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06-27-2007, 10:12 PM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

IC: One of the Mudokons fainted and collapsed to the ground. But he ehard the mention of Vykkers. He stopped. He hadn't considered that possibility, as obvious as it ought to have been. But what choice did he have? He'd probably die or something if he didn't try. At the very least he'd have a look. "No..other choice...at least look inside" he told them as he trundled past. Then, he saw an open door, and waddled to the side of it. He peeked his head round and looked. Sure enough, Vykkers. He saw a few inhabitants strapped to table being operated on. But they didn't seem to have any weird metal attachments or anything, what he could see of it was that all they were doing was helping them, though this may only be because they were factory workers and so they weren't allowed to do so. Alas, he had little choice. Better to be experimented on and live than to just die. Cautiously, he stepped round the corner towards them. He merely said "Help", a simple, short message to explain he needed, well help. Anything else could be explained later, hopefully. He saw an empty bed like the ones other inhabitants were on. He walked towards it, then stood next to it patiently.
06-27-2007, 10:16 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: Haha, yes, Patrick Vykkers, I'm from NZ too, but of course here in the southern hemisphere we're going into winter, whereas everyone from the northern hemisphere is going into summer and their holidays are structured appropriately. And because I'm not going on holiday, it really makes no difference to me if we keep going, but if the RPG is going to be put on hold I suppose it will give me an incentive to get to writing my fanfic!

I'll post IC later.

06-27-2007, 10:33 PM
LadySlig's Avatar
: Apr 2007
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OOC: I like in wonderful New Zealand. We have school holidays next week.
Peach growled as someone spoke in her direction (Vester). She was still rather hungry, and raised her beak and bared her blooded teeth, then went back to the meat, holding it down with her front claws.
Martha wheeled herself backwards, looking scared. She swallowed nervously and said in a small voice, “Please, there is no reason to be mad. Your injuries have healed, and you have your…weapon back. You don’t need to threaten people.” Her voice wavered, and she shook slightly.
Galaleo snorted and shook his white head, “Huh, you think that’s gore? You should see mother when she’s eating. Not a pleasant sight, I can tell you.” She was a rather messy eater.
"Named & nameless, all live in us;
One & all, they lead us yet:
Every pain to count for nothing,
Every sorrow to forget."

Last edited by LadySlig; 06-27-2007 at 10:35 PM..
06-28-2007, 02:28 AM
WaterMelody's Avatar
: Apr 2007
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Scri's heart went a-flutter again when doe smiled at her. She was too lost in thought to notice that he had walked off. Once scri snapped back to reality, she focused her attention and the glukkons again. She hoped with all her heart that nothing would happen to her and doe when the executed their 'master plan'. scri found herself playing around with the pendant again, still puzzeled about what it meant.

OOC: lul, she has a soft side.
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

06-28-2007, 06:54 AM
Slig 7665's Avatar
Slig 7665
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: May 2007
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"Oh sh*t agents in trouble what do we do what do we do" slax shouted starting to panic.

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

06-28-2007, 07:24 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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OOC: The RP going on hold is something I won't be happy about, but it is probably a good idea. It lets me try and continue my fanfic after 1 1/2 years, plus I can focus more on the OWF Game and on Across the Border.

Dek nodded at Slap and Praetyre. "Yes, you 2 go have some rest. And Slap, good luck with getting to know Domino. You could do with some Intern company, and I'll fill you in on Intern culture if you need it." He smiled, and turned to Praetyre. "By all means have a rest. I've just had a nap, so I'll mind the Lab whiel you sleep. Arthur can help me."

Arthur rolled his eyes and trudged back in. "Sure Dek."

Dean glanced at Anni. He gently put his hand on her shoulder. "Anni, I think the vykkers here are a lot better thsan the ones at the Labs. Or at least their Intern assistant is. Besides, he's got a few bruises and injuries, but nothing that needs operating. He can be in, get quickly patched up, and out. Plus, Vykkers don't tend to experiment on Sligs."
He sighed "Although it could be an idea if 1 or 2 of us accompanied you, just to make certain they don't try anything.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

06-28-2007, 10:29 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: MM, you do know Sturg just entered the lab, right?

IC: Slash left Arnie to see what else needed doing. Mostly everything had calmed down, and not too much damage was present, just mostly some lumps of meat, blood and a black scorch mark on the floor. That was for any cleaners around here. He flew off, and came across two Big Bros. They looked almost like twins, very fitting fro 'brothers' or whatever. He flew to them "Hey, know if anything needs doing round here? It's all been a bit hectic...what should we do know?"
06-28-2007, 11:51 AM
Gretin's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: Jan 2005
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OOC: And Sturg is a meech, not a slig, hence why the mudokons thought it would be MORE likely for him to be experimented on XD
And yes, LadySlig, I know we have holidays here in NZ soon, but they're just the two week ones (and I'm working full-time so I don't get the holidays anyway! ), whereas they're talking about the longer summer holidays.


