls the trigger and quickly takes out all the armed sligs. The mud archers quickly have their bows pointed at the un armed ones and the gluk.

Joab: Tie them up. Shoot anyone who talks.
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05-17-2003, 01:18 AM
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~~Nomad & Jeteal~~
Nomad runs as fast as he possibly can, holding on tight to the small mudokon in his arms. He feels a second bullet just barely miss his skull as he leaps over a stream. But soon he notices that the guards give up the chase & head back into camp.
Nomad: *slows down to a jog & finally stops behind some thorn bushes* ...Oh, odd... *trying to catch his breath* Are you alright? *unties Jet's hands*
Jeteal: *slowly nods* ..whats going on? Where are w-- *looks at nomad's bleeding shoulder & starts to get upset--she hates seeing people get hurt*
Nomad: *notices the way Jet is looking at him* Ssshh, sh, sh. *gently touches the side Jet's face*...its okay..Dont cry... *looks around cautiously*...Stay here alright?
Jet: *Nods*
Nomad quickly sneaks back to the stream that he lept over & washes his shoulder off. He then bandages it with some long leaves & grass he finds nearby & goes back to where he left the small child.
Nomad: *crouches next the the girl & gently picks her up again* We have to find a safe place for you to sleep tonight okay?
Jet: ok. *puts her arms around his neck & leans her head over his shoulder* Whats your name?
Nomad: My name? Nomad. What about you? *stands up & begins to carry her off into the woods*
Jet: *weak smile* ..I'm Jeteal..
Nomad: You have a beautifull name. *smiles* Wish I had a name like that.
Jet: *giggles* no you dont! Jeteal is a girls name! your a boy!
Nomad: Oh, yes! *says sarcasticly* I almost forgot.

Merit watches 7 of his best sligs enter his tent. He tells them to wait for him just outside of camp. Most of the sligs leave to wait for him, but Merit has one of them stay behind with him.
Merit: Ben, I want you to stay here with my boys. I need someone to look after these guys while I'm gone. I'll be back for em' though, so dont do anything stupid with em'.
Ben: Yes sir!
Merit: Good. *leaves the tent & makes his way to the group of sligs, just outside camp* ....Alright guys, we got new orders. *becons them in closer to him & says quietly* We have some tribal leaders & shamans that are causing a bit of a problem...we've been ordered to take them out fast & undetected. But theres a few that we want alive...Especially these three... *shows them three pictures of three different shamans*

Last edited by Native Poser; 05-17-2003 at 11:35 AM..
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05-17-2003, 08:07 AM
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Joab and his men ransack the house. Finding a few tins of usable spooce and an SMG.

Joab: Ok , get the unarmed sligs in here.

A couple of muds bring in 5 unarmed sligs.

Joab: You guys will take us out onto the smallest yaucht docked in the port. If you do anything smart, you shall be killed by us ok?

Slig: OK!

The Sligs lead them to a large yaucht.

Slig: well this is the richest city in mudos, you didn't expect anything small did you?

The Muds and sligs get in. There are a couple of Gluks onboard.

Joab: Kill them.

Mudarcher: But sir?

Joab: *stares at mud with steely blue eyes*

Mud: yes Sir!

Joab: ok, Sligs, I want this turned into a gunboat, get us some fixable MG's a couple of RPGs and some camo wet paint. Ok?

The sligs return later with the stuff they asked for..........
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05-18-2003, 07:10 PM
Native Poser's Avatar
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Before long , Nomad & Jeteal find a safe place to rest for the night--a small cave behind a waterfall. There is a hidden way to get in--without getting wet--behind some bushes.
Nomad: *puts Jet down on the cave floor* You'll be safe here. Wait for me okay? *spots two pieces of flint rock & picks them up*
Jet: Where are you going? *shivers*
Nomad: *expression softens a bit when he sees her shivering* I'm going to go look for a few things. *gives her a little silver chain he'd picked up from the slig's camp* I'll be back for this okay?
Jet: *looks at the small chain in her hands* Why can't I come with you?
Nomad: Its too dangerous for you to follow me. Stay here alright Jeteal?
Jet: kay...
Nomad: Right then *smiles, rubbing his hands together as he leaves* (I need to keep her warm..) *starts picking up any dry wood the he can find outside--which isn't much since it had rained earlier* (there, that should be enough...but what if shes hungry?) *looks around & sees fish swimming in the water* Hmmmm.. *goes back inside* Told you I'd be back Jeteal *smiles*
Jeteal: *looks at the wood he's carrying* Whats that for?
Nomad: Watch, you'll see *Sets the wood in the middle of the cave & uses the flint to start a fire*
Jet: *starts to feel warmer* that feels a lot better *curls up on the floor and falls asleep*
Nomad: *says quietly*...stay here, I have to go again.
Nomad goes outside & steps into the small river that the waterfall is making. The water is freezing but he ignores it until his feet seem to go numb. Slowly, he puts his hands into the water & waits for a fish to come close enough... *slpash* He is able to fling the fish onto dry land & chase after it as it wrigles through the grass. Nomad suddenly trips--falling onto the fish & killing it.
Nomad: Ere we go...better than clubbing it against a rock I guess! *sets it aside & goes back into the water for a second fish*


