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09-11-2003, 09:21 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Blarg had his orb thus he dident need to climb the mountain. But he knew in his mind which once provoked him to go after something that he knew envitably he was destined for. He knew he had to complete his test which eons ago he learned but forgotten because he was Mortal whome possessed the ability of a god with the finding of his Orb. The same with the others. It was as if he finally remembered his test inwhich he forgot to take eons ago when he found his orb. The others had similar tasks at hand but each was different individually for each of them.

"Guys I don't need to climb Mt Cloor. I have my orb as you all know. I must fullfill something that is part of my personal destiny. Like you each of us have personal destinys but each of our destinys are one. We are going to be split for awhile until you all find your orbs and complete your tests. I found mine eons ago but I have forgotten about our tests because I was mortal with the ability of a god inwhich Morea told me. It is your turn. This continent is in civil war and as the Keeper I must investigate this war. But you know what your tasks are. Look for me on the sixth day at dawn on the beach. You all will have your Orbs and thus we will head for Anteran where we will find the final componant the Sord of Darkon! Thus transforming us into the gathering of the great gods of Oddworld. We then will combine our powers and become the one."

"Your saying we have to go our seperate ways to find our own Orbs?" asked Saros.

Blarg looked at him "Yes Morea told me, each of us has their individual test. And I am ahead of you. I need to finnish off my test before the sixth day. The same with all of you. Each of you will be faced with a trial and each of you will have to endure it and I know all of you can. Remember the sixth day look for my comming. That is all I will say!"

And just like that Blarg took flight as he hovered above his friends and left temperarely to persue the rest of his personal test. The rest had to climb Mt Cloor to start their individual tests. They did not quite understand Blargs intensions so one of them decided to follow Blarg to see what he had to do but in the same process complete his test.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 09-11-2003 at 01:39 PM..
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09-12-2003, 01:35 AM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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Saros and the others just watched Blarg's orb float into the distance till they couldn't see it any longer.

"So, what about MT. Cloor? Are we gonna go fight the blugflyer or what?" said Saros.

"Yes, we have no choice but to fight and win over the mountain, then we will look from the highest mountain in oddworld to find the areas where are orbs lay." said Geeble, trying to sound calm about facing the Blugflyer and finding their orbs.

"OK then, lets go! I'm so ready!" said Lammy.

"Yeah, we have to hurry! I't important that we find our orbs and meet Blarg before the 6th day! It's not a long climb, just a hard one, wont take more that a day or two." said Ronan

They climbed up the mountain for a few hours, and finally the mountain started leveling out. They could see the head of the Blugflyer moving in the sunlight.

"We are nearing the summit!" said Geeble

They took a break for a while, and started up again. When they got there, the Blug queen was asleep, or so they thought...

"Maybe we can sneek past it." Ronan suggested.

"No, Blugflyers have incredible smell." said Geeble

"NO, we could just walk as far away from it as posible and camophauge..."

"I don't think so, we could just burn it to death or something..." said Saros.

"Fine, we'll do it your way." said Ronan, realizing defeat.

"OK, when I count to 3, we're all gonna set it on fire," said Geeble, "Ready? 1...2...3!"

They all struck the Blug, but it was ready for them. It hit one of the balls of fire back at them with it's leaf. They all scatered out of the way.

"That's not gonna work Geeble," said Saros "Were gonna have to try something else. Try confusing it, were all gonna teleport around it. Lets all try to use the wind and cause a tornado!"

So they teleported all around it a few times, while focusing on the wind... there began to be signs of a tornado coming.

"It's working!" said Lammy

Soon the Blug was being ripped out of the ground by the powerful winds that they all caused. Then they sent the tonado to the ocean and the Blugflyers were no more.

"Fantastic! Working together really works!" said Saros happily.

"Well, if we're all ready to find our orbs, lets do it." said Lammy.

They stood upon the highest peak and looked for their orbs...

"We all have individual colors, so just look for them. ANd we're all staying till we all find each other" said Geeble.

"OKay, mine's Green, so if you see green, tell me please!"

"Yes, mine will be orange..." said Geeble.

"Hey, Saros! I see something green over there." said Lammy.

"I see mine."said Geeble.

"Thanx Lammy. I think I see something yellow over there. Isn't that your Lammy?" said Saros.

"Yeah, thanx."

"Now where's mine?" said Ronan.

"There it is! it's over there Ronan." said Geeble.

"Ok, were all meeting at the beach of Narmond in about 5 days." Ronan said.

Alright everyone, good luck!" said Ronan.

And they teleported in a flash of their orb colors.

Saros landed at the foot of a mountain. There was a cave at it's base. He entered. The cave was dark, so...

"I summon fire!" he said. The cave imeadiatly lit up.

He walked for a while, rested a little, and then continue on. He finally saw a Greenish glow down the tunnle of the cave. He wondered what evil awaited him down there, but continue on anyway. He kept on, and finally found his way to the open room in the mountain. He saw the evil shadows that had attacked Geeble. He turned off his ball of flame, as not to be seen. He was trying to figure how to get his orb and teleport out of there, but he couldn't teleport up there and then teleport again a million miles away, he woundn't be able to teleport back if he did that. And he coun't get in his orb and glide away in it, becuase it took to long to get in. So, he planned an onslaught to destroy the shadow-men once and for all. He began to meditate, and was going to attempt to possess one of the shadow-men. A bright green possession orb began to appear. The light wounln't be noticed, the room was bright green anyway. He sent it to the nearest shadow-man, and it possessed him! He was seeing as the shadow-man see's, hearing what the shadow-man hears. It was odd. But the shadow-man began to fight back! So he took it around the corner of the hill, and exploded it. Hmmm, I don't know what to do. I can't use the elements, cause they'll use it against us later. So he thought for a while, and it came to him. I'll teleport one of them to somewhere so I can use their powers against them! So he teleported one of them, but only an inch. The shadow-men were startled, but they spotted him and began to sent their dark magic towards him. He sent his new powers toward them, and they dissolved as soon as it touched them! It works! SO he did this until there were no more shadow-men in the cave. He walked up the hill to where his orb was. It was a 3d triangular shape, was bright green, and seemed to be somewhat nice.

"Hello, I'm guessing i'm your orb!" it said.

"Umm, hi. So, how do you stay with me like Blarg's?" Saros said, slightly confused and very tired.

"Easy! All you have to do is pick me up!" it said happily.

"So, what's your name? Or do you have a name?"

"Yes, I do have a name! It's Dak. What's your name?"

"Saros...Okay Dak. Here we go..."

Saros picked up the green triangle, and was instantly taken inside it.

"So, how do you like it in here?" Dak said.

"It's nice." Saros said.

"Ok, good. Where are we goin'? I haven't been with you long enough to read your mind."

"The beach of Narmond, can I go to sleep?"

"Yes go ahead. I'll wake you when he get there."

"Thanx." Saros said sleepily. And he fell asleep.

(ooc: I want my orb to be nice! And triangular! It's cool!)

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09-12-2003, 01:58 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Geeble hiked down the base of the mountain and headed deep into the boolie jungle. It was morning in Crilas, but the crowded jungle would never let you know that. It was filled with darkness and the air was thick. It was hard to breath as everything was so close together. Geeble had to crawl on his hands and knees at times to get past the thick brush.