Anni: "Maybe I should just rest for a while in the R&R. I'll probably be back to normal by tomorrow.

"That sounds like a good idea for you," Ralph spoke up, "But I would think it would be a good idea to have someone keep an eye out for vykkers... They didn't seem too keen on you leaving and it doesn't seem right that they let us go so easily. They must be up to something..."

(Yes, as you've all probably worked out by now, Ralph is extremely suspicious of vykkers )

Then he noticed the meech struggling towards the lab. And then it started talking. The mudokon who had been shot at seemed to know the creature, as she answered it, "You can't go to the lab! The vykkers will grab you and experiment you or something."

He wondered whether it had already been experimented on, considering it could talk and all, but the meech seemed to ignore them and carry on.

Then a strangely dressed vykker (Chris) showed up and started yelling out that a meech was coming.

"Tell us something we don't know," Ralph muttered, before noticing Isaac fainting from the shock of the meech talking. He walked over to him and knelt down, examining him.

"I think he's just had a fright, that's all... Though I'm no doctor," he said, more thinking aloud than talking to anyone else.

06-28-2007, 05:04 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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OOC: I counted the characters that are on Across the Border, and there is 14 characters. I do believe that is enough. Or do we need a little more people?

I do believe that Sturg's encounter with the Vykkers won't be pretty, even more so if Praetyre and Dek are the ones who see him. Zerox, be lucky that I posted first.


"Thanks," typed Slap a little awkardily to Domino before he left. No one ever complimented on his appearance, except that time Dr. Eloha was laughing his heart out at seeing his burnt clothes burning from an extra outlet. He hated that time.

Slap shrugged that off his shoulders and listened a little more to Dek. Dek apparently gave him the rest of the day off. That appealed to Slap and he decided to get the whole medical staff some food. They probably hadn't eaten since yesterday, and he must say, he was quite hungry. Maybe Arthur could come down with him after the crisis is over. Of course, he could take a slight nap until the crisis is over. So he typed to Dek in appeal, "I appeariate the reward. I will be sure to give you some food after the crisis is over along with Praetyre,"

He decided to go over to one of the comfortable beds the Laboratory's R+R. He was a bit use to the chairs anyway, but he was hoping to use the beds. Slap had entered the room that contained the Slig patient Molt and was about to sleep when something nearily caused him to jump in shock. There was a live, speaking Meech in front of him. The kind that you usually see on posters of Meech Munchies that have the mark 'EXTINCT'. But now an injuried one had figured out where the Laboratory was, could speak, and defeated Molluck's announcement to the world of the extinction of Meeches. His skin crawled and he realized this place was never going to end with the surprises.

His inner Intern told him to shoot the beast to the land of Nod, but since he couldn't use a weapon, just call security. Which was something he couldn't do either. Yet, his more formal and sophiscated personality told him otherwise. It told him that maybe this was a chance to use his knowledge of genetics and make Rupture Farms extermily successful. He could try and possibly collect enough DNA from this Meech and form new ones. Almost clone this Meech, except he would have use a single Meech instead of a whole group of ones. But first, he needed to keep this Meech in the Laboratory. Perhaps even help it.

Yet that was the problem. He knew nothing about Meeches. He never took a course on Wildlife treatment. The only person that could know anything about Meeches was either Molt, or the Vykkers. The most reasonable choice to go for was the Vykkers, since they would know more about Meeches than he was. But Slap knew that this Meech could be treated on by himself, since it was nothing out of his studies. All he needed to do was just perpare the Vykkers for what he is about to do.

So at first, Slap got all the energy inside of him to approach the Meech and typed, "If you can read, say help again," He hoped it would respond soon, as he wanted to tell the Vykkers very soon about this.

06-28-2007, 09:25 PM
Marvak's Avatar
Bola Blast
: May 2007
: Inside your head.
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OOC: Closed for a month eh? I guess that'd be alright, as long as I can remember where everyone is when we get back, haha.
Ricky stood and watched as the shot Slig attempted to remove the bullet with a knife, but failed and threw it to the ground.
'Ma'am, we should get you to a hospital wing, there must me one in this factory somewhere...' He started to say, but was interrupted.
"Wait a sec... you're that criminal!" she cried, as she whpped her hand to where her gun would have been, but instead it was lying a little way from her on the floor. Ricky sighed.
'Go on, git your gun, then. I haven't got my grenade, I dropped it over there to come help you. You'll be doin' yerself no favours by shootin' me, though, you're bleedin' a river from the wound.'
He stepped forward in the least-threatening way he could, ready for her to make a decision.