Meirt: *still explaining his group's orders*

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05-19-2003, 10:17 AM
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At ease men:

Okay, the thing is:
Muse is leaving.

I'm leaving for a while.
To read more click here!

I'd be also very happy if someone would take care of Chris and Dominic while I'm gone!

Keep the war going boys and girls!

See ya!

-The Red Muse
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05-19-2003, 01:32 PM
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((OCC: Dang, we're gonna miss ya Muse!))

Nomad slips & fall into the icy cold water. He's swept downtream a bit--but manages to get out of the river.
Nomad: Oh dear.. (this is a bad day for me) *tries to figure out where he is* (I have to get back to Jet...I dont want to leave her all by herself in the woods with armed sligs running around...) *starts walking in a random dirrection*

Jeteal: *asleep peacefully on the cave floor--its been a long time since she's felt warm*

Merit: *still explaining things to his group--an extremely tedious task apearently*

Last edited by Native Poser; 05-19-2003 at 04:52 PM..
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05-22-2003, 03:14 PM
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Joab, his muds and his Slig Captors are sailing out on the sea when a tatical Blimp flies over them.

Joab: That's a slavers blimp..... but the cage is empty! Muds! All men who aren't on guard duty, on deck!

The muds line up on the deck.

Joab: 3 men front line, spoocebows GO! 2 Men both front and rear Machine guns. 3 Muds RPG!

Muds; yes Sir!

The Muds open fire on the blimp. It returns fire.