All of the sudden Geeble made it to somewhat of a clearing. It was still dark with leaning branches as a roof blocking the sun, but there was a huge meadow with tall grass and a large tree in the center. Geeble moved on. After hours of travel, Geeble was met by another huge clearing. Wait...it was the exact same place, only this time someone else was there. *insert gasp*

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09-12-2003, 12:52 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Meanwhile Blarg found himself woundering an ancient petrified city that was in ruins. Many of the inhabitants have fleed do to the presence of the nothing. He knew at one time he visited this once prosperous city. But it was a blur to him. Blarg was searching for his test that he began centarys ago but lost it and ever sinced searched the entire planet for it. He knew he was close. Just then he approached a small square in the center of the city and noticed some of the artwaork upon the walls of the ruins. Something struck like a bullet as he stared at each of the pictures.

Each picture depicted the very same events that Blarg and his friends have been through. The first showed Blarg finding Ronan and Geeble eating in the ancient forest of Mudos. Then the summoning of their quest by Cronen. As he kept looking down the row of art work he saw the destruction of Mudos and the finding of the book of Shrykull and the death of the Raison. The quest over the sea through the orb, The swamps of Shame on the Island of Morea and then the learning of everyones powers and finding of Morea to the point in which they fought the Oddragon and landed on this continent of Crilas where he saw each of his friend's individual tests. In each of the pictures Blarg was dipicted like a guide to the rest but they never depicted his destany like the other pictures. But in each painting was a dark omunious figure surrounding Blarg. He was cerious in this ancient socity's ability to see the events of time depicted through art work. Until he came to the last picture. It was covered in branches and vines and weeds.

Blarg then pulled them off the picture and lightening flashed the sky as thunder followed. In that instant the picture depicted Blarg and his destiny and his test inwhich he must fullfill in the will of the gathering. In the painting there was a beast of darkness a hell hound like creature that was almost reptilian, as its face appeared through a small cave. Blood stained the teeth of the creature as Blarg held a sharp rock to defend himself. The beast name which was shown underneath was Lemrock. Blarg finally knew that Lemrock was his arch enamy he must face to fullfill his test.

Suddenly Lightening flashed and in that instant the eyes of Lemrock appeared from a small cave off to side of Blarg just like painting.

Blarg fell back as he approched the beast. He started talking to it.

"Who are you?"

"I am the one sent to destroy you!" replied Lemrock

"Why you?"

"Because you are the threat to us!"

"Who are you really?"

Lightening flashed as the creature Lemrock stared him down and smiled with an evil look.

"I was sent by the Nothing to destroy you eons ago but I failed and you found the remaining gods of the gathering. I try to stop each but I failed. You are the Keeper thus you had to find your friends and you had to be stoped. And you did successfully. Now you face me Lemrock!"

"Why do you destroy?" yelled Blarg

"Because it is the Nothings will. Soon Oddworld and its inhabitants will be destroyed."

"What about you?"

"My existance is irrelivant. Oddworld is irrelevant because nobody cares anymore! The pethetic inhabitants have forgotten the past and now the void of darkness the Nothing will destroy them and I will let it happen."

Blarg fused with anger. "If its me you want, come for me Lemrock I am the creature Blarg!" yelled Blarg holding a sharp stone dagger.

Lightening flashed as Lemrock thrust himself out of the cave and attacked Blarg head on. In an instant Lemrock was killed. Blarg underneath the body of Lemrock pulled the stone dagger out of his chest and pushed him aside. Blarg got himself up as suddenly he saw the Nothing approaching the ancient town.

"I must return to the beach we have one more day until the sixth day. I hope they find their paths! Or the nothing will destroy us!" said Blarg to himself.

Blarg then flaped his wings like an insect and left the town headed back to Mt Cloor and the beach of Normod where his friends will be there. But suddenly a giant Melcron beast blocked his path as he started to fight it.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 09-12-2003 at 08:19 AM..
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09-12-2003, 02:12 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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Saros woke feeling very refreshed. He was in a green room, and it took a while to figure out where he was.

"OH, your up! Finally, I was lonley!" said Dak

"Sorry, I was really weak after using all that power..." Saros said with a yawn.

"It's ok, I was alone for a really long time anyway, what's another 4 days."

"4 DAYS! I slept for that long!"

"Yeah, I wasn't gonna wake you till we got there, but now that your up...you could teleport to get us there faster!"

"Ok, there's a small island over there, I can teleport the rest of the way to the Beach from there."

"Ok. Can do."

Dak landed softly on the rocky shore of the island, and soon after, Saros emerged feeling refreshed. Saros began to teleport, but something odd happened...he felt the "dark power" of the shadow-men surge through him. It was a piercing pain, as if someone had just stabbed him with a heated knife. He threw himself on the floor, and teleported...

Saros landed on the floor with a loud thud. He wasn't on the beach, he was in a dark cave. The green light emitted by Dak was missing, he wasn't there! Saros got up, and began to take a path as if he knew where he was going...down a long tunnle, up a flight of stairs, a right turn in the corridor, and then down a flight of stairs. This took him to a set of large black metal doors, with gaurds on each side.

"Who are you?" guard #1 said.

"Yeah, I don't think you belong here, magget!" said guard #2.

Saros grabbed guard #2 by the neck(with his jaw)and snapped it. Guard #1 tryed to stab him with his spear, but he too soon lay dead on the floor.

"This is where I belong!" said Saros evilly.

Saros opened the door, and entered.

Last edited by GrigtheSlig; 09-12-2003 at 06:16 AM..
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09-12-2003, 07:01 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Geeble hiked down the base of the mountain and headed deep into the boolie jungle. It was morning in Crilas, but the crowded jungle would never let you know that. It was filled with darkness and the air was thick. It was hard to breath as everything was so close together. Geeble had to crawl on his hands and knees at times to get past the thick brush.

All of the sudden Geeble made it to somewhat of a clearing. It was still dark with leaning branches as a roof blocking the sun, but there was a huge meadow with tall grass and a large tree in the center. Geeble moved on. After hours of travel, Geeble was met by another huge clearing. Wait...it was the exact same place, only this time someone else was there. *insert gasp*

"Who are you?" Geeble asked.

The thin brownish creature responded in it's scratchy voice. "I am a guide."

Geeble didn't trust whatever this thing was. He could tell by it's presence. "What would you guide me to?"

"Your destiny."

"What is my destiny?" Geeble asked curiously.

The creature was on all fours, but stood up to say this. "Your destiny is to die!" it screamed.

Geeble ran up to the creature and siezed it by the neck and pinned it against the tree. "I wouldn't make a threat like that, seeing as you're very small and....oh yeah, I could kill you right now!"

The creature laughed. "You can't find your way through this jungle without my help. I die, you die!"

Geeble threw the creature onto the ground."Well then...help me and I might spare your life."

"I don't help for free. We must play a game to see." The creature then laughed at it's little rhyme.

"What game?"

"The game of why is the only game I know, so it is the best. The rules are as follows." The creature then scurried off behind it's tree and pulled out a large piece of bark with writting on it. "You must read the agreement or you can't play."

Geeble picked up the piece of bark. It looked to be written in blood. "You've done this before, haven't you?"

"Eh, once or......eh..a thousand times! Yes! Thoasands of times, and I never lose!"

Geeble snorted at this, and read the agreement. The rules are, you must ask Goofuh(creature) a question and explain it. If you lie, you die. If you can't answer you die.

"Hmmmm, okay a question. Can you help me out of here?" Geeble asked starting the game.

"Why?" Goofuh asked as he snickered.

"Because I want to get out of here."


"Because I need to find my orb."


"So I can become a God."


"So I can destroy the nothing."


"So Oddworld will be peacefull again."