Cal flinched and nearly pulled the trigger by accident on his tazer when he heard a Mudokon's voice whispering in his ear; it was that same guy from earlier. Listening to what he had to say, he made a quiet 'tch' noise in response. Why should he let some Mudokon scum tell him what to do, especially with his own weapon? Before he could snap back in reply, a very quiet, fearful voice met his ears;
"Please, there is no reason to be mad. Your injuries have healed, and you have your…weapon back. You don’t need to threaten people.”
Cal took an annoyed sideways glance at a small reddish-yellow-coloured Mudokon child in a wheelchair, and he felt something strange ignite inside his chest. His face relaxed a little, before a voice in his head said sternly;
'What're you doing? Shoot the bastard, come on!'
Another voice (or maybe it was the same one, he couldn't really tell) replied;
'Not in front of the little one. And you should keep a low profile, as the Mudokon said-'
'What, you're going to let some slave tell you what to do? You're going to lower youself to their level?!'
'Whatever, but he does have a point. And the little one looks so scared, put the gun down-'
'No! Shoot him! Shoot him like he shot you-'
'Then you'll be as bad as him, put the gun down, NOW!'

Cal's face and hands went rigid, as the battle inside him continued. Finally, taking another glance into the eyes of the little girl, he sighed and lowered his tazer and let go of the Slig's tentacle, as the passive voice triumphed. Looking round at the older Mud(Doe), and made a sort of eye contact that said "Sure, whatever."
Cal heard the voice again;
'You wuss. As bad as that bastard is, you are.' it hissed, causing Cal to blurt out loud, 'Shut up.'
OOC: Lawl, Cal's hearin' voices I... didn't expect that to happen, actually.


Not too much violence. That sounds okay. Wic looked on in suprise as the Intern snapped a remark he didn't understand at him, and he wondered if all Interns were as grumpy as Cal. Speaking of which-
'Um, u-uhhh... S-sorry to seem all direct, b-but have you seen an Intern in a blue shirt pass by?' he asked quietly. He hoped they didn't realise he was looking for a criminal, or he would be in big big big trouble.

Last edited by Marvak; 06-29-2007 at 03:49 AM.. : SPELLCHECK OMFG
06-28-2007, 10:57 PM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Mar 2007
: Beneath the sink
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OOC: Uh, is the cafeteria door open? People are saying its shut, then its not….so I can hurl my fellas inside…*snorts* Oh, and that ‘mud moment’ is like a blonde joke. There you go Zerox
Cylepso blinked and looked at Wic and said, “an Intern huh? Would that have to be…oh I don’t know, Calvin Castro by any chance? We spoke to him ‘fore. He’s hurt, I think. A slig shot him in the face. Looks nasty, but I think he is alright, they took him into the cafeteria, or something like that…”
Seb nodded and said, “mamgfgahanm? Mnagan aghanma mnaga hnjmm,a mnaghah.”
“He said, ‘do you know him? He looked rather anti-social.’ well, he looked tough. To be a gang like the black scrabs, you would have to be. Hey are you in the black scrabs?”
“Mnnham. Nmanghaha gnmama mnahham.” Seb murmured, looked amused.
“He isn’t that little. He’s young, so that’s a excuse.”
“mnmaha. Nmamahn hmama mnhnamam.”
“You Interns are naturally tall, not like Mudokon children.”
“nmanmah, nmahanj. Hmammaan ghgnma maghnam.”
“Your weird, Seb.” Cylepso said, grinning.
“Mnnahamm? Gnmam, nmaham.”
“Yeah, it is sometimes.” She turned to Galaleo, “Do you know the Black Scrabs?”
Seb rolled his eyes, “Mhnmam gnmam! Hnmma, nmamah?”
“Oh yeah, I sometimes have these mud moments.” Looks at Wic, “No offense, little dude.”
“Mnmaham, nmamah?”
“Ah yes! That’s a excellent idea!” She beamed at Seb, who made a face, and then looked at Wic, “Would you like us to take you to the cafeteria? Your gangster friend should be there.”
Vester watched the little scrab, then scuttled forward, like a demented bolamite, and muttered, “Lill’ scrabbie, wot you eating?” He reached out with a massive hand, snorting.
Lenny was still rolling about, but now he was giggling, “Hehe, rollin’ rollin’!”
“Well, I don’t!” Jutt snapped, getting irritated.
“Look, ye need to admit to it. it’s the frist step to getting’ over it is tha’ admit to it.”
“Wot da hell have ye been reading‘?”
“I like to read,” Jatt retorted, “it was ‘12 steps to solving your problems’. I use it to get over ma soul storm brew addiction. I haven’t drunk any in over 2 months.”
“Tha’s ‘cause the brewery blew.”
“Not. I have self control.” Jatt said smugly.
“Whadda ye implying?”
“Oh nothin’…just you to weak willed to get over it…”
"Well, im just sayin'-"
"Whadda ye want?" This was snapped at the flying slig (Slash)
"Dont be so rude, ye prick."
"I was just askin'."
"Snappin' more like." Jatt muttered
"What ever." Jutt snarled, he folded his arms, looking irritated.
"Huh, ignore 'im. 'es just in a foul mood, 'cause i was 'elpin' 'im ta get over 'is problem." Jatt said to Slash.
"I dont not have a friggin' problem."
"Sure ye dont. Anywho, what ye want, flyboy?"
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