Joab: They're releasing flying sligs, machine guns open fire!
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05-25-2003, 06:05 AM
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((OCC: Where'd everybody go? Anyways, I'm making Ben one of my characters))

~~~~New Character~~~~
Name: Ben
Race: Slig (popper--no armour)
Sex: male
Age: 16
Property: Other than a gun, some ammo, & a back-pack containing a little bit of food--nothing special.
W.F.U.C: Technically none. But he has been placed in temporary command of Merit's infantry.
Status: One of Merit's "best sligs". Temporarily in charge of Merit's infantry.
Weapons: The slig equivalent of an MP40 (as well as his wits)
Personality: Not a bold as Merit. He has a gentler side that he doesn't show very often, but its there. Ben doesn't let that get in the way of his job though; he's willing to do whatever needs to be done in order to avoid getting fired. Ben is highly intelligent & is very capable of thinking fast.
Physical description: Looks like the average popper slig--exept for the fact that he carries a backpack.
Tidbits: none…

Merit: *looks around at his group* Understand?
All 6 Sligs: Yes sir!
Merit: Alright then! Lets move! *begins to lead them away from the area--towards a smaller village about 7 miles south of the original one*
Merit leads them away from camp until they've gone about 4 miles--normaly he would have pushed them harder, but its been rough day for his sligs. He decides to let them rest for the night. They begin to set up a small camp in the forest.
Merit: We'll rest here for the night. Tod, Andy, & Bill are in charge of making dinner tonight & breakfast tomarrow. As for the rest of yeh--lets start making our beds eh? Hey Ben--oh..wait, he's back at camp--I meen, Tim.
Tim: Yes sir?
Merit: I want you to start a camp fire so Tod, Bill, & Andy can cook alright?
Tim: Gotcha. *goes off--gathering dry wood*

~Back @ camp~
Ben is unsure of what to do, he's never been in charge of anything before. He sits down inside Merit's tent.
Ben: (Odd...I better not mess up..or else Merit'll kill me...) *blinks silently* (what am I going to do?....)

Nomad is still wandering aimlessly, trying to get back to Jeteal.
Nomad: ...Where am I? *Looks around* (I'm going in circles! I know I've seen that rock more than twice now! At this rate the sligs will get to Jeteal before I do!) *kicks the dirt*

Jeteal is still peacfully dreaming inside the cave.

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05-25-2003, 11:09 AM
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The sligs swarm down apon the gunboat. The sligs on deck try to get a pick up.

Slig: Get us out!

Flying Slig:*into Mic* I am going to engage the traitorous sligs.....

The flying sligs open full fire upon the sligs. When they fly back up the mudarchers unleash heavy machine gun fire on them.

Joab: I'm going up there!

Joab jumps onto a flying slig.

Joab; Take me up to the blimp.

Slig: NO! *Shakes about*

Joab: I've got enought spooce bombs to blow you to dust, you take me up there fool....
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05-27-2003, 04:23 PM
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(( ooc: Hello my dearest! As you can see-- the new and improved Muse is back-- still a bit fragile and ...something... so don't push me-- I might fall and break ... I am such a humourist...
Anyway, I can't-- as much as I'd like-- reply today-- maybe not even tomorrow-- but I promise that I will reply before the end of this very week! You have my word for it!
Happy summer! Three days of school left! Yay!
*does a little jig*
Guess who's gonna go get pissed on Saturday when the schools end!! *_____*

-Red Muse))
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

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05-27-2003, 04:30 PM
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Originally posted by The Red Muse
(( ooc: Hello my dearest! As you can see-- the new and improved Muse is back-- still a bit fragile and ...something... so don't push me-- I might fall and break ... I am such a humourist...
Anyway, I can't-- as much as I'd like-- reply today-- maybe not even tomorrow-- but I promise that I will reply before the end of this very week! You have my word for it!
Happy summer! Three days of school left! Yay!
*does a little jig*
Guess who's gonna go get pissed on Saturday when the schools end!! *_____*

-Red Muse))
((Ooc:MUSELI! Glad to have you back! Down a pint for me on Saturday ok? ))

The slig takes Joab up to the blimp. They land in a now empty hanger.

Joab: Thanks for the lift.

Joab fires a shot at the slig. It falls out of the blimp and falls into the water.

Joab: I guess i'd better hide.........
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05-28-2003, 03:55 AM
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((OCC: Great to have ya back Muse! It wasn't the same without ya))

Merit & his group of sligs eventually set up a makeshift camp. The "cooks" make some kind of stew for dinner.
Merit: *finishes a bowl of stew* ugh...ok. *sets bowl aside* Hey guys, listen up. I want two sligs at a time to keep watch while everyone sleeps. We'll change guards every two n' a half hours alright? we have to get moving before dawn--so I suggest you boys try to sleep tonight. Tim?
Tim: Huh? Oh, yeah?
Merit: You and I will take first watch.
Tim: Yes ir.
Merit: As for the rest of you, we'll wake two of you when our shift is over. *Looks at Jaws--who's already fallen asleep under a tree*
Sligs: Yes sir.
*everyone cleans up after themselves & goes to bed--exept Merit & Tim*