The game went on for hours. Goofuh was used to winning after a few questions, but he wasn't prepared for Geeble. After a long long time, Goofuh lost his voice. "I win! " Geeble said proudly!"

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09-13-2003, 02:48 AM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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Saros looked inside the door he had opened. Their were shadow-men in the hall behind the door. He walked in, and all looked at the Meech with great intrest. Their was a being, indiscribable in appearence, sitting upon a high throne. Saros walked up to it, and bowed.

"Where have you been?" said the Being

"Bidding my time, waiting for the right moment to strike." Saros said.

"Well good, i've been waiting for you, these creatures are weak and useless." said the Being, waving his hand in the direction of the Shadow-men.

"I killed your guards, outside the doors, they wouldn't let me in..." Saros said with a smile.

"I see you haven't lose your touch."

"Never, once you've had a taste of evil, you can't go back."

"Good, good. Where would you like to start? Want your old position back?" said the being, gesturing to the throne he sat on.

"I think i'd like some field work, at least at first, i'm in the payback mood."

"OK, do as you will, make sure that the rest of your group doesn't find out about Mudos not being destroyed, we don't want them screwing up our plans as usual. And I want a report as soon as your done, then you can take your place back here."

"I'll get back to you..." said Saros, teleporting.

Saros landed on the beach, Dak was waiting for him there.

"That was wierd, I couldn't follow you...where did you go?"

"I have know idea... I'll have to take to Geeble about it." said Saros.

And with that, they both were teleported in a flash of green light.

Last edited by GrigtheSlig; 09-12-2003 at 06:52 PM..
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09-13-2003, 07:33 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Originally posted by oddguy
"Who are you?" Geeble asked.

The thin brownish creature responded in it's scratchy voice. "I am a guide."

Geeble didn't trust whatever this thing was. He could tell by it's presence. "What would you guide me to?"

"Your destiny."

"What is my destiny?" Geeble asked curiously.

The creature was on all fours, but stood up to say this. "Your destiny is to die!" it screamed.

Geeble ran up to the creature and siezed it by the neck and pinned it against the tree. "I wouldn't make a threat like that, seeing as you're very small and....oh yeah, I could kill you right now!"

The creature laughed. "You can't find your way through this jungle without my help. I die, you die!"

Geeble threw the creature onto the ground."Well then...help me and I might spare your life."

"I don't help for free. We must play a game to see." The creature then laughed at it's little rhyme.

"What game?"

"The game of why is the only game I know, so it is the best. The rules are as follows." The creature then scurried off behind it's tree and pulled out a large piece of bark with writting on it. "You must read the agreement or you can't play."

Geeble picked up the piece of bark. It looked to be written in blood. "You've done this before, haven't you?"

"Eh, once or......eh..a thousand times! Yes! Thoasands of times, and I never lose!"

Geeble snorted at this, and read the agreement. The rules are, you must ask Goofuh(creature) a question and explain it. If you lie, you die. If you can't answer you die.

"Hmmmm, okay a question. Can you help me out of here?" Geeble asked starting the game.

"Why?" Goofuh asked as he snickered.

"Because I want to get out of here."


"Because I need to find my orb."


"So I can become a God."


"So I can destroy the nothing."


"So Oddworld will be peacefull again."


The game went on for hours. Goofuh was used to winning after a few questions, but he wasn't prepared for Geeble. After a long long time, Goofuh lost his voice. "I win! " Geeble said proudly!"

Goofuh jumped onto Geeble's face and latched on bitting and scratching away. Geeble pulled the creature off and threw it onto the ground. He then pinned Goofuh under his foot. "Show me the way out!"
Goofuh nodded. Geeble released Goofuh from under his foot and the creature scuried over to his tree. He did a combination of knocks and taps onto the bark and the tree opened up like a door. Geeble stepped inside the door and it sealed shut behind him.

There was a series of stairs that led down, down, down......then finally, a nice pulley platform. Geeble went up that and was met by a huge bubble type structure. The walls were clear and Geeble could see fish swimming past the windows. He was underwater! Then, out of nowhere, a booming voice spoke.
"To see if you are the real Geeble, we are conducting a series of tests and challenges that only the real Geeble could do. Have fun!"

With that said, Geeble was transported to a type of maze.
"This maze is filled with orange orbs....only one of them is yours. The rest will lead you to a horrible death....BEGIN!" the booming voice said acting as if this was completely normal.
"I can do this." Geeble said to himself.
Just then, a huge beast dropped down from the ceiling with a large fly-swatter.
"Oh yeah, and you have to defeat the beast at the same time." the voice stated. "Did I mention there's a time limit?"

Last edited by oddguy; 09-13-2003 at 11:35 AM..
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09-14-2003, 05:15 PM
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And so, from this spot we went our separate ways. I felt that I would need to investigate the mountaintop a bit more to find the orb. The blurgflyer queen seemed to me to be related to my Orb of Wisdom. I bid my friends good-bye and good luck, and teleported myself abruptly across to another mountaintop … or as close as I could get. My teleportation power was wearing thin, so I would have to hoof it up the last four miles.
But why walk it? I chanted and summoned an elum. I quickly mounted, and bucked his sides. He set off in the direction I had faced him.
After an uneventful hour (other than elum turning aside for honey a few times, which I remedied by calling down bees), I reached the summit.
It looked like something out of a nightmare. A dead flat, grassy-covered plain, which was broken only by five bent, jagged, lightning-scorched trees greeted my eyes. The sky overhead was pitch black, other than damp, dark gray clouds swirling menacingly over the center. It was odd, because the darkness broke off abruptly about ten feet out from the edge of the summit. This place felt as if it would be very important for the five of us someday. I sent the elum back down the mountain to feast on his honey while I started exploring.
Just over the far edge, I heard a bit of debris crumbling off. I crouched down for a closer look, and saw a small opening. Without a thought, I slipped down onto the ledge, and dropped down.
I could never believe what I saw. But I knew it had to be true.
I saw a sea of flowing, pulsing whiteness over the other side. It was surrounded by high rock walls holding it in. As I watched, the liquid looked more and more transparent. I saw, slowly, and eerily, faces of mudokons fowing through it! It was a river of souls!
"Gross!" was all I could say. At the sound of my voice, the souls instantly flew up out of the crater and flew about in a horrendous storm. They swarmed around me and clouded my vision. I heard screams and moans and cries.
"Ronan Sotch Termor!" came an ominous voice. I knew I was in for it; no one used my full name. Ever. "You seek the Orb of Wisdom, do you not?"
I could only shudder in the cold and damp of the souls surrounding me. I finally choked out: "Yes. I have reason to believe it is somewhere near this crater. Can you find a way to help me?"
The voice seemed amused, and about now I knew it was the collcective voice of all these souls. They must've been shamans in their life. "Perhaps I can, but then again ... perhaps I can't. It depends on what you can provide for me."
The souls thinned out a little bit so as to give me breathing room. I answered. "What is it you demand, Shamans of Years Past?"
Their appreciation of me increased with my formal questioning. But the thing they required of me was not any easier to accept afterward.
"We demand the blood of all your comrades to fall into this crater when it is filled with our souls. Do this, and the way to your orb will be opened."
I faltered here; how could I shed the blood of my fellows? "You expect me to kill my own friends just to obtain my orb?"
The voice laughed. "Yes. We want your closest companions to stand here and fall dying into this pit."
I was thunderstruck. "I cannot simply murder my friends! That's preposterous! I refuse!"
The voice got very mad at me. "We know that you are in need of the orb. And we also know that if you get it you will use it to achieve the power of The Odd. We cannot let a simple fool like you achieve a status it took us a lifetime to even begin to understand! It will not happen!"
The souls sped up and tightened around me. I found myself short on breath and fading ... what to do?
But then I got an idea!
"FINE!" I cried. "I'll do it! Allow me ten minutes to go and find them."
The souls disperesed and returned to their crater. "Fine. You have exactly ten minutes. Go, and be fast."
I promptly turned and marched back to the summit with the nightmarish trees. I stood in the immidiate center and chanted. Wind swirled around me, and it spread out into the trees, bringing them up and shaking them. Lightning crashed down onto my body, and I felt the same tugging as I did before fighting the Oddragon, but it was more profound. I felt my chest being pulled out and open, and feathers instantly sprouted all across the back of my head and down my shoulders. My skin turned pearly white and my arms and legs stretched longer, my muscles slightly bulging. My face slightly elongated, and I knew it was complete. The first part of my transformation was completed (ooc: like Saros' wings so many days ago) while a storm raged around me.
Meanwhile, the trees split and melted. I had made them into shells of my companions: Blarg, Geeble, Saros, and Lammy. The last tree smouldered and burned, as feathers scattered around around. I chanted again to regrow the trees (I never liked seeing dead trees sitting around), and led my living duplicates back down to the crater.
"Shamans of Years Past!" I called summoning them up. Like before, they spiraled up out of the crater and whirled about.
"You bring your friends, ready for sacrifice?" the voice said, surprised. "You were able to caonjur up your friends so soon?"
"Yes, Wise Ones. I will now sacrifice them to you." And so I lined them up along the craters edge, and drew my trusty slingshot from weeks ago in the capitol. (ooc: check back, it's there) I summoned a ball of lightning as ammunition and fired it off. I had tweaked it so that it split into four equal parts after being launched, and they did.
NOW! I raised my right paw up toward the mass of souls, and the lightning turned sharply upward and into the mass. One soul was struck, and the energy quickly spread throughout the whole group. I instantly knew I was going to be in for a world of pain, and so I gritted my teeth and held my breath.
I felt a sharp pain all over, and then ... blackness.