Last edited by skillyaslig; 06-30-2007 at 01:26 AM..
06-29-2007, 08:37 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: But if W@RF closes....Where will me roleplay like a crazy person? Me should improve Lulu's Oddysee or.... Be sad.

Still in burning agony, Agent glared at Ricardo like death, moving closer to her gun.
"I do have a job you know, it's called getting little fugitives like you and bringing them to justice." She glared into his eyes.
"And I might as well get you since I let the other two go - I mean, couldn't find them!" She could of slapped herself for saying that, but she couldn't think clear enough.
"And I'm not letting some random doctor look at me there, so forget it!"
Remembering his last words, she looked at her wound, and saw she was bleeding a lot. Her shirt was stained and blood trickled onto the floor.
"Whoooooo...." She moaned weakly before falling unconscious to the floor, a paler shade of green.
Tiro looked weakly over at Slax, having heard the voice. Forcing himself to get out of the chair, he limped towards the doors as Tiny kept on screaming his head off and bawling.
"A-Agent?!" Dimitrio shouted, running towards the door. "AGENT! Where are you?!"

OOC: Eez thee doorz opeen nowz?
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 06-29-2007 at 08:52 AM..
06-29-2007, 09:16 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: As Sturg thought, Slaveless, he doesn't care so much what the Vykkers do to him. He just feels he has a duty to live to the rest of his species, dead or alive.
Skillya, Slash just talked to Jatt and Jutt, could they please reply? I should havbe made it more obvious who he was talking to, though.

IC: Sturg looked up, and saw one of the Vykker like creatures. he noticed it's mouth was stitched. Harsh. He looked down and saw some sort of screen, which was the way it communicated. It read "If you can read, say help again". He looked up towards the creature, and replied "...help, please"
06-29-2007, 10:04 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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OOC: So he wouldn't mind being behind bars for the next few years, right?


Slap saw that the Meech, once again, proved something signaficant. It could speak and read Mudosian! If the Vykkers Conglemarate knew about this, they would go into a coma from this! This way, the animal could tell them everything they needed to know and could understand exactly what he saying to them. He needed to tell the Vykkers first, just to warn them of the situation.

Slap typed to the Meech, "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere," and left.

He approached the Vykkers of the Laboratory, who didn't seem to change their position in the place he left them. Slap was not eager to scare them out of their mind, since Meeches was probably a sensitive subject for Vykkers. They had spent years trying to duplicate non-existant species, and each failure only discouraged them. Now, a Meech was in their very hands, and he could only imagine their reaction. It could endanger the Meech themselves, throwing off a chance to renew the entire species. He tried to pull off a more serious look on his face when he entered their terroritory and started to type down, "Superior and co-worker, I bear incredible news that could make every single one of the employees at Rupture Farms amazingly wealthy. A new patient has came to me and he is defies all the odds that both the media says and Vykker research.

This patient is a living and literate Meech. Yes, it is incredible. Now before any of us starts to spit out whatever fluid that enters our mouth, I need us to remain control. It is injuried and needs our help. Now however, we can do slight experiments on this Meech can give us the DNA of this virtually extinct species. If we can find that, we can create an entire functioning layer of skin and the proper liquid that can help actually breed another Meech. If so, we can create genetic differences between two Meechs so they could mate. If we can do that, we will rebuild the species. Arnie will be able reproduce Meech Munchies, and we will be offered an entire huge Laboratory and grant to make more Meeches. Now, all we need to do is some research. We can find out if any of our fellow employees knows anything about Meeches so we could help this fellow out. But do two know anything about these animals? This is crucial to the fate of Mudos itself,"

06-29-2007, 10:39 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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Dek's jaw would have hit the floor if it could. "....A... a-a-a l-living Meech?!... B-b-buh-tch-shw....fuh...-bu-bu-but they're extinct! We've tried for years, years, to revive them! And you're telling me that one is in there...and t-talking?"
He sat down and ate another Chill Pill.
"I know very little about Meeches, only that there are elements in their DNA similar to Scrabs and Meetles- the hard carapaces, the powerful walking legs and lack of upper limbs other than vestigial limbs, the powerful beak, although with a Meech it is more tendril-like, perhaps even like a Slig or Paramite, or Gloktigi, but...no. I don't know much about Meech DNA other than some minor similarities to Meetles and Scrabs. Praetyre?"