Ben & the rest of the infantry have already eaten & are also getting ready to settle down for the night--the guards taking thier lookout posts for the night.
Ben: *lays down on Merit's bed* Sigh..... *takes his mask off & falls asleep*

Nomad wanders on--fearing that if he doesn't find Jeteal in time that the sligs will get to her. He's getting very tired--& is cold from falling in the river.
Nomad: *Looks around* I'm still lost... *sighs & staggers on* (I need to rest soon here..) Ugh.... *falls & passes out*
Voice: Nomad! You silly! What are you doing? *giggle* Wake up!
Nomad: *feels something get pushed up his nose* Ow! Stop i-- Jet! How'd you get here?
Jet: HAahahaahaha! You have a bug in your nose! Hahahahaha!
Nomad: Wha? Aa! *blows the insect out of his nose*
Jet: eeeeew! *whipes a snotty spider off of her face*
Nomad: *cant hold back a chuckle* Eh, eheh, oh I'm sorry dear!
Jet: S'okay *giggles & flings her arms around his neck* What where you doing?
Nomad: Long story Jet--I'll tell you later. You alright?
Jet: Yup! Come back inside silly! *lets go & runs back into the cave*
Nomad: *smiles* Haheh! (I was here all along!....Oh! Hey! My fish) *picks up the fish before following Jeteal back inside*

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05-28-2003, 05:35 AM
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Joab runs through a large metal door and finds himself in the mud pens.

Muds: Help Us!

Joab: SHHHHH If I get you out you must promise to help me take over this blimp!

Muds: Anything!

Joab blows each lock with either his shotgun or a small spoocebomb.

Joab: Right first stop to the bridge, we meet any big bros, let me spooce bomb him.....

They creep their way trhough the blimp, in the room before the bridge there are a couple of sligs facing the other way.

Joab 2 of you break their necks, silently.

The muds do as they were ordered and hide the bodies.
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05-29-2003, 08:08 AM
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Merit & Tim keep watch while listening to the others snoring in thier sleep. Jaws too, is snorring beside the dying camp fire.
Ben is still asleep--dreaming of only odd knows what...
Nomad looks at Jet--who's crouched nearby the little fire.
Nomad: Hey Jet, you like fish? *holds up the limp trout in his hand*
Jet: Whats that?
Nomad: Oh goodness me--dont tell me you've never tried fish before? *pokes a stick through the fish & sets it over the fire to cook*
Jet: Smells funny... *eyes the fish--puzzled*
Nomad: Thats normal *takes a seat next to Jet on the floor* fish stink--but they taste great when they've been cooked.
Jet: *smiles & scoots closer to Nomad--leaning on him*
Nomad: (such a sweet kid--who ever looks after her has got to be worried sick) .... Jet? Can I ask who takes care of you?
Jet: *looks up at Nomad nervously* ........ *swallows hard & looks away as her eyes start to shine with tears*
Nomad: Jet *puts an arm around her* ..you okay? Whats wrong?
Jet: *says very quietly* nobody... *Sniff*
Nomad: Hm? What was that?
Jet: .....
Nomad: Jeteal? Can you talk to me dear? *hugs*
Jet: *sniff* ..nobody does--they left me *sobs*
Nomad: What? *looks at the child, clearly a bit shocked* Your kidding me--who left you?
Jet: *simply shakes her head with her eyes closed tight*
Nomad: Its okay Jet...it going to be alright.. *strokes her forehead*
Jet: but..but *sniff* nobody.. *sobs again*
Nomad: *holds Jeteal, thining to himself as he watches the tears roll down her cheaks* (How could someone just leave her? To do that is just heartless...but what if they had to?) .....Jet, please, can you answer me something?
Jet: *nods*
Nomad: Did they say why they left you--or tell you anything at all when they left you?
Jet: *sniff* Th-they where mean to me..He told me to sh-shut up & th-they started to leave--but I-I tried *sniff* to follw them be-because *cries for a moment but stops* ..because I didn't want to be alone...
Nomad: *dismayed* But...how did you end up in that slig camp?
Jet: They tied me to a tree so I wouldn't follow them.. *sniff*..then the sligs found me & tied me up in thier camp... *starts crying again* I-I dont wanna talk any *sniff* more..
Nomad: alright..alright Jeteal--I wont make you *hugs her* (Alright, this is too confusing) *looks at Jet worriedly--who's sobbing into his arms again* (well...taking care of kids cant be all that hard can it?) Jeteal, would you like it if I took care of you?
Jet: *looks up at him just before flinging her arms tightly around his neck* You-you'd want me? *tears start to go away*
Nomad: *Jet's grip is apearently too tight* uh--Jeteal, dear--I cant breethe..
Jet: Oh! *lets go* Sorry!
Nomad: Perfectly alright Jeteal--of coarse, I'd love to take care of you *smiles*
((OCC: Sorry for the huge post! That part with Nomad & Jet was hard for me to write in a short post))

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05-29-2003, 04:55 PM
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Joab bursts through the doors and shoots a slig reaching for his gun. Several vykkers are flying the ship.

Joab: Take their snoozies and drop them down to the gun boat. Vykkers, Land the blimp on the water, now!

Vykker: If I had my way i'd be cutting you in half right now!

Joab: Muds, Go to the armory, take all native weapons and kill every slig vykker ands intern who oppose us.

Muds: SIR!

Joab goes to the security station alone. He bursts through the door and puts a large hole in every slig in there. He reaches for the mic.

Joab: Mudoken Gunboat, This blimp is now your property as it has been claimed buy Joab! *Joab hears a cheer* PLease dock in the boat bay at the back...
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