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09-15-2003, 12:44 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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oddguy  (10)

I was bored, so I thought I would draw Geeble. Whaddya tink?

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09-15-2003, 11:45 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

Thats pretty good Oddguy. I think I will do the same with Blarg so all of ya see what he looks like too.


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09-15-2003, 06:22 PM
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Ohh ... now I gotta draw Ronan! No fair! I can't draw mudokons ... welll, not really. I'll try it, though.

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09-16-2003, 12:39 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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I look at my drawing now and I think I could've done it better. Oh well, I guess I'm my own worst critic.


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09-18-2003, 10:23 PM
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WHAT HAPPENED TO THE STORY? I don't want to go on with mine yet, so someone reply!

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09-19-2003, 07:26 PM
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I felt a sharp pain all over, and then ... blackness.

I felt myself soaring high above the clouds. It seemed as though I was flying in a million diffrent directions at the same time. I felt like I was a bird. Like I was a dozen birds.
And that is what I was. The birds--my body--came together and merged, revealing my true body (ooc: my transformation). I hit the ground with a thud, and looked around.
I was in a dimly lit chamber. The soul source of light was a fire in the center. I saw a mudokon wearing a long bird mask over his front. Big Face!
"Ronan Sotch Termor. It's about time."
I stumbled. "Uhm... yeah. Aren't you ... dead? Weren't you alive when Abe was?"
He sighed. "Now is not the time for pointless questioning. I must do my work quickly, as my power is fading. Give me your paws."
And so I extended the back of my hands. With a painful jolt of energy, the legendary Scars of Abe were etched into my skin!

(if this were a movie, there would be one of those fancy scene transitions here)

Lammy felt it first. The backs of his paws tingled ...

Saros felt a sharp sting on his back.

Geeble's paws ached.

Blarg felt his arms twitching, as if electrified.

(we all have the scars now. cue transition.)

The Big Face was fading fast.
"I have done my work, Ronan Sotch Termor. Use the scars to find your Orb of Wisdom ... good luck ..."
And he was gone.
I sat and pondered a bit. How had he gotten there?
Duh. Spooce lock between the spirit world and here. He must've been low on credit by now, after all of his hard work for Abe.
After a while I stood and chanted. My hands burned, and my body stretched and ripped open into the body of the Shrykull! Blue Rage seeped through me .... and when it subsided, I saw a sky blue diamond hovering two feet above the ground.
The Orb .... Diamond of Wisdom!
"Ronan Sotch Termor--" why do people keep calling me that?!--"has come. He requires my strength to proceed, does he not?"
"Are you talking to yourself, or ...?"
The Diamond trembled. "Do not mock me, or I will make you suffer. I know your power, I know my power, and I know what we can do together. But do not disrupt our balance, or your life will suffer nothing but utter discord and chaos."
Then I was surprised by a blatant, idiotic remark: "Now get it together, bonehead."
I couldn't help it. I laughed. And laughed. And laughed. After all that serious talk, my Diamond turned out to be a goon. Sure, he knew everythin there was to know--as I could tell--but, it was really just a big dope.
"All right, buddy--"
"Buki, not Buddy."
I stuttered. "Uhh .... right. Buki. We gotta get back to the meeting place shortly. Why don't me get a move on?"
Buki seemed to agree. "Alrighty then. Close your eyes ...."
I was instantly refreshed and standing in the meeting place we had agreed on.

(okay I have my orb ... or diamond. if saros can have a triangular one, Ronan can have a diamond one.)

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09-20-2003, 07:29 PM
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Now Saros and Dak were finally at the Beach! Saros was worried about his friends! They were supposed to have met here 2 days ago! But he felt calm about them living, and he knew he'd feel it if they died. He was tired and was bored! Listening to Dak whine was not what he wanted to here...

Dak: "I'm so tired of waiting here Saros! Can we go!"
Saros: "Dak, i've told you! We can't do anything until the rest of 'us' get here."
Dak: "The ocean is nice, but i prefur mountains! Can I go look at mountains?"
Saros: I thought that you couldn't leave me by myself...that you were bound to me..."
Dak:"Yeah, that's still true! Can we go look at mountains?"
Saros: "No..."
Dak: "PLEASE!"
Saros: "Leave me alone right now, Dak..."

Finally, Saros got up and threw a ball of flames at him, it bounced off.
Dak: "Dude! Sorry! I didn't know you were mad enogh to kill me!"

There was a bright flash of orange light, and Geeble was standing there, with a staff that glowed orange at the top. Geeble seemed to look the same, exept for the tatto's that were all over his body, and he looked tired!

Geeble: "That's not Saros, do not speak to it! Saros has been possessed!"
Saros:*evil voice* "I knew you'd all find out sooner or later, I was hoping you'd come one at a time!," *evil laugh*"Come to me Geeble, I will rip your throat out!"

Geeble grabbed his staff in one hand and a possession orb in the other, and leapt into the air towards Saros. Geeble threw the possession orb, but Saros dodged it. Saros was ready for Geeble's next move,(or thought that he was) he jumped in the air and was about to land on Geeble for his final blow, but Geeble lifted his staff, and Saros was floating in the air...