Arthur was pretty lost for words too. "Man, I used'ta love Meech Munchies. An' I've always wanned ta see a living Meech. All I know 'bout 'em is the odd ol' recipe fer cookin' em. Fried Meech gullet, that was a delicacy in the early days of the Barracks..."

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

06-29-2007, 02:45 PM
LadySlig's Avatar
: Apr 2007
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LadySlig  (10)

Martha blinked and suppressed a sign of relief as the Intern lowered his gun. She nodded, grateful that violence hadn’t occurred, and said softly, “Thank you sir…” The Intern then snapped ‘shut up’ to no one in particular, and Martha asked, “Are you sure you are alright sir?”
Niko snorted and shifted from foot to foot. He watched as Rusty skipped about, humming a random tune, “Stoppher runffin out. Yeve smager intor otters.”
Rusty stoped skipping and wrinkled his face tentacles and trilled, “Me run, I careful!”
Peach tensed as the BigBro (Vester) reached out to her. She growled then lunged forward. She sunk her needle teeth into the BigBros finger. His armor resisted her bite, but she hung on, kicking about with her legs.
Galaleo peered surspiously at the Mudokon (Wic). He didn’t look like a gang member. He rocked back on his clawed bird feet, thinking to himself, Well, he doesn’t look that threatening, so even if he is a part of the Black Scrab, if he does anything, I would be able to easily cut his head off, or shoot him. He isn’t my problem, so I’ll leave him alone.
Out loud he said, “Well, if you want to find your friend, we’ll help. Just don’t do any thing stupid,” To strengthen his point the flicked a wrist and his long wrist blade snaked out. He pointed the blade at Wic and said, “So don’t do anything idiotic, or you will regret it, okay? Otherwise, your free to do as you wish.”
"Named & nameless, all live in us;
One & all, they lead us yet:
Every pain to count for nothing,
Every sorrow to forget."

Last edited by LadySlig; 06-29-2007 at 02:48 PM..
06-29-2007, 05:31 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
Right Wing Wanker
: Jun 2006
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Patrick Vykkers  (12)

Praetyre was about to leave when he heard news that made his heart literally stop beating for 1 minute. After that minute, he fell clinically dead, and then got up back again after 10 seconds.
"This is INCREDIBLE! Do you have ANY idea how much we could sell this for? This is Glockstar level money I'm talking about! Maybe even above that! With the money earned by selling this Meech, Arnie and us could earn enough to restore the entire factory to it's full glory! But on the other hand, we could, as you said, use the Meech to make our own Munchies, which will probably earn us more in the long run. For Odd's sake, treat him with everything you have! We're talking about the survival of a species, and health care beyond your imagination here! Mudokons could be lying in paradisial luxury, we could have technology all the way from Nolybab! It would be like a medical bay out of Space Walk! This is absolutely INCREDIBLE!"
Domino opened the R&R door, carrying Arrack as he went. He found a good, plush couch for them to sit on, and layed Arrack on his lap, reaching over to a nearby TV and inputing a movie code. This was one he'd thought they'd both like.
The Scrab and the Scrub: A Mudos Tale.
Domino watched the trailers and logos flash by, and relaxed himself, cradling Arrack and pointing him towards the TV.
Arrack was hypnotized by the mere sight of electronic media. He peacefully watched the scenes, his eyes fixated.
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

06-29-2007, 08:00 PM
Marvak's Avatar
Bola Blast
: May 2007
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Ricky sighed sadly as he watched the Slig pass out onto the floor. He couldn't just leave her there, she'd bleed to death. Looking around, he slowly stepped up to her and started applying the bandages across her chest as tightly as he could, before picking up her gun and clipping it to her pants. He sincerely hoped nobody would find them like this; he could hear a few urgent cries in the direction of the cafeteria, and if they found a wanted criminal bandaging up a fallen Slig, not only could he get in trouble, but so could she for taking an alleged alliance to the criminal, even if it was so far from the truth.
Carefully lifting her up and putting her over his shoulders, he decided on a plan; find the hospital wing or whatever and dump her just out the door, knock on the door a few times, then run like hell.