Saros:*evil voice* "Let me go, Geeble, i'm not finished! Your body will be ripped to pieces and..."
Geeble then silenced him with a wave of his hand. When Geeble started to chant...
Saros's body began to squirm, flail, and he was shaking. Geeble was de-possessing him! A shadow began to crawl out of Saros, lke sludge. It was screaming! Slowly, the creature was climbing it's way out of Saros. Geeble was getting tired, and finally the shadow-man jumped out of Saros and began to atack Geeble! Saros fell to the ground with a thump, and he was himself.
Saros: *no evil voice* "What's going on?"

Geeble hit the shadow-man with his staff, and shoved it in him, glowing side up. The shadow-man burst into flames, and exploded! He sat down on the beach, and smiled.

Saros: "That was amazing! How did you do that? And where's your orb?"
Geeble: "It's right there." Geeble pointed up.
Geeble's orb: "Hello!" It was very small, and had a high pitched voice.
Dak: "Hello Foob! Long time, no see!"
Saros:" So, how did you get you'r orb?"
Geeble smiled and began to tell his story.

(ooc: YEAH! Go Dave! I like your diamond! 'Tis cool!)

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09-21-2003, 03:11 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Geeble: "Yes, well I had found my way to a maze filled with orange orbs; only one was mine, the rest would lead me to a horrible death. On top of that, I was being chased bt a huge demon with a large flyswatter and there was a time limit. I never thought I would make it. Anyway, in the midst of lookin for a weapon of some kind, I found a staff. It was useless, but there was an inscription on it that said it belonged to Geeble and Foob. This took me a while to read, since I was being chased around constantly. Once I read that, I could see that there was an opening at the top of my new found staff. It was very small, so I figured Foob was my orb and that he would fit in the top of the staff. That was when the real searching for my orb began. I was in a maze, so I ran all over the place, trying to fight off a demon and beat the time limit. Finally, I found the smallest orange orb there and I knew at once it was mine."

Saros: Very cool....when I found my orb I--

Foob interupted Saros in his sqeaky voice.

Foob: " Listen buddy! Geeble hasn't finished his story! Eh, I'll finish it! Anyway, once I was joined with the staff, which is quite comfy, I became powerfull enough to destroy demon guy. That's how we got Mr. shadow man outta ya, Saros!"

Saros was annoyed, but couldn't stay mad long. Foob's voice was soo cute!

Saros: Thanx guys! I'm glad I'm my old self again! Anyway, when I was possessed, I remember some stuff.

Geeble: Mudos isn't destroyed. yes, I know. The evil is going to use it for something in it's final phase.


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09-22-2003, 03:14 PM
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Saros: So, where's everyone else? Lammy, Ronan, Blarg? Where? It's been 2 days since we were supposed to meet... I only got here fastert than everyone else because the evil wanted me here, by myself with Blarg, so I could kill him. That way we could never complete the circle... our missions would be doomed, and it almost happened because of me...

Dak: Don't beat yourself up, everything's ok now, and you and Geeble screwed up the shadow's plans, so that's good, isn't it?

Geeble stood up, and began to walk with his staff.

Geeble: Well, I suggest we find Blarg, and quickly, he may be in some danger...

His staff began to glow orange.

Foob: Why, i'm, sure he's fine... do you have to walk, your tired! You should just rest, or you could get in and I'll carry you around and look for Blarg...

Geeble: Okay... Saros, you can ride in your and we'll split up...

Geeble held his staff firmly, and the orange square inside started to grow until it was the size of a shoebox, then Geeble started to shrink smaller and smaller until he fit inside...

Saros did the same with Dak, and they began the search for Blarg.

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09-22-2003, 08:41 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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Here is what my character looks like!: I will reply to this when I get back from work tonight.

In the mean time take a look at Blarg.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	mvc-005f.jpg
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ID:	1198  

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09-22-2003, 10:04 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Great work PA! You're obviously a more advanced artist than mwah! I'd like to take a course on art.


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09-22-2003, 11:16 PM
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NICE WORK PA! So, how tall is he? 3 feet, or 5 feet? I couldn't figure it out...

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09-23-2003, 03:49 AM
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He is about 5ft and hovers around like a humming bird when he is out of his orb of course. Thanks guys for your comments.

Anyway back to story.

Suddenly out of the mist a beast emerged fighting Blarg as they were approaching the beach. It was Melcron and it was enormous.

"Theres Blarg yelled everyone. But whats he fighting?"

The beast blew fire onto Blarg as he took some of his powers that his friends havent yet learned and created a shield around himself.

"You shall not pass!" Blarg yelled

The beast raged on and swiped at Blarg hovering around it.

Suddenly Blarg used the energy of the shield and projected it on the creature as everyone looked on in amazement at what Blarg was doing. In an instant the beast was destroyed. Blarg went tumbling to the ground weakon temporarely from his ordeal. as his friend came comming to his aid.

"What was that Blarg?"

"That was Lemrock my ancient enamy that I had to face." as Blarg sat gasping for breath. "I see you found your orbs."

"Lemrock would have destroyed all of you but I took care of him. He was sent by the nothing to destroy you and the orbs of power. But I killed him." Blarg explaned

Last edited by paramiteabe; 09-22-2003 at 07:56 PM..
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09-23-2003, 01:09 PM
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(ooc: Just Geeble and Saros are at the beach right now...Ronan is somewhere, and Nobody's written about Lammy finding his orb... where's hobo? I guess if he doesn't come soon we'll have to just make Lammy come with his new orb. Oh yeah, does Blarg's orb have a name?)

Saros: So, what was that new thing that you just did? I don't think that's new, because you allready have your orb...have you been withholding information?

Blarg: No, I didn't tell you guys for my protection...not to make you mad at me! I'm sorry, but if you want to learn now, I can show you guys...

Geeble: You should show everyone at the same time... that way you don't have to do it twice. And Blarg, don't keep information to yourself, none of us kept anything from you...

Blarg: I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd react this way... will you forgive me?

Saros: Yeah, I forgive you...

Geeble: Yes, same here...

Blarg: Anyway, tell me what happened in the days we were separated...

So, Saros and Geeble told Blarg about what had happened in the days that they were appart, and told him how they got their orbs...

Blarg: Wow, so Saros was possessed?

Saros: Yeah... it wasn't my fault, well, actually it was, but I didn't know that would happen... Oh yeah, Mudos is not distroyed! I've been there! It has been overthrown by the evil, so I think we should go back and claim it again...

Blarg: Well, are you sure it's not distroyed?

Geeble: Yes, we have both meditated on this, and Mudos is not gone... we need to get it back, but not right away...we need to get stronger before we just go to Mudos and attemt to save it... but it's on the list...

Just then, Ronan appered behind them, as if he had been their the whole time, they all turned around...

Saros: Whoa! When did you get here?

Ronan: Umm, just now...

Geeble: We are almost complete, but where's Lammy?

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09-23-2003, 05:55 PM
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"The reason I havent told you about my power you saw was because each of you have a similar ultimate power but each is different. I possess the shield ability. What happens is I summon all of my element abilities as one to form a bubble around me then I release the energy. Each of you have an ultimate power such as I But you cannot use it until you have controled all of your abilties as one force. You are just learning of your abilities. Once you do that you may create your special ultimate force. I chose the shield for myself. You like I in time will be able to craft your own ultimate ability. The reason I can is because Ive had these powers for eons when I found my orb. We have the abilities of a god but we are mortal thus we are not gods so that is the limitation. When we find the sord of Darkon we will become gods."

"I shall teach all of you how to craft your own ultimate power in time. Learn from your orbs for they are your mentors."