Cal heard a soft "Thank you, sir..." from the Mudokon in the wheelchair, and he felt a little uncomfortable. She then asked; "Are you sure you are alright, sir?" Cal looked at her, a little puzzled, but then realised he'd blurted something out loud by accident. Whoops.
'Uuh, sure. I'm fine.' he said quickly, his speech still slightly slurred. He looked around, wondering if anyone else had heard him curse to his own mind. Looking at the Slig he had been threatening before, he scowled. This isn't over yet...
He then glanced at the older Mudokon, wondering whether he planned on anything more. He sure seemed to know a lot about Native stuff when he was supposed to be an Industrialist, that's for real.


Wic was a little taken aback by the sudden offer to show him the cafeteria, and could only make a few 'Uuuh-umm..' noises before the other Slig(Galaleo) suddenly flicked a scary-looking blade in his direction. He made a terrified squeak before scurrying behind the nice lady Slig for protection.
'I promise I'll never do anything bad, just don't hurt me, Mister Scary! Please don't hurt me...' he cried, hugging tightly onto the Slig's arm for comfort.
In the back of his mind, his heart also sank at the thought that they knew exactly who he was looking for. He also found it strange that they were going to help him find him, though it was one of the last things on his mind right now. He just hoped "Mister Scary" wouldn't catch him doing anything wrong.

06-30-2007, 12:39 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: The Vykkers seemed very interested in him, and making more Meech Munchies...they mentioned breeding more Meeches. How would that be possible with just him? No idea. However, they seemed to want to keep him living, anyway, which was a good sign. He was willing to cooperate. If they did somehow know how to make more Meeches, perhaps they could help him reintroduce his species to the wild? He'd ask later. For now, he turned to the operating table. The other patients were laying down, back on it. With difficulty, he leapt onto it as pain twanged through his body. He then lay down, back as straight as it could every be. He felt vulnerable like this...
06-30-2007, 01:43 AM
Slig 7665's Avatar
Slig 7665
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IC: "For odds sake, tiny I need you to look after trio can you do that" slax said while takeing out his gun and loading it.

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

Last edited by Slig 7665; 07-03-2007 at 01:11 AM..
06-30-2007, 02:05 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: Ya know Slax, I think you still need some grammar improvement, commas would be good.

Tiny nodded, still crying, and picked up Tiro. The mudokon smiled weakly in his huge arms as he got an idea.
"Tiny...Do you think you could open that door for us so we could go help Agent?"
"Okay..." He sobbed. He tottered towards the door as he cried quieter, and shoved it open. (OOC: Was it locked? Nobody answered my question!) Tiro and Tiny watched as Dimitrio burst out of the door and towards where he had heard Agent 80085's voice.

Agent moaned as she was lifted and carried and her strength faded. She reached out, waving a hand at her gun, but couldn't reach it. She lay limp over the sligs shoulder and snored quieter than normal, but still loud.
"Mommy, I'm tired..." She muttered, hearing Dimitrio's voice in the distance.

Outside the kitchen door, Dimitrio ground to a halt as he saw Scarface sitting at the bottom of the door. The old feelings of fear came back to him as his hyperventilating started and the older slig got up. Dimitrio felt paralzed by fear as the older slig stalked closer to him.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 06-30-2007 at 02:35 AM..
06-30-2007, 05:11 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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Dek took hold of Praetyre, offering him a Chill Pill. "Calm down! I'm as excited as you are, but we can't go having heart attacks. So I reiterate, I know almost nothnig about Meeches. What about you, or Slap?"

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

Last edited by Munch's Master; 06-30-2007 at 05:24 AM..
06-30-2007, 02:38 PM
skillyaslig's Avatar
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OOC; Can someone open the door? Wait, is it open? Oh i dunno.
Cylepso blinked and looked at Wic as he hid behind her. She then glanced at Galaleo, and studied his wrist-blade, “Wow, that thing looks sharp, so watch where you swing it. Easily take someone’s head off. Put it away, will ya? Scaring the little dude.” she looked at Wic and patted his head.
Seb, on the other hand, reached out with a skinny finger and poked the blade, looking interested.
“Seb! Stop touching that thing. Cut your finger off.”
Seb snorted and withdrew his hand, looking annoyed.
“Now that thats over, lets say we go find your friend, Calvin Castro then huh?” This was directed at Wic.
Vester snorted and yanked his hand up, and peered at his finger, from which the scrab (Peach) Hung. He waggled his hand and muttered, “Angry scrabbie! Bite bite.”
Lenny stopped rolling around and looked at the scrabs, “Hehe! Little scrab! Oh, she’s cute!”
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

06-30-2007, 04:21 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre replied to his superior;
"I know little of Meeches, beyond that their basic genetic code, in accordance with GenoProject 77, is XX-X13456-135156-15098-1231299123-123123143459930192093019203910-M8. That's the acronym for the first microstrand, anyway."
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

06-30-2007, 08:09 PM
Venks's Avatar
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OOC: Pff I see how it is, why let Doe heal Sturg when he can risk his life and sanity with those Vykkers. Racist :P

As far as I'm concerned the door is now open, Tiny opened it.