"My orb has no name. It is the one of the five that is known as the orb of no name. Still I wounder why?" said Blarg. "It is also the most stubern of them all. Its just a black ball who is my mentor and my transport. Your orbs are very similar. They are your mentors and your transports."

"Blarg where is your orb?" asked Saros.

Blarg closed his eyes as his black round orb apeared out of thin air.

"If you concentrait you can store your orb within a safe relm thats surrounds your saul." as Blarg was playing with his orb along his arm. He then closed his eyes and his orb went back to his relm.

"Oh thats where it goes!"

Last edited by paramiteabe; 09-23-2003 at 10:11 AM..
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09-23-2003, 09:34 PM
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Ronan: So ... that'd save a bit of trouble carrying these things around.

Geeble: Yeah ... but I like my staff. It's fun to mess around with!

Geeble then paraded about, brandishing the staff like a swordsman. It was pretty funny to watch.

Blarg: Yes. But if our good friend Lammy does not return to us soon, we might have a small issue ... Ronan? Know anything?

I shrugged, and thought for a moment. Thoughts and images came to me from Lammy's mind.
I saw him struggling through a dark, jungle-like area. It reminded me sadly of Necrum. He left behind a long trail of slashed vines and small creatures in pain. It was clear that he knew what he sought, and exactly what lay ahead of him ... but not how to reach his destination.
I related this to my companions, and they tensed a bit.

Saros: Should we help him? I mean, he is one of us. We can't exactly leave him out there!

Blarg and I shook our heads. I knew our thoughts were the same.

Blarg: I am sorry, Saros. But it is not up to us to find his orb. He needs to reach it himself, or else all will fail.

We sat around for a few hours, kicking around. We soon grew hungry, and Saros went and found some meat and we ate. We drank from the tide pools; the water was bitter, but refreshing.

Geeble grew bored.

Geeble: I want to know something. If each of us has specific powers, but don't know what they are, then how can we even uncover them?

Ronan was confused briefly by the words, but quickly caught up with him.

Ronan: I ... think that the powers will only come to us after much trial and meditation. I do believe that the Book of Shrykull does have much of what we need to learn. But seeing as we have all read it--and we have some limited power over the Shrykull--we should be readily able to perform our skills.

Saros: That's all well and good, but what of the Sword of Darkon? Is it really a sword? Who gets to weild it?

Ronan: Err ... yes it is a sword. We will all need to be able to use it, and well, but ... grr! I was hoping it would be my weapon!

Geeble: What? Who's weapon? We get weapons?

Ronan: Yes. The Sword of Darkon is part of ... a set. Much like our orbs, they are well hidden, and to each weapon is a weilder. The Sword goes to--believe it or not--Lammy.

General uproar.

Ronan: Look, I know it seems unfair ... but I can see it. The Sword of Darkon rightfully belongs to Lammy. I can see Saros with a sort of firearm, but ... I can't say ... the Bow of Darkon. It is like a spoocebow. I ... see Geeble with the Axe of Darkon. Blarg has the Scimitar, and I .... no way!!

Everyone looked confused.

Saros: What is it?

I pulled out my trusty slingshot.

Ronan: This will become the Shot of Darkon.

All of us looked down at it. It was crafted from the jaw of a young scrab and an elastic-like plant. How could such a typical weapon become something so great?

(ooc: well, i tried to unravel a bit of the mystery around the Weapons of Darkon. Sword, Scimitar, Axe, Bow, and Shot. whatever, i tried.

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09-23-2003, 10:48 PM
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(occ: Hey, I like that idea of the weppons of darkon! Great idea...but, do Meeches have arms? If they don't, i'm gonna have to get them before I get my bow...)

Saros: That's fine with me, i'm not into the whole sword thing....I like the Bow thing, but how doI use it? I have no arms!

Ronan: Well, in my vision, you have small arms...maybe you have one more thing to do before you can get arms...

Geeble: Hmmm, and axe sounds good, but I wanted the sword...

Blarg: Well, I think that everyone wanted the sword, besides Saros, but if it's Lammy's, than we can't do anything about it...

Geeble: So, what are we to do until Lammy comes?

Saros: I think we should look for him...

Blarg and Ronan: NO, we can't!

Saros: But what if he's hurt!

Ronan: He's not, we'd all feel it...

Geeble: Well, if he doesn't get here soon, we'll have to move on...

(occ: Hey, if hobo doesn't write how Lammy got his orb soon, we should write it for him...)

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09-23-2003, 11:57 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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(ooc: Hey...hobo is a busy man, becoming RPG mod and all. I'm sure he'll come back soon.)

Everyone but Lammy waited at the beach. They all were sitting around a nice fire and eating roast paramite in a circle, telling stories and having a good time.

Blarg: This is delicious, but you know the creature we're eating is sacred.

Geeble: Yeah, well I haven't had a good eat in a while and if a couple of paramites loose their lives to aid us in the saving of OW, it's a noble death!

Everyone laughed.

Then all of the sudden an image of the Almighty Raisin apeared in the fire and began to speak immediately with his booming voice.

Raisin: You all must leave for the quest of the weapons of Darkon tomorrow!

Geeble: WE must leave Lammy behind?

Raisin: Lammy's quest has lead him off this island. He will rejoin with you all at a later time.

Saros: So, you're saying we've wasted our time waiting for Lammy when when he's been off somewhere else?!

Raisin: Hey, I figured you guys could use some rest and good food. By the way, I sent that paramite to feed you all, so you can thank me for that.

Ronan: I knew something was up when Saros came back with food and he didn't have any arms!

Raisin: Anyway...I'll be needing the books of Shrykul. You guys are done with them and you're ready to move on to the next volume.

Geeble: There's another set of Shrykul books?!

Geeble toosed the Books of Shrykul into the shape of Raisin in the fire and they dissapeared.

Raisin: Here's the next set. You each get your own book. But do not open them yet! I will return and tell you when to open them.

Out of the fire 4 books flew out and landed safely on the sand.

Raisin: Lammy allready has his book, so don't worry. I'll return to you all in good time. Until then, do what I have said and leave tomorrow.


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09-24-2003, 03:31 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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At that moment Blarg forcefully was teleported into his orb for his orb teleportrd him. Everyone was confused why he teleported himself into his orb.

"Not again orb please what is it?" yelled Blarg.

The voice of his orb spoke.

"Blarg....Blarg I summon you here for a purpose!"

"Nobody summons Blarg! not even you!" yelled Blarg at his orb. "Why did you teleport me?"

"You are on the verge of your destany!"

"I thought I knew my destany orb."

"So you did in one aspect but there is more to you than meets the eye. nobody has sensed it but I know of it."


"The Nothing is merely a tool used by an even greater threat. As you know it consumes Oddworld but whos behind the curtain Blarg? That is what you seek. your quest does not end at the weapons of darkon and the downfall of the nothing. There is evil far greater then anything you or the rest of the gathering and existance have ever comprehended. A force of astronomical proportion. Your friends will learn of this in due time Blarg." explaned his orb.

"Can I tell them?"

"You cannot until the right time. It is too dangerous to explan this to the rest of the gathering for you and the gathering are still mortal with the powers of gods. If you were to explain this to them they won't believe you and the Gathering will be split. and the truth will be out thus sending each of you into oblivion."

"Orb the Raison told us of Lammey and other books of the Shrykull. what should I do?"

"Follow that path For I am the one whome sent the Raison to all of you. Follow the directions the Raison gave each of you. But when the time comes I will let you know when you should share this information."

"Why me Orb what is so special about me orb? If you told me of this greater threat couldn't I be sent into oblivion?"