IC: A rude Mudokon(Ralph) said in response to Chris's warning, "Tell us something we don't know." Then he went over to his Mudokon friend who feinted(Isaac) and said apparently to no one in particular, "I think he's just had a fright, that's all... Though I'm no doctor."

Chris walked over to the unconscious Mudokon and said to the fallen one's friend(Ralph), "Out of my way, I'm a doctor."
Chris gently used his hand to check the patient's eyes. They were dilated. Chris fixed the unconscious patient's position so that he was lying strait on his back. Chris, using his palm, took the patient's pulse... rapid.
Chris turned to Ralph and was about to say that the Mudokon was indeed in shock, but changed his mind not wanting to say something the rude Mud already knew. Chris just shook his head and opened his necessities bag pulling out a small orange vial and a needle. Chris poked the needle through the top of the vial and withdrew orange liquid from it. Chris injected the substance into Isaac and said in his professional voice, "He will be perfectly fine. If this doesn't wake him up nothing will." Chris put his tools back into his bag and said, "Make sure he doesn't do anything to excitable when he gets up or he may start hyperventilating, go into a comma, or worse case scenario: die. He needs to get some rest, try to keep him calm"


The Mudokon in a wheel chair seemed quite concerned for the Intern(Cal) as he appeared to be talking to himself. The Intern answered in response to the female Mudokons worry, "Uuh, sure. I'm fine."
The Intern glared angrily at the Slig he had previously threatened to kill before turning to face Doe. Perhaps seeking guidance.
Doe whispered so the female Mudokon couldn't hear, "If I were you I'd try to find that friend of yours, before he lands himself in front of threatening guns.. again. If you need my help, I'll be happy to join you."

#9 wanted to glare back at the Intern, but decided life was more precious then appearances. #9 walked off hoping not to be followed.
06-30-2007, 10:23 PM
LadySlig's Avatar
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Martha nodded, relived, then turned and frowned at the cafeteria doors, saying, “Oh where is that naughty scrab? She is always getting into trouble!”
Rusty heard that and trotted over to her, “She fine! Peach is resourceful!”
“she fine. You worry too much, Martha.”
Niko joined them and said, “Yep, sheve beh allrwite mizz.”
“Oh, alright. Now,” She clapped her paws together, “What is there to do?”
“Dunno…Hey, I touch forehead with foot!” To show this he kicked up and whacked himself on the head, hard enough to knock himself over. Niko giggled and Martha laughed brightly. Rusty sniffed and drew himself up and dusted himself off.
“Well, you do something then!”
Niko ignored him and began to inspect his steel glove spikes, snorting slightly. Martha tapped her fingers together then suggested, “Well, why don’t we play Scrabs, Gun, Meat?” She suggested.
Galaleo sniffed and looked at Wic and said, “I wont hurt, unless you do something stupid. So don’t do that, and you’ll be fine.” He flicked his wrist and the blade clacked back into its place. He straightened and looked at Seb, “You like that? Its made of sharpened titanium, sharp enough to cut without you noticing until you see blood. Very handy for close combat. I have blasters, but I don’t think I will need them here.”
Peach snarled and hung on as the slig flicked his hand. She kicked about, unwilling to let go.
"Named & nameless, all live in us;
One & all, they lead us yet:
Every pain to count for nothing,
Every sorrow to forget."

07-01-2007, 02:53 AM
Marvak's Avatar
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Flinching at the sound of shouting coming from the kitchen, Ricky ran* back to the warehouse entrance where he came in, and turned right, away from the cafeteria doors. He heard the female Slig mumble something, then start snoring quietly. Struggling to shift her into a position that wasn't blocking her airways, he made his way to an elevator, hopped in and pressed the 1st Floor button. He then looked at the female Slig's face, who seemed to be unconscious. 'Great,' he thought, 'This is gonna make things interesting...'


"If I were you I'd try to find that friend of yours, before he lands himself in front of threatening guns.. again. If you need my help, I'll be happy to join you." the Mudokon had said. Cal sighed, thinking. Then that voice hissed again;
'Pah, who's this scum think he is?! He's implying you can't get out on your own! You gonna take that?' Cal's pupil visibly contracted, as he looked at the Mudokon. Giving himself a mental shake, he decided he could actually use his help. Not to mention, this guy had pretty much saved his life. Turning to the Mud, he decided to introduce himself... to an extent.
'Help, eh? I guess I could use a bit of help. Name's Cal.' he didn't bother offering his hand; he still didn't really trust this guy. He'd noticed the Slig(#9) creeping away, but he decided to save revenge for another time.
'Didn't your Papa never tell you 'bout talkin' to strangers?' the malicious voice chuckled, and Cal felt a horrible pang as he remembered his father... but, he tried to ignore it, as he waited for the Mudokon' reply.


Wic flinched a little as he felt a gentle hand pat his head, and looked up again to see the white-skinned Slig put his blade away.
“I wont hurt, unless you do something stupid. So don’t do that, and you’ll be fine.” he'd said, and Wic nodded nervously. He looked up at the nice lady Slig, and remembering what she'd said before, he beamed up at her.
'Okay.' he said simply. He just knew this person could be trusted, she'd never turn them in, she was too nice.

*By run, I mean a normal run for Ricky, not Race Mode. He'd probably drop Agent if he tried that.
I think the cafeteria door's open, so the group could probably go in, and the animals are all elsewhere now, anyway.

07-01-2007, 05:51 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: Oh, and Marvak, Agent is pretty muscular, so Ricky is probably gonna find her heavy. Very heavy.

Agent's eyes flickered as she clung to the criminal and halucinated in her blood loss. Her head felt heavy as she remembered someone, but wasn't sure who it was.
"Fluffy...Fluffy..." She mumbled. Looking up at Ricardo's face with half closed eyes, she weakly reached out a hand to it and clung weakly to one of his tentacles.
"Hi Fluffy..." She moaned faintly before passing out again. Her eyes were shut as she clung to his face.

OOC: Well, I think Agent is officially my craziest character here, what with the flashbacks and all.

(Outside kitchen)
Dimitrio tried to break into a run too late, but found his tentacles were already grabbed by his enemy. He whined and breathed uncontrollably as the older slig glared at him.
"Just be quiet, and we can get our little chat over and done with...." He said in a too calm voice.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 07-01-2007 at 05:56 AM..
07-01-2007, 06:35 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: Let's say that the Cafeteria door is open now, to make things easier.

I won't be computer-near next week, so don't expect me to post much. Try to keep posting to a minimum, to make it easier to read.


"OK, make yourself useful." called Arnie after Slash as he left. He turned to Otto. "I'd prefered if this whole thing would have been carried out without casualties."

"That's expected when you're dealing with animals. Must have been one of the newer Sligs." said Otto, unconcerned.

RG came over from the door. "I have to leave the area for a task I must take care of, Boss. There's a Slig on the loose in the Armory, with my rifle. I might note that this Slig organic bashed my facial plates yesterday."

"What are ou going to do with him?" asked #7 Slig.

"My ideas of his execution are too numerous to list."

"You should bring him here first, before you do anything you might regret later." said Arnie.

"Regret?" asked RG, inclining his head a bit.

"Whatever, just bring him here first, OK?"

"I understand." said RG, and left the Cafeteria. On the way out, he ran into Rick. He was holding some papers in his hands.

"I see that you printed the schematics of the wheelchair modifications." said RG.

"Yeah, there was no problem, but..." Rick looked around, seeing a blast mark and... parts on the floor. "...What happened here?"

"I suppose a Slig organic blew himself up, seeing that those over there are tentacles."

"Ugh... Why are these things always happening near or in the Cafeteria?" said Rick, making his way inside. There he saw a group closer to the door. The wheelchaired Martha was among them. Rick walked to her, waving with the papers. "Hey, got a spare moment to look at these? I can tell you the details if you like."

07-01-2007, 08:03 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: Seeing that the two Big Bros were too busy arguing, he flew back, hearing Arnie yell "Make yourself useful". He then saw a Mudokon come in, and asked the wheelchairing Mudokon if she was interested in seeing the details. He also flew down to have a look at the plans.

OOC: I'm unsure exactly what they entail, I'll wait for someone else to describe them.

IC: STurg looked over to the Vykkers. They were asking each other what they knew of Meeches. They all seemed to have been asked by now, and...well, he was in pain, and his blood was dripping onto the bed, which didn't seem such a good thing. He ought to get their attention again. He'd rather they get on with it "Hey....I'm sorta....dying here..." he said, before laying his head back down.

OOC: I finally got an awesome picture of Sturg done, over in the RPG fanart section.

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