"Blarg you are special because you are the Keeper. The one whome holds the answers of the future. You can handle such knowledge. The others can't only the Keeper keeps the future with himself until it is time to share. and that is your job."

"Orb for once you make sense I owe you my gratitude but I can't keep this secret from my friends surely there must be some other way!"

"If you don't follow my plans then procede to your way to Oblivion!"

Suddenly Blarg was struck by red light as he felt pain move through his body. He yelled in pain.

"I accept your terms I accept!"

"Very good now go and do not mention this to anyone until it is time. If you do not the fate of everything will be at risk. and you will live the rest of eternaty wishing you dident."

Blarg teleported back to the beach as his orb circled him and went into his saul relm. Everyone was confused.

"What was that all about Blarg?"

Blarg looked at Saros and said. "Nothing it was nothing I..I needed to speak with my Orb about some matters of our situation. Sorry about that."

But Blarg Knew what really went on in his orb for something loomes over head like a storm for the future is in the hands of the Keeper. But what could this mean for the Gathering and existance?

(You guys are doing awesome this new threat I am talking about is in part 2 let me explan it later. It will be sort of like the next level in this RPG. I sort of wanted to give this real edgy feel for as we get near the end of part 1 like Blarg's orb has shown him the future and it looks nasty. Um your guys will learn this too in due time but for now whats stick with the main plot you were going with. But make your characters sort of suspicious of Blarg's behavior. eventually your orbs will give clues to this but not fully explain in detail as Blarg's orb did.

The reason being is because Blarg is the Keeper. He withholds the future naturally. This is just an update on where we are with this. we are getting close to the end of part 1 there will be a huge battle on Mudos of demons and left over inhabitants. The battle will be loss thus spliting the Gathering up across more of Oddworld Then part 2 and so on. So this can take up to a whole year when we are all set and done. But thats what RPG'S are suppose to be like. An expiernence and new people are most certainly welcome as we get into more depth when we get to part2. I am going start makeing the feel to this more serious as we venture further into this. I got the inspiration from Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring. Part 2 will be sort of like Two Towers where the Gathering is split and we are off in pares in remote places of Oddworld but trying to get back together as the adventure unfolds. When we get back we will be the gods we mention in part 1. Lets give a catch the weapons and our orbs. Because we just learning this it will be awhile until defeat the big threat which we don't know yet but will in the other levels. We will be able to defeat the nothing without becomeing the One. That can be resolved through our powers.

Each of us will be faced with personal problems to why we won't turn into the gods we were. My character is starting to see that. Yours will follow. And each of us will be faced with decisions that will mold the story together. There will be battles that ultimately lead to the big one. But we will be able to defeat the Nothing in the first level. I just dident want to end there so I came up with this idea. Just like Wizard of OZ where theres somebody controling the Nothing.

Lets just say we have a very unfriendly future that awaits all of us not only us but individually aswell. You will see When this thread gets really big I will start a new thread and procede from there. That is where we stand. Just a little preview of what to write about or what to expect.)


Last edited by paramiteabe; 09-24-2003 at 03:24 AM..
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09-24-2003, 03:25 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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Saros was very suspicious of Blarg, ever since he didn't tell them of the shielding power that he had... Saros knew Blarg was hiding something, but he just didn't know what...

Saros: Hey Blarg, I need to talk to you...it's important...

Blarg: Saros, I don't feel like it right now...

Saros shot thought's into his brain like arrows...

Saros: ~Blarg, I need to talk to you! I know your hiding something, so you better tell me what it is!~

Blarg: Okay, i'll talk to you...

Geeble: Well, while you two are out, why don't you get us some fresh water?

Saros: OKay, perfect.

SO Saros and Blarg went into the forest of the island to find a nice place to get water...

Saros: (walking) So, what was that really about?

Blarg: (walking) I already told you, I was just talking to my orb...

Saros: (walking) I don't believe you! You've been withholding information lately! Are you a spy for the shadow-men? Have you been working for them the whole time? Are you a traitor?

Blarg: (stopped) Saros, you know i'm not working for the Shadow-men... it's just something that I can't tell anyone...

Saros: (walking) Whatever... I want some answers and I want them now!

Blarg: (running to catch up) OKay, fine, I can't tell you everything, but i'll tell you as much as I can...

So Blarg told some of what his orb said...

Said by Blarg's orb...You cannot until the right time. It is too dangerous to explan this to the rest of the gathering for you and the gathering are still mortal with the powers of gods. If you were to explain this to them they won't believe you and the Gathering will be split. and the truth will be out thus sending each of you into oblivion." Suddenly Blarg was struck by red light as he felt pain move through his body. He yelled in pain.
Saros: (walking) How do you know what your orb isn't lying... i've been suspicious of it the whole time...

Blarg: (laughing) You suspicious of everything...

Saros: (stopped) I'm serious... I had a dream the other night, and ever since i've not trusted your orb...

Blarg: (stopped) Tell me your dream...

Saros: (walking again) We have to find the water...

Blarg: (walking) I summon water, to lead us to a clean source...

An arrow of water zoomed towards blarg, but he did not flinch, it hung in the air until he began to follow it...

Saros: (running) I'll talk to you when we reach the water...

So they ran to the water, which was a few miles away...when they finally got to the water, it was a waterfall! So they sat down by the clean pool, and talked.

Saros: I'll send a message to the rest of the group to tell them we're okay...

So he sat there for a second, and spoke to Geeble...

Saros: ~We're okay, we're gonna stay here for tonight, we'll bring the water tomorrow, or teleport it now if you like...~

Geeble: ~Well, we do need some water...send it now if you can, and then stay there and rest...see you two tomorrow...~

Saros: (aloud) They want us to send some water by teleportation...

So they did that, made sure they got it, and then relaxed...bathed in the clean pool, and talked...

Blarg: So, about your dream... you never told me what it was about...

Saros: Okay, i'll tell you... in my dream, I saw a bright white light, it looked like an orb to me, the purest orb. In my dream, I knew it was yours... the leaded of the orbs. But then, I saw that it was stolen, and replaced with a black sphere... the orb you possess now. I saw them make it, they made it like a real orb in every way... but it is still evil at heart. The shadow-men made it, to confuse you and eventually destroy you, and the rest of us... We have to do something Blarg, my dream was too real to ignore. That's why I asked if your orb had a name the other day, because all of the orb's knew each other, and Dak (my orb) said that he's never seen that one... and that he was wondering where the white one was... I think he called it...Galathon. I told him that it was probably Lammy's... but he said that Lammy was to have the Yellow orb, not the white one...So, what do we do? Do you believe my dream?

Blarg: Well, I have no idea what to do, I believe what your saying, deep in my heart I knew it myself, my present orb is not mine... but I do not know how to handle this... i've always been with my orb, but how do I...

Blarg's orb came painfully out of him, Blarg yelled in pain and anger, and stood up...

Blarg's Orb: Well, isn't this interesting... Blarg the forgotten, and Saros, the dead one, finally figuring out what I am...how cute...

Blarg flinched at the name his orb had used for him, but spoke powerfully to it...

Blarg: Why have you decieved me all these years? You are not one of the 5 orbs! Without the 5th one, our missions are useless! I command you to leave and never return...

Blarg's Orb: It's not so simple, Blarg the idiot... the shadow-men made me well, too well infact... they linked me with your life source, and to get rid of me, you'll have to kill me!

Saros: Your a lair! The shadow-men don't have the power to do such things...

Blarg's Orb: Saros the embicile, you know nothing about the shadow-men... you had a visit with the lord of the shadow-men recently, but he was not as powerful as the spirit that infested your body, the true lord of the shadow-men...

Saros: That it should grieve you to find that he is dead! Geeble our companion(not in that way) killed the beast himself...

Blarg's Orb: Stupid lowlifes, you do not understand the power of the shadows... he teleported out of you and replaced what you had inside you with a lowly minnion...can you not tell the difference? Now he is back, ruling the underground, surface, and all of Mudos.... He is a master of magik, and he connected me with this discusting creature... *points at Blarg*

Blarg: You are an imposter! You have no right to take the place of one of the 5 orbs! They are sacred, and you are filth! *spit's on orb* If you do not leave willingly, I will have to....

Blarg's Orb: DO what? You can't kill me! I can't be killed unless you die! It was brilliant the way the Master made me!

Saros: (speaking to Blarg) Unless you die, the gathering has no purpose... and if you live, with that abomination *points at orb with leg*, the gathering has no purpose... What do we do?

Blarg's Orb: You can do nothing! *laughing* Your little "mission" is over! Mudos is ours, and your little attempts to get it back are useless! But... you could join the shadow-men... we realize that you do have some power...not much, but enough to make you worth something...what do you think? My master has told me that he would love to share your body, Saros... he says tat he hasn't felt that much power in ages...

Blarg: Well, we'll never join you! None of us! Why would we want to work for something that we should be fighting against?

Blarg's Orb: Well, Saros, what is your answer? You've joined us before, why not again?

Saros: I was not a willing participant! HE stole my body, as he always does! Tell him that i'm through! I'm never working for him again!

Blarg's Orb: But, don't you remember? You used to like it... Do you know what Saros was in his past life, Blarg?

Saros: Don't tell him, I have repented of that, it's behind me!

Blarg's Orb: He was once a willing slave to my master... he ruled at the top of the shadow-men, killing at will, for plesure... no-one know's if it was him that was doing all of this , or my beloved master.He has always been a meech in body... But Minkae, as he was previously called, regained control of his body, and crippled the shadow-men by half! We thought that our time was over... but it was not the end... One of the higher rainking shadow-men stepped up, and brought everything back to normal, as good as he could...but it was not the same... My master's spirit followed Minkae to his death... but soon after, three meech's eggs were laid in a dying meech's nest, she covered them with twiggs and hay, and crawled away, so her children wouldn't have to see her dead body... Minkae's spirit inhabited one of these lonley meech eggs, and hatched, along with his brothers... He kept the name Minkae... He hunted with them, protected them, stayed with them, they were his family... and life was perfect. Until, the glukkons started to gather up the meech's to make their insygnificant snacks... his brother's were taken to be made into meech munchies, but he hid in a secret cave, and was never caught, as you can see... He blamed himself for not protecting his brothers, and he changed his name to Saros. He changed his life from there, and now he think's that he's important! *laughs*But my master never stopped following him, and the day he stole the power of the shadow-men, he left an opening to let my master in... but now Geeble has sealed it up... Minkae, please don't kid yourself, your every bit as bad as you used to be... just come and join me, and you would have to deal with the burden of helping your friends...

Saros: (weeping, but still strong) Do not call me that name! My name is Saros! My life is different, this is a new life, and I am over the power thing, I have enough on my own... I do not have to be taken over and used by a more useless creature than I am! Good is stronger than evil! I will not join you, now and forever!

Blarg's Orb: Oh, well, than I have no choice... master will be dissapointed, but you can only do what you can...

Blarg's Orb began to swell, big enough to fit all of Blarg's friends without having to shrink them... Blarg and Saros began to talk in eachother's minds...

Blarg: ~I'm sorry Saros, but now isn't the time to cry... what do we do?~

Saros: (recovering from his crying) ~It's up to you... either we both die, then it go's after the rest of them, or... I can try to do something... you just relax... don't move... I will try to dissconnect it's link to you... but you will not me able to fight it after i'm done... you will be weak... I might not be able to kill it after I unconnect you from it, but I will try... If I die... try to save the world without me...~

Blarg: ~You can do it Saros, I trust you, and I know you won't die, your too strong, you can handle it...~

Blarg laid down on the ground, and stayed as still as he possibly could... Meanwhile, Saros was talking to Blarg's Orb...

Saros: Orb, if you can catch me alive... you can take me to your master... but you cannot kill my friends, if and when I join you... deal?

Blarg's Orb: (unawair of the plan) Deal! (A paper and quill popped out of thin air) You must sign... I will give you a head start... make's it more fair, and more fun!

Saros looked down at the paper, read it, and signed it... Saros then began to run, and focus on disconnecting the evil orb from Blarg...

But back where Blarg's Orb was, he was still waiting to give Saros a head start... Blarg sat up abruptly and shouted...

Blarg: I summon ICE! *pointing at his orb*

The already cold water of the waterfall came and wrapped itself around his orb... Blarg then laid back down calmly...

Blarg's Orb: (being covered in ice, but that doesn't mean it can't talk, orb's always talk telepathicly) Oh yes, I forgot you were here, I told Minkae that I wouldn't kill his friends...if I caught him! And since I haven't caught him yet, that mean's I can kill you! But first I must melt this ice...

Blarg's orb began to glow red... the ice was melting rapidly, and Blarg was affraid...but didn't speak to it, or move a muscle... Finally the ice was completly melted off...

Blarg's Orb: Any lasy words?

Blarg did nothing, he appered to be sleeping...

Blarg's Orb: Oh well, you don't get to use them then...

A ball of fire flew from somewhere, and hit Blarg's Orb, and knocked it against a tree...it was damaged, but not too much...

Blarg's Orb: SO, you're going to kill your friend to save yourself? Sounds like the Minkae I knew...

Saros: (breathing heavily) You...know...nothing...about...me!

He took of his camoflauge, and he stood there, looking sweaty and pale...

Blarg's Orb: Well, there your wrong... I just told Blarg your whole backstory, and...

He was hit again with another fireball...then a lightning bolt...Blarg's Orb was hurt, and now was ready to fight back...

Blarg's Orb: You think you can kill me? Blarg is stronger than you think Minkae...

Saros: It's not Blarg i'm killing... it's you!

Saros shot a arrow of fire towards him...

Blarg's Orb: Your powers are getting weaker... my master said you were strong... but a few fire balls and a lightning blot and your outta juice? You deserve to die... your so weak...

Blarg's Orb hit Saros with the red light he had used earlier on Blarg... Saros was picked up by the electrafying force of it, and was screaming...

Blarg's Orb: See? This is what happens when you mess with the "big boys"!

But to the suprise of Blarg's Orb, Saros was laughing...

Saros: (laughing) You... are... now longer... conected with...Blarg...

Then Saros began to change... He grew mascuan arms, with bulging muscules... he regained his strength, and blocked the red light...

Blarg's Orb: Hmmm, so you do have some power...

Saros: Too much for you!?

Blarg's Orb: Of course not...

Saros sent a bolt of lightning down once more, but now he was fueled, not weak... it hit Blarg's Orb with a flash, and it exploded...Saros sent a message to Geeble:

Saros: ~Come get us, we're in the forest...~

And Saros fainted...

Last edited by GrigtheSlig; 09-24-2003 at 07:31 AM..
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09-24-2003, 03:44 PM
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(OOC: Sorry guys, I can't take part anymore, PA have Lammy. I lost the plot and have alot of school work and Mod work to do aswell)